Her Rockin' Shifter (Shifter World - Book Twelve) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Three: Ember Delany

-Three Days Ago-

Ember Delany stared at her reflection in her bathroom. Why is she a White Witch? Her parents and everyone from the top of her family tree down; were all Dark Witches. All except her. She doubted they even added her to the family tree.

All of her life, she has had to watch the horrible things her family did to other Witches. Not to mention Humans and Shifters. Vampires they seem to either team with, or just avoid.

Her father forces her to watch, every time.

She wished she could run away. But how was she going to get away? They have spies everywhere, and this collar.

She looked down at the collar around her neck. She felt like a dog.

“Ember! Get you ass down here, we have a meeting to go to. Wait until you see what we have planned!” Her father hollered up at her.

She took a deep breath. She doesn’t want to go, but she knew if she didn’t, her father would whip her, again. Luckily, she knows a few healing spells. Being a White Witch, had its benefits.

She left the bathroom and rushed down the stairs. Her siblings pushed her to the back of the line, as her family left the house. Yeah, she’s the black sheep of the family, or maybe she should say, the white sheep among the darkness.


“In two days, another Fated Mate will be activated.” The leader of their coven said.

Excitement flowed through the crowd.

“What are we going to do with this one?” Ember’s father asked.

Their leader grinned. “We’re going to kidnap her and feed her to the wolves.” He said as he motioned towards ten Wolf Shifters.

Ember felt a shiver run down her spine. She had been forced to watch two Fated Mates murdered, and three raped. She couldn’t watch again. She would rather pluck her eyeballs out.

Maybe I can find a spell to do that. She thought to herself, as she watched the Dark Witches and Wizards cheer.

The Leader dismissed them, and Ember jumped when her father took hold of her arm.

“You’re watching this.” He said with an evil grin. “One of these days, I’m going to darken that heart of yours.”

Ember felt tears slide down her cheeks. There was no getting out of it.


-Two days later-

Ember laid in her bed wide awake. How was she going to survive another Fated Mate ritual? As the leader of this cult had named it. Yeah, she called it a cult. Because coven is too nice of a word.


Ember almost jumped out of her skin as she sat up in bed.

“Hello, my pet.”

Ember blinked as she stared at the beautiful women. “Who…who are you?”

The woman smiled. “You know who I am.”

Ember’s mouth dropped open. “Senshire.”

The Goddess of Love nodded. “I need your help.”

“Just get on with it, Sister. And hurry, they’re about to bring her in.”

“Quiet. I shouldn’t have let you come.” Senshire said with an annoyed growl.

“Biason?” Ember asked confused, as she looked at the other Goddess.

Biason smiled at the White Witch. “Hello, pet.”

“Wh…why are you here?” Ember asked, starting to get nervous.

“We are here to ask you for your help.” Senshire said with a soft smile.

“Why me?” Ember asked with a squeal.

“Because you are special.” Senshire said.

“That’s right. Even though you’re a second choice, you are strong…”

“Biason!” Senshire hissed at her sister.

“What? She should know why she’s a White Witch among the Darkest Dark Witches and Wizards.”

Senshire looked from her sister to Ember. “Maybe you are correct.”

“I am…”

“I will tell her.” Senshire said as she moved closer to the young Witch.


“You’re too anxious, stay back and take deep breaths.” Senshire ordered her sister.

Biason grumbled as she pulled a chair from nowhere and sat on it.

“Ember.” Senshire said with a smile as she sat on the edge of the girl’s bed. “I know you have wondered all your life why you are different.”

Ember nodded.

“You are different because we made you different.”

Ember’s eyes widened as she stared at the Goddess.

“You are what we call, Second Choice Fated Mate.”

Ember’s mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing came out. She’s a what?!

Senshire chuckled. “I know. A lot to process. But we need your help now. We’re activating…”

“What?!” Ember squealed. “No, no, no. My father will kill me…”

“Breath, Ember.” Senshire said as she placed her hand on the girl’s leg. For being younger than fifty, she was a surprisingly strong Witch.

