Her Safe Place

Chapter 15

King Axel Pierce

I was waiting for Layla to finish getting ready as I made breakfast. Word had come from the pack, we had rogues closing in. Layla and I would have to head back to the pack and help keep the calm. I knew Layla was sad to leave, but she also wanted to help the pack. “I’m ready,” Layla came down the stairs with both of our suitcases.

“I made breakfast,” I said, placing a plate for her on the table. Layla sat down and picked up her fork.

“Nothing is going to change, right?” She asked suddenly.

“What?” I asked.

“We aren’t going to lose the progress we made here when we get back to the pack, right?” She clarified.

“Of course not.” I took a seat next to her and held her hands. “I promise, our relationship will only grow from here.” Layla smiled as I brushed her cheek.

“Thanks.” Layla replied. I kissed her forehead before standing up. I walked back towards the sink and placed my dish inside. Suddenly, I felt my wolf become on edge. He growled. I looked around, feeling my own hair stand up. Something was wrong.

My wolf sniffed out the air, trying to catch a scent. ‘Rogue!’ My wolf called out just before something crushed through the window. I moved towards Layla. “Get down!” I yelled, seeing her still sitting in the chair. Layla dropped to the ground and rolled under the table. I looked up as the front door was thrown off its hinges. A rogue appeared from the outside.

“Alpha King,” he said mockingly. “All alone? I was hoping your mate would be down here. Makes it more fun.” I growled and lunged at the rogue. I tackled him to the ground and became to throw punches. I was dragged off of the rogue and thrown to a group of rogues.

I quickly shifted and began to tear through each rogue. Most of them had already shifted and attacked back at me with fierce determination. I knew that there was too many. I quickly linked the nearest pack. ‘I am under attack.’ The alpha anwser and sent help right away. I tried to hold off the rogues, tearing them apart as I moved.

A group of the rogues grabbed my arms and legs, stopping me from moving. A couple sat ontop of me. “Alpha King,” I noticed the voice came from the same rogue who I had attacked first. “Where is your mate? Not here? I wouldn’t expect a human to be brave enough to fight against werewolves. They are weak.” the rogue scoffed.

I growled, “my mate isn’t a coward! And how dare you talk about her like that!”

“Guess we will see. Bring her out!” I looked over at the door as Layla was dragged from the house. I saw some cuts on her hands and arms. I growled as the rogues that had hurt her. “Hello Layla, how are you doing?”

“Fuck off!” Layla spat at his feet. I couldn’t help but feel proud. My mate was sticking up for herself.

The rogue tsked. “Now, is that anyway to talk to the person who has your mate?” He motioned towards me. Layla gasped, seeing my state. I knew I had sustained injuries from the fight.

The rogue looked up and sniffed the air. He turned to me and smiled, “seems like we have some company.” He motioned towards the wolves holding Layla. They moved towards the woods. Layla struggled against their hold. I tried to break free, but someone stabbed something into my side. I notcied the purplish liquid being injected into my bloodstream.

My vision became hazy as I tried to reach out for Layla. A rogue grabbed my head and smashed it into the ground. My vision was slowly disappearing and I couldn’t focus. “Layla,” I called out.

“Good luck your highness.” those words were the last thing I heard. That and Layla screaming for me.


This chapter is very short, I am sorry it was so short, but I will be posting another chapter today becuase this chapter was so short.


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