Hell's Academy

Chapter 225: Alneck City

In the Jarkalon Abyss, Alneck City

In a small enclave in the corner of the city, there was a small cavern hidden in the side of the mountain that held only the most dangerous criminals.

Many of these men were Arthraku that had killed hundreds, if not thousands of people indiscriminately. And most of them were very famous.

Two of the killers, the Anxsta brothers, had slaughtered an entire city of the Wantrasten People without any provocation and any orders from the Arthraku King. Because of this, like all the men here, the two brothers were sealed in this prison to await the day of their execution.contemporary romance

The Arthaku, however, had a strange tradition. Each men would have to wait on death row for 150 years before they were completely slaughtered. In that time, each men would get three chances to escape from being slaughtered. Of course, many of these men knew no matter what they did, they would still be killed by the government of the Arthraku.

The Anxsta brothers, especially didn't expect to survive, unlike every other prisoner in the Grestle Prison in Alneck City, they weren't even given a single chance to reduce their sentence. That was, of course, until this very day. Gorgin, the king of the Arthraku, was sitting right in front of them with a women clad in white. Beside them was a main tightly rapped in ropes with blood dripping from his mouth.

That man, unfortunately, was Barabin.

He was in so much pain that he could barely breath, yet Founder Arista didn't seem to care. She gently tossed him into the cell of the Ansxta brothers before she pushed back her blonde hair and then sat on Gorgin's lap. Smiling, she looked at the two prisoners staring completely in awe at her beauty.

"You two have slaughtered over 10,000 people right? In a single day?" Gorgin gently rubbed Founder Arista's legs before she kissed him with all the warmth she could muster. "I'm guessing that means' you're pretty strong right? Did you ever get your strength assessed?"

"We-we just wanted to get stronger. Stronger to serve you king!" The first Anxsta brother bowed his head and then looked up at Gorgin's fierce eyes. He felt like a terrifying existence was looking at him. "Strong enough to fight our enemies! That-that's why we killed all those people!"

"Do you think you could capture someone?" Founder Arista gently pulled down her skirt. She could almost feel the monstrous desire emitting from the two men's eyes and it bothered her. "Also, have you heard of Yesran before? The two men that slaughtered their entire tribe to reach the SSS Rank? You must have heard about them. After all, your crimes were very similar."

Founder Arista had been tasked to do some research on those who'd most likely be able to capture Howard in the last few months, and these two men seemed like the ideal candidates.

She had been watching Howard from a distance when she caused Nellon's body to explode, and realized that his strength was growing at an exponential rate. Because of that, she decided not to request her three sons to kill Howard. She needed a pair much stronger then her sons, and a group of people who if their nation lost, there wouldn't be a problem.

Of course, even right now, her best guess of Howard's strength was in the SSS rank only when he was triggered. She had, after all, been smart enough to keep a portion of her aura around Nellon's heart before it beat for the last time. She had seen Howard fight against the Aresoul and knew his potential when he activated Fire King's Last Stand. Basically, she was here today to get two people to kill Howard.

'If they were unchained, they'd probably attack me if Gorgin wasn't here. No wonder they were able to slaughter so many people so easily.' Founder Arista thought while the two men got their chains remove by Gorgin. 'Hmmm, but I wonder if they'll even take the job. They'll be killed in one year almost no matter what. After all, they aren't idiots.'

"We-we have a proposition for you," Gorgin said, tossing away the chains and pointing at the exit.. He could tell the two brothers wouldn't talk to Founder Arista no matter what she said, so he decided to speak up in her place. "We want you to find this boy and capture him. You can rip off his arms and legs but you can't kill him." Gorgin showed a picture of Howard. "He should at his maximum have the strength of someone in the lowest SSS ranks. He will still be weaker than you even at his maximum strength, but he is dangerous. Are you willing to get him for us?"

"Why did you bring that man here?" Janx said, pointing at Barabin. "He has horns? Is he from where I think he's from?"

"Not important," Gorgin said with a wide smile. "We just need someone to store him that's safe from the public eye. You are in the most secure part of the lower level of this jail, so we figured we'd leave him here when you were gone. Anyways, this boy is named Howard. Do you still have the ability to find people through their frequencies?"

Janx nodded his head while his other brother Marxin sighed and crossed his arms. Marxin was the smarter of the two and also much taller than his younger brother. He gently shoved Janx before he shook his head.

"We could, but it's been years. Our Authoritarian forms may not work as well. We'd need a few nights on the town to be sure."

"24 hours. Deal?" Gorgin said and patted them both on the shoulders. He then handed them a bag of money. "24 hours, and no one can be killed. You can both spend some time with women, but you must not harm a single girl either. Do you understand?"

"Very much," Janx smiled and held out his hand before shaking Gorgin's. His short black hair seemed to stand up on its ends while he walked to the exit of the cell. His muscular body somewhat trembled while he sensed the air of freedom. "Hehe, however, I've never seen a man injured so bad. What did this Barabin do to you two?"

"He was nice to me. That was his problem," Founder Arista picked up Barabin by his hair and then slammed him down into the ground. "He also is good at keeping secrets. Even now, he still hasn't told me all I want to know about Howard. You'd think after me cutting of his horns, he'd grow some balls."

"I-I-I hate you traitor," Barabin whispered while Gorgin and the two men walked outside. "You-you are going to die! Howard will come here and kill you! I-I can feel it! I know what he'll do when he sees what you did to me! Crush you!"

"You're losing it. Howard's going to help us find Demon King Earl's tomb. You, on the other hand, are going to be sitting here with your legs cut off if you don't behave. Now, In two months, don't worry, Howard will be watching you die. I promise."


Howard spent roughly 15 hours trying to figure out how to fill his Silver Ki Heart with his intent.

It was different from all the other Ki Hearts. 

He had no trouble putting his intent into the other 59 Ki Hearts, yet that all instantly changed when dealing with his Silver Ki. The Ki Cells inside of his Silver Ki Heart didn't want to be controlled, and no matter how much he tried, it almost always rejected his intent.

Still, he felt some hope as the hours passed by. He could finally feel a small part of the Silver Ki Heart was under his control. With a sigh, he stood up and looked outside. The sun was beginning to rise. He didn't realize he'd spent so much time in the training room.

"Howard, you're going to have to go now," Harkel opened the door to the training room and sighed. He had his black cape compeletely covering everything except his amber eyes. "I left you three hours so you could say goodbye to Monica, Harley, and Priscilla. However, we just got a visitor. Apparently, you've gotten a lot of attention."

"Attention, from who?" Howard wiped off the gunk that had gotten on his clothes and sighed. "What do you mean? I've been in the training room this entire time right?"

"Unfortunately, it was a bad decision to let you fight me and Waxel. Come down stairs and meet her. She'll be happy to meet you. After all, you're one of the only true descendents of Demon King Earl. I'm sure she'll be quite happy."


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