Ember took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Senshire smiled. “Good. Now, I’m not activating your Fated Mate half, yet. That will come in due time. Since the Dark Witches and Wizards keep destroying our First Choices.” She made a face as she growled.

“Wh…what do you want me to do?” Ember asked.

Senshire smiled at her.

“Save our Fated Mate.” Biason grumbled from her chair at the end of the bed.

Ember looked at her. “What?”

Senshire gave her sister a stern look, then looked back at Ember. “Ember. You are more than a Second Choice Fated Mate. You are also a Guardian.”

Ember blinked. “A Guardian of what?”

“The Fated Mate who will be captured tomorrow and fed to the wolves.” Biason said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her sister is taking too long to explain, all of this.

Ember looked at Biason, then back at Senshire. “You chose ME to be her guardian?”

Senshire smiled. “You were chosen before you were sent to Earth. That is why you are not a Dark Witch. Because you are a pure Guardian and Second Choice…”

“Fated Mate, yeah, I got that part.” Ember said, still confused.

“Let me show you something.” Senshire said, then placed her hand over the girl’s eyes and closed her own.

Ember sucked in a breath as she saw what was to come, if her charge is fed to the wolves tomorrow, and how she plays in the future of the Fated Mates.

Senshire removed her hand when she was finished and smiled. “Do you understand now?”

Ember nodded. “She’s one of the important ones.”

Senshire nodded. “She is. And we need you to save her and deliver her to her mate. He will do the rest.”

Ember nodded vigorously. “Of course. But how?”

“We have faith in you.” Senshire said as she stood from the bed. “You will do what needs to be done.” She said, then both Goddesses disappeared.

Ember frowned. Wow, that was vague. A strange light glowed around her and she sucked in a breath as her body warmed, and she felt her powers intensify, and she knew she could do anything.


“They got her!”

Ember looked up from the book she was reading. Her father was ecstatic.

“Let’s go, they’re preparing her for the feast!”

Ember felt her heart skip a beat. Her charge is here and needs her. She went back to reading her book. She didn’t want her father to think she was all of a sudden excited about this, it will make him suspicious.

“Get your ass up, Ember. Today, we are making you a Dark Witch.”

Ember blinked up at her father. “What?”

Her father laughed. “You will be forty-three this year. Did you really think we’d let you stay what you are? YOU are feeding the girl to the wolves.” He said, then lifted her off the chair by her hair and dragged her out the door.

Ember whimpered as she held the book to her chest. At least this will get her closer to her charge.


“Is the bitch ready?” The leader asked as he looked at Ember’s father.

“She is, Milord.” Ember’s father said, then tossed Ember by her hair, into the arena.

Everyone laughed as the White Witch fell to her knees.

“Bring out the Fated Mate!” The leader hollered.

Ember pulled herself to her feet, her book still clutched to her chest.

A beautiful girl, with brown hair and brown eyes, was tossed into the middle of the arena. The girl wasn’t wearing any clothes, and Ember took a deep breath. The Wolf Shifters were howling as they tried to get to the delicious smelling female.

“Feed the Wolves what they crave, Witch.” The leader said.

Ember took a deep breath, then shook her head.

“Damn you bitch, do as he says!” Her father hollered at her.

She didn’t look at her father.

“As you wish.” The leader said with a shake of his head. “Let them out!”

“No!” Ember screamed.

Ten Wolf Shifters came into the arena and headed straight for the whimpering woman, who sat in the middle of the arena, without a stitch of clothing on.

“Stop!” Ember screamed, then dropped the book and clapped her hands together.

The wolves who were close to the girl were shoved back as a cage appeared around the girl.

“What the hell?” The leader said as he glared at Ember. “You think you can best me?”

Ember leaned down and picked up her book, then dusted it off. The Goddesses chose her to protect this girl. They must see something in her that no one else ever has.

