Her Quest : Magic in the Blood

Chapter 16

Sonia looked at the back door separating them from the explosion inside.

"Emm?" She whispered, confused at the intrusion, "Is he angry?"

Ian let out a breath, "Apparently. They all are angry. Because of what I said to you."

"Oh God! You are an idiot! Why did you tell them?" Sonia got up and dusted the seat of her pants. Ian followed suit.

"I was confused at your sudden change in mood." He shrugged when Sonia looked at him over her shoulder.


"Oh no!" Ian paled. Sonia looked at him and took a deep breath, "Okay, I have a plan. You go there and face him. I will be out in a minute."

Ian swallowed, "Whatever you are doing, just do it before he trashes me." He squared his shoulder and let out a nervous breath, "Come fast."

Sonia smiled as he angled his face up like a soldier ready to face his martyr and went to see Emm. She quickly hurried in after him to execute her plan.

Emm was pacing back and forth at the base of the stairs when Ian emerged from the kitchen. The sound of the swinging half doors squeaking shut had Emm stooping and he turned to glare at Ian.

Ian managed a wobbly smile, "Hey," he said in a tiny voice and quickly took a few steps back as Emm came growling at him.

"You dim-witted biological excuse of a man! I know you can't control that over imaginative pea sized brain of your’s from conjuring absurd and total nonsense bullshit but can't you refrain from spewing that shit around?" Emm poked a finger at his forehead making Ian stumble another step back.

Emm was the strongest of them all. Well, Dim was just as strong as him but he always maintained his calm self. Emm on the other hand was a raging bull when angered and right now Ian knew he was out of his sorts.

Ian opened his mouth then shut it just as quickly. He knew better than to speak. Quietly, he looked down at his feet.

"Don't you dare look down when I am talking to you. You know I hate it. Look at me!"

Ian looked up at him, in his eyes. They stared at each other for a few moments then Emm growled, "Don't you dare look at me like I am the offender here. You deserved to be kicked in the ass. You were warned not to hurt her again. But you did. Now you jus -"

"Hey Emm!" Sonia exclaimed, interrupting Emm's growling by her all cheerful and gay melody.

Ian turned to look at her standing behind him right inside the kitchen, holding the doors open.

"Hey," Instantly Emm's voice softened in response to her. Ian turned back again to face him. The raging bull was gone.

Sonia came beside him and took Emm's hand in hers, "You came at the right time."

She took hold of his hand and dragged him with her towards the kitchen. Ian watched in awe as Emm let her take him away, "Why?" he heard Emm asking her and followed them inside.

"I was thinking about coming by to give Jake this," she went over and took out a baking tray filled with her cakes from the oven. Ian grinned at her from behind Emm.

"But as you are here now," she continued, "can you take these with you? I will just pack it up quick for both of you. And yes! A few for Gage and Dim too. Oh! I forgot. Uncle Jack loves chocolate cakes. I will just make some more. Would you care for some coffee?" She went on without giving Emm any time to respond, "Ian makes quite good. Actually, we just had some of these cakes and coffee made by Ian just a while ago."

Emm sighed and pulled out a chair to sit, "Coffee's good. But only if you make it. I don't want this loon ruining my coffee too."

Sonia just smiled as she placed a pot on the stove.

An hour later, Emm said his byes to both Ian and Sonia. His hands were full with packages. Sonia heaved a sigh of relief and turned to Ian as they stepped back in the house.

"Thanks!" Ian said, grinning from ear to ear.

"No problem," Sonia waved off the gratitude and moved to the kitchen.

Ian frowned at her sudden mood swing. She had been all laughs moments ago and he was sure this time was definitely none of his fault. He went after her and stopped short upon entering the kitchen.

She was clearing the table. Surely, the kitchen was a mess. What with all the bowls of batter and those plates and jars and bottles of sugar syrup, maple syrup, caramel and all the sweeteners. The floor was littered with crumbs and wafers. He watched as Sonia gathered the mixing bowls from the counter top and put it in the sink. She turned on the hot water and rolled up her sleeves.

"I can help," Ian said as he took his place besides her.

"No. I will manage. Thank you."

Damn her politeness, Ian thought and opened his mouth to tell her the same when she began tying up her hair in a bun over her head.

"Leave it down," he said but she had already secured it with some twists and pulls.

She merely rolled her eyes and shook her head in denial. Ian smiled at her profile as she began cleaning the dishes and got a dishtowel again.

When they were done and Ian inquired again, as to what he can do to help, she just told him to get out of the way. Ian merrily hopped on the counter top and folded his legs under him. The floor was cleaned within minutes.

"Okay," Sonia said as she looked around, pushing a chair in place, "All done. Bye, Ian."

