Her Halloween Treat (Dragon Force - A Holiday Mini Series - Book One - Nature Dragon)

Chapter Chapter Eleven: She’s Not My Client—She’s My Mate

Lyra turned in her bed for what felt like the hundredth time. She couldn’t get Maverick out of her mind. All she could think about was sex with him. Over and over until they couldn’t move, let alone walk. With a deep sigh, she turned over—yet again.

Finally, she sat up in bed and threw her legs over the edge. There was only one way to get any sleep.

She snuck out of her room on the second floor and made her way down the stairs. She knew where Maverick was sleeping tonight because she had watched him set up the bed. Andrew was on duty tonight, so Maverick and Daniel could get some sleep—since they had stayed up all night the night before.

Lyra paused at the door to Maverick’s room. Should she knock? Enter? Or go back to her room? They had only been together two times, and that was the night before.

How Maverick is sleeping tonight, she has no idea.

She took a deep breath and tried the doorknob. If it’s locked, she will return to her room. If it’s not, she will… Oh God, she’s not good at this.

‘Get a pair of balls,’ she told herself, then turned the doorknob.

It was unlocked, and she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. She closed and locked the door, then turned to the bed.

Lyra almost screamed when she saw Maverick sitting up, leaning against the headboard.

“Took you long enough,” Maverick said with a wicked grin.

“You knew I was coming?” she asked, bewildered.

Maverick chuckled, “you’re my mate, sweets. I can sense when you’re distressed. I know you didn’t sleep well last night, and you’re not doing very well tonight.”

Lyra frowned. “That obvious?”

He patted the mattress beside him. “To me, it is.”

With a satisfied smile, she ran to the bed and jumped onto it, almost landing in his lap.

Maverick chuckled as he pulled her onto his lap, facing him.

Lyra looked into his eyes as she straddled his lap.

“Did you miss us, sweets?”

Lyra nodded, and Maverick grunted.

“We can’t be too loud.”

She nodded again. “I know. I can be quiet if you can.”

He chuckled, “I will do my best.”

She moaned when he slid his hands under her nightshirt and up her stomach.

“It killed me all day watching you, knowing I couldn’t touch you the way I wanted to,” he said, looking at her breasts through her nightshirt, his hands cupping them.

“I know,” she panted.

“I want to see you,” he said, pulling her nightshirt up and over her head.

Lyra raised her arms and watched him toss the shirt to the end of the bed.

“I love your breasts,” he said, massaging them.

“Mmmm,” she moaned.

Maverick looked down and noticed she didn’t have panties on and grunted.

“You really were ready for me, weren’t you?”

She nodded, and he grinned.

Maverick slid down the bed. When she started to move with him, he stopped her and made her stay in place as he continued to slide down. Once her pussy was over his face, he lifted his head and licked her slit. She squeaked, and he chuckled.

“Quiet, sweets.”

Lyra covered her mouth with her hand and moaned when he used his hands to open her folds, then licked her from the bottom up to her clit. When he pulled her clit into his mouth—she lost it and came all over his face.

Maverick chuckled as he took hold of Lyra’s hips and pushed her down his body until her wet pussy laid over his hard cock. She collapsed over his chest, and he looked down at the top of her head.

“Good?” he asked.

She nodded, unable to talk.

He grinned and kissed the top of her head. He raised his hips and felt her wetness at the tip of his cock.

“Ready for me?”

She nodded, and he took hold of her hips, entering her in one swift movement.

She moaned against his chest, and he held her as her body got used to his thickness.

“Sit up, sweets.”

Lyra slowly sat up and used her hands against his chest to keep herself from falling forward again. She was so dizzy from the sensations flowing through her body.

“Move yourself,” he said, watching her.

Lyra took a deep breath, then started moving her hips up and down. His shaft came out of her and pushed back in, making her moan as she closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes,” he commanded.

She opened her eyes and looked into his.

“That’s it, sweets, don’t look away.”

She nodded, moving her hips against him, her breasts on display for his greedy hands to hold.

“Maverick,” she whimpered.

“Keep going, sweets,” he grunted.

Lyra moved up and down his shaft, faster and faster, panting as she fucked his cock.

“Oh. My. God.” She almost screamed as another orgasm blindsided her.

“Fuck, yes,” Maverick said, his head tilting back as her pussy clamped down around his cock. “Just a couple more…,” he didn’t finish as an orgasm took any breath or thought from his body.

“Oooooh,” she moaned when she felt his cock pulse inside her.

“Fucking hell,” Maverick grunted, looking up at her as his body and mind returned to somewhat normalcy.

“That was…,” she stopped talking and collapsed onto his chest.

Maverick chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. “Stay with me,” he whispered into her hair.

“My parents,” she whispered.

“Just for a few hours.”

She sighed. She didn’t want to leave him, not after what just happened.


With a deep growl, he turned onto his side, taking her with him, his cock still buried deep inside her pussy.

“Uh, Mav….”

“Shhh. Go to sleep,” he said, breathing in her scent.

Lyra smiled and closed her eyes. She felt full when he was inside her. Not an uncomfortable full, a satisfying full. One she wouldn’t mind feeling every night for the rest of her life.

He woke her two times in the middle of the night to make love to her, and she couldn’t be happier. Though come morning, she was so sore—she couldn’t get out of bed.


“I have decided I am pulling out,” Albert said, looking around the room at his family and the security service he hired to protect his daughter.

