Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


When I opened my eyes, I felt a lot of discomfort and I wondered why. It was hard to completely get my bearings. It felt like the entire room was tilted. When I got familiar with the room and the lightening, I understood why I felt that way. It was in fact tilted. I was tied in an eagle spread to the ceiling of what looked like the pack dungeon. Even worse, I was n*ked.

I felt confused at first because I don’t have any reasons to be here and this had to be a misunderstanding. And then the pain hit me all at once. I must have been in this position for quite a while because my entire b*dy aches.

What’s happening? Where’s Matthew?

“MATTHEW”. I screamed, my voice h oa rse from lack of water for a couple of hours, and it seemed as if it didn’t carry more than a few meters. I’ve only been here once since I came to the pack, and I know for a fact that people in the house cannot hear me scream. It was built this way because it would be perfect for torturing criminals, and now I’m tired up like one.

“MATTHEW”. I screamed again. This time adding more force behind it, and I’m sure I’d have been heard even if it’s faintly. I must have used up my strength reserve because 1 sagged against the bonds holding me to the ceiling.

My breathing had become faint, and I knew my supply of oxygen would soon run low since the air is thin here, and I had taken up a lot of oxygen. I tried to think logically, but blood was rushing to my brain too fast since my head was now hanging down.

I have countless questions and no answers to them. I need Matthew.

As if my thoughts had summoned him, I heard his footsteps. I know it’s him because I know how he walks and even though these strides were heavier and had more still knew it was him. His bitter chuckle confirmed it seconds later.

anger, I

“I see you’re awake. I thought I was going to have to whip you awake”. He didn’t sound like the Matthew I have come to like. He didn’t sound like my Alpha. He sounds like a stranger. An entirely different person from the one I’ve come to know in the past few weeks.

I managed to raise my head and there he was. Looking exactly like I remembered, only hazier. Almost like he wasn’t real. Or maybe my brain was fighting hard to accept that this was true. There’s no way it is true.

“Matthew”. I muttered weakly. I want to ask him why, but I can’t seem to open my mouth to ask the questions in my mind.

16:21 Wed, 21 Feb G B B ·

Chapter 17


“What? Gabriella-“. He said my name like he was mocking me. It didn’t sound like it does when he says it. I loved hearing him say my name due to the case at which it rolls off his tongue, but this one just sounds so harsh, like he didn’t want to spit such a poisonous word out of his mouth.

“Why am I here?” These four words were all I could say before my strength left me again. I don’t understand why I am so weak and defenseless. Other than being strung up here, I don’t think anything had been done to me, I should still have a lot of strength left and I don’t.

“Now, you want to know what you did? You don’t remember?” He sneered at me. He looked so menacing. I know he can be a bit vicious with his pack members sometimes when the need be, but he’s never used this tone with me before, and it scares me a little


I shook my head since I didn’t have any idea as to what he was talking about. Even if it was more like a nod, I’m sure he understands what I meant. He gave one of those chuckles and turned his back to me.

“I have nothing to say to you for now. I’m just happy about the fact that I get to do with you as I want before you’re gone”. I still couldn’t see what he was doing since his back was still turned to me.

“Water” I managed to croak out. I’m getting weaker by the second and I really need. water to pull up my strength.

“You don’t get to ask for water. You don’t deserve to have water. Until I’m done here with you, and you’re disposed, you’re not going to receive anything like food or fluid. The only fluid you’ll be getting is poison”. He sounded so determined that I believed

him immediately.

I still don’t understand what I did to deserve all of these treatments, but I know it would make sense soon. There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again.

“I’m happy the Alpha King granted me this request. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do this, and I finally have the chance too. I’m going to do things to you that he’d be so happy at how I’ve treated you”. After what seemed like an eternity, he turned back to face me, and I couldn’t help but whimper.

In his hands was a whip. From the looks of it, it’s well-used and I’m sure it’s from the criminals. It was taken from a table I didn’t notice before, filled with torture instruments. He didn’t plan on using them on me, did he?

“You are a problem, Gabriella, and you need to be fixed. I’m here to do that before you are taken away from here. There’s no one to save you but me. And I’ll gladly do the job. I’m going to do such a good job that by the next full moon, when you’d be executed, you’d be begging for death”. He was getting closer, and I kept shaking my head, tears.

Chapter 17

dropping from my eyes at the thought of what’s to come.

I didn’t take note of the fact that he said I was going to die soon. The only thing on my mind was how to escape what he wanted to do to me right now.

I know what he wants to do, and I know that I really wouldn’t like it. No one likes being whipped and with his anger, it’s going to be really painful.

The first lash came between my thinking. He had been saying something and I zoned out of it. The must-have gotten angry that I wasn’t listening to him, and he whipped me with that anger. I’m very sure that my skin had broken.

I don’t know how I got the strength to scream as loud as I did. I’m sure everyone in the house must have heard me scream because it filled the entire dungeon.

That must have pis sed him off again because he whipped me. “Shut The F uck Up Each word was punctuated with a whip, and I kept screaming despite myself, despite how raw and ragged my throat felt

He must have gotten tired because he stopped. Or so I thought.

He went back to the table and brought out an even longer whip. One lash of this, and it wrapped around my b*dy. It’s one of those whips that can twist and bend, and it’s really painful. I’m sure my back will be in pieces when he’s done with me.

I heard hurried footsteps in between my screams, and I inwardly sighed with relief when I saw the beta come in alongside two of his trusted men.

“Stop this at once, Matthew. What has come over you?” I heard the beta say to Matthew while trying to pull him off me. He struggled with him, but with the help of the other two men, they were able to hold him off.

“Again, what is wrong with you? You don’t have to do this to your Luna”. The beta said, trying to calm him down.

“You know what is going on, Beta, don’t you”. A new voice joins in. I’ve heard it more than once, so I know it’s the Alpha King. “He is merely following my instructions, which I see you have exceeded, Mathew. You should save some for some other day. However, if anyone decides to stop him, I will kill her right on the spot. He said and left the dungeon. That’s he kind of person he is. He says his piece and leaves the room.

I raised my head long enough to see the beta and Matthew eyeballing themselves before they all left, leaving me alone in the dungeon with Matthew, again.

“You see. There’s no way out for you. I have the permission and power to do with you as I wish, and I’m going to do just that”.


16.21 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 17

“Please. Don’t”. I said, choked on tears. I just want this torture to stop.

“You don’t tell me to stop” That was the last thing I heard him say before he hit me with a club and I sl*pped into consciousness.


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