Her Brutal Bodyguard

: Chapter 8

MY PHONE VIBRATES AGAIN, and I look down to see Gunnar’s name before silencing it.

“Three days and you’re still not answering?” Riley asks, giving me a look that simultaneously expresses concern and motherly disapproval. “Nina, if you’re gonna blow the guy off, can’t you at least actually blow him off and not just ghost the guy?”

“You know, Riley, I really don’t need your counseling on this one, okay?”

Riley gives me a look from the couch, and I realize I’ve just snapped back like a pretty big bitch.

“Geez, girl, what’s wrong with you tonight?”

“I’m sorry,” I apologize, setting my laptop aside. I sit up, cross my legs, and look hard at her. “But did you know about Gunnar?”

Know about him?”

“Come on, Riley. Don’t play around with me. His court case. The ag-assault case that’s keeping him from fighting.”

“What? No. What are you talking about?” Riley asks with a frown.

“Okay, well get this.”

I quickly go over what happened the other day on the way to class and everything Gunnar told me and how that random girl on the quad shouted at me and how Gunnar reacted, and the longer I speak, the wider Riley’s eyes become.

“And that’s why you haven’t been taking his calls?” she asks. “Because of this court case? And that girl?”

“Well at first I was kind of freaked out about all that,” I admit. “But I figured there had to be more to it, ya know? So I went online and did some digging.”

“And you found something…”

I nod. “Yep.”

“Oh God,” Riley groans. “Tell me I didn’t put you in touch with some psycho killer rapist like the ones we were trying to teach you to defend yourself from in the first place.”

“Well…” I say slowly. “From what I’ve found, Gunnar isn’t just on trial for aggravated assault like he said. He’s also being charged for sexual assault of a minor.”

“What!?” Riley almost screams. “You’re joking.”

“Nope.” I shake my head. “I can’t find the name, probably because she’s a minor, but that would go along with what that girl on the quad said to me, ya know?”

Riley nods. “Yup. That’s sketchy. Nina, I am so, so sorry. But why didn’t Jason mention this to me?”

“I don’t know,” I reply. “Maybe it’s one of those cases of guys sticking together, you know?”

My heart is really racing. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that moment on the quad three days ago. Just Gunnar admitting to me that he’s been suspended from fighting professionally because of an active court case going on against him was crazy enough, but then that girl coming up to us and accusing him of being a rapist took everything to a whole different level.

After what I experienced in that alley with Brian, Gunnar was supposed to be my protector, my bodyguard, the man who taught me how to take care of myself so that nothing else like that would ever happen to me again. But then it turns out he might actually be someone like Brian?

It felt like my entire world had shattered as I ran away from him to class–a class I was barely even able to sit through. I don’t even remember what was said or what we did. All I remember was thinking about getting back to my dorm so I could start my research on Gunnar.

And that’s when I fell down the rabbit hole.

“Do you really think this is fair though, Nina?” Riley asks.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean–you and Gunnar clearly hit it off. You slept with the guy and let him sleep over. I don’t mean to be blunt, but…you were a virgin before him, right?”

I cough. “Yes, I was.”

“So don’t you think you owe it to him to maybe get his side of the story instead of just ghosting him? Jason isn’t a bad guy. He would never knowingly stay friends with a guy being accused of sexual assault if there was any legitimacy to it.”

Riley makes a good point. I’ve met Jason many times, and he is one of the most decent guys I’ve ever known.

“You think I’m jumping to conclusions?” I ask.

Riley shrugs slowly. “I think maybe…just maybe, you owe him a chance to give you his side of the story.”

“Yeah but, Riley, I really like him!” I say, feeling my heartstrings jerk as my eyes begin to fill with tears. “I got all jealous like an idiot when I thought he was flirting with this girl at the gun range who turned out to be gay–”

Riley laughs. “Seriously?”

“I know, I know,” I groan, rising to my feet as the phone buzzes again with his name on the caller ID. “And then I slept with him! And it was incredible! It felt perfect. I felt like I completely belonged in his arms, wrapped up there at home beneath his huge, strong, manly body–”

“Jesus, stop it, would you? You’re turning me on.”

“And then all of a sudden it’s like–he’s a possible criminal facing aggravated assault charges and rape charges? It’s like my entire world just exploded!”

