Hendrix: Caldwell Brothers (The Caldwell Brothers Book 1)

Hendrix: Caldwell Brothers: Chapter 15

I can’t sleep. It’s seven-thirty in the morning, and I’m exhausted. I wish could sleep in today, but I fucking can’t. Jagger needs extra cash, so he is opening and says he wants to stay until five or six. It doesn’t happen often. Hell, it has been since before Mom passed that he has even offered. My bar being my baby, I am the one who wakes her up every day and makes sure she is all right, so I never have help opening. She is mine. However, Jagger is my brother, so I’m cool with it.

Livi is curled up around me like an old cat, soaking up my body heat and putting off some of her own. Fuck, I’m hard. I’m as fucking hard as my damn oak bar. She makes me this way. I was half hoping I was fucked-up that night and glamorizing the closet romp, but fuck if she is just as good sober as she is drunk. Hell, she is better. She also tastes unbelievable. She is fucking beautiful, and I am not feeling like I’m gonna be done with her hot, little box anytime soon.

This is not good, not good at all. She is at minimal half-crazy, has been abused, and she fucking works for me. Those are three lines I have never crossed before. I need to get her out of my system, although I need her to get something out of it, too. That way, this little predicament I have found myself in will be cool, be even. Give and take. And fuck, I want to give to her right now. My mouth waters at wanting to give it to her.

I look down to see she’s looking up at me, her eyes sparkling in the morning light. She looks excited, but cautiously so.

“Um, I’m sorry?” she says, watching me and gauging my reaction.

I can’t help smiling. “Is that so.” Not a question, a statement. I know she’s not sorry and neither am I.

She lets out a sigh as she rests her chin on my chest, never looking away before she shrugs. “I work for you.”


“So, this is normal for you?”

“Nothing about you is normal.” Maybe I should pull my balls out of my vagina now, ‘cause that is a bitch comment. “No, not normal to sleep with an employee, not normal to have a chick sleep over”—my hand somehow finds its way to her hair—“and not normal to let a sexy, little thing take control.”

“You think I’m sexy?” She grins as I give her a nod. “I suppose I have been.” She rolls her eyes and sits up. “I mean, I was grinding on you at the fundraiser, and that was a first for me. I mean, the only guy who ever … well, you know…”

“No, I don’t fucking know.” Bats are in my chest, thumping around, as I sit up.

She shrugs, blushes, and then shakes her head like she is shaking something off. “Let’s just stick with how sexy I am, shall we?” She licks her lips as she stares at mine.

I start to pull her head to me, but I don’t want that shit, so I stop.

She looks at me, confused again. “Why did you stop?”


She smiles and gives a small nod.

“Last night should have never happened.”


“Don’t be sorry; be you. Be real. You don’t want something, don’t give it to me. I’m a man, Livi. I want you, but I really liked you last night. Hell, I liked you in the closet. I like you.”

“You like me, but you just stopped when you were gonna kiss me?” Her brows furrow a bit.

I dig her no bullshit ways, and I like the way she talks so openly. As a result, I decide to be candid with her, as well.

“You wanna kiss me, you kiss me. You wanna—”

Her lips are on mine in the blink of an eye. Her little tongue slips between my lips, and I begin to pull her astride, but when I realize what I’m doing, I stop. What does she do? She climbs on top of me while our tongues continue rubbing, and her hips start grinding.

“Liv,” I say, holding her hips still.

“Yes?” she asks in a lusty voice.

“You want something, you need to ask me for it.”

“I want…” She blushes then shrugs. “I want you.”

“I’m all in, but this needs to be a give and take with you and me.”

She nods eagerly. Damn, she is fucking crazy, but damn, I can’t stop myself.

I flip her on her back, and she squeals.

“Consent?” I ask as I kiss from her lips to her jaw.

“Given.” Her eyes widen the lower I kiss down her body.

I am between her tits, and suddenly, I hate my vintage Motley Crew tee she wore to bed. I get to her belly, lift the shirt, and dip my tongue in her belly button.

She pushes her leg out from underneath me so I am lying between them. She then bites her lip as I rub my morning stubble across her panties and she arches her back to me.

I stop and look up, and she reaches down then sticks her finger in my mouth. As I start to suck on it, she hooks that little finger and drags me by the jaw down toward her pussy.

“I want you there.”

“Is that so?” I half chuckle as she drags me closer.

I push her panties aside, tearing them accidentally, and then my mouth covers her. No lead up, no tease, I dive in.

