Her Halloween Treat (Dragon Force - A Holiday Mini Series - Book One - Nature Dragon)

Chapter Chapter Five: A Moment

“Lyra?” Maverick watched Lyra’s eyes un-fog as she shook her head.

“Sorry,” she said with another of her beautiful smiles.

If he’s not careful, he’s going to lose his job. And it will all be because of this lovely woman who has his interest more than any woman before her.

“Sorry,” Lyra said again, looking up at him. “I was just thinking about how great it would be if I had my own party business.”

Maverick looked around the room and smiled. Everyone was having a great time, especially the kids.

“Yeah, you would make a killing.” He looked at her and smirked. “Not that you need the money.”

Lyra shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind making my own money. I’m not a spoiled bitch, you know.”

Maverick chuckled, “oh, believe me, sweets, I know.”

Lyra looked at him. Only Mickie has ever called her that. She thought it would feel strange coming from someone else. But honestly, coming from Maverick—it felt right.

“Am I not allowed to call you that?” Maverick asked as if he had read her mind.

Lyra smiled. “Only Mickie has ever called me that.”

“So, no,” he said, watching her.

Lyra shrugged. “I kind of liked it coming from your mouth….” Lyra closed her mouth.

What is wrong with her?

Maverick chuckled at the look on Lyra’s face. She was adorable when she was embarrassed.

“Good,” he said with a nod. “Because I think I like it too.”

She chuckled and gave him a slight shove. Not that she could dream of moving his bulk. She wondered for not the first-time what kind of Shifter he was.

What does he shift into that makes him so big?


“Wonderful party, Mr. Mayor.”

Albert smiled at the sheriff. “Thanks, Paulie. Lyra put it together this year.”

Paulie Brown and Albert Williams have been friends for more than twenty years. Paulie is one of the few people in their lives who knows Albert and his wife have a daughter. When they had discovered Janessa was finally pregnant, they had decided to move away for a while. Three years later, they came back with a toddler and plans for their future. It was Paulie who insisted that he run for mayor.

“I’m not mayor yet,” Albert said with a chuckle.

Paulie grinned. “You’ve got this, I guarantee it.”

Albert nodded and turned when he heard someone come up beside him. He smiled at his wife and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Everything okay?” he whispered into her ear.

Janessa nodded and smiled at Paulie. “Shariff,” she said with a nod.

Paulie grinned. “You look lovely as ever, Jan.”

Janessa smiled. “How is Betsie?”

“She’s good. I hear your little angle is one hell of a party planner.”

Janessa grinned. “Who would have thought, right?”

Paulie laughed, “especially after that boring party your husband threw, why even your mother-in-law was bored out of her mind.”

Albert scowled, and Janessa laughed.

“Lyra pointed that out when she asked to plan this party,” Janessa said, still chuckling.

Paulie nodded and turned when something caught his eye. “Who’s the big guy? He looks like trouble.”

Albert and Janessa turned to where Paulie was looking. Janessa smiled. Maverick and Lyra were talking off to the side, mingling as if they were on a date.

“And when did your daughter gain so much weight?” Paulie asked, a confused look on his face.

“That’s just padding,” Janessa said, looking back at Paulie. “Albert insisted on it.”

“Insisted?” Paulie asked, looking at Albert.

Albert shrugged. “I told you about the death threats on my daughter. I’m not taking any chances.”

Paulie nodded. “And the huge man beside her?”

“Her bodyguard,” Janessa said with a wide smile.

“Shifter,” Albert said before Paulie could ask anything.

Paulie nodded. “I see. So, you used the company I suggested.”

Albert nodded. “I did. And if it wasn’t for me being overprotective of my daughter, she would have died within the first few days of them working for me.”

Paulie looked at him. “They were working for you when she was shot?”

Albert nodded. “Claims that they were chasing someone who was following her. So, they brought in the big guns, so to speak,” he said, looking at the giant Shifter again.

Paulie nodded. “What is he?”

