Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Ten: He Is Mine!

‘Holy fuck,’ Wolfric thought, staring at the puddle on the floor of the tent.

“What the hell?!” the man bellowed.

The nymph appeared before the man, chains and collar free.

Wolfric watched the water nymph shove her hand into the man’s chest and pull out his heart. The man’s bulging eyes stared at her as his body fell to the tent’s floor. The nymph looked at Wolfric and laughed.

“Don’t look so shocked, young one. I am more than a mere water nymph.”

‘That’s an understatement,’ Wolfric thought, still staring at the nymph.

The woman dropped the heart and wiped her hands on the man’s pants.

“Now, to get you out of that collar. What fools, thinking you could speak in that form.”

Wolfric stood still and watched the water nymph. She reached for his collar and pulled it. It unclipped and fell to the floor. Wolfric looked down at the device and growled at it.

The nymph laughed, “let us get out of here.”

Wolfric nodded and followed her to the tent flap. She turned to him and grinned.

“It may be easier if you were in human form. An enormous wolf is harder to hide.”

Wolfric shifted and panted, holding his chest. It has never been so hard to shift before.

The nymph grinned, “hmm, just as handsome as I knew you would be.”

Wolfric looked into the woman’s eyes and saw pure desire shining back at him.


Wolfric didn’t get to say what he was about to say. The woman’s lips were on his, and he was trying his hardest not to offend her by pushing her away—but he wasn’t responding to the kiss either.

The water nymph backed away from him, a frown upon her lovely face. She placed her hand over his chest and sighed.

“I see.” She moved her hand over the mark under his shirt. “Pity.”

“I’m sorry….”

She smiled and said, “don’t be. I do hope she is worthy of you.”

Wolfric grinned, “believe me. She is. I am the one who may not be worthy of her.”


Akira’s cry had Wolfric looking out the flap of the tent.

“I see your Havent and friends have come to your rescue,” the water nymph said.

“I told them not to….”

“She doesn’t seem like a woman who listens well,” she laughed.

Wolfric grinned, “you have no idea.”

They stepped out of the tent and looked around at the burning buildings and tents. Looked like his friends have been busy.

“Wolfric!” Akira shouted from across the compound.

“Akira!” Wolfric yelled back.

Akira and her group turned to where Wolfric and a woman stood, watching them.

“Wolfie,” Akira whispered.

“Looks like he didn’t need our help after all,” Zelious snorted.

Akira moved away from her warriors, her eyes only for her wolf. She knows he would never do anything with another woman, but the look in the woman’s eyes said something had happened. But she didn’t care—her Wolfie was alive and soon would be in her arms.

“Akira!” Wolfric hollered when he saw his “master” come at her from her left.

Akira turned her head in time to watch a man jump at her. Before she could move, the man was down—a massive wolf on top of him. Akira watched as Wolfric growled in the man’s face.

“How did you get free?!” the man yelled, fear in his eyes.

“That would be me,” the nymph said, placing her hand on the wolf’s back.

Akira felt a pang of jealousy and almost tackled the woman to the ground. She held back her anger and stared at the man Wolfric was still snarling at.

“Wolfie,” Akira whispered, placing her hand on the wolf’s shoulder. “It’s over. Let’s get out of here.”

Wolfric looked at her, then back at the man.

“You’re right, little one,” Wolfric whispered into her mind.

“Come,” Akira said, backing away from them.

Wolfric snarled in the man’s face, then moved off him.

The man jumped to his feet and reached for Akira. Malique was on the man in an instant, his fangs in the man’s neck before he could touch Akira.

They watched the vampire drain the blood from the man’s body. The man fell to the ground once Malique finished.

“Uh….” Akira didn’t know what to say to that.

“He would have made us all his slaves,” Malique said, looking at the others.

“Akira,” Wolfric said once he was in human form again. “I told you to stay away.”

Akira smirked at him. “Did you actually think I was going to listen?”

Wolfric chuckled, “not even for a minute.”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Akira sighed as she leaned into her Wolfie. She smelled a scent on him that wasn’t his and pulled back to look up into his eyes.

Wolfric grinned down at her. “I love you,” he whispered.

Akira smiled and replied, “I love you, too.”

The water nymph made a noise, and they looked at her.

“I did not get your name,” Wolfric said, watching the nymph.

“It does not matter,” the nymph said, anger burning deep in her eyes.

“Well, we better get out of here,” Julianne said, looking around them at the carnage and burning tents.

Leviasen grinned, “I don’t think they will be in business for a while.”

The water nymph turned and headed for the road.

“Wolfie?” Akira asked, looking up at Wolfric.

He looked down at her and sighed, then whispered into her ear. He told her what had happened between him and the water nymph, and Akira’s eyes widened. She looked at the nymph and frowned. No one, not even a powerful nymph, will take her Wolfie from her.

