Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Gabriella’s POV

I was angry, especially with the pack soldiers who were right beside me. I ordered that I be taken to the boarders so that I may examine the seriousness of the pain.

“Get me to the border!” I snarled, my voice filled with rage, but they paid no heed to what I said.

“I won’t repeat myself again,” I shouted, my voice booming across the battlefield. “If you don’t get me to the border right now, he will die!”

The soldiers hesitated, unsure of what to do. I could see the fear in their eyes, but I didn’t care. I was consumed by rage, and I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from saving my friend.

“If you do not get me to the border, you will face my wrath!” I snarled, my eyes flashing with fury.

I took a deep breath, and the anger in my heart gave way to a steely resolve. “You will do as I say,” I said, my voice clear and commanding.

The pack soldiers cowered before me, their eyes wide with fear, but I didn’t care at the moment. I was filled with a power I had never felt before, a power that gave me the strength to do anything.

With a nod, I indicated for them to lead the way. They scrambled to their feet, and began to guide me towards the border.

When we got there, some pack soldiers were carrying Matthew’s b*dy away from the battleground, he was injured badly while the others were fighting off the rogues. It was a scene of chaos, but the pack soldiers were doing their best because the rogues were few


“Get me the pack doctor,” I said, my voice echoing through the halls. The pack soldiers sc attered, rushing to carry out my orders. I knew that time was of the essence, and that we had to act quickly.

Moments later, the pack doctor arrived, his face pale and worried. “What has happened?” he asked, his voice trembling.

I pointed to Matthew’s b*dy, which was lying on the bed. “He’s been injured,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

The pack doctor’s face was stern as he gave his orders. “Close all the doors and windows,” he said, his voice authoritative. “And post guards at every entry point. We


Chapter 10

cannot afford to let anyone in or out.”

The pack soldiers scurried to obey, their expressions grim. I could tell that they were frightened, but they were determined to do their duty. I took a deep breath, and I knew that we had to prepare for the worst.

“Do you

think he’ll make it?” I asked, my voice breaking.

The pack doctor’s face was somber as he looked at me. “I cannot say for certain,” he said, his voice heavy regretfully. “The extent of his injuries is severe, and there is no telling what the outcome will be.”

I felt a lump in my throat, and I struggled to hold back my tears. I couldn’t lose him,

in the few days.

not now, not after everything we had just been through tears. I couldn’t lose him,

The pack doctor carefully examined the wounds, his brow furrowed in concentration. He probed the injuries, his hands gentle but firm. I watched anxiously, my heart in my throat.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pack doctor sat back and sighed. “It’s not good,” he said, his voice grim. “There is severe damage to his internal org ans, and he has lost a lot of blood.”

I felt like the world was crashing down around me, and I could barely breathe.. Something has to be done, anything, to save him.

The pack doctor looked at me with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “I have a healing herb that might help,” he said. “It’s a rare plant, and I don’t have much of it, but it’s our only chance.”

“We need to administer an antidote, but it’s a long shot,” the pack doctor said, his face grave. “The plant that the antidote comes from is very rare, and it’s hard to find. But if we can find it, we might be able to save him.”

I looked at him, hope and fear warring within me. “We have to try,” I said, my voice firm. “We can’t just give up on him.”

The pack doctor nodded. “We will do everything we can,” he said.

I grabbed his arm, my grip tight. “Give it to him,” I said, my voice urgent. “Please, do whatever you can to help him.”

The pack doctor nodded, and he started preparing the herb after making sure he had cleaned the wounds, his movements swift and sure. I could only watch, my heart pounding in my chest.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” the pack doctor said, his voice low. But before he


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Chapter 10

could say another word, the door burst open, and the beta strode in, his expression. thunderous.

“What is the meaning of this?” he demanded, his eyes flashing. “Why are you all just standing around?”

The pack doctor straightened, his face calm and collected. “We were treating an injured. member of the pack,” he said, his voice even.

“I’m afraid there is more to this story than just a rogue attack,” the pack doctor said, his voice low. “It seems that there is internal conflict within the pack, and this attack may have been part of a larger plot.”

I felt my stomach drop. “What are you saying?” I asked, my heart pounding.

The pack doctor sighed. “I cannot share all the details, but I can tell you that there are some within the pack who may have wanted this to happen.”

My mind reeled, trying to process what he was telling me. “I know this is a lot to take in,” the pack doctor said, his voice gentle.

“But we need to focus on saving the Alpha now, we can deal with the politics later.”

I nodded, my thoughts racing. I knew I needed to be strong, but it was hard to push away the fear and worry.

My friend and their Alpha was in danger, and I was powerless to help him. All I could do was hope that the pack doctor was right.

“I’m here for you,” the pack doctor said, his hand on my shoulder.

“Matthew has been under attack for some time now,” the pack doctor said, his voice low. “There are those within his council who want to see him removed from power, and they will stop at nothing to make that happen.”

“But why?” I asked, my brow furrowed, confused. “Matthew is a good leader. Why would anyone want to harm him?”

The pack doctor sighed. “It’s complicated,” he said.

“Power is a good and dangerous thing,” the pack doctor said slowly.” The decision rests in the person holding power”.

“It can change people, make them do things they never thought they were capable of, and here in this pack, so many people want power.” He said.

I stared at him, the words sinking in. There was a side of the pack I have not seen yet, a darker side that I had never imagined.





Chapter 101

But it makes sense now, the reason for all this attack is that someone else wants this power, someone wants to be Alpha.

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