Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 23


So, Dad chose to send me to this pack simply because our pack was a hot spot for attacks ? It irritated me how he felt I was incompetent or something . What did I need to do to show him I'm so much more than he gives me credit for ? Yes I'm not perfect, nor am I the standard wolf . I have two disadvantages but I make up for them in other aspects . I love Dad but I just wish he could see I was ready to take care of myself . The journey to Alejandro’s pack took just under two hours , I swear he was speeding way over the speed limit . We didn't speak much . When we did , the sexual tension was just growing and it was getting suffocating in here . Him just looking at m e got my core throbbing and that effect alone scared me .

I ended up reading a book or texting Raven . I was so incredibly excited that she was actually joining me . We were going to have a blast, and then there was the blood moon . The chance to find my mate would be high and I felt a little excited , but at the same time , Alejandro slipped into my mind . Would these feelings go away when I met my mate ? He parked up outside a very extravagant, flashy mansion . It was completely black and grey with windows across the entire front . I could see the modern interior inside too . Three large steps led to the double door entrance , with lights illuminating the rim of each step . Fancy ... the dude sure was loaded

I got out slowly and looked around . A large wall surrounded the entire mansion and grounds . Was it just the one mansion ? Where did the pack live ? 11 Are you just going to stand there ? “ * What do you expect me to do , make myself at home and show myself in ? * We glared at each other as he walked off t o the mansion , opening the door . I ran after him , ignoring the constant painin my ankle and followed him inside with just my handbag with me . The inside was as modern as the outside . The theme was black , white and grey . It looked like it was straight out of a magazine . There was no mess or homey touch apart from the perfect ornaments and art that matched the theme of the décor and interior . ” Is this your house ? “ “ No, it's the fucking Grinch’'s . * ” Well , you're as gloomy and depressing a s he is, I was just asking, "I retorted . “ Well don't ask fucking dumb questions . “ He said , heading upstairs . Do I follow ? Guess so . The stairs were carpeted down the centre and I made my way up , stumbling as I tried to keep up with him . He didn't turn back as he walked down the hall . It smelled like him . That was the first thing I realised as I passed one of the doors . Slowing down as I looked at the sleek black wood . “ Want to get into my bedroom already ? *

He asked , now smirking as he opened the door next to it . I felt my cheeks heat up and rolled my eyes . " You wish . ” I said walking past, when I stopped and looked up at him . ” Wait, this is your mansion ... I'm staying here ? ” He crossed his arms as he leant against the door frame . Elijah wanted me to take care of you ... and I intend to . “ He said, a predator like smirk crossing his face . My heart skipped a beat as I watched his gaze run over me . “ What about Raven ? “ I asked , my voice sounding pitchy . Damn, focus girl ! * She's got the room opposite you . ” He said , making me feel a little relieved . “ But make sure she stays out of my way .

I promised your father to not hurt you, I didn't say anything about her . “ His words made my anger flare up but I clenched my fist and forced myself to breathe and calm down . If he dares to touch Raven ; I'll chop him to pieces, blend him up and make smoothies , I shuddered at my own thoughts . Goddess , where did that creepy thought come from ? But really ... imagine an Alejandro smoothie . Maybe I could call it a n * Alpha King Supreme smoothie '. I giggled at the thought .

He glanced at me as if I were weird before he opened a door . I guess I can't blame him, I was laughing to myself like a weirdo . I looked inside . It was a nice room , decorated in grey and white . There was a large rug in the centre of the room and the king — sized bed was covered in grey and white bedding . The large ceiling to floor windows covered the entire wall opposite and looked out over the huge gardens . From here I could actually see beyond the walls , where I saw other houses and buildings not too far beyond the perimeter . Floor — length curtains hung on each side of the window . There was a small chest of drawers on either side of the bed and a dresser on the same wall as the door .

Wardrobes lined one wall and a second door led off to what I presumed was the bathroom . * Thank you ... "I said , I wasn't expecting this . A sudden thought came to me and I turned . * Rayhan and Raihana are here, right ? “ I hadn't seen both in over a year, Rayhan even longer as he was currently doing his Alpha training . I was actually excited to see him . ” Yeah , they will be staying down the hall . They came this morning . Fuck , now I'm going to have a fucking full house." H e muttered as he walked out the door . I bit my tongue to keep from replying and instead walked over to the bed . I dropped onto iband stared at the ceiling . Being here made me nervous and excited ... Alejandro . He was the reason for my excitement — being here with no Liam or Dad , I didn't trust myself . I was finally free ! I could breathe .

My mind drifted back to the arrogant Alpha and I bit my lip . Was it so bad to want a piece of the Alpha King ? Just the thought sent a throbbing ache to my core and I sat up, just as the door opened to reveal a girl with dark brown eyes and black curls up to her shoulders . Her eyes widened when she saw me . ” Kiara ! “ She shrieked as she ran over to m e and pounced on top of me, knocking the breath from me . ” Ow ... Rai ... ” I groaned as she squeezed me painfully . “ Ouch, ouch, ouch ..." “ Get off her Rai.” A deep masculine voice came and I looked to see Rayhan standing there . He had grown a lot .