“He claims to be a Dragon.”

Janessa sucked in a shocked breath.

Paulie grunted, “be careful; I have heard stories about them.”

Albert nodded. “So far, he hasn’t done anything untoward.”

“Untoward? Really darling?” Janessa asked with a chuckle.

Albert smiled and kissed the top of his wife’s head.

“If Lyra is interested in planning parties for others, let me know. Betsie’s birthday is coming up, and I have so much shit at the office to take care of. We have a future Mayor who has threats coming at him right and left,” Paulie said with a grin.

Janessa chuckled, “I will let Lyra know.”

Paulie nodded. “Thanks.”

“She did do an amazing job,” Albert said with a nod.

“That she did, darling. That she did,” Janessa said with a proud smile.

She always knew her daughter had talent.


Lyra giggled at something Maverick said. She wasn’t totally sure what he said, but whatever it was made the others laugh, so she didn’t want to be left out. She was having trouble concentrating on anything anyone said. She was so enthralled by the larger-than-life Shifter beside her.

“He is so entertaining,” Mickie said, coming up behind Lyra.

Lyra jumped and almost smacked her face on Maverick’s large back.

Maverick stopped talking and looked down at her.

Lyra smiled up at Maverick then turned to Mickie.

“You scared the shit out of me.”

Mickie chuckled. “Sorry, sweets.”

“And that was the last time I went to an ER doctor,” Maverick said, finishing his story.

“Wow, you are so brave,” a woman said, leaning her tits into Maverick’s arm.

Maverick backed away from the woman and forced a smile. “Not really,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Oh, but I must disagree.”

“Okay, that’s enough for one night,” Mickie said, taking the woman’s elbow and moving her away from Maverick.

Mickie had seen the look in Lyra’s eyes, and he wasn’t going to let his friend beat the crap out of this woman at her parent’s party. Even if no one knows she’s their daughter, she would be embarrassed tomorrow. He winked at Lyra then turned to Maverick.

“Why don’t you take her out for some fresh air while I show Miss hangover here to the coffee tray.”

Maverick grinned and nodded to Mickie, then looked at Lyra.

“Shall we?” Maverick asked, motioning for Lyra to proceed him through the door to the balcony.

Lyra smiled. “Why, thank you,” she said with a slight bow, then giggled as she passed him.

Maverick grinned. He loved it when she laughed, especially that soft giggle of hers.

They walked out onto the balcony. Lyra sighed as she leaned against the railing.

“Nice night,” Maverick observed.

Lyra nodded. “It is, isn’t it?”

“So, what does a guy got to do to get your attention?” Maverick asked, moving in closer to her from behind.

Lyra froze. Was he coming onto her?

“I’ve been watching you all night,” he whispered into her ear. “The only men you have talked to are Mickie and me.”

Lyra felt a shiver run down her spine. “I told you, I don’t let men get close to me.”

Maverick slid his hand up her arm. “What about men who already know you’re a rich princess and don’t care?”

Lyra giggled and slowly turned to look up into Maverick’s brown eyes.

“Well, I don’t know, that hasn’t happened….” She sucked in a breath and stiffened when his lips touched hers.

“Relax,” he whispered against her mouth. “Someone is watching us from below. Act as though you are enjoying this.”

Lyra sighed and placed her hands on his shoulders. She wouldn’t let him get any closer, but his lips didn’t need his body to be close to devour her mouth. Shit! Was this a show for the people below or her?

“You taste of mint,” he said, licking his lips.

She smiled up at him. “Mint lip gloss.”

He nodded and looked over the balcony. “They’re gone.”

She nodded and turned from him. Guess that was all she was worth, a kiss for show.

“Lyra,” he whispered from behind her. “Are you okay?”

His breath fluffed her hair and gave her chills.

“I’m fine,” she lied.

Maverick sighed, “sweets, you don’t sound fine.”

Lyra shrugged. “I guess I had hoped for more than a kiss for show….” She squealed as he turned her to face him.