“Yes, please … Oh, Hendrix … Caldwell … Oh, God!”

My tongue laps at her sweet, little honey pot, and I groan, unable and unwilling to hide the satisfaction I get out of her pussy. She moans, her hands fisting my hair as she pushes up against me.

I wrap my arms around her legs and spread her wider then motorboat that honey. I want her all over my face. I want to smell her all day. I want to feast on her forev—hours. Fuck!

She tenses as I feel her building. I shove my finger inside her, giving the come hither as I suck on her clit. It doesn’t take much more before she falls apart, pulling my hair, riding my hand, and crying out my name.

While she comes down from her high, I watch her pant and think to myself, Jimmy Hendrix would have died a happy man if he was asphyxiated by her pussy instead of his own vomit. I sure as hell could check out right now and be a happy man, and I haven’t even come yet.


I kiss up her body, dragging her shirt up with my teeth and uncovering her breast.


“Given,” she pants as I take her little pebble in my mouth and circle it with my tongue.

I tear myself away from her and sit up on my knees. Then, I grab her behind the knees and pull her closer before lining myself up. I stroke my head up and down her drenched slit and groan. As I look up, she is pushing up on her elbows to watch.

“Fucking hot.”

“Sexy,” she says, nudging forward, asking without words for my cock.

“Sexy,” I say as I slam into her.

“Hendrix!” is screamed again, while I still when I am all in.

“Sorry, Livi, I can’t hold back.”

“Don’t,” she moans, “Make Lo—” She stops and squeezes her eyes shut. Then, in the tiniest, littlest voice, I hear her brave the words, “Fuck me.”

And fuck her, I do. Her hips in hand, I slam in and out of her as she fists the sheets, looking sexy as fuck, and I keep at it. Her head thrashes from side to side as she bites her lip.

Her pussy strangles me, letting me know she’s ready to come again. I quicken the pace, wanting to release with her, come together, her and I.

Moments later, I do come, holding nothing back, and she is right there with me. Fucking screaming orgasm, best kind there is.

Afterward, her eyes are hooded, yet open as she watches me roll to my side. She is panting and so am I as I watch her stare blankly at the ceiling.

I take her hand and rub her knuckles before I rub them across my lips. “Best pussy ever.”

She swallows hard and nods once.

“Shit, did I do something wr—”

“Did you have a condom on?” Her voice trembles.

“You know I didn’t. No time; couldn’t help it. I’m clean, though. I’ve been tested. Never been bareback before, and your pussy is so tight I’m sure nothing has been in there in a while.” I roll to my side and plant a kiss on her swollen red lips.

She sits up slowly and pulls the shirt down. She can’t even look at me. Tears well in her eyes, and I feel like I have been punched in the gut twice. First, because she is about to cry, and second, because I don’t ever get caught in the moment, not after Mom.

“Okay, don’t cry, Livi. Shit,” I say as I grab her hand, pulling her up to give her a little hug. “I’m clean. I never go without a condom.”

“I’m clean, too. I lost someone, so I get tested.” She wipes her eyes and looks up at me. “What if…”

“What if, what?” I am trying not to panic. I don’t wanna freak her out any more than she probably is. “I swear, Livi, I am clean.”

“You sterile, too?”

“No.” I laugh. “Besides, you’re on the pill or that shot thing, right?”

“No,” she mumbles.

I jump up. “You aren’t!” Holy fuck! I never even considered that shit. I grab her hand and lead her in the bathroom. “You wanna try to—I don’t know—clean it up?” I let go of her by the toilet and walk to the tub. “How hot can you—I mean … how do you like your bath?”

“I like hot.” She sniffs.

I look back at her as I turn the water on, secretly wanting to scorch those little fuckers swimming around up in there.

“Livi, I wasn’t trying to be a dick. I assumed and well…”

“I wasn’t even thinking about—”

“Okay, it’s fine.” I stand up, lift the toilet lid, and am just shy of pushing her down and wiping her pussy when she looks at me oddly. “Shit, sorry. You go ahead.”

I walk out, hoping she scrubs herself good, getting rid of my load, leaving only the delicious taste inside.

I pace back and forth, running my hands through my hair, and wait until I hear the flush. When I walk back in, she is bare-assed and stepping in the tub. Her ass is fucking beautiful.

Looking at her, I watch as she glances over her shoulder at me, catching me squeezing myself, trying to avoid the hard-on I feel coming on fast.

