Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Two: Circle of Fate

Zelious chuckled and smiled at his mate, “you may call me whatever you want.”

Akira chuckled. This is so much like when she first met Wolfric. Except back then, she was three and shunned by everyone. Now, she is a Havent Warrior with healing powers.

“Akira,” he whispered, pulling her closer. “Beautiful name.”

She giggled when he entered the air bubble with her.

“Almost as beautiful as you,” he whispered.

She smiled and replied, “thank you. So, what do we do now? I need to find my….”

He kissed her, interrupting what she was about to say.

Akira sighed against her new warrior. But she needs to find the others too. She was torn between wanting Zelious to make love to her and wanting to find her other three warriors.

Zelious lifted his head and leaned his forehead against his mate’s. “I have waited so long for you, my mate.”

Akira blinked. ‘Does he not know what he is?’

“Uhm, Zel,” she whispered.

Zelious leaned back and smiled at her. “Yes, little one?”

Akira held back a laugh as she looked into her new warrior’s eyes. “Uhm, I’m not your mate.”

Zelious stared into her beautiful eyes. How can that be? He could see in her eyes that their souls were connected.

“But… you’re mine. I can see it in your eyes.”

She took a deep breath and let it out. It was strange to be able to do that in the middle of the ocean.

“I also belong to four other men.”

He pushed back from her, anger in his eyes.

Akira reached out and touched his cheek. He didn’t move away from her touch, but she could see the battle in his eyes. She smiled her sweetest smile.

“Zelious, I am a Havent. You are one of my warriors.”

Zelious stared at her in shock. He never imagined himself being a warrior. And she must be an important Havent to have him for a warrior. He is the grandson of a major God, after all.

“Who are your other warriors?” he asked, watching her.

She smiled. “I am hoping you will get to meet them soon.”

He nodded and pulled her against him.

“Wait,” she breathed.

“I can’t,” he growled, wrapping his arms around her.

“Zel,” she panted.

“I must have you, my beautiful little Havent.”

Akira groaned and closed her eyes. Within moments, he had her stripped of her clothes and her legs wrapped around his waist. He didn’t have to take anything off. He was already bare-chested. His chest was sculpted like the God he was. And his tail, oh my God, he has a tail.

Where he hid his cock was a mystery to her.

When he penetrated her, she cried out, and her head tipped back as she rode him. He held onto her hips as he pumped into her.

“Where are your warriors’ emblems?” he asked, looking at her smooth skin.

Akira looked down and almost cried. Her warriors are no longer on her chest. What does this mean?

“Akira,” he whispered.

Akira looked at her new warrior.

Zelious caught the sadness in his Psychi’s eyes and pulled her head to his chest. “We will figure it out,” he promised.

Akira nodded, and he continued to pump into her.

He has never had sex with a human before. She was much tighter than any mermaid he’d been with. Her legs wrapped around his hips were something new, too. He has never had sex with anyone on land or with legs. Damn, he couldn’t wait to try that with her. There’s so much he will get to do with his Psychi that he never got to do before.

As the grandson of a mighty God, he has legs to walk upon the land but has only done it once, maybe twice.

“Zel,” Akira moaned.

“That’s it, little one, call out my name.”

Akira leaned her head back from his chest and looked into her warrior’s eyes.

“What’s on your pretty little mind?” he asked, watching her.

She shook her head, then set her hands on his shoulders and moved her hips against him. She locked her ankles against his ass, or what she thought was his ass, and slid up and down his long shaft.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he mumbled against her shoulder.

“So do you,” she panted.

He took hold of her hips, stopping her movement, then pulled her off him, making her whimper. He grinned as he turned her around. He pulled his head out of the bubble, wrapped her feet around his hips, and entered her from behind.

Akira screamed into the air bubble, making it vibrate around her head. This was the oddest feeling in the world. Fucking in the middle of the ocean. She hoped she could do it someday with all her warriors.

The thought of her warriors brought tears to her eyes. Why were their markings gone from her skin?

“I’m going to cum,” Zelious grunted.

Akira paid attention to her new warrior and felt warm water move past her clit.

‘What the hell?’

“Oh shit,” she mumbled, closing her eyes.

Zelious grinned and rasped, “that’s it, little one.”

He created another stream of warm water to slide past her clit and sucked in a breath when her pussy clamped down around his cock.

“Oh my God!” Akira cried out as her orgasm had her mind and body shaking with release.

“Fuck,” Zelious groaned.