“You mean like this?” he asked, then claimed her lips once again.

Lyra moaned, placing her hands on his shoulders again. She can’t let him too close; he can’t feel the stuffing in her clothes… Fuck, why can’t she show him the real her? The sexy, fisty, not skinny but not fat—woman—who wants him to fuck her until she can’t walk for a year.

“God, your mouth tastes good,” he said out of breath as he lifted his head.

She giggled, “it’s the lip gloss.”

He snorted, “it’s more than that. You, my dear sweet woman, taste good enough to eat.”

Lyra sighed. She has never been told that before. Then again, she has never kissed a Shifter before. She giggled and placed her hand over her mouth.

Maverick’s eyebrow raised. “Something funny?”

She shook her head. “No, not at all. I was just thinking about how you’re the first Shifter I have ever kissed.”

He chuckled. “Is that so?”

She nodded, and he moved his hand behind her head. He held her head still and moved closer, but not too close, she still held him back with her hands on his shoulders, and he respected her space enough to not push.

“How about I take another taste of that sweet mouth of yours?”

She nodded and closed her eyes when his head descended to her. His lips touched hers, and she sighed with pleasure as a zing shot through her, making her wet. She had never felt this before, and she liked it.

The clearing of a throat had Maverick raising his head. He didn’t let go of her neck as he turned to look at the person who had disturbed the best kiss of his life. Lyra was so sweet and innocent. He hadn’t realized how much until he had kissed her. He could smell her—she was wet for him. He hoped to get through the night without ravaging her.

When Maverick’s eyes locked with Lyra’s father’s, he let go of her head and jumped back.

“I don’t think I am paying you to kiss my daughter,” Albert Williams said, agitated that he found a man molesting his daughter. The very man who had promised to protect her.

“Yes, sir,” Maverick said with a nod, then turned back to Lyra and smiled. “I will see you inside,” he said, then winked at her and headed through the door.

Lyra looked at her father, a frown on her face.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Albert said, trying not to look at his daughter’s swollen lips.

“You didn’t’ have to do that,” Lyra whispered.

Albert snorted, “I pay him to protect you, not molest you.”

Lyra grumbled, “I am an adult, Dad.” She emphasized the word dad, to show him how agitated she was. Daddy wasn’t what she was going to call him when he had interrupted the best moment in her life.

Albert sighed, “look, baby girl. I know the thought of being with a Shifter is exciting, but he’s dangerous….”

“Then why did you hire him?” she asked, watching him.

“To protect you!”

Lyra chuckled, “so it’s okay for him to be around me if he’s protecting me. But if he likes me….” She looked down at herself in the abundance of paddings that hid her figure. “Look at me, Dad,” she said, looking up at him. “Even like this, that sexy as hell Shifter was interested in me. ME! Not my money, but ME!”

Albert sighed, “are you sure that is what he was interested in? He knows who you are….”

Lyra growled angrily and shoved past her father. Without a word, she entered the house and looked for her bodyguard to apologize for her father.

“Albert,” Janessa said, displeasure in her voice.

Albert turned to his wife with a sigh. “I know, love, I fucked up.”

Janessa shook her head and clucked her tongue. “Why?”

“He’s a Shifter….”

“Who seems to like our daughter, even through that disguise you force on her. Those men make enough money; they don’t need ours. I have looked into Maverick and found that he is well off, almost as well off as we are. He likes Lyra for Lyra. Can’t you let her have this?”

Albert sighed, “I only want what’s best for our little girl.”

Janessa nodded. “I know, love. And what she needs is for her parents to stay out of her life. It’s bad enough she has gone her whole life pretending she doesn’t belong here. Let her be her.”

Albert closed his eyes. “You’re right.”

“Say that again,” Janessa said with a grin as she leaned against him.

Albert laughed. “You’re right, love.”

Janessa nodded. “Good. Now, let’s re-join the party our daughter put together for you.”

Albert sighed. “Yes, Dear.”

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