Her Quest : Magic in the Blood

Chapter 29

Ian, Gage and Jake stumbled as they walked out of the club.

"Easy mate," Gage slurred from Ian's right.

"We don't wanna break ou' pretty faces," Jake laughed from the other side.

Ian threw back his head and they all bellowed with laughter, their arms around each other's shoulders as Emm and Dim watched with annoyance of older siblings.

"Guys. Sonia is waiting. Hurry up," Emm growled at them, making them wobble a few steps together.

"Sonia!" Ian looked at Emm, "Where's Sonia? You saw her dance Gagey boy?"

"Ahh. Angel's sang," Gage closed his eyes and swayed a bit.

"Stop fooling. You're not drunk," Dim said quietly, his hands thrust in his jean pockets.

"But we are supposed to be drunk after - ," Jake untangled his arm to count his fingers, "this many drinks," he wiggled all ten fingers and laughed goofily at Dim.

Dim merely shook his head and turned away just as their car arrived.

"Where's Sonia?" Emm asked, looking around.

Dim shrugged, "I asked her to stay here and get the car."

"Must have gone to the washroom," Gage suggested and held out his pinkie finger.

"Shut up, idiot," Dim slapped his hand away.

"Wait!" Emm held up his hand, head cocking to a side. Instantly, everyone stood still, and listened.

Ian's eyes widened, "Sonia!" He whispered and broke out into a run in the direction of the sound.

He skidded to a stop at the entry of the side ally, the others stopping by him, everyone horrified at the scene before them.

A man was holding Sonia down to the ground, while another tried to pin down her legs.

Ian let out a growl, taking a step towards them, when the guy holding her legs flew back and hit the brick wall behind him.

Sonia looked at the guy hovering above her. Her legs were free but the idiot had yet to know.

Letting out a cry, she swung her left leg and hit him on his thigh. It was enough to make him loosen his hold over her.

Pushing him away, she rolled on her knees and hit him as hard as she could on his face.

"Ouch!" She murmured, as pain shot through her knuckles.

The guy she had kicked to the wall, got up, groaning as he held his head. Snarling, he moved towards her when a blur slammed him back to the wall.

Sonia's head whipped to the man. She looked up, relief hitting her a second later as her eyes met the person holding the man.

"Ian," she whispered, a smile grazing her lips as tears sprang in her eyes.

He watched her, emotions swirling in his dark orbs, his hand on the man's neck, pinning him to the wall.

"Sonia!" It was Emm who took her in his arms.

The moment he held Sonia, the guy on the ground grabbed her leg, trying to pull her away.

Sonia gasped and before she could do anything else, Gage was upon him.

He hit hard on his face, once, and the guy went unconscious.

Emm pulled her closer to him and Sonia buried her face in his chest, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," he kept whispering it in her hair as he rocked her lightly, his strong arms holding her safe.

Sonia sobbed and looked up at him, "Don't. Please," she pleaded and wiped a tear from his cheek.

He shook his head and buried his face in her hair again.

Unable to do anything, Sonia patted his back, comforting him. The others surrounded them, but her eyes darted around, settling when she caught sight of Ian.

He was hitting the guy, over and over again. "How dare you," a punch, "How dare you look at her?" Another punch. "How dare you put your filthy hands on her?" He spoke slowly but the tenure was enough to make goose bumps appear on her arms.

"Ian," she called out but he didn't seem to hear.

His hand found the man's neck again and he raised him over his head, the guy's feet dangling a foot above the ground.

Sonia watched in horror as the guy turned blue from choking.

"Ian," she called out again and breaking out of Emm's hold rushed over to him.

"Ian don't. Don't do this, Ian," she pleaded as she tried to pull his arm down.

Her struggles proved futile as all her pulling didn't even budge his arm. She gave up after a few tries and merely went in front of him, right in the middle of Ian and the guy and hugged him tight, "Ian don't do this please," she pleaded as she wrapped her arms awkwardly around his shoulders.

Almost instantly, both his arms came around her, covering her and she closed her eyes, relieved when she heard the guy fall on the ground with a thud.

Ian held her close, his face buried in the crook of her neck.

She held on for a few moments and then tried to break free but Ian just pulled her closer, letting out a growl that vibrated through her.

Instead of being scared by the feral noise, Sonia hugged him back, her fingers finding his hair as she spoke lightly in his ear, "It's okay, Ian. I'm alright. Can you please let go now?"

"No," he grumbled, tightening his hold.

"But Emm's sad. And Jake's worried too. And I- I can't breath," she whispered the last words and immediately he loosened his hold.

Wheezing, she moved back and was again engulfed in a hug, this time by Jake. A laugh escaped her lips as she gestured others to come forward and everyone engulfed her, in a giant bear hug.

"Let's go," Dim said, moving back after a few moments.

The guys agreed and they walked out of the alley. Sonia looked back. There was a dark pool of blood covering the ground but surprisingly none of the two guys were anywhere in sight.

"Don't worry. They won't harm you ever again. We made sure to scare them off," Gage said as he flung an arm over her shoulders, pulling her a bit closer to him. Sonia smiled as she basked in the welcoming warmth.

They filed in the car, Sonia getting the middle seat as Ian and Gage flanked her sides.

"By the way, where did you learn those moves?" Dim asked, steering the car out of the driveway.

Sonia shrugged, covered in five jackets, her laying forgotten on the back seat, "Desperate times, I guess," she mumbled making the others grin at her.