Holding onto her hips, he moved faster and fucked her harder. Stars exploded through his mind as he came deep inside her.

Akira panted as her body came down from the high.

“What was that?” she asked, turning her head to look at him.

Zelious smirked as he pulled out and turned her to face him.

“I’m a water Elementalist.”

Akira chuckled, “figures you would be.”

Zelious smiled as he pulled his Psychi against his chest. “I have waited a long time for you, Akira.”

She sighed, “you don’t know how long my warriors and I have been looking for you.”

Akira frowned and looked down at where their markings had once been. “Why are they gone?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Maybe because you were dead?”

She nodded. That made sense.

Zelious moaned when a shocking pain struck his chest.

Akira whimpered when a searing pain hit her chest. She’s getting her new warrior’s symbol. She screamed when the pain intensified tenfold.

“Are you okay?” Zelious asked, holding her close.

She shook her head. “It hurts worse than the other times,” she cried.

Zelious held her tight through the pain. Once the pain was gone, they pulled away from each other and looked down at their chests.

Akira shrieked with happiness. Her warriors’ emblems were back!

Zelious looked from his chest to Akira’s and smiled. “See, just needed a good fuck to get them back.”

Akira snickered and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you for finding me and saving me.”

Zelious sighed as he held her, “you are most welcome.” He pulled back and looked up through the waters at the setting sun. “Maybe we should search for your warriors.”

She nodded and answered, “I think I can feel them out.”

He looked at her and smiled, “great. Get on my back; I’ll get us to them in the blink of an eye.”

Akira giggled as she climbed onto her warrior’s back.

“Wait, my sword,” she said when she saw the glimmer of her sword on the ocean floor.

Zelious moved to the sword, picked it up, and handed it to her. “Where to, my little Psychi?”

Akira smiled and wrapped her arms around her new warrior, not even caring she was butt-ass naked.

“That way,” she said, using her sword to point the way.

Zelious grinned and swam the way his little Havent pointed.


Wolfric fell to his knees and cried out as pain shot through his chest.

What the fuck was going on now?

The creature he was fighting watched him as he clutched his chest.

“I thought I missed,” the creature said with a horrendous smirk on his face.

“You did,” Wolfric growled at the creature as he looked down at his chest and sucked in a shocked breath. “No,” he whispered. “Can’t be.”

“What is that mark on your chest?” the creature asked, moving closer to Wolfric.

Wolfric grinned as the pain subsided. He looked up at the creature, leaped to his feet, and took it down within seconds. The beast screamed when Wolfric tore into its throat.

“I had you. What changed?” the creature bellowed.

Wolfric ripped the creature’s throat out and stood over it, blood dripping from his mouth to his chest. He looked down at Akira’s mark and smirked.

“I have something to live for again.”


Malique sat on the steps to the cabin. He looked out into the ocean that had tumbled his world into chaos. Akira is dead; no one knows where Wolfric is—only that he’s in the shadows—and everyone is miserable. He hasn’t seen a single smile in too long.

“Are you coming in for dinner?” Julianne asked as she stepped out onto the porch.

Malique shook his head.

“Are you staying out here all night?” she asked, watching him.

Malique shrugged.

“I think I’ll join him,” Darius said, stepping around Julianne.

Jules sighed at the two warriors, her heart going out to them. She turned to the cabin and walked back to the kitchen.

“Room for me?” Darius asked as he sat next to Malique.

Malique didn’t crack a smile. He just moved over to make room for the Pegasus.

Darius sighed and stated, “I guess not much to smile about anymore. For a thousand years, I lived my life the way I wanted. The way I liked it: women, drink, and the skies. Then a beautiful young woman came into my life, bringing two large men with her. And everything changed. I no longer wanted what I had but what was before me. I wouldn’t trade the past few weeks I had with Akira for a thousand other women.”

Malique nodded. “I understand what you mean. I, too, was well set in my ways. Then came along the most stubborn, beautiful woman. And everything changed.”

“For the good,” Darius whispered.

Malique nodded and agreed, “for the good.”

A stinging sensation started in their chest, and they looked at each other. The stinging turned to burning, and the burning turned to throbbing. With shouts of pain, they stood and fell to their knees on the sand.

The others rushed out of the house to see what was going on and found the two warriors hollering in pain as they clutched their chests.

“What’s going on now?!” Jules shouted.

