Her Quest : Magic in the Blood

Chapter 19

Sonia turned her face in the direction of the howls but Jake blocked her view. She tried to push him away but he didn't budge. All she could see was his back. She cringed as the howls rang out again. The sounds were salacious. And Gage, Dim and Emm were out there. She tried to move away from Ian but his grip just seemed to get tighter.

"Let go Ian," She pushed at his chest, "they need our help!" But he just brought her closer to his side. She could feel her head getting light. "I can't breathe," she tried to gulp in air and lamely tried to pull away from the iron grip. But Ian's attention was transfixed on whatever was Jake not letting her see.

"Ian," she whispered, clutching his shirt. Her vision was getting blurry. Trying to pull in air through her mouth, she reached up and touched Ian's cheek to get him to look at her.

She almost lost all her breathe when Ian's head snapped in her direction. His eyes were black but they seemed to be glowing. And his face looked carnal.

She opened her mouth to gulp in more air but had no strength as his arms crushed her to him. Unable to help herself, she closed her eyes as those strange black eyes watched, her head rolling to the side and went lax in Ian's arms.

Ian loosened his grip but held her securely against him, as he tried to shake her awake with one hand.

When she did not open her eyes, he panicked, "Jake! Jake! Help! She's unconscious."

He kneeled down with her in his arms as Jake turned around and they tried to wake her up.


She came around at the sound of argument. Opening her eyes, she looked around. She was still in the clearing, lying on the grass.

She looked up at the scene and let out a soft sigh. Ian and Jake were going at each other. Jake was currently shouting at Ian and she was unable to understand what he was saying. She tried to get up and everything began spinning. Moaning, she put her hand on her temple.

The boys ceased their fighting and were by her side in a wink.

"Are you okay?" They asked together.

"Yeah," she managed to nod her head, "I am fine," her voice was faint but she managed to look up and smile a little. Slowly, she looked around the area, and no one else was there.

"Where are others?" She asked just as everything came rushing back at her. She gasped in a huge breathe, "What happened here? What was that noise?"

But Ian and Jake just kept looking at her, refusing to answer her. Agitated, she grabbed her head with both her hands, "Can you just answer me?"

"Sonia, you must not stress -"

"Cut it out Jake," she interrupted, "I know I heard those strange howls. I was not crazy to be imagining such things. And where's Dim? Where are Gage and Emm? And please tell me what was that commotion about?" She turned towards Ian, "And why am I in danger from Eric?"

"Everyone went back home," Ian met her eyes as he answered her, "We will talk when we get you back home too."

"I am not going anywhere with you," she snapped at him.

Besides her, Jake let out a breathe, "Sonia, please! It is unsafe in here. We need to get you home before it gets dark."

"Aye. And before Mom gets home. Otherwise, I will not live to see the end of this. Please!" Ian added in.

Giving up, she got up, "Okay," she grumbled, "But the moment we get home, I want all the answers."

They both nodded their heads in unison. Falling in step with them, Sonia kept her quiet letting her mind chew over the episode back in the woods.

Surprisingly, it took them quiet a less time to get back home. However, the sun had set and Sonia was even more glad to be out of the eerie woods and back on known land.

The trio of them walked in through the rear entrance and continued up to her room. On reaching her room, Sonia was shocked to see Dim, Gage and Emm sprawled around on her bed. She took one look at them and noticed that they had showered up. Frowning, she marched to the chair and sat down, "I want answers," she demanded.

"Would you not like to have something to drink first?" Gage asked rising from the bed and offering her the glass of juice, he was holding. At her glare, he gulped down his amusement, "Oh, you don't." And sat back down.

Exasperated at their behaviour, Sonia looked around and her gaze rested upon Emmett. She quirked a brow at him, "Will you please explain?" She gestured to him.

Emm glanced around at others for help and seeing no way out, he cleared his throat. Getting up from the floor, he walked to her and knelt down before her. He took a deep breath and took her hands on his. Unable to gather his thoughts while looking in her questioning eyes, he closed his' and hung his head down.

"Emm," Sonia whispered, "What is it?" She asked softly when he finally looked up and opened his eyes.

"Sonia," he blinked but kept looking in her eyes, "We, there...ah, were wolves. You were in danger - ," he trailed off shitting his eyes tight. He gulped waiting for her reaction. Getting none, he looked back at her.

Sonia's breathe was hitched in her throat. Her eyes widened at what he said. Ever so slowly, she looked up at Dim, then Gage and Ian and finally her eyes landed on Jake. They all seemed as if holding their breath, waiting for her to speak.

"But what about you all? You were in danger too. Anything could have happened to you too. The wolves could have hurt you too." she said to the lot of them.

Emm cocked his head and then realisation dawned upon them. Jake came over and kneeled down besides Emm, his hands resting on her knees, "We will face any danger, any threat, but would never let anything hurt you, Sonia. Ever."

"And what did you meant by Eric an-", she began but Ian cut her off.

"That was just a lame attempt at joke by me," he shrugged sheepishly. Sonia could just look at him in disbelief.

She looked down at Emm, they all jeopardised their lives just for my sake, she thought, without giving a damn, they had jumped up to protect me from wolves. Even that arrogant Ian. And all I did was demand answers and explanations as if they are criminals.

She closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek and fell on her thigh, "Can you-" her breath hitched as she tried to not let her inner turmoil loose before them all.

"It our fault, Sonia. We should have told you. All we did was scare you more. We are sorry," Gage came over and kneeled on the other side of Emm.

"Please, I need some time," she tried not to break at his words.

"No," Ian protested and sat down heavily on the floor, "we are not leaving you."

She looked at him helplessly, "I need to shower," she reasoned.

