Her Elemental Dragons: The Complete Series

Her Elemental Dragons: Light the Fire: Chapter 10

I woke to find a strong arm wrapped around me, holding me close. For a moment I simply reveled in the feeling of a large, masculine body at my back and the mystery man’s even breathing in my ear. I wasn’t sure who it was, but it didn’t matter, because I would gladly wake up beside any one of my men…or all of them.

When Roth and I had returned last night, the other men had been quiet. Falon and Derel would barely meet my eyes, while Blane openly grinned at me. I’d been completely exhausted at that point, and had practically fallen onto my bedroll and passed out immediately. It seemed someone had joined me in the middle of the night.

I must have stirred a little, because I felt his breathing change as he woke. Warm lips pressed a kiss to my neck and the arm tightened around me.

“Morning, beautiful,” Blane drawled.

I should have known it was him. None of the other men would have been so bold. I turned my head just enough to catch his mouth and draw him into a kiss without a word. I’d wanted to sleep with Blane for a long time, but I’d always held back because I was never sure if what we had together was real. Once he’d volunteered to go with me to the Fire Temple, I’d realized I’d misjudged him, along with our relationship. And now that I’d had a reminder of how good sex could be, I wanted to experience it with Blane too.

Judging by the hardness pressed against my behind, he wanted me just as badly. I rubbed back against him and he groaned, then slid his hand down my chemise to cup my breast. His thumb flicked over my hard nipple, while his mouth found my neck and pressed a warm kiss there.

“You’ve tempted me for so long,” his rough voice said in my ear. “Last night I heard your moans of pleasure with Roth, and now I’m going to be the one making you moan.”

“Yes,” I managed to whisper.

His fingers trailed down and down, reaching the bottom of my chemise, which he yanked up enough to gain access to my naked body underneath. His hand roamed across my skin as he explored me, and I wished I could touch him more too, but at the same time I loved the way he was in control. When that hand finally slid between my thighs, I cried out for more.

He traced my folds and made a soft humming sound of approval. “So wet for me already?”

“Blane, please,” I whispered, trying to keep my voice down to not wake the others in the camp. I had a feeling that wouldn’t last long though.

He hooked my leg back over his and then his cock nudged between my thighs from behind. With one smooth thrust he was inside, filling me up completely. Gods, he was huge and so thick too. His fingers dug into my hip while he slid deep, over and over again, and all I could do was gasp with each stroke. I spread myself wider, pushing back against him in time with his movements, trying to take as much of him as possible.

He claimed me with each thrust, and then his fingers slid between my thighs too. I turned my head back toward him and he took my mouth in a deep, rough kiss while he continued pumping in and out of me. Our bodies moved together in a delicious rhythm, faster and faster, until it became too much. Pleasure crept over me in rolling waves and I tore my mouth away from him to cry out his name. His fingers kept up their pressure and urged me into new heights, while he pinned me back against him. With a rough growl he pushed deep and held me there as his cock pulsed inside me with his release.

For some time we simply lay there, entwined together in blissful silence, until our breathing calmed. I turned back toward him with a smile, amazed he was here with me. Of all the men, I’d figured he would say no to my offer—but instead he’d been the first to volunteer.

“I can’t see you being a priest somehow,” I said.

“Yeah, me neither. Truthfully I don’t care about any of that stuff. The Gods can rot for all I care. I’m only here for you.” He pressed a kiss to my neck. “Besides, my family is gone and Sparkport never accepted me. I would have left years ago and never returned if not for you.”

I rolled over to face him, surprised by his confession. “I was never sure if you truly cared for me in that way, or if I was just a temporary distraction before you went off on some adventure again.”

“I always came back, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but I figured you had women in other towns…” I shrugged.

“I did when you and Roth were together. When that ended, I decided I only wanted you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I knew you’d never want to be with me, not like that. You worried about what people would think of us being together.” I opened my mouth to protest but he silenced me with a kiss. “Admit it, you were.”

“Only because I knew my mother would never let me marry you.” My eyes dropped. “Maybe there is some truth to what you are saying. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let that come between us.”

“And I should have been clear that I wanted you for more than just a little fun on the side.” He cupped my cheek and gazed into my eyes. “I’ve always loved you. I just never thought I would ever be lucky enough to have you. I certainly don’t deserve you.”

“I love you too,” I said, before pressing another kiss to his lips. “And don’t say that. You were the first to volunteer to go with me.”

“The others have families and homes and professions to leave behind. I had nothing, except you.” He drew me tighter into his arms. “You’re all that matters to me.”

“If you two lovebirds are done, it’s time we get going,” Derel called out.

Blane chuckled. “He must be jealous.”

Was he? If the other men were jealous or upset, I’d have to find a way to fix that soon. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together, the five of us in one small temple, and I’d have to make sure we were all okay with that—and everything it entailed.

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