Malique and Darius pounded on their chests as the pain pumped through their body. The air was taken from their lungs, and they looked up at the heavens, begging the Gods to make it stop.

When the pain stopped, the two warriors stared at each other, then looked down at their chests.

“Holy fuck!” Malique hollered, jumping to his feet.

“What’s going on?” Levi asked, stepping off the porch.

Darius got to his feet, and both warriors turned to their friends. The others sucked in shocked breaths.

“Akira’s alive!” Darius shouted.

Julianne fell to her knees and cried into her hands.

“But how?” Levi asked, staring at the two warriors’ chests.

“Don’t know,” Malique said, looking at his chest again.

“Someone must have found her and revived her,” Darius said.

“But this long after she died?” Leviasen asked, perplexed.

“Maybe the Gods saved her. Who knows?” Darius said with a stupid grin. “She’s alive, and we need to find her.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

Everyone turned to the newcomer. Malique and Darius grinned.

“Welcome back, Brother,” Darius said, holding his hand out to the dire wolf.

Wolfric grinned and took Darius’s hand, pulling him in for a hug. Malique joined in the hug, and the three warriors shouted with joy.

“If she’s still in the waters, she won’t stay alive for long,” Stella said, watching the warriors with a secret smile.

“She has a point,” Jules said, wiping her eyes on her shirt.

“Then we’ll go into the waters and find her,” Wolfric said, turning from his friends and heading for the ocean.

“You can’t do that!” Malique hollered as he and the others chased after Wolfric.

“She’s alive—we need to find her,” Wolfric growled.

“Yes, but we don’t know where she is,” Jules said as she caught up to them.

Wolfric stopped and looked at the fairy. “What do you expect us to do?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Well, I do. I’m going into the ocean to find my Havent!”

Malique and Darius took hold of Wolfric’s arms to stop him from drowning himself like an idiot.

“What is that?” Fin asked, pointing toward the deep part of the waters.

“It’s coming toward us,” Levi whispered.

“Is that a fucking mermaid?” Darius asked as he watched.

“It has a tail but is too big to be a mermaid,” Malique said.

“It’s a merman,” Wolfric grumbled.

“What’s on his back?” Jules asked.

The group moved closer to the water and watched the merman and his passenger move closer to the shore.

“Is that… no, can’t be,” Jules whispered.

Jules stared at the merman, who was now on two legs and walking toward them, carrying a familiar bundle in his arms.

“Akira!” Wolfric shouted as he ran into the water.

“Fuck,” Malique said, chasing after his friend.

“Wolfie,” Akira whispered as she watched her wolf run toward them.

It was so cool to ride on her merman’s back, and when he grew legs, she’d wanted to jump his bones again. But held back because right now, she has three warriors running at them to worry about.

“Akira,” Wolfric said, stopping before them.

Malique and Darius stopped on either side of Wolfric. They stared at Akira and the merman, who was standing before them on two legs, butt-ass naked, with a nude Akira in his arms.

The merman grinned and said, “you must be Akira’s other warriors.”

The three warriors looked at the merman’s chest and grinned.

“Wolfie,” Akira whispered.

Wolfric walked to the merman. The merman took the sword from Akira’s hand as Wolfric took his Psychi from his arms.

Akira wrapped her arms around her Wolfie’s neck and cried into his throat.

“God, you smell like salt,” Wolfric said with a chuckle.

“And sex,” Malique grumbled.

“Your emblems were gone,” Akira mumbled.

“What do you mean?” Wolfric asked as he walked toward the shore.

Once on the shore, Akira told them about their emblems being gone from her chest until she and her new warrior mated. He got her emblem on his chest, and she got all four of theirs at once.

“Sounds painful,” Malique said, slipping a strand of hair behind her ear.

Akira nodded, “it was.”

“That would be why it took so long for us to get ours back,” Darius said.

Malique nodded in agreement, “right. She needed to get ours back first.” He looked into Akira’s eyes. “You scared the fuck out of us, little one,” he said, his face pinched in pain.

Akira nodded and reached out to her vampire. Malique leaned forward and gently kissed her lips.

“So, introduce us to our new brother,” Darius said with a smile.

Akira looked at her new warrior and smiled.

“Wolfie, Mal, Dar. Meet Zel.”

The four warriors chuckled.




Zelious nodded to each warrior as they said their name.

“Zelious,” he introduced himself.

Wolfric grinned at the man who saved his Psychi. “Well, Zelious,” he said with a nod.

“Welcome to the circle, Brother.”

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