Ian jumped down, "Bye? You going somewhere?"

"Just to my room. I need a shower." She turned and continued out of the kitchen, Ian stood there, watching her go. Then he rushed after her. He caught up with her halfway on the steps.

"Hey. Afterwards, will you come down?"

"For what?" She asked continuing up the stairs.

"Well," he scratched his head trying to think up of something, "Yes, ah, we still have not had that pizza," he suggested. They reached up and he followed her into her room.

Sonia went over and sat down on the chair by her desk.

It was then that he really observed her face. Surely, she was pale and had eyes had lost all the fun. He cursed loudly at his stupidity and Sonia warily looked up at him.

"You are tired! Man! I am crazy," he raked a hand through his hair.

Sonia sighed and propped her chin in her palm, "You still got space for your pizza?"

Ian grinned, "Of course, sweetie."

Sonia got up, shaking her head, "Okay then, you order it up. Call me once it comes. I will just take a shower and get fresh." She moved past him and collected her toiletries. Ian smiled and nodding his head in agreement, shot away.

Sonia trudged her way to the bathroom. After ten minutes in the hot water, she finally managed to get out, but was still weary. However, making it up to her room, she somehow got into her pyjamas and hung the bathrobe on the back of the chair. She went over and took a seat on her bed, "A little power nap and I'll be fresh again," she muttered and with that, she laid down and closed her eyes.


The pizza boy delivered the pizza right on time. Ian's mouth watered as he took a sniff of the box.

He went into the kitchen and got a couple of plates and two cans of cokes from the refrigerator.

On the way back to the living room, he shouted in the direction of the steps, "Pizza's here. Hurry up."

He plopped down on the sofa and placed the box and everything on the table. Getting out a slice, he was about to take a huge bite but stopped.

"Let her come first. We'll eat together," he mumbled. Placing the plate on the table again, he opened his coke and took a sip of it as he flipped the channels on the T.V.

A while later, his patience came to an end.

"Where the heck is that girl?" He muttered and rose to call her. Stomping up the stairs, he knocked on the bathroom door. When there was no answer, he frowned and walked towards her room. He pushed the door open and found her fast asleep.

Ian let out a huff of breath and rolled his eyes. Going over to her bed, he tucked the cover over her.

"Goodnight," he whispered and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. He stopped and frowned. Why am I always the one to find her asleep? He thought and watched her face as a ghost of a smile touched her lips. Lips as pink as a baby. Wait, why was he comparing her lips to a baby?

He straightened, "Why am I even thinking about her lips?" He muttered loudly. Sonia stirred a little. Quickly, not wanting to disturb her, he began moving towards the door, his eyes fixed on her face.

In the next moment, he tripped over her shoes and fell, face down, with a loud thud.

"Darn," he yelled as his face hit the floor.

Sonia jolted up in her bed, her eyes wide, and her heartbeat erratic. Her eyes somehow widened more when she saw Ian lying on the floor.

"Oh my God," she gushed and git up to help him just as he started getting up. In the rush however, her feet got tangled with the sheets and she fell on top of Ian.

A woof of breath escaped both of them at the same time. Sonia opened her eyes and looked bewildered at a very angry Ian.

Gulping down, she pushed at his chest, managing to get up. She kneeled beside him, "I am so sorry. Did I hurt you? Oh god! How did you fall? Just let me help you get up," she gushed as she got on her feet to pull him up.

Ian just sat there as she tried to tug him up. She huffed a little but was not able to pull him even an inch off the ground.

Suddenly worried, she cried out, "Oh no! You can't get up! Oh dear, wait I'll call someone for help."

Sonia was about to rush to her phone when Ian gave her hand a slight pull. Her imbalance made her fall again. But this time her fall was deliberately muffled by him.

Sonia looked wild eyed at Ian, their faces merely inches from each other. His eyes were shining with fury. It made her gulp down loudly.

Ian narrowed his eyes at her frightened expression, "Just what the hell are your shoes doing right in the middle of the room?"

Sonia quickly looked to where her sneakers were lying and then back to him.

"Ahh...umm actually I don't remember putting them-" his eyes narrowed further and she quickly amended, "well in their place, I guess."

Scooting away, she picked up the culprit shoes and placed them away, "Umm... Why were you up here anyway?" She asked as Ian got to his feet.

"To call you. The pizza got delivered ages ago. Will have gone stone cold by now," he grumbled and stomped out of her room.

"Hey," Sonia said as she raced after him, "don't worry. I will heat it up real quick. Just a couple of minutes really." She continued, as she began climbing down the stairs after him, weariness not even a flicker in her eyes.

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