“Sexy still?” she asks, seeking approval. That’s the third gut punch.

“Hell yes,” I say honestly, ‘cause that round ass is nothing but. “I’m gonna make breakfast—”

“Don’t worry about it,” she says as she sits down in my tub. “Don’t you have to open soon?”

She grabs my washcloth and washes her face.

“No. Jagger needed a shift, so I have the day free.”

“And night. It’s my—”

“Livi, I was serious about giving you some time off. You work forty hours a week, plus twenty-eight at the bar. That’s too much.”

“No, I need it.” She looks away, washing her arm. “I’m behind on a few things and have the car—”

I am sporting wood and need to get the fuck out of there, or I am gonna bruise her pretty little pink pot. “Need anything before I get out of here and make us some breakfast?”

“Did your friend call you about the keys? I need some, um,” she pauses and then whispers, “panties.”

I smile and nod. “I’ll call him. You enjoy your bath. Make sure you try to—”

“Hendrix?” Her eyes are wide.

“Sorry, you’re still damn sexy, Livi, with or without my sp—”

She chucks the wet washcloth at me, and we both laugh. “Out, you!”

I toss it back, walk out of my room, and want to bash my head against the wall. Hot sex, naked chick in my tub—scratch that, sexy, naked chick who I am digging in my tub—and I am worrying about one in the heat of the moment accident? Fuck, I am losing my shit.

I text my boy, finding out her keys are literally stuck. Shit’s frozen, and she won’t be getting them back for a day or so. That news makes my dick dance in my pants. Wonder if she’ll hang here until then? The car is cool for now. No tow. I just gotta find her spare.

By the time I scramble up some eggs, make some toast, squeeze some orange juice, she is still not out of the tub. I make her a plate and pace. It’s been a long time since I have felt this way. Fuck, who am I kidding? I have never felt this way.

I look at the clock to see it has been fifteen minutes. I grab her plate and walk up the stairs, thinking she can eat in bed. Hell, I’ll eat her while she eats in bed, maybe tongue out any remnants of my swimmers.

I stop when I hear her singing. She has this sweet voice that makes me stop and listen closer.

“Won’t let nobody hurt you. I’ll stand by you. So if you’re mad, get mad. Don’t hold it all inside. Come on and talk to me now…”

She isn’t singing loud, but the words to “I’ll Stand By You” by the Pretenders hold a deafening sound.

“Hey, what you got to hide? I get angry, too. Well, I’m a lot like you. When you’re at a crossroads and don’t know which path to choose, let me come along, ‘cause—”

Then I hear nothing.

I knock on the door and push it open then walk over to the tub. Her feet are on the edge, and her head is submerged with her eyes closed. When her lids open, she jumps up, splashing water everywhere.

“You scared the heck out of me,” she says as she holds her hand to her chest.

I keep my eyes on hers. “Sorry, you’ve been in here awhile.”

“Sorry, the water is just really warm.”

“All right, then.” I set the plate on the bathroom counter and try to come up with what to say next.

“Hey, man—whoa. Shit, it’s Livi.”

I look back, seeing Jagger heading out the door.

Livi and I have the same damn expression on our faces—shocked and holy shit—until she starts to laugh and snort then covers her mouth.

“Fuck,” I grumble and squeeze my eyes closed.

“I am so sorry,” she giggles. “I—”

“Don’t worry about it. Look, your keys are gonna take a while to get out. Anyone have a spare?”

“No,” she says, trying not to laugh, and I shake my head. “What a mess.”

“The entry door locked?”

“To my place?” She points to herself.

“Yeah.” I nod.

“If you jiggle it enough, you don’t need one.”

“Your spare set of keys to the car…?”

“On the table next to the door.” She starts to get out, so I grab her a towel.

“You stay here. It’s cold out. I’ll grab you some”—I pause and shake my head—“panties and clothes.”

“You can’t get in,” she says as she wraps the towel around her. “You gotta jiggle it just right.”

“I can.”

She remains hesitant and starts looking around, avoiding eye contact. I don’t give her a chance to talk me out of it or distract me, though. She’s always avoiding questions with more of her crazy.

“Apartment number, Livi?”

“1223,” she mumbles.

“When you’re dressed, we’ll get your car so you can go back home and chill. Eat, Livi.” I point to the food. “I’ll be back soon.”

I walk down the stairs and look at Jag who has a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Shut the fuck up and come with me. We’ll give Livi some privacy while we grab her car. Then you need to get your ass to the bar.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.