"No problem. We will wait. Go, freshen up."

Unable to hold herself together, Sonia got up quickly. Grabbing some clothes from her closet, she dashed away to the bathroom.

Getting in the shower and scrubbing off the day's dirt was easy. However, scrubbing off the day's events and getting out were not so easy. She rebuked herself over and over on her behaviour. These people were saving her life and she was criticising them of their actions, of their love. How could she be such a blind egotistical person to not see their goodness. Not wanting to make them wait more, she washed off her tears and got out of the shower. Getting in some comfy clothes, she began towel drying her hair as she padded over to her room.

She opened the door quietly and entered in to see all the boys huddled close on her bed with her laptop. From the sound of it they were watching one of her videos. She smiled as she put the towel in the hamper, and stopped.

Her videos.

Which meant...

Leaping over, Sonia shut the laptop screen. Everyone growled at the sudden disturbance.

"What?" She snapped.

As if recognising her, their growls were smothered quickly by smiles.

"You must never read someone's diary,"she scolded them as she took the laptop from Dim's lap.

"Hey," Gage got up, "it's okay. We were just whiling away time. Those videos are not so bad, you know." He sassed, shrugging and turned to others. They all agreed nodding their heads.

"It was fun though. We like listening to you talk," Jake added, all sweet smiles.

"Then you should see me live. Not my video diaries," she retorted, hugging the machine close to her chest. She turned around and put it in its place on her desk.

"Stupid boys. Peeping into a girl's diary," she muttered and the boys chuckled. She turned back in disbelief. They had the audacity to chuckle.

"OUT. All of you out," she burst out, pointing the way to the door. Everyone got up and shuffled past her murmuring their sorrys. From the looks on their faces she doubted if they really meant it.

Ian was the last to get up from her bed. Taking his time, he strolled over to her, "You know what," he said stopping in front of her, "It's not such a bad idea to imagine spending a day with your high school crush."

Sonia's eyes went large. She sucked in a breath just as Ian produced a leather bound book.

"You, you," she stammered, unable to speak past her anger. "You read my journal!" She finally yelled. However, it made no impact on him.

He just continued to smile down at her quiet shamelessly.

She quickly tried to snatch the book away. Nonetheless, he was way faster. Holding the book high up over his head, he quirked up a brow at her. Not the one to back up, she jumped up to get her treasure.

"Ian, I am warning you," she spoke quietly.

"Warning me? Why sugar?" He asked feigning innocence.

"Stop calling me that," she fired back.

"Aww. But I love calling you that, my sugar," he drawled out making her eyes go bright with fury.

"Give me my book," she demanded, her hand outstretched in front of her.

"And what if I don't?" At this, all fight drained out of her. Ian noticed this before she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.


"Okay, okay take it." He quickly cut her off and handed her the book before she could plead.

But she didn't brighten up. Nor did she smile. He just got a plain Thank You.

"Hey," he put his hands on her shoulders, "I'm sorry." When she did not look up, he turned her face up with his finger under her chin, "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't read your journal." Hurriedly, he went on before she could question, "It was - ah, Gage who found it beneath your pillow. He was reading it loudly to the others. So, I wrestled it from him. He just read a few lines, then they got hold of your laptop and I couldn't take it back," he explained.

"Thankyou," this time, he got a smile.

He shrugged, raking a hand through his hair, "Not a big deal."

She laughed out at his actions and gave him a quick hug. Before he could retort in any way she was away and putting the book in the drawer.

"C’mon, let's go down. I'm hungry," she laughed and skipped ahead of him.


It was late at night when Sonia dragged herself back to her room. The boys were still full of energy and had as such headed over to Dim's to catch on some sports highlights and stuff.

Sonia smiled as she understood the reason behind choosing Dim's house. Aunt Katie will certainly have some delicacies for them.


It was cold. She was alone in the clearing and the wind was howling wildly, creating eerie sounds. She was scared. A twig snapped behind her and she turned around, desperately wanting it to be one of the boys. She narrowed her eyes as she peered in the darkness of the woods to make out who it was. Just then, out of nowhere a pair of red lights blinked at her shining from the dark.

Turning around she started running but she stumbled down. Scrambling, she tried to move forward. She had to reach the circle of stones. Just a few feet more, she mumbled to herself. Gathering all her strength, she leaped towards the circle, her arms stretched out, fingers reaching out to the boundary of the circle and...

Fell down face first on the wooden floor.

The crazy dream took its claws off her just as reality came scurrying back.

Looking around her dark room, Sonia got a grip on herself and let out a breath, "Just a bad dream," she mumbled to herself trying to calm her racing heart, "So typical of you to get such dreams after today's events," she mused.

Untangling herself from the sheets, she got up and dumped them unceremoniously on the bed. Just then, a loud bang came from the balcony.

She squealed and almost hid under the bed when the door banged again by the strong assault of the wind.

Closing her eyes, she heaved a sigh of relief. Getting up once again, she padded over in her socks to the balcony. Wanting to distract her mind from the scares, she stepped out on the balcony to bathe in the refreshing calmness. She leaned on the banister and lifted up her face. A soft smile graced her lips as she felt a light breeze caress her face. Satisfied, she was about to turn around and walk back inside when she caught a movement from the corner of her eyes.

She leaned further and peered into the darkness, searching again for the movement on the other side of the garden fence. Such was her focus centred on finding a shape in the dark abyss that when a howl rang out from the woods, her heart lurched wildly in her chest.

Scared to her bones, she ran inside and closed the doors. Breathing heavily, she went over and burrowed in the sheets. Closing her eyes, she tried once again to calm her heart, concentrating only on her breathing.

Soon enough, she succumbed to the gentle call of sleep.

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