Her Halloween Treat (Dragon Force - A Holiday Mini Series - Book One - Nature Dragon)

Chapter Chapter Fourteen: New Friends

Lyra watched the doctor as she examined her. “You’re really a doctor, right?”

The doctor looked up at her and smiled. “Yes.”

Lyra snorted, “that’s what that fake nurse said.”

The doctor stood up straight and pulled out her ID. Lyra took it and read it.

Doctor Abigail Harper

Lyra nodded and handed it back to her. “Thank you, Doctor Harper.”

The doctor nodded. “You can call me Abi.”

Lyra blinked. “Really? First name basis?”

Abi laughed, “after what just happened, you could sue the hospital, so yea, first name basis.”

Lyra shook her head and sighed. “It’s not your fault people are after me.”

Abi studied her patient. “Williams,” she whispered. “Future Mayor Williams’ daughter?”

Lyra nodded.

“Didn’t know he had one.”

Lyra shook her head. “No one is supposed to know. It is supposed to keep me safe. But somehow, someone found out and threatened my father with my life to get him to drop out.”

Abi frowned. “I see,” she said with a nod, then went back to checking Lyra over. “I know this is uncomfortable. But I need to ask it.”

Lyra held her breath. She knew what the woman was going to ask.

“Did he rape you?”

Lyra took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. “No.” ‘Thank God.’

“Good,” Abi said with a deep sigh. “I won’t put you through the tests then.”

Lyra nodded. She didn’t want to go through anything that would remind her of what happened. It was bad enough she would have to tell her mate and father. Oh God, did she really have to tell them?

“Okay, I am done. You have a clean bill of health. If your boyfriend could bring you a change of clothes, I can let you go.”

Lyra nodded. She wondered if her mate had caught the fake nurse.


“What the fuck do you think you are doing sending men after my mate?!” Maverick sneered into the phone.

“Who is this?”

“You know exactly who this is, Dick.”



“What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t do anything to your mate. Didn’t know you had one.”

Maverick sneered, “your man here says different.”

Maverick held the phone out to the man who had pretended to be a nurse to get close to Lyra. He should tear his head off just for that.

“Sir, they caught me questioning Lyra Williams.”

“Motherfucker! Can’t you do anything right?!”

“I’m sorry, sir….”

“Listen here, and listen good,” Maverick said, taking the phone back. “You ever come near my mate again, and I don’t care where you hide, I will fucking find you.”

“Look, I didn’t know she was your mate. I just sent James there to check on her, make sure they didn’t hurt her. When I heard they were attacked by Dragons and the girl was hurt, I had to make sure nothing….”

“You had no right taking her! Stay out of human affairs!”

“Hey, look, I think it’s time that Shifters were leading….”

“I swear to God, Dickson, if you come near Lyra or her family again, I will tear off your dick and make you eat it for dinner, then rip off your head and feed it to my Dragon!”

“Uh, that’s a bit much, don’t you think?”

“You tried to kill my mate several times, and this time she was nearly raped!” Maverick snarled, Emerald showing his anger.

“Killed? I never tried to kill her. I only had her kidnapped so her father would drop out. I didn’t even know she existed until the Halloween party when I saw her with you.”

Maverick blinked. “What?”

“Yeah, whoever was after her before, it wasn’t me.”

“Motherfucker!” Maverick bellowed. “Stay the fuck away from her and her family!” he said, then hung up and looked up at his friends. “Lyra is still in danger.”

“We heard,” Daniel said with a nod.

“What do we do with this piece of shit?” Andrew asked, shaking the fake nurse by the arm.

“Let him run back to Dickson. I don’t think we will have any problems with them anymore.”

Andrew let the man go and didn’t pay attention as he took off away from the hospital.

“Let’s get to your mate,” Daniel said, heading for the hospital entrance.

“I just can’t believe this shit isn’t over!” Maverick growled.

“Let’s get Lyra to her parents, and we will tell them what we know,” Andrew said as they entered the hospital.

They made it to Lyra’s room without any trouble. When she told them she was free to go as soon as they got her a change of clothes, Maverick sighed with relief.

Lyra told Maverick that the bastard had not raped her, that Emerald had shown up just in time.

Maverick will never forgive himself for letting those fuckers take Lyra from him. It will haunt him for the rest of his life.

And Dragons live a very long time.


It didn’t take them long to get Lyra a change of clothes. As they were about to leave, the doctor returned to check on Lyra.

“You weren’t kidding,” Abi said, looking at the three large men. “They’re huge.”

“You have no idea,” Andrew whispered, his eyes glued to the red-haired beauty.

Her hair was almost the color of his fire, and he wanted to sink his teeth into her flesh until she screamed with pleasure.

His dragon stirred and looked at the doctor.