The group passed by the auction house, and Wolfric stopped.

“We should set the others free,” he said, looking at the building.

Akira nodded in agreement. “Good idea.”

It took them an hour to free everyone, and soon they were on their way again, an angry, powerful water nymph close behind them. Akira knew she had to show the nymph that Wolfric belonged to her. But how would she do that when she hadn’t even tapped into her powers yet?


They traveled for hours before they finally stopped for the night. Akira watched the water nymph as the woman watched her Wolfie. Wolfric had told them everything that had happened to them as they traveled. The nymph had no plans to leave anytime soon—not without Wolfric, anyway. And Akira will not let the woman have him, even if she did save him. Akira knows she would have been the one to save her Wolfie if the nymph hadn’t been there.

Akira snuck away from the group and headed to the stream she could hear close to their camp. She needed to clear her mind. She’s never had to share her Wolfie before, and she didn’t like it.

Akira found the stream and sat in the grass. She looked out into the water and the trees across the water. As much as they hated the forest, the desert had been worse.

A noise in the water had Akira jumping to her feet. She watched the water nymph transform before her eyes. Water dripped from her body as she stood in the middle of the stream, glaring at her.

The nymph glared at Akira, “if it wasn’t for you, I would have him to myself.”

Akira glared back, “then get rid of me,” she dared the woman.

The nymph laughed, “if you died, he would be lost because of that bond you forced on him.”

Akira growled, “I didn’t ask to be a Havent. And even if I wasn’t one, Wolfric and I would still be together. He’s my soulmate….”

Akira covered her mouth with her hand. Why had she said that?

The nymph’s left eyebrow raised. “Soulmate?”

Akira shook her head and took a step back. She has wished and dreamed that Wolfric was her chosen mate, but never had she said it aloud as if she knew…

“Curious,” the nymph said, walking out of the water.

“I won’t let you have him,” Akira growled.

The nymph smiled. First time Akira had seen the woman smile since she met her.

“I am Amelia,” the nymph said, holding her hand out to Akira.

Akira wasn’t sure if she could trust the woman—but didn’t want to offend her either, so she took the woman’s hand.

Amelia pulled Akira to her and looked deep into her eyes.

Akira found she couldn’t move; she could only stare into the deep green eyes of the water nymph. After what felt like years but was maybe a minute or two, the nymph let Akira go with a laugh.

“I see,” Amelia said with a bright smile. “You are truly worthy of him, as well as the others.”

Akira blinked. What did she mean by that?

“I am truly honored to meet you, princess.” Amelia bowed.

Akira stared at her. “Uh, I’m not a princess.”

Amelia smiled, “if you say so. Now, what am I going to do about what’s to come?”

“What?” Akira took a step back.

“You have many adventures ahead of you, Akira Hendrix. Or should I say, young Valkyrie?”

Akira shook her head. “I’m not a Valkyrie. My ancestor was.”

Amelia chuckled and said, “but of course. Please forgive me for my earlier behavior. I am not used to not getting what I want. But you are correct. Wolfric is yours—no one will ever be able to claim him.”

Akira smiled with understanding. “I already knew that.”

Amelia looked her up and down, “you are a small one. But fierce, no one has ever spoken to me the way you did—once they know what I truly am.”

Akira shrugged. “I’m more than what you see.”

“Oh, my dear. You are more than what you see….”


Wolfric’s voice distracted Akira, and she turned toward camp.

“I will be leaving you and your friends now.” Amelia took a step back into the water. “You will come across my kind again—when you do, please help her,” she said, then was gone.


“Over here!” Akira hollered.

Her four warriors and four friends appeared in the small clearing she stood in beside the creek. She smiled as they gathered around her.

“You had us worried,” Wolfric said, pulling her into his arms.

“I needed time to myself,” Akira said, holding onto her wolf.

Nibbles purred as he rubbed himself against her ankles.

“I see you found a creek,” Zelious said, staring at the delicious water.

“Yes.” Akira looked back at the creek where the water nymph had disappeared.

“The nymph was gone too, and we were worried she may have done something to you,” Julianne said, a sour look on her face.

Akira smiled. “She followed me. But she and I came to an understanding.”

The group looked at her, confused. Akira told them what had happened and that the nymph was gone now, and they could continue their search for her fifth warrior.

“This has been a crazy trip,” Jules said, shaking her head.

Akira smiled, “and there’s so much more to come.”

She left one thing out of her story. She didn’t tell them about her calling Wolfric her soulmate or Amelia’s words on the matter. That was something she was keeping to herself. If Wolfric isn’t her chosen mate, she’s not letting him go, and her chosen mate will have to deal with a big bad wolf in their bed and their everyday life.

The group spent an hour in the water and retired to the camp for dinner and a good night’s rest before starting their journey once again.

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