Riley nods in a way that makes me feel a lot better. “I know, it’s pretty bad. But did he say why or what happened? He is an MMA fighter. Maybe things got out of hand in a sparring match and some jerk decided to charge him.”

I take a second to ponder this and then nod. “Yes, maybe that could happen. But the sexual assault part?”

Even Riley shrugs at that one. “Yeah, I don’t know how to explain that. But listen to yourself, Nina. You’re talking like you’ve met your one-and-only man from your dreams. And you’re sitting here ghosting him like a fifteen-year-old who didn’t compliment you on your new jeans. Give the guy a chance. I’m feeling envious over the way you just described falling in love with him!”

I’m nearly on the verge of all-out tears now.

My phone rings again. I glance down at it, vibrating on the coffee table beside my laptop and all my papers, Gunnar’s name on the display yet again.

“He’s not giving up, Nina.”

“He won’t,” I reply. “I shouldn’t ghost him like this. I should let him explain himself. And pray that this is all a big misunderstanding.”

I quickly reach down and snatch up my phone to answer it, but just as I do, it goes to voicemail. I immediately call back, and Gunnar picks up on the first ring.

“Nina?” For the first time since I’ve known him, he doesn’t sound like he could take on the world.

“Gunnar,” I reply. “I’m sorry I haven’t been answering your calls. I’ve just been–”

“It’s okay,” he says. I glance over at Riley and excuse myself from the room and step out into the hall. “You’re freaked out. I would be too after what happened. I understand.”

“You do?”

“Sure,” he says. “I just wanted a chance to talk to you. Is that all right? Can we talk?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Let’s talk.”

“I mean…in person. I think it would be better that way.”

“Oh…” I can feel my anxiety coming back. I run my fingers through my hair and take a breath. “I don’t know, Gunnar. I have a lot of work to do tonight, and leaving campus would be hard–”

“I’m downstairs, and it will only take a minute.”

My heart skips a beat.

“You’re what? You’re downstairs?”

Gunnar chuckles. “Yeah, why do you think I’ve been calling you like crazy? And by the way, I’m not stalking you, I just wanted a chance to talk to you in person. I’ve been ducking so many college bros out here wanting autographs or a chance to spar with me. Can you come rescue me, please?”

I actually laugh as I picture what he must have been going through out there for however long he’s been waiting for me, calling my phone, trying to get me to pick up.

Should I do this? Should I go out there and meet him?

I take another deep breath, close my eyes, and process every reason I have to stay where I am now versus every reason I have to go out there and see him. And then I take my first step down the stairs.

“Okay, fine,” I say. “But five minutes only.”

“Thank you, Nina.”

I hang up and stuff my phone into my back pocket as I take the stairs down and shove the door open to the outside. I see him instantly, huddled under one of the trees, doing his best to avoid attention.

I rush over to him but am shocked as a pretty girl, probably a few years younger than me, steps out of the shadows beside him.

I stop dead in my tracks as she raises a hand and gives me a sheepish little wave. She’s blond with sparkling blue eyes and is wearing a pair of blue yoga pants and a crop-top tee with a band logo I don’t recognize.

“Hi,” she says, her voice sounding so innocent and friendly.

“Um, hi?” I reply, looking up at Gunnar what a what-the-hell look on my face. I was already worried enough about meeting him here and now I find him with a girl who looks even younger and prettier than me?

“Nina, I’d like you to meet Neve, my sister.”

My jaw nearly drops as a sigh of relief flows through me. I turn back to her, instantly feeling like a dummy. How did I not notice the resemblance? I guess I was too busy feeling jealous that I didn’t bother even looking.

Sister!” I exclaim, almost laughing. “Hello! So nice to meet you!”

“You as well.” She smiles. “Gunnar’s told me so much about you.”

I cringe, knowing how little of a filter Gunnar has and try not to let any of my anxiety show on my face. “All good things, I hope!”

“Of course.” She nods.

“Listen, the reason I brought Neve here,” Gunnar interjects, “was because I think there’s some things she could clear up for you. I think you’ve got a misunderstanding about my case and what’s been posted online about me. Is that fair?”

I guess he saw right through me there…

I nod slowly. “Yes, that’s fair.”