‘I could have a taste of that,’

‘Shut up, Rock,’ Andrew grumbled. ‘You could have a taste of any woman willing to spread her legs for us.’

‘True, but this one is yummy, yummy, yummy, in my tummy, tummy, tummy.’

‘Oh, dear Lord,’ Andrew growled. ‘Just shut up and go back to sleep.’

Rock shrugged his large shoulders and curled back into a ball in the back of Andrew’s mind. Fuck, he needs to get laid.

“I am glad to see you have plenty of protection. Is this Friday still a go?” the doctor asked, looking at Lyra.

Lyra smiled. “Yep. See you Friday.”

Maverick led Lyra out of the room, looking back at the doctor as he passed her. There was something about her he couldn’t figure out.

Daniel left the room, nodding to the doctor as he passed her.

Andrew didn’t look at the doctor as he passed through the door. He didn’t need to look at her to know he wanted to fuck her. And right now, his priority was keeping his friend’s mate alive.

“What’s this Friday?” Maverick asked Lyra as they stepped out the exit.

“Abi and I are going to the movies,” Lyra said with a smile.

“Abi?” Andrew asked.

Lyra looked at him. “Doctor Abigail Harper.”

“Abigail,” Andrew whispered. The name fit her.

“Alone?” Daniel asked.

Lyra looked at Daniel. “Well, alone as we can get with three hunking men following us around.”

The three Dragons chuckled.

“Hunking men?” Maverick asked, pulling her against his side. He kissed the top of her head and led her to the car lot across from the hospital.

It took less than thirty minutes to drive to the Williams Estate and less than thirty seconds for her parents to run outside and practically knock her over.

“Lyra,” Janessa cried, burying her face in her daughter’s shoulder. “Thank God.”

“I’m okay, Mom,” Lyra said, patting her mother’s back.

“Are you sure, baby girl?” Albert asked, looking his daughter dead in the eyes.

Lyra nodded. “I am fine, Daddy. I promise.”

Albert nodded and wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter.

“We should really take this inside,” Maverick said, watching them.

The Williams family moved inside with the group of Shifters close behind them.

“Is it over?” Janessa asked, watching the Shifters.

“No, ma’am,” Maverick informed them.

“What do you mean?” Albert asked. “I thought you killed them all.”

“He did,” Andrew said, stepping forward. “The men who took your daughter tonight did not work for whoever has been sending you threatening letters.”

“Then who did they work for?!” Albert demanded.

“A Shifter named Valtore Dickson. He believes that Shifters should rule the humans. We have had run-ins with him before. And now that he knows Lyra is my mate, he won’t touch her again,” Maverick assured them.

“Unless he wants to eat his cock for dinner,” Daniel said with a laugh.

Lyra looked from Maverick to Daniel and back again. Maverick had a grin on his face she knew all too well and couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Then we have no clue who wants me to drop out,” Albert said with agitation.

“No, sir. But we will find them, I promise,” Tony said with a nod.

Albert looked at him. “I only hired you to protect my family….”

“Lyra is a Shifter Mate. She is a part of our world now. We are very protective of our kind and will do anything to find who wants to harm them,” Tony said, looking from Lyra to Maverick then back to Albert.

Albert looked at his daughter, who was smiling up at Maverick, and sighed. No use in fighting it. His daughter is now a part of a world they know nothing about.

“What do you need us to do?” Janessa asked, placing her hand on her husband’s arm.

Albert patted his wife’s hand, letting her know he was all right with all of this.

“Maverick and his men will continue to protect your daughter, I have a group of wolves ready to protect you and Mr. Williams, and we find who is threatening your daughter,” Tony said with a nod.

“And I drop out,” Albert announced.

“No,” Lyra said, looking at her father. “Then they win. Daddy, you can’t let them win. You are going to become mayor and make sure our city survives.”

Albert looked at his daughter. She has so much faith in him. If he drops out, it will disappoint her.

‘But she will be alive!’

Albert looked at Maverick and closed his eyes. She has a mate now who can protect her. And he’s sure after what just happened that he will never let her out of his sight again. He opened his eyes and nodded.

“Okay, baby girl. I won’t pull out. But if your Dragons can’t protect you, I swear to God, if I must, I will move us to another continent!”

Lyra threw her arms around her father and held him tight. “Okay, Daddy.”

Albert smiled and held his daughter.

“It is settled then,” Tony said, nodding to his men. “Time to get everything together.”


Lyra looked at the clock on her wall. ‘Shit, Abi is going to be here any minute.’

“Why are you so nervous?” Mickie asked, watching Lyra move around her apartment.

Lyra stopped and turned to her friend. “Not nervous, excited. You know I don’t have many friends. Especially female friends. Especially ones as smart as Abigail Harper.”