Now towering over 6 feet, he had a small goatee and his curly hair was pulled into a pony . I could see some similarities between him and his uncle but the biggest difference was his warmer aura and the smile that played on his lips . “ Rayhan I “ I said sitting up . He came over and I stood up , wrapping my arms around his waist . He hugged me tightly . “ 1” You've grown . ” She's gotten sexy ." Raihana chimed in a s she looked at her brother, giving him a suggestive wink and motioning at me . “ Time's not changed you . “ I said to the sixteen — year — old who had now dropped back on the bed in contentment . “ Oooo this means uncle's back ! Let's go annoy him . “ She got off the bed and Rayhan sighed . “ Don't . Be grateful he agreed to let us come . ” He muttered . “ That should be my line . “ I said . Rayhan smirked . " That was a miracle too . I thought Liam said Raven was coming too ? ” " She is . She should be here soon." I said .

They knew Raven well as we were both glued at the hip since forever . “ Your uncle was speeding . ” It was really weird calling Alejandro their uncle ... Was it alright to be crushing on my friend's uncle ? " Wait, he drove you ? " Rayhan confirmed , curiosity filling his eyes . ” Yeah . ” I said nonchalantly . There was a light knock on the door and a young man, clearly an omega, stood there with my bags ." Sorry to disturb you, the King said to bring your bags up . “ “ Thanks, you can just put them on the bed . * I said . “ Well , we'll let you freshen up and catch you in a bit ? “ Rayhan suggested .

I nodded as the siblings left the room and I closed the door . I took a deep breath , this was going to be exciting — it felt like a breath of fresh air . It was two hours later and Raven had finally arrived too . After she had freshened up , whilst I caught up a little with the siblings , we headed downstairs for lunch . We stepped into the dining room to see three other people sitting there at the long black table . The high back chairs gave the room a rather stoic and regal feel, despite the design being very modern . The walls held some canvas art, all in the same tones as the rest of the house . ” Elijah’s daughter , what an honour . “ The man said , now standing up .

I could tell he was strong ; his aura was one of an Alpha's ” I'm Darien, Alejandro’s Beta . ” “ Nice to meet you. ” I said , looking at the man who looked around Alejandro’s age . H e had shoulder — length brown hair . I had heard of him but never met him . * Likewise princess . My mate , Serena . * He two women who sat there . ing one of the The woman stood up and smiled . She was pretty with brown eyes and blond hair . I shook hands with her before turning to the last woman who sat with arrogance in her seat . I instantly didn't like the vibe I was getting off of her. I could tell she was sizing me up , just how I had noticed her sharp eyes on me when I walked over to the table . * Carmen, head warrior . ” She said , not bothering to extend a hand, so I didn't either . ” Kiara Westwood . I said before I took the seat next to Rayhan , Raihana was between Raven and me . Alejandro sat at the head of the table with Rayhan on his left and Darien on his right . “ Let's eat ! * Darien said , as Serena and he both removed the lids to the food . There were a variety of dishes , all mainly Italian . I guess it was befitting with the king being Italian himself . Ah it sure smells good . ” Raven said as she began putting some on her plate .

I glanced at Alejandro , who sat there as moody and cold as always . He looked up and our eyes met for a moment before he helped himself to some food and I looked away smoothly . He looked effortlessly sexy in whatever he did and I couldn't stop myself from staring , I really needed t 0 get a grip . “ So, it's actually nice to have some kids around here . ” Darien said . I could tell he was chatty and I had a feeling I was going t o like the couple . " Tia will be happy . She's our thirteen year — old " Serena explained . I understood that the Night Walker Pack didn't really have many children, only those of the warriors, or in Tia's case , her parents being the Beta couple .. " Wow, only a few years younger than me . * Raihana added . " So Uncle Al, how are you going to be a good host to us ? * Alejandro looked up at her, his dark eyes cold . " By making sure I don't fucking ” 1 decapitate you . Raihana’s face fell and Rayhan quirked his brow at Alejandro . “ Really Uncle ? “ * What the fuck do you want me to do ? Your Dad sent you two , I didn't ask him to.” 1” So, you don't miss us ? * Raihana asked , hurt clear in her eyes . ” He probably does . “ I said quietly with a small smile . "I don't. ” Alejandro said , shooting me a glare . I frowned back at him , not caring as his aura seemed to swirl around him . ” Alright, lets just eat . " Darien added glancing between the two of us . I knew he was trying to change the subject . I glanced at him, not missing the curiosity in his eyes either. ” Leave it Alpha, they're just kids begging for attention . “ Carmen spoke , her antagonising tone irritating me . 1 didn't like the way she said * Alpha * and a sudden burst of irritation filled me .

I looked at her , my eyes flashing purple , I could feel my wolf's anger . * Calm down girl. * I said to her." 1 got this. ” “ For your information , we're not kids . Just because our opinions don't match the kings , doesn't mean they have no value . * “ Here it doesn't kid . This is the king's home . ” She said with a tilt of her head , her eyes turning a deep gold as she smirked slightly . I clenched my jaw, trying to calm my rage . ” I know and for that reason , I won't disrespect him , but if anyone else irritates me , 1 won't hold back . ” I said icily .

Her contemptuous gaze had really irritated me . “ Oh ? Did you forget the part where I'm the head warrior here ? When you're just a girl with a limp A deep , threatening growl tore through the room , making all eyes turn to Alejandro . My heart thudded in fear at the anger I felt in that growl . But to my surprise , his burning red gaze was not on us but Carmen, who had paled slightly . I saw Raihana and Raven go white as we all Alejandro . My heart thudded in fear at the anger I felt in that growl . But to my surprise , his burning red gaze was not on us but Carmen , who had paled slightly . I saw Raihana and Raven go white as we all felt the heavy blanket of darkness that filled the room while it emanated from the Alpha King himself . Moonlight Muse Author “ 1 Thanks for reading and for all the love and support ! It means a lot . *

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