“And I think, based on what you’ve read over the last few days, that you probably think that I am–”

“A sex offender!” Neve chimes in gleefully, almost laughing.

This shocks me, and Gunnar frowns and looks down at her. “Would you mind keeping your voice down? Shit.” He glances over at me. “Can we talk upstairs in your room? Or in the car? Somewhere a bit more private?”

“Well, Riley is upstairs. Why don’t we talk in your car?” I ask.

“Fair enough. Come on. I parked over here.”

I follow Gunnar to the lot where he’s parked a red BMW sedan.

“How many cars do you have?” I ask.

“Hey, fighting pays pretty well,” he replies with a wink that reminds me just how good-looking he truly is.

He and I hop in the front, and Neve climbs in the back.

“So I brought Neve here with me so she can clear some things up for you. I assume you read some things that mentioned a minor female and made some claims that I sexually assaulted her?”

For some reason, I feel guilty admitting this, but I nod. Gunnar motions to Neve, who raises her hand and smiles.

“Yeah, that would be me they’re talking about.”

You?” I ask, completely confused. “Wait—what!?”

“Remember I told you the defense was trying to put out false information and get me sent to prison?” Again I nod, feeling my heartrate rapidly rising. “Well, part of that has to do with them twisting the story about what really happened to my sister. You wanna tell her, Neve?”

I glance back at Neve again, feeling my head begin to whirl.

“Well, I had this boyfriend named Tucker. We were only dating for three weeks when he took me to this party. He must have put something in my drink because next thing I know, I’m upstairs, barely conscious, and he’s trying to take my shirt off.”

“A party she’s too young to have been at, too young to have been drinking,” Gunnar chimes in.

Anyway,” Neve continues, “Captain America here”—she points to her brother—“turns out he was watching over me all night like a bodyguard–”

“As a good older brother should.”

“And he comes storming into the room, sees what’s going on, yanks Tucker off of me, and beats him within an inch of his life for trying to do what he was trying to do to me.”

“Jesus Christ…” I mutter.

“Only Tucker’s parents are a couple of high-powered attorneys at Neve’s school,” Gunnar says. “So they press charges and try to say it wasn’t their perfect, angelic little son who tried to rape my sister–it was me–in some kind of weird, Game of Thrones incest-type shit or something.”

“Disgusting perverts,” Neve mutters.

“The league, not wanting a scandal, suspends me until the case is resolved and I’m found innocent.”

I can practically feel the cogs of my brain spinning as I process what Gunnar just told me.

“Are you two serious?” I finally ask once it all sinks in. “Like…this really happened?”

“Deadly,” Gunnar replies.

“Yup.” Neve nods.

I turn to her. “Neve, I am so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She shrugs. “I don’t remember most of it, and Tucker didn’t get away with anything serious thanks to Big Bro here. I guess it pays to have a pro MMA fighter in the family.”

“I guess so… And you guys haven’t gone to the media with this? Given them your sides of the story?”

Gunnar shakes his head and scoffs. “Why? So they can spin it and twist everything we have to say to fit their agenda? No thanks. I don’t trust the media.”

A smile crosses my lips as a thought enters my mind. I reach out and take his hand in mine.

“What if there was a reporter you could trust, Gunnar? Someone you knew wouldn’t twist your words for her agenda? Someone you could tell everything and would report it just the way you told them? Both for you and your sister?”

Gunnar opens his mouth like he’s going to scoff and blow me off, but then, when his eyes meet mine and he realizes what I’m saying, he closes it and smiles.

“Oh, you know someone like that, huh?”

I nod. “I sure do. And she would absolutely love to cover this for you and get you and your sister’s truth out to the world.”

Gunnar smiles, leans in, and kisses me, deeply and passionately. My whole world lights up as our lips meet.

How could I ever have doubted him?

He pulls back and stares into my eyes, and I see something there I’ve never seen until this moment.

“I love you. You know that?”

My heart swells with warmth, and I feel my eyes filling up with tears. I nod. Somehow, I did know it. Maybe that’s why I listened to Riley when she told me to give him a chance to explain himself.

“I know.” I nod, all choked up. “I love you too.”

Gunnar leans in again for another kiss, but there’s a quiet cough from the back seat.

“You guys know I’m still here, right? Would you mind not doing that right now?”

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