Her Rockin' Shifter (Shifter World - Book Twelve) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter One: The Old Gang is Back Together

Sebastian Bensin walked into The Dive and smiled at his friends, who were gathered at the bar, talking. His band is going to perform tonight, for the seventh night in a row. You would think people would get bored of the same shit, but nope, they haven’t. They actually boo, when they walk off the stage for the night.

He chuckled to himself as he made his way to the bar. His friends turned when he cleared his throat, and every face broke out in a grin. He was lucky to have such friends as these.

“Bastian!” His best friend Dustin Kraftman said as he slapped him on the back.

“Hey, Dusty.” Sebastian said as he slapped his friend on the shoulder.

“Are you ready for tonight?” Dustin’s mate, Sharissa asked, as she looked up at him from her place on one of the stools.

He nodded. “As ready as I was the past six nights.”

Everyone laughed.

“Come on, I have something to show you.” Shar said as she got to her feet and pushed past the others.

Sebastian followed her to the stage and watched as she lifted a large light to show him.

“These are strobe lights; I think is what they said.” She said, a look on her face he could only describe as a thinking face.

He chuckled as he took them from her. “Really, Shar?” He asked as he eyed her.

She shrugged. “What Can I say? I wanted to try something different.”

He rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

“I told her they could cause seizures.” Dustin said with a laugh as he walked up behind Sebastian.

“And I told you that the sells man said that all you have to do is put up a sign outside, warning people.” Shar said, then stuck her tongue out at her mate.

Dustin growled playfully as he moved past Sebastian and pulled his mate into his arms. “Save that for the bedroom.” He said softly.

She grinned up at him and he kissed her.

“Get a damn room.” Dylan said as he walked up to them. “And it’s sales man, not sells man.”

“Fuck off.” Dustin grumbled as he lifted his head from his mate and looked at this brother.

“Potato, potahto.” Shar said with a shrug.

Dylan scoffed at his Seliana. Shar picked up a light bulb and tossed it at him. She giggled when it bounced off his head and he caught it.


They turned to watch a very excited Joy rush at them from the hall, that led up to the apartment.

“What’s going on, Joy?” Dustin asked as he turned from his mate and lifted his three-year-old into his arms.

“Bridget called gramma, and tole her to tell me that the egg made a noise. She says we should all come and see!”

Dustin looked at Shar, who’s eyes were lit with wonder and excitement. He chuckled. “Well, let’s go then. The bar won’t be opening for a few hours yet.”

“Mind if I tag along?” Sabastian asked as he watched them. “Or is this a Fated Mate thing?”

Dustin grinned. “You’re a Fated Made, dorkhead.”

Joy giggled. “Daddy called you a dorkhead.”

Sebastian chuckled as he pinched the adorable little girl’s cheek. “So, he did.”

“Let’s go, people, we have an egg to look at.” Dustin said as he headed for the door.

Shar took hold of Sebastian’s arm and pulled him along with them. “You’re still a Fated Mate, even if you haven’t found her yet.”

“Or him!” Dylan hollered as he followed them.

“Not cool.” Sebastian grumbled as he glared at his friend.

Dylan smirked at him and Sebastian rolled his eyes.

“Let’s go!” Joy hollered.

A loud noise had all the adults pausing as they turned to the stairs. Over a dozen little faces came into view, as they jumped down the stairs and ran, not to their parents, but to their little leader.

“Down, Daddy.” Joy said.

Dustin wiggled his head as if to say, Yes Princess, then rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he set her on her feet, and she led her pack out onto the sidewalk.


“What’s going on?” Shar asked as she and the others entered the nursery cave.

“Shh.” Ruby said as she placed her finger over her lips, her cheek pressed against the egg. “He’s moving.” She whispered so softly, if they didn’t have supernatural hearing, they wouldn’t have heard her.

Everyone joined Ruby, Bridget, and Zephyrus, in the large nest so they could listen to the little Dragon.