Mickie chuckled, “thanks for including me in tonight. It’s going to be a blast. Especially with all these huge ass Shifters coming along,” he said, looking over at Lyra’s bodyguards.

Lyra grinned. “Mav would never let me go anywhere without him.”

“Doesn’t that get annoying?” Mickie asked, looking back at Lyra.

Lyra shook her head. “Nah, I love him….” Lyra covered her mouth with her hand. ‘Shit.’


Lyra closed her eyes; she knew he’d heard her. He has supersonic hearing, after all. She opened her eyes and slowly turned to her mate. She hadn’t told him that she loves him yet, and for him to find out this way…

“Do you mean it?” Maverick asked, watching her.

Lyra couldn’t find her voice, so she nodded.

Maverick grinned. He has been trying to find a way to tell her that he loves her. And to hear her say it like it was a normal thing to say in a normal conversation—made his heart soar.

Lyra watched her mate move toward her and squealed when he yanked her against his chest.

“I love you too,” he whispered, then claimed her mouth in a searing kiss.

The sound of the doorbell ringing didn’t even penetrate Lyra’s thoughts as she kissed her mate. He loves her!

“Hi there,” Abi said when Daniel opened the door.

Daniel smiled. “Hey, Doc.”

Abi smiled and moved into the apartment as he held the door open wider for her. She noticed everyone was trying to avoid something and turned to find her new friend kissing her mate. She grinned and looked at the one who had opened the door for her.

“Something happen?”

“They finally said the three little words to each other,” Daniel said with a grin.

Abi chuckled. She wasn’t much of a romantic, but she was happy for her new friend.

“Hi, I’m Mickie,” Mickie said, holding his hand out to Abi. “Lyra’s best friend.”

Abi smiled and shook his hand. “I am Abigail, Lyra’s new friend. And maybe yours too?” she asked, winking at him.

Mickie laughed, “I like you.”

“Why, thank you.”

“Okay, you two! We have a movie to get to!” Andrew shouted at the two still kissing.

With a chuckle, Lyra and Maverick separated.

“Abi,” Lyra said with a smile when she noticed her new friend.

She moved over to Abi and gave her a hug.

“Lyra,” Abi said, accepting Lyra’s hug.

“Let’s go,” Andrew said, ushering everyone out the door.

They made their way outside and stopped when a car pulled up in front of them.

“What now?” Maverick mumbled when he saw their boss get out of his car.

“I see you guys are headed out,” Tony said as he rounded the front of his car.

“What are you doing here, boss?” Daniel asked, watching Tony.

Tony stopped and looked at the young man with the group. ‘Beautiful,’ his bear snarled in his head. ’I want some.”

Tony smiled. ‘Easy now, we don’t know if he’s into men.’

His bear snarled and stood on his hind legs. ‘Stay, play.’

Tony looked at Maverick. “Something told me to check in with you guys. I didn’t know what it was. I was going to call but decided to show up.”

Maverick shrugged his shoulders. “If it’s not business-related, you can join us.”

Tony grinned. “Yeah, I think I could use a night off.” He looked at the young man again and held out his hand. “Tony Pistola, boss of these morons.”

Mickie grinned and shook the Shifter’s hand. “Mickie.”

“Mickie,” Tony said softly.

‘I like it,’ Tony’s bear said with a rumble.

Tony grinned. ‘So do I.’

“All righty, so off we go then,” Andrew said, leading the group down the street.

Lyra looked up at Maverick with a sweet smile. “I think your boss has the hots for my friend.”

Maverick looked at Tony, then at Mickie, and chuckled. “I think you are right. What about Mickie? You know your friend better than I do.”

Lyra looked at Mickie and grinned. “Oh yes, he is definitely interested.”

Maverick wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back, so they were walking behind everyone.

“When I first took the job to protect you, I never thought it would end up like this.”

“Like what?” she whispered.

He looked down at her. “Finding my mate and making new friends.”

She grinned up at him. “Yeah, when I saw you with my father that first night, I didn’t think anything like this would happen.”

“I miss those bushes,” he said with a deep sigh.

She watched him. “Seriously?”

He chuckled and pulled her closer. “Nature calls to me, love.”

“Of course,” she said with a smile. “I will show you my garden on the roof.”

He looked down at her. “You have a garden on your roof, and you didn’t tell me?”

She wrapped both arms around him. “I will make it up to you,” she promised.

Maverick growled, “making love under the stars in your garden would go far to making things up to me.”

A chill ran up her spine, and she looked up at him. “All right.”

He stared down at her then started chuckling. “I am going to hold you to that.”

She grinned. “Looking forward to it.”

Maverick leaned forward and kissed her sweetly on the lips.

Their lives may be full of danger, but at least they have each other.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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