Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Four: Revenge is Best Served Wet

The demon laughed. “That soulless beauty was a Havent? Color me surprised.” He grinned.

Zelious growled. He could feel Wolfric’s reaction—wherever he was in the shadows.

“And once again, you have come alone,” the demon smirked. “You know you can’t kill me.”

Zelious grinned and scoffingly said, “no. But I can exile you.”

Variathon backed away as Zelious swam toward him. “Exiled for what? It was one little insignificant girl….”

The demon gurgled as a large hand wrapped around his throat and lifted him off his feet.

Zelious laughed at the look on the demon’s face. “Who said I was alone?”

“Did you order the monster to kill my Havent?” Wolfric growled in the demon’s face.

Variathon grinned, “hello, wolf.”

“Answer me!” Wolfric snarled, holding the demon above his head.

“A bit upset, are we?” the demon asked.

“Did you kill my Psychi?” Wolfric asked again, snarling in the demon’s face.

Variathon laughed, “sadly, no, I didn’t. It was a lovely surprise. It always gives me chills when someone parishes….” The demon didn’t get to finish his sentence—Wolfric broke his neck and dropped him to the ocean floor.

Zelious held in his laughter as he watched the demon float to the ocean floor. He looked up at his fellow warrior and sighed. He’s lucky he hadn’t met Akira before she was killed. What her other three warriors must have gone through after her death.

“He cannot be killed in this world,” Zelious informed Wolfric.

Wolfric looked up at him and nodded. “I know. But at least now he can’t talk, and you can do whatever you need to do to get rid of his sorry ass.”

Zelious nodded to Wolfric, then looked back down at the demon. “I think I will prepare the spell, then wait for him to wake. I want my face to be the last thing he sees before he’s exiled to hell for good.”

Wolfric grinned. “Sounds good. What do you need?”


Two hours later, Zelious and Wolfric had everything ready and waiting. When the demon opened his eyes, Zelious grinned down at him. He’d created an air bubble around the demon’s face to protect the candle he held above the demon.

“By the way.” Zelious held the candle over Variathon’s head so the demon could see the melting wax. “That “girl” is my Havent.”

The demon’s eyes opened wide when he saw the wax drip toward him. He screamed and tried to seep into the shadows.

“Not this time,” Wolfric snarled as he came out of the shadows behind the demon and wrapped his arms around him.

The wax dripped onto the demon’s face.

Wolfric turned his head and tried not to listen to the sizzling and screaming. The demon vanished, and Wolfric looked up at the merman.

Zelious nodded, “let’s find your bags and get back to our Havent.”

Wolfric nodded and accepted the hand up.

They searched the ship and found their bags, as well as their weapons. They left the ship and swam toward shore.

“What about the Leviathan?” Wolfric asked.

Zelious looked back at the wolf. “I will take care of him later.”

“What will you do with him?”

Zelious smiled and informed Wolfric, “he’s one of the very last of his kind. I’m going to lock him away.”

“Lock him away? Isn’t that the same as banishing or exiling?”

Zelious shrugged. “It’s a little different. Banishing or exiling as I did to the demon sends them to a place where they will feel nothing but pain….” Zelious stopped talking and looked at Wolfric’s shocked face. “Trust me. He deserved it. This wasn’t the first ship he caused to sink to the bottom of the ocean, and it would not have been the last. And Akira is not the first to die by his hand or those he controlled.”

Wolfric nodded. “So, where are you sending the Leviathan?”

“To a realm where he will have plenty of ocean and no worries of him killing an innocent.”

Wolfric looked up at the dark surface of the sea. “Akira will be happy to hear that.”


“There they are.” Darius grinned as he pointed out into the ocean.

Akira looked out and sighed with relief when she spotted her two warriors. Two large men walked onto the beach, one naked and one in wet clothes, both grinning from ear to ear.

“Found your bags.” Zelious dropped two bags at Akira’s feet.

Akira grinned at him, then squealed when he picked her up and spun her around.

“How did it go?” she asked with a laugh when he set her down.

“We found who sent the sea dragon after the ship,” Zelious said, looking into her eyes.

She sucked in a breath. “Someone sent it after us?”

Zelious shook his head, “no, not after you, after the ship. I’ve been hunting this demon for a long time.”

Zelious and Wolfric told them what went down in the waters.

Akira watched their faces as they talked. So, someone forced the sea dragon to attack them. Well, how can she hate the creature for killing her if it wasn’t on his to-do list?

“Akira?” Wolfric whispered, watching her take in their story.

She looked at him, then at her merman. “What are you going to do with the Leviathan?” she asked.

Zelious smiled and told her his plans.

Akira sighed with relief.

Wolfric lifted Akira into his arms and headed for the cabin. “It’s time you got a change of clothes,” he said, looking into her eyes.

Akira smiled up at her wolf, then looked over his shoulder to find her other three warriors lifting their soaked bags and following. How was she so lucky to have four strong, gorgeous men?

Akira looked up at Wolfric again and smiled.

The Gods must like her.


