Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Lu cas’s POV

I paced the length of my chambers, my mind racing. I couldn’t believe what had happened. I had rejected my mate and my best friend. It was something I had never thought possible, something I had never imagined. How could I have done such a thing? How could I have been so blind?

I felt a weight on my shoulders, a burden that I could not shake. I had wronged the woman who was meant to be my other half, my other half, who I had cast aside without a second thought. What kind of man was I, to do such a thing?

My wolf was silent, his presence a heavy weight on my consciousness.

He was angry with me, I could feel it in the way he held himself aloof, refusing to offer even a word of comfort. I could not blame him. I had done the unthinkable, something. that went against everything a wolf was supposed to do.

Gabriella didn’t deserve any of this, she deserved love and I just rejected in front of everyone without thinking twice.

I sank onto the edge of my bed, my head in my hands. I didn’t know what to do, how to fix this. I had never felt so lost, so unsure of myself.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, a memory came to me. It was a memory of my father, a man I had always looked up to. He had been the Alpha of our pack, a man of honor and strength. And he had always told me that a wolf must be true to himself, truc to his instincts. He had notified me that a wolf must follow his heart, regardless of the


The doors to my chambers burst open, and I looked up to see the Gam ma standing there, flanked by several pack soldiers. His expression was grim, and my heart sank.

“We have searched everywhere, but we cannot find Gabriella,” he said, his voice grave. “We fear that she has fled.”

I felt like the ground had been ripped out from under me. I had done this, I had driven her away. I had rejected her, and now she was gone. Not only that, but I had lost my mate, and it was all my fault.

I stood up, my head spinning. I had to find her, I had to make things right. I had to tell her how sorry I was, how much I regretted what I had done. I had to convince her that I was worthy of her, that I would never hurt her again. But where could she be?

“Should we continue the search? We looked everywhere already” the ga mma asked.


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Chapter 13

A lot was on my head now, what if something happened to her, what if I lost her? I had to help, I had to do everything in my power to find Gabriella.

“You want us to stop searching?” I said, my voice shaking with rage. “You want us to give up on her? How dare you?”

“I did not mean it that way,” the soldier stammered, taking a step back. “I only meant that we have searched everywhere, and there is no trace of her. We need to consider the possibility that she does not want to be found.”

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. But I could not let this go. I was unable to give up on her.

“I cannot simply give up on her,” I said, my voice low and intense. “She is my mate, and I will not stop until I find her. She deserves better than to be abandoned, and I will not be the one to abandon her.”

The Gam ma met my gaze, and I saw understanding in his eyes. “You are right,” he said, his voice grave. “We will not give up on her. We will keep searching until we find her.”

I could feel my anger boiling over, threatening to consume me. At that moment, all I wanted to do was to lash out, to take my rage out on someone, anyone. I turned on my heel and stormed after the soldier who had suggested we stop searching. I felt my wolf urging me to attack, to punish him for his words.

But just as I was about to strike, I heard a voice calling out to me, pleading with me to stop. It was the voice of my Beta and my close friend, Andrew, and I turned to face him.

“All of you, leave,” I said, my voice harsh and commanding. “I need to speak with the Beta Andrew alone.”

As the door closed behind the last of the pack members, I let out a sigh. I was alone with Andrew, and I felt the weight of my regret crushing me.

“I have made a terrible mistake,” I said, my voice h oa rse. “I should never have rejected. her. I have never felt so lost, so alone. I have no idea how to fix this.”

Andrew walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “You are not alone,” he said, his voice gentle.

In the days leading up to this moment, Irene had been manipulating me, trying to turn. me against Gabriella.

She had played on my fears and insecurities, and she had used my vulnerability to her advantage. I had let myself be blinded by her lies, and I had made terrible choices as a result. I felt burning anger towards her, and I wondered how I could have been so foolish.


Chapter 13

But my anger was nothing compared to the shame I felt. I had hurt Gabriella, the woman I was meant to be with, my childhood best friend.

“You need to focus on yourself, rather than the Luna Irene,” he said, his voice calm and. steady. “You have made some mistakes, and you need to take responsibility for them. But you cannot do that if you are caught up in the drama of the Luna Irene. You have to clear your head and figure out what is truly important to you.”

I considered his words, and I knew he was right. I had to take a step back and reassess the situation. I couldn’t let the Irene’s games control me any longer.

As Andrew and I were discussing the situation, the door to the room burst open. One of the guards rushed in, his face pale and his eyes wide. “There’s something happening outside!” he exclaimed. “There’s a commotion, and the pack members are yelling.”

We both stood up, and he gave me a look of concern. “We need to find out what is happening,” he said.

Without another word, we both hurried out of the room and into the main hall of the mansion. We could hear the yelling from outside, and it sounded like it was getting louder.

When I reached the front of the mansion, I was stunned by what I saw. My wife, the Luna, was standing in the middle of a crowd of angry pack members. She was shouting orders, demanding that they work harder to provide food for the pack. Her words were harsh and demanding, and the people were clearly frustrated and unhappy.

I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. This was not the way to lead a pack, and it was certainly not the way to treat the people who relied on her for guidance and support.


I stepped forward, my anger growing with every passing second. I was furious at the way she was treating the people, and I knew I had to put an end to it. I pushed my way through the crowd, ignoring the shocked looks I received. When I reached the front, I

faced Irene, my eyes blazing.

“You cannot treat these people this way,” I said, my voice cold and sharp. “You are their leader, and you have a duty to them”.

“You will do well to mind your business Lucas, this is for the betterment of the pack” she replied, shouting.

I had never been so angry before. I couldn’t believe the way she had spoken to me now in front of the pack members. I knew I needed to do something, and I couldn’t let her get away with it.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door. The people of the pack were still milling around outside, and they stared at us as we left the building. But I didn’t care. I

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Chapter 13

had to put a stop to this.



As we reached the front door, Andrew stepped in front of us. He looked at me, his face stern. “What happened?” he asked worriedly.

I took a deep breath, trying to control my anger. “The Luna was treating the pack members horribly.” I said, my voice shaking. “She was ordering them around, and she said some terrible things to them. I had to stop her.”

“Please, I want to be alone with Irene” I continued and Andrew nodded, excusing us.

The door closed behind us, and I turned to face the Luna. 1 opened my mouth to speak, but before I could say anything, she slapped me across the face. The sting of her hand was like a physical manifestation of her anger, and I stumbled back in surprise.

“You will pay for this,” she said, her voice low and dangerous. “You have no idea what you have done.”

“You think you can rule this pack? You are nothing but a weakling, a lowly wolf who thinks he can rise above his station. You will never be considered my Alpha.”

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