The next day, Sonia woke up to extreme pain shooting arrows in her hand. Gasping, she cradled it to her chest and lightly tried to massage it. She dragged herself out of the bed and padded to the bathroom to complete her deeds as fast as she could, "Would need a ton of aspirins," she mumbled as she tried to apply the toothpaste on her brush.

"Yeah. Okay. I'll see to -" Ian stopped mid sentence as he heard a faint noise, "I'll call you back," he muttered in the phone and ended the call. Quickly, he strode over to Sonia's room.

He opened the door just as another whimper left Sonia's lips. In a blur, he was beside her. She gasped, surprised at his sudden appearance but he didn't give it a thought.

"Are you alright?" He tilted her head up to look at her face. Cursing inwardly at her tear stricken damp face, he pulled her into a hug, "What happened?" He asked, his voice soft.

"I- I think I hurt my wrist last night," she winced as he pulled back and lightly touched it, "Pains a lot."

Ian looked up from her hand. Her eyes were clenched shut as she took in quick breaths. His jaw tightened as he saw her bearing the pain.

"I wish I could kill those bastards," he spoke, barely controlling his temper.

Sonia winced as she saw the raw anger on his face. "Hey," she spoke softly, placing her good hand on his cheek. Almost instantly, his anger subsided, his jaw loosening under her touch.

"It's okay," she continued, "It's over. You scared them away," a smile bloomed on her lips as she said it.

Ian shook his head, not breaking contact with her golden brown eyes, "Not enough," he whispered and pulled her in for a hug, hiding his face in her hair, "I almost lost you. I failed you yet again."

"Stop it, idiot," she pushed him away lightly, "You did not fail me. And don't forget what could have happened if you guys hadn't shown up when you did."

A growl emitted from him. Sonia barely managed to hide the gasp at his livid expression. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm him down before he could lose his temper.

"But you came. And you gave him a hell of a beating. You helped me. You didn't leave me just as you had promised you won't," she smiled, contented with her words.

Ian let out a breath and shook his head in defeat, "There's no winning with you,” he sighed and moved back a couple of steps, "Come on now. We need to get you to a doctor," he said, extending his hand.

Sonia entered the living room and stopped. All the Uncles and Aunts were present along with the guys. A happy feeling seeped in her chest as she saw them all together.

"Hey," she called out, smiling hugely.

Everyone turned to face her and her smile vanished at the looks on their faces.

"Uh-oh," she mumbled, an instant before she was smothered in hugs and kisses.

While she was being shuffled between the three aunts on her legs, her uncles passed her over to each other as if she was a toddler, her feet not touching the ground as she was shifted from one's arms to another's.

Finally she reached the couch and instantly slumped down on it.

"That was epic," she chimed.

"Aye. And you are grounded for four weeks," James grumbled from besides her.

"Wait!" She shot up, "What? But it was hardly my fault," she reasoned. James merely folded his arms over his chest and huffed. Sonia looked over to Caroline, "Aunt Carol! Please!"

Caroline smiled at her helpless expression, "Fine. One week."

Sonia squealed as she pumped her hand in the air, wincing the next second.

James was up in a blur, examining her hand, "It's swollen," he mumbled, "Like I said, four weeks."

Sonia's face fell, "Uncle Jame-"

James shook his head as he held up a finger, stopping her, "Don't Uncle Jamey me. You got hurt. It could've been worse."

"But it's because I hit those guys."

"What?" Ray and Jack spoke in unison.

"She's right," Dim spoke, coming to her rescue, "She did a number on those bastards before Ian and Gage got their pa- hands on them," he corrected himself, smiling sheepishly when Sonia looked at him confused.

"Aye! And you won't believe the way she kicked back one. It was ninja move," Jake gushed.

"You took self-defence class?" Ray asked impressed.

"Nah," Sonia shrugged, "I guess it was more like a moment thing. Adrenaline rush I guess."

"No rush could knock back a 190 pounds of meat bag," Ian shook his head.

"Wait," Caroline leaned forward in her seat, "Did you maybe felt like something, as in tingles on your fingertips or such?"

Sonia cocked her head, "I think it felt more like a direct electric current. I kicked that guy and it was as if the force came from the ground beneath, or-" she broke off as Caroline exchanged glances with the other elders, "What?"

"Err, nothing sweetie," Katherine waved it off with a flick of her wrist, "You're right. It was a moment thing. And what are you guys waiting for?" She turned to the boys, "Quick! Take her to a doctor," she snapped her fingers and Ian and Emm shot up from their seats, hurriedly ushering Sonia out.


A few days later, Sonia was busy arranging a shelf of books in the library when Caroline called out to her. Sonia peeked out of the library window and saw her in the back garden, in her gardening hat.

"Come on out, sweets," she waved her, dragging a bag of soil, "I need a bit of help here."

Sonia nodded her head and happily skipped to the kitchen, then rushed out through the door, "What can I do?" She asked coming to a stop.

"Just plant these bushes over there," Caroline pointed a clear spot by the edge of the fence, "Make sure you arrange the soil properly. Ground is a bit uneven," she added over her shoulder as she carted the bag to another spot across the land.

Sonia mumbled an "Okay," before putting her back into the task.

Caroline leaned against the handcart and watched, satisfied as once again Sonia forgot the gloves, humming softly. She smiled as a soft breeze played with Sonia's hair lightly. Caroline was sure her theories would be confirmed.

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