Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 


It looks like I have shocked them into silence. Even though it was more like a gamble since I didn’t exactly know all the rules here, I do know that the alpha, or in this instance, the Luna, cannot be changed once they have a heir or have one on the way. 

It’s considered against the rules to do that. The heir officially makes them unreplaceable, and even the council cannot decide against that even if the alpha is evil and oppressing the people. The alpha can only be changed if he dies and his heir hast decided to give up the position. 

I can see the perplexity showing in the faces of each of them as they tried to figure out if I was lying and trying to get them to change their minds on something that might not even turn out to be true. 

Or do you need a doctor’s report? To know I’m not lying?“. Once I said that, the ripple that went through them was very obvious. They know I wouldn’t suggest bringing a doctor’s report if I’m lying about it. 

“Is this true?“. I know there’d still be someone who will doubt. I motioned to one of the guards and whispered to him, nor bothering to answer the person who asked the question. I didn’t have it in me to argue with anyone. 

“You need to answer us. You can’t spring something like this on us and decide to keep. Quiet when we ask you questions. The least you could do to honor our positions is to 

answer us when we question you. You’re not officially the Luna with us, and we can still impeach you“. 

I ignored his words and sat back in my seat. Soon, the guard I sent on an errand cane back in, closely followed by the pack doctor who nodded in greeting to the council. 

“Welcome doctor. I called you here to confirm or deny something. I have told them. some news and they do not believe me. Please, in the interest of the pack, say the truth and do not lie to cover up for me if I say something that is not true“. I looked at him, and he knows it had to be related to the pregnancy. 

“Ok” He agreed. He sat after I gestured for him to do so. Since it’s a council meeting, and he’s not a council member, he has to be given the permission to do anything in 


“Yesterday, you dropped shocking news to me and the Alpha. Can you confirm that?” This is sounding like an interrogation, but it is necessary if I want them to know that it’s 


“Yes, I did“. He shifted uncomfortably in the chair, not liking the fact that he was the 

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Chapter 29 

center of attraction. I’ve always known him to be a timid person, just wanting to do his job and nothing else. He doesn’t like attention, and I apologize for bringing him here. because I know he’ll be hounded by the councilmen later. 

“And what was the news?” I asked him. not looking at his face, before they can accuse me of giving him signals again. I know how these people work, and I wouldn’t want to give them an avenue for doubt. 

You’re pregnant. The murmuring began immediately. They broke up into groups and began to discuss the possibility of it being the truth. Since they heard it directly from the doctor, they know there’s no way it can be a lie now. Since they have to believe me and they can’t do anything to oppose my position again. I’m sure they will be plotting something else. They definitely won’t like it. 

“Thank you, doctor. You may leave now. The poor man was visibly relieved when he left. I couldn’t blame him. 

I turned back to face the councilmen, who obviously have discussed among themselves. “Are you satisfied now? Do you still think I’m telling a lie?” 

“We don’t have any reasons to doubt the doctor. It’s you that we do not trust“. The same man whom I’m assuming is their spokesperson spoke up again. 

“You don’t have any choice but to trust me now. I have proven that I am fit to be the leader of this pack and with the child growing in me, there’s no way you can make me leave this position“. That must have angered them because I can see their faces turn different shades of red. 

“If-” one of them started to say, but I silenced him. I am not in the mood to listen to their shenanigans again. I’m sure the man about to talk us about to being up one other reason as to why I couldn’t be Luna, even though they can’t do anything about it now, and it’s better for me to shut them down now before another idea starts forming in their heads. 

“If that’s all, then we can dissolve this meeting. Is that all?“. I looked at their faces and I can see the resignation. They know there’s nothing they can do now. 

“Even if we are to accept you as the leader of this pack, there are rules that you must follow. Think of it as a medium of compromise between we the councilmen and you” 

That’s only fair. If their terms are reasonable, I might agree to it, and we’ll see how things go from there. “Go ahead“. 

“First, everything we run by you must be accepted. You’re only a leader by proxy, and we are the council. And before you take any actions, you have to run it by us too. If we don’t approve it, you must not take any actions on it. If you do, we will have no choice. but to turn the people against you, and you will be forced out. Do we have an 

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Chapter 22 


Are these people joking? I know this is just a way for them to be able to control me. Even if I am the leader, they will be the one to make all the decisions. That’s almost the same thing as them removing me and putting someone else. Well, two can play this 


“Fine. I will agree to your terms if and only if you agree to mine” I know they must have been thinking I’m a pushover. They don’t know what is coming for them. “I have just 

one term“. 

I looked at them before dropping my term. They looked like there were already bored and needed to leave the meeting as soon as possible to go and plot whatever it is they wanted to plot. 

“I will only agree to the council’s rules if I can pick my councilmen” 

“That’s a taboo“. “You cannot do that” “That’s against our rules“. 

I tuned out all of their arguments and once they saw that I wasn’t responding to them, they stopped talking at the same time and let just one of them speak. I guess they use their senses positively once in a while. 

“I’m afraid we up to this time, and from the tales told by our ancestors, I’m not sure something like this has ever happened. A Luna changing the council members. It’s not acceptable, and we won’t stand for it“. He said and sat back down. 

cannot agree to this. Since when every one of us here has been children 

I chuckled inside me. It agitated them, just as I’ve thought it would. They aren’t the only one to play this kind of card. 

“Councilmen, I’m sure if the council can pick their alpha, then the Luna can also pick who she wants on her council. If you don’t agree to my term, I’m sorry, then I can’t agree to yours“. I sat back down, watching in satisfaction as they squirmed. 

They gathered to discuss what to do, and I used that time to take time to relax and take a breath. I have been nervous since the meeting started and now that it is going my way. I can finally relax, knowing well enough that I have won. 

“We have discussed, and we have come to a conclusion. There’s no need for us to lay down rules for you since you’re our leader and whatever you do will be fine by us. One of them who hadn’t spoken since the beginning of the meeting said. He has a calmer voice than the rest of them, and I wondered why they didn’t make him the spokesperson instead. 

“Good. Because I have an important announcement to make to the people tomorrow You don’t have to come. It will reach you in your homes. Thank you for your time. This 


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Chapter 22 


meeting is dismissed“. I stood up to leave and then stopped. “Oh, and there shall be no further meetings behind my back. I have to be present at cach and every meeting and if I found at that anyone disobeyed-” 

I left it at that and walked out. 

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