Her Quest : Magic in the Blood

Chapter 9

Ian frowned at her for a moment then shook her. When she didn't respond and her head simply rolled sideways, his breathe clogged in his throat.

"No no no," he whispered, all his anger washing away in worry, "Sonia! Love, wake up please!" Somewhere in the back of his mind he was glad that no one could hear him in this state, but the other part was simply too concerned about the girl in front of him, the girl he himself had led to this, the girl whom he... his chain of thoughts broke when she appeared to become more pale. He touched his hand to her cheek and lightly slapped her.

Just as he was about to touch again, he noticed a faint glow spreading on her cheek where his skin had come in contact with her’s. Afraid that he had hit her, Ian shook her again and frantically called out her name.

On a violent shake, she came to, gasping for air. Ian let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding.

Sonia looked at him. There was confusion along with fatigue clouding her eyes. As soon as she noticed their closeness, she tried to push away from him.

"Easy! You'll faint again," Ian said softly as he leaned a little back, still holding her in his arms.

"No. I'm fine. Thanks," Ian rose at her icy tone and waited for her to get up. She rose and swayed a bit but stopped him before he could offer any help.

"I am fine," she said between her teeth. Her own voice sounded very weak and far to her. Taking a deep breath, she took a step ahead and staggered again. This time Ian picked her up in his arms.

"Put me down," she had meant it to sound firm but it sounded like a plea. Gathering her strength, she tried again, "I said I am fine. I don't need your help," but she was already feeling dizzy. Maybe he won't take offence and not put her down.

"I could see that," Ian scoffed. He looked at her and saw her eyes were becoming distant. He knew she would faint again and added, "Do us both a favour and hang on." But her eyelids had already drooped.

Ian started towards the direction of his home, carrying her. This time he didn't slip, nor he stumbled. He looked up at the clear sky and wondered about the dark clouds. Then he glanced down at her. She looked as if she was sleeping, but her pallor gave away her state. Instinctively, he drew her a little close and lengthened his pace.

It was his fault, he knew but hated to acknowledge it. She didn't knew the woods and had barged out in that storm because of him. Certainly, she must be cold sitting in that waterfall of a rain. Her clothes were drenched and she had - he looked at her again and noticed, to his horror that she had not even bothered with a jacket.

"Half-witted dumb girl," he muttered, "clomping around like that." And he cursed and muttered and cursed a bit more all the way back.


Jake cursed. Quick and without any heat. He was once again thrust with the dishes.

"Just because a guy likes to fool around in the kitchen, doesn't mean that he has to clean up all his brothers' dishes," he grumbled half-heartedly, his hands elbow deep in the hot soapy water. He didn't mind doing the task actually, "A guy is supposed to get a break now and again." He continued as he washed another dish, all the while being careful not to damage any crockery in his frustration.

"Hell, I am not doing this again. It's Gage's turn next time and then-" he stopped his ramblings as he looked out of the window and saw Ian carrying Sonia.

Without a second thought to the dishes, he rushed off calling the others and hurried outside.

Ian was just stepping inside the garden when Jake reached him the others close behind.

"What happened?" Jake asked, "Is she hurt?" Then dismissing Ian altogether, he gave all his attention to Sonia, "Are you okay? Open your eyes," he pleaded.

"Jake let's get them inside," Gage ushered him aside, "I'll take her," he said holding out his hands for Ian to pass her over.

"No," both surprised and amused at what he was saying, Ian continued, "I got her fine." Saying so, he passed by them and went into the house.

"Take her upstairs," Dim said, "I'll call Aunt."

"Don't," Ian struggled with the frustration in his voice. What's happening to me? He thought. "Don't call Mom. She'll skin me."

Managing to hide a grin, Emm stepped forward, "Okay, you just take her up. Jake go and make some tea for him and bring it upstairs," he continued as Ian started up the stairs, "Gage, you help Jake. Dim, you better keep an eye out and if anyone comes along warn us. I'll get some towels for Ian and Sonia." He dashed up the stairs for the towels while others dispersed to do his bidding.

Ian carried her into the room and laid her on the bed. He was straightening up when Emm dashed in. He tossed Ian a towel without a glance as he went to the bed and began drying her hair.

Narrowing his eyes at him, Ian rubbed his hair with the towel.

"Her clothes need to be changed," Emm said and turned. He jerked his finger at him pointedly, "You, will explain everything," then he returned his attention back to Sonia, "Go, take a shower. You look like you will fall on your face." Ian would have retorted when he simply added, "Aunt will know something's wrong if she sees you like this." Making a face at him, Ian went away.

He saw a hurrying Jake with a tray in his hands just as he shut the bathroom door.

A hot shower, he mused as he stripped and stepped under the spray, and a good meal would be nice right now.


It was dark. How can a day turn into night so fast? She was standing in the woods and then she had been thrown into the darkness. Sonia wrenched her eyes open. Yes, it was dark, but she was not in Ian's arms. She glanced around and realised she was in her room. But how? She sat up quickly and to her dismay, the room revolved.

"Easy, easy," Jake took her hand and sat on the bed facing her, "It's alright," his voice soothed her.

"Jake!" she gripped his hand with both of her's. Jake saw the confusion in her eyes and smiled.

"It's okay. You fainted in the woods,-" he was cut off when she repeated his words like a parrot. "Yeah, you fainted. You didn't eat anything for your dinner, then you skip your breakfast and go around strolling the streets. And as if that's not enough, you spew up in anger and stomp off to woods with rain hovering over the tips of the trees, you are going to faint." He hadn't realised he was so angry. When he saw the hurt on her face, his voice softened, and he continued, "Luckily, Ian came after you and as per him you were already functioning on the reserve mode of your energy and you stumbled and passed out. He brought you back and here you are," he ended and expelled a puff of breath.

"I'll get you some tea and something to eat," he said rising.

"No, I am coming downstairs," she moved her legs and got up. The room didn't sway this time and she was grateful for that. She looked down searching for her slippers.

"Jake!" She whispered, "My clothes?"

"Huh? Oh yes, Emm changed them," because his eyes were fixed on her face, he didn't miss the sudden embarrassment there, "Emm didn't peep," he smiled and tipped her chin up with his forefinger when she ducked her head, "And if that satisfies you, I even blindfolded him before the task." Jake saw the gratitude overflow her as she gave him a little smile and he gathered her in his arms.

"Come on sweetheart, we love you!" he murmured against her hair.

"Thank you so much Jake," Sonia gave him a squeeze before drawing away and taking his hand started to pull him towards the door, "I have to thanks the others and I am so very hungry," Jake couldn't help but smile at her back as he allowed her to drag him away.

An hour later, after thanking everyone, including Ian - she hated to but she did anyways as he was the one who took the pain of coming after her- and promising she would not skip dinner again - she had winced as Ian was thrust with the responsibility of making sure she ate - and also agreeing that this episode will stay away from all the elders, Sonia was back in her room. Her mind set on completing the article she had left incomplete last night, she gathered her notepad, pencils and laptop and settled comfortably on the bed.

Less than five minutes later she was fast asleep, the things scattered around her in a total mess.

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