“Daddy, please don’t,” Lyra pleaded.

“I am sorry, baby girl, but it is decided.”

“Sir, I can’t let you do that.”

Everyone turned to Tony Pistola, owner of Pistola Protections, the security company watching over the Williams family.

“What do you mean you can’t let me do that?” Albert demanded, glaring at Tony.

“Sir, I may not agree with everything you have done in your career. But you have ideas and plans as mayor that no one has even thought of in over thirty years. If you pull out, this city may as well fold up and evacuate—because the man running against you will destroy everyone and everything in it.”

“See, Daddy. You can’t pull out.”

Albert looked to his daughter. “I can’t lose you, Lyra.”

Lyra looked around the room and chuckled. “Dad, I am protected by three enormous men, who happen to be Dragon Shifters, not to mention Wolves having their backs.”

“Thanks for including us,” one of the Wolf Shifters said with a chuckle.

Lyra smiled at the man, then turned back to her father.

Albert closed his eyes and sighed. He can’t let anything happen to his little girl.

“Sir, how about this. We capture the man responsible for the threats on your daughter’s life before next week. In that case, you continue with your plans as mayor,” Tony suggested.

“And if you don’t?” Albert asked, opening his eyes and looking at Tony.

Tony shrugged. “Then drop out. We wouldn’t hold it against you. You have your daughter’s life to think about.”

Maverick growled, making everyone in the room look at him. He cleared his throat and smiled.

Tony shook his head. He has a feeling Maverick has been sleeping with the client, but he wasn’t sure. If he is, he is going to have a long talk with him. A very long talk.

“How do we find them?” Albert asked, looking from Maverick to Tony.

“We start by sending all of you back to the mansion.”

Maverick growled again, and Tony gave him his—knock it off or else—look.

Maverick cleared his throat and looked away from everyone.

Lyra smiled at her mate. Wow, she has a mate! They agreed not to tell anyone yet. Especially her parents, her father in particular.

Last night as they laid in bed holding each other, Maverick had told her about him and his two friends of over five hundred years. Yeah, her man is old, like over six hundred years old. And he’s not even the oldest Dragon in existence.

Well, she found out that Maverick’s Dragon is a Nature Dragon. Yeah, Emerald is a giant green Nature Dragon. She asked what that meant, and he grinned, then held his hand out behind him. She waited and sucked in a breath when the window opened, and a vine slithered into the room. It handed him something then slithered back out the window—closing the damn thing behind it!

Maverick turned back to her, holding a rose in his hand. She had almost squealed when he presented it to her. He had chuckled and kissed her to silence her.

They had made love and fell asleep soon after.

She asked him what Andrew and Daniel were, and he said that it was up to the two Dragons to tell her.

“Okay,” Albert agreed, pulling Lyra back to the conversation at hand. “But my daughter does not go anywhere without one of her bodyguards.”

“Agreed,” Tony said with a nod.

“All right, so do we return today or tomorrow?” Lyra asked.

“Today,” Tony said, looking at her.

Lyra nodded and looked up at Maverick. Will he sneak into her room tonight at her parents’ mansion? God, she hoped so.

The group split up and headed to rooms to pack and get ready for the ride home.

“Mav, I need to speak with you,” Tony said, motioning for Maverick to come over to him.

Maverick sighed. He knows what this is about. He saw the look on his boss’s face when Lyra came into the room, and he sniffed her hair. He couldn’t help it—she smells so fucking good. And it’s not her shampoo.

“I am only going to ask you this once, and you better be honest with me,” Tony said, eyeing Maverick.

Maverick nodded. He didn’t plan to lie.

“Are you sleeping with our client?”

“No,” Maverick said with a shake of his head.

“Mav, I said no lying,” Tony growled.

Maverick nodded. “And I’m not.”

“I can tell something is going on….”

“Yes, I am sleeping with Lyra. I will not lie about that….”

“You just did,” Tony pointed out.

Maverick smiled and pulled Tony away from the others who were listening in. He had heard the Wolves gasp at the knowledge that he was sleeping with Lyra. Andrew and Daniel had snorted, Andrew saying, ‘I knew it.’

“Lyra stopped being my client the moment I knew there was something between us,” Maverick whispered.

“Mav, you can’t….”

“Tony,” Maverick said, looking his boss in the eyes. “She’s my mate.”

Tony blinked at Maverick—shock apparent on his face. “Are you sure?” he whispered.

Maverick nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure,” he said, a grin spreading across his face. “Can’t mistake the bond of a mate.”

Tony laughed and slapped Maverick on the back. “Congrats, man.”

Maverick chuckled, “not the way I wanted to meet my mate, but hey, if not for this bullshit, we may not have met.”

Tony nodded. “Well, now I feel bad for charging her father for our service….”

“Don’t feel bad. Charge him for the rest of you. I just won’t be getting my cut. I won’t be paid to protect my mate.”

Tony nodded and turned when Lyra and her parents returned to the living room.

“Does her father know?”

Maverick snorted, “nope, not yet. Lyra is a bit worried of his response.”

Tony nodded and patted Maverick on the back again. He looked at the Williams family and smiled.

“Let’s go,” he said, pointing to the door.

“I will take Lyra,” Maverick said, reaching for her hand without thinking.

Lyra smiled and let him hold her hand.

“You can take the truck since your bike is still at her apartment,” Tony said, nodding to Maverick.

To think—a mate—after so long.

Maybe this was the beginning of a new era.

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