“Your mangy dogs won’t touch her.” She said as she glared at the Wolf Shifters, who was now growling at her.

“You no longer have the protection of your family!” Her father hollered.

Ember closed her eyes. She knows that the only reason she has been allowed to live among them, was because her family had protected her. Now, she’s fair game. She opened her eyes when she heard footsteps coming at her. She threw her arms above her head and brought them down. A gust of wind knocked everyone in the arena, off their feet.

“You will never touch me.” She said as she swiped her arms to the side, blowing everyone away from the cage. “I will take my charge now.” She said as she started to walk towards the cage.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Her father yelled as he placed his hand on her shoulder. He screamed when lightning fried his hand.

She turned to him with sad eyes. “I wish you could have been a better father.” She said, then snapped her fingers and the Earth opened under his feet.

He screamed as he fell to his death.

“What have you done?!” Her older brother hollered as he jumped into the arena.

“Please don’t make me kill you too.” Ember begged her brother.

“You bitch. Do you really think you could kill…” Her brother stopped talking when his legs caught fire. “What the fuck?!” He screamed, then dropped to the ground and tried to put the fire out. The fire spread up his arms and soon he was engulfed in flames.

“Ember!” One of her sisters hollered, her eyes open wide.

“Please, Sister. Stay up there.” Ember said softly to the only sibling who had ever treated her decently.

Her sister nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Don’t cry.” Their mother said as she slapped her daughter upside her head. “You will get what is coming to you.” She said as she glared at Ember.

Ember sighed. “I will be gone soon, and you will never have to look at me again.” She said, then turned back to face the cage. “It is now time to go.” She said as she moved towards the cage.

“What the hell are you?” The leader of the coven asked.

Ember looked at him. “I am a White Witch.” She said, then touched the cage and the door opened. Once she was inside the door closed again.

“Who…who are you?” The beautiful woman asked.

Ember smiled. “My name is Ember, what’s yours?”

The girl smiled. “I’m Winter. So, can you tell me what’s going on?”

Ember nodded as she pulled a blanket out from behind her and covered the girl with it. “As soon as we get out of here.” She said, then looked up at the sky. “Goddesses, we’re ready.”

“Someone, find a way into that fucking cage!” The leader bellowed.

Ember smirked at the leader as he and the others tried to break her cage. It was made of the strongest metal. They will never break it.

The leader of the coven froze when the two women inside the cage vanished. Once the women were gone, the cage disappeared, and everyone who was trying to break into it, fell face-first into the ground.

In the middle of the clearing laid the collar, that once held the White Witch prisoner.


“So, I’m a Fated Mate?” Winter asked Ember as they sat on the edge of a road, who knows where.

Ember has been explaining everything to her for the past hour. She was still a bit confused, but at least she knows why those horrible people were after her.

“And you’re my Guardian?”

Ember nodded. “That’s what the Goddesses said.

Winter chuckled. “Wow. I went from normal, to abnormal, in a matter of minutes.”

Ember smiled as she wrapped her arm around the girl’s shoulders. “But at least you have me.”

Winter sighed as she leaned her head against the woman. “At least I have you.”

“We should find you some clothes and get going. We have a long journey ahead of us.”

Winter nodded. “Do you know where we’re going?”

Ember chuckled. “To some bar called, The Dive.”


It took them the rest of the night and the next day to find their way to, The Dive. When they arrived, Ember told her new friend to go inside, that her Fated Mate waited for her there.

“Don’t forget. Not any man who claims you are your mate. You will feel a pull to him.”

Winter nodded, then entered the bar.

Ember sighed as she turned and headed down the sidewalk. Winter will be safe with her mate. She needs to find some information of her own. She’d heard there was a powerful witch here, and she wanted to know what had happened at the arena yesterday. She has never had that kind of power before. Maybe Pearl will know what it is.

But first, she needs something to eat.

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