“I’m so glad the guys insisted on getting waterproof bags,” Akira said as she and Jules pulled clothes from her bag.

“Did they place a spell on this bag? Because I never heard of a bag surviving the bottom of the ocean like this.”

Akira shrugged. “Who knows with those two?”

Jules nodded as she handed Akira some clothes. “The water works, and the guys got the power going, so there’s hot water, but not much,” she said, looking up at Akira.

Akira smiled at her best friend, “just say it.”

Jules let the tears fall down her cheeks and punched Akira on the shoulder. “Bitch.”

Akira smiled and pulled Jules into a hug. “I love you too.”

“Don’t you EVER do that to me again,” Jules cried.

Akira closed her eyes and held onto her friend. “You know I can’t promise that.”

Julianne snorted as she backed out of the hug and wiped her eyes. “Go take a shower,” she said, pointing to the bathroom.

Akira smiled and turned toward the bathroom.

“And Akira,” Jules whispered.

Akira paused and turned to her friend.

“You owe your warriors a lot more than hugs and kisses.” Jules turned and left the room.

Akira smiled. She’d already anticipated a fivesome tonight. Whistling a sexy tune, Akira went into the bathroom and took her shower.


“Did she say anything to you?” Leviasen asked when Julianne entered the living room.

Jules shook her head, “no.”

The warriors looked at the fairy when she spoke.

“Is she okay?” Wolfric asked.

Jules nodded, “she’s fine. She’s in the shower.”

“I wonder what she has to share with us,” Darius wondered out loud.

“She will tell us when she’s ready,” Wolfric said, flopping down on the couch.

Luckily, Julianne is a clean freak and has dusted every space in the cabin—twice. She looked at the warriors and noticed that while she was talking to Akira, they’d changed clothes, and someone had loaned Fish-Boy a pair of pants.

“How did you find her?” Wolfric blurted out, looking at the new warrior.

Zelious looked at Wolfric, then the other two warriors, and sighed. “Well, I felt her. I knew my mate was close, but I didn’t know she was dead. Then I saw a glow….”

“Wait….” Wolfric jumped to his feet. “She was glowing?”

Zelious nodded and answered, “yep. Her whole body was glowing an amber color.”

“That’s her healing powers,” Malique whispered.

Wolfric returned to his place on the couch.

“So that’s her powers? She’s a healer?” Zelious asked, looking from one warrior to the other.

He’d thought it would be something more powerful than that…

“She’s a powerful healer, and there’s more to her. We think it will come out once she has found all her warriors,” Wolfric informed him.

“Hmmm.” Zelious tapped his chin.

“She must have been alive when you found her,” Darius said, looking between his fellow warriors.

Zelious shook his head. “She was dead. I could see it in her dull eyes….”

“Then why was she glowing?” Malique wondered.

“Maybe there’s more to this than the Gods told us,” Darius said.

“The Gods?” Zelious asked.

Darius got to his feet and moved closer to the merman. “This stays between her warriors,” he whispered.

Zelious nodded.

“Akira is Zeus’s great-great-niece.”

Zelious’s eyes opened wide, and his mouth fell open. “Holy….”

“I feel so much better.”

Everyone turned and smiled at Akira.

“What’s going on?” Akira asked, looking around at her friends and warriors.

“We’re just happy to see you.” Jules took hold of Akira’s arm and led her to the couch Wolfric was sitting on.

Akira smiled as she sat down on the couch. Within seconds, she was surrounded by her warriors. There wasn’t enough room on the sofa, so she found herself on Wolfric’s lap while the other three surrounded them.

“Okay, so what’s the big news you needed all of us for?” Darius asked.

Akira looked at her four warriors and smiled. “I died,” she said bluntly.

The four warriors stared at her.

“We know that, love,” Wolfric said, fighting the urge to smother her in kisses.

Wolfric settled on pressing his nose into her hair and breathing her in.

Akira sighed and closed her eyes to the feel of her Wolfie sniffing her. “I went to the afterlife,” she whispered.

Wolfric froze, and the others stared at her.

“Are you sure?” Malique asked.

Akira nodded. “The man who greeted me said so. Then he showed me the eighteen doors of my life. We went inside door eighteen, and he showed me my last moments and all of you….”

Akira told her warriors and friends about her time in the afterlife. When she finished, Wolfric pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

“I wonder who the man meant when he said, ‘before he finds you,’” Darius said, looking around at everyone.

“Probably me,” Zelious said.

Everyone looked at the merman.

“How did you bring her back?” Wolfric asked.

“I breathed air into her lungs. A voice kept whispering in my head to keep trying.”

Everyone looked down at Akira, who was snuggled deep in Wolfric’s arms.

“Well, I guess the Gods are on our side,” Malique said with a devilish grin.

“We better heed their warning next time.” Darius nodded.

“Indeed.” Zelious watched them. “I don’t want to go through what you three went through.”

“Okay, so the plan is to stay alive and watch for death omens,” Julianne said, watching them.

Everyone nodded. No one wanted a repeat of this day.

They were never going through the anguish of loss, not ever again.

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