Ruby squealed as she jumped back. “He tapped it!” She said excitedly, then pressed her cheek to the egg again.

Bridget smiled as she placed her hand on the top of her egg. “Keon has been moving and making noises, all morning. Ruby wanted to share the experience with the rest of you.”

“I can hear a scratching sound.” Joy said excitedly as she moved closer to the egg.

“Feel here.” Ruby said as she lifted her cheek and took hold of her cousin’s hand, then pressed it to the egg, where her cheek was.

Joy squealed when she felt something tap on the egg under her hand.

“That’s is so amazing.” Shar said with a smile as she sat in the nest.

Dustin smiled as he sat behind her and pulled her against him. Easton moved over to his parents and sat on Shar’s lap.

“How much longer until he hatches?” Sebastian asked as he watched his friends.

“Another month or so.” Zephyrus said with a smile.

“I can’t wait.” Ruby said as she jumped up and down.

“Hey, are you two coming to the bar tonight?” Shar asked as she looked at Bridget and Zephyrus.

“I would love to.” Bridget said with a smile. “I hear you are going to have a light show.”

Shar smiled. “If the guys can get the lighting set up before The Runarounds get on the stage.”

“We can’t leave the egg unattended.” Zephyrus said as he looked at the egg, which Ruby was now sitting on top of. He smiled at her. His son couldn’t ask for a better mate.

“Bring him along. I’m sure the cubs and pups would love to have him join their playtime.” Shar said with a smile.

“And Ruby would definitely hold him when it’s time for bed.” Pearl said with a chuckle.

“Are you sure your mother wouldn’t mind?” Bridget asked as she looked at Daryl.

The Kraftmen brothers chuckled.

“Are you kidding me? She would be thrilled to watch a Dragon Egg.” Daryl said with a grin.

Bridget smiled as she nodded. “Okay, then I guess we can cover him with a blanket and take him with us.”

“Yay!” Joy said as she wrapped her arms around the egg. “You’re coming with us.” She said, then looked up at her cousin who was looking down at her. “He’s excited.” She said when she felt the tapping on the egg.

Ruby nodded her head as she smiled down at her cousin.

“Okay, time to head back to the bar. You all will get more time with Keon tonight.” Shar said as she handed her sleeping son over to her mate and got to her feet.

“I’m staying here.” Ruby said as she slid down the egg.

“Is that okay?” Pearl asked as she looked at Bridget.

Bridget grinned. “Always.”

Pearl nodded, then looked at Shar. “Do you need me at the bar?”

Shar shook her head. “Nope. Just need the men.”

Pearl nodded. “Then I’ll stay here with Bridget and Ruby. I haven’t seen much of my daughter since she found her mate.”

Everyone chuckled as they left the cave.

“Come on Zeph!” Shar hollered. “You’re a man too.”

Zephyrus grinned as he kissed his mate on the cheek, then followed the rest of their pack out of the caves.


“Don’t twist that wire!” Dustin hollered when his brother lifted a light and twisted it the wrong way.

“Damn stupid lights.” Drezden grumbled as he turned the light back the other way.

“Don’t let Shar know what you think about them.” Dylan said with a laugh. “She’ll castrate you.”

“Yes, and I do want more cubs.” Tamara said as she walked up behind her mate.

Drezden turned his head towards his mate and smiled. “Anytime you ask, Mafilia.”

Tamara smiled. “Soon, Mafilio, soon.”

Drezden grinned then lost his balance.

“Fucking hell!” Dustin hollered as he watched his brother fall, taking the light with him.

“Got it.” Zephyrus said as he grabbed the light before it pulled the wires out of the ceiling.

“I love you dearly, Seliana.” Dustin said as he looked at Tamara. “But you are distracting your mate.”

Tamara grinned. “Sorry.” She said, then turned and headed to one of the tables, where Josie and Maddy were conversing about advertisements. She swayed her hips as she walked, and Dustin rolled his eyes when his brother grunted as he watched his mate walk away.

“Eyes and mind on the lights Drez, or Shar will have all of our dicks, pinned to the wall.” Dustin grumbled as he took the light from Zephyrus.

“You’ve got that right.” Sharissa said as she walked up to the stage. “Shouldn’t that be done by now? The bar opens in an hour.”

Dustin smiled down at his mate. “Sorry, Mafilia. We will have it finished before the bar opens, I promise.”

She nodded, then turned and walked away.

“That’s a big promise.” Dylan whispered.

Dustin grumbled. “We’ll have to work harder to get it finished…” He stopped talking when the light he had been holding vanished from his hands. “What the fuck?” He said, shocked as he looked around at the other men and found they too were empty-handed.

“I would really prefer my mate’s dick stayed where it is.”

They all turned to find Pearl and Bridget standing in front of the stage, both of their arms crossed over their chests.

“Mine too.” Bridget said as she looked at her mate.

“Where are the lights?” Dustin asked as he looked at his brother’s mate.

Pearl grinned then snapped her fingers. The lights appeared on the ceiling and floor of the stage, wired and ready to go.

The men groaned.

“Why didn’t you do that, to begin with?” Dustin asked as he looked at the White Witch. “Could have saved us so much trouble.”

Pearl grinned. “I can’t do everything for you boys.” She said, then she and Bridget turned from the stage and headed to the table to join the other female Fated Mates.

“Your mate is crazy.” Raj said as he moved closer to Dylan.

Dylan grinned. “She’s my kind of crazy.”

“I sure the hell wouldn’t mess with her.” Gerald said as he jumped off the stage, then held his hand up for his mate, and helped him down.

Everyone looked at the largest of the Alpha Fated Mates and chuckled.

“Ivy!” Daryl hollered as he jumped off the stage.

Saffron came out of the kitchen and smiled at her mate. “Yes, Mafilio?”

Daryl smiled as he walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her, then kissed her on the cheek. “Want to spend some time in private before the bar opens?” He asked, his eyebrows moving up and down.

Saffron grinned. “The office is empty.” She whispered.

He growled, then pulled her through the kitchen, to the office.

“Is he seriously going to defile that office?”

Everyone turned to the newcomer and grinned.

“Marry-Beth!” Dustin hollered as he jumped off the stage and moved over to the old owner of their bar, and longtime friend.

Marry-Beth smiled as she hugged the large man.

“I think Josie and I defiled that office once upon a time.” Dominic said with a grin as he gave Marry-Beth a bear hug.

Marry-Beth snorted. “I think you deflowered that office.”

Everyone laughed as Dominic stepped back from the woman, who used to be such a big part of their life.


Marry-Beth turned just in time to catch Shar with a laugh. “Nice to see you too.”

Shar smiled as she hugged her friend.

“So, what brings you here?” Dustin asked as he wrapped his arm around his mate, once she let go of their friend.

“Do I really need an excuse to come see my old bar?” Marry-Beth said with a smile.

“No, no, of course not.” Dustin said with a shake of his head.

Marry-Beth grinned. “I have some news that I wanted to share with my friends.” She said, then turned when the door to the bar opened and her beautiful girlfriend stepped in.

“Did you tell them?” Allora whispered as she walked up to her girlfriend.

Marry-Beth shook her head. “Not yet.”

Allora bounced up and down on her toes as she looked around at her girlfriend’s friends. “Where’s Saffron?”

“Daryl took her back to the office…” Marry-Beth started to say, then stopped when her girlfriend covered her ears.

Everyone chuckles and Marry-Beth kissed her on her cheek.

“Where’s the party?!”

Everyone turned to the door to find a handsome man standing there, a large grin on his face.

“Akan.” Dustin said with a smile as he held his hand out to the man. “Nice to see you again.”

Akan grinned. “Nice to be seen.” He said, then winked at Shar. “You must be this beast’s mate.”

Shar nodded and he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

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