Hell's Academy

Chapter 218: Wrapped Up

Priscilla couldn't believe what she was doing for the last three hours.

She heard that Howard would be back at the mansion soon, so decided to wait for him with his present. She had been one of the only girls that hadn't been really able to spend Howard for his birthday. By the time he made it through Monica, Reece, and Harley, the two of them perhaps kissed for ten minutes before it was already morning.

She sighed and looked down at her long, string green dress and tried her hardest not to change into something else. This was her first day not trying to hide her scars from him. She-she came here to give Howard her present and no matter what happened she was going to succeed!

'Ah, why do I like this jerk so much! I watched him kiss three girls for three hour, and even pet him on the back while he was doing it! Damn it! He better be here soon!"

Priscilla sighed and got up and rushed over to her brief case, and gently played with the green strap on her dress. Dropping one strap off her shoulder, she turned around when she felt someone coming. A second later, before she could even lift up her strap, and hide her showing blue bra, Howard burst in the room.contemporary romance

Instantly, Priscilla blushed and looked down at her cleavage fully showing to Howard and frankly anoyne who might have been in the hallway behind him. She-she couldn't believe it! This jerk! Why did his timing have to be so damn lucky!

"Wow, are you my present?" Howard said, smiling and walking towards Priscilla. He never imagined in a million years she could look so beautiful, but she really seemed to outdo herself today. He saw her pale skin shimmering as she gently pushed up her dress strap and smiled. "Hehe, I-I've been wanting to spend time with you alone for a while. Were you waiting in the bed?"

"Yes, Howard, but… I don't know who told you I was bringing a present. I-I believe me, I am your girlfriend, so I want to kiss you and stuff like that, but aside for the one small gift Jenny got you…. I more came here out of selfishness! I came here to use you Howard!"

"I'm ready to be used." Howard smiled and gently kissed Priscilla's hand before her skin immediately blushed. She didn't even see Howard move and the next moment he was in front of her, kissing her hand. Did he use Dream Ki or something, and why was her mind rushing so fast. "Hehe, but I know you're not the type to use someone, Priscilla. Why don't we sit down for the bed, and talk."

"I-I don't want to go on the bed yet. I-I feel bad about something," Priscilla's plump lips touched against Howard's once before she jumped up and kissed him once more. She was roughly a head smaller than him right now, and had only been a few inches last time, so it felt really good for her to feel Howard swoop down and pluck a kiss from her lips. "Howard, I was talking to Annibel and Reslan, and then think with you around I can develop more Ki Hearts. The only present I brought you is a plant from Jenny. She said if you take it you'll be able to use Fire King's Last Stand three months sooner. I-I just want to be strong for you, but not if it inconveniences you! I-I heard Waxel saying you have to go soon! I-I'm really sorry for being so useless! I-I shouldn't need your help! Damn it! I feel so naked right now! Please-please tell me you're not upset."

"I'm so glad you're finally revealing your arms, and I think you look beautiful," Howard swooped down to kiss her one more time before his hand wrapped around her back. She instantly seemed to bend to his will before she seemed to get stuck in his embrace for ten minutes, their licks locked, before she finally let go of him. "Hehe, and-and of course I'll help you develop your Ki Hearts. It should only take a day at most."

"Do you really have a day for a dumb blonde like me," Priscilla leaned down onto the bed and bit her finger. "You-you sure you aren't mad at me? I-I'm supposed to be this self reliant girl that never asks for anyone else. That never shows even a small amount of weakness. Yet, here I am, showing you my scars and you're completely fine with it! I-I don't know what to say."

"Howard, back at the East Branch now, some girls are requesting copies of your poster, and some of them are even starting planning to confess to you when you return. The only other guy is Sheldon, and he already has a girlfriend. You, on the other hand, have four! To the girls, this means that you're available. That, even for a night, if they find you, you might just take them into your bed! I-I am just a single girl down here that likes you! Why would you help a useless person like me!"

"You're not useless, and your scars make you who you are," Howard kissed Priscilla's arms over and over again until he made her way up unto her lips. She looked so beautiful that not a single angle didn't seem to be sculpted out of the finest jade. In her green dress, with her hair falling back, and her cleavage somewhat showing through her V-Neck Dress, he felt like he was kissing an angel. "Even with them, I think they just add to your beauty. And I already decided that you were my girlfriend, haha! Maybe if you and Monica want me to spend a night with other girls I will, but I promise I'll never leave you."

"I-I can't believe that you just said that. I, for one, have enough trouble watching you with three girls to just give you away to make another girl happy." Prisclla laughed and kissed Howard one more time before she hugged him with all her might. "Thank you, Howard. As for the thing Jenny got you, it's right over there. It's some pill she made. If you take it, she said you should be able to use the 3rd level of Fire King's Last Stand without getting hurt."

"Now, do you have anything else you want from me, Howard?" Priscilla kissed him one more time and saw Howard shaking his head. "Do you want to call me names, or punish me? I-I actually don't mind being hit if you enjoy it. Just don't be too hard okay."

"I don't plan on hitting you, but if you don't mind can I just enjoy kissing you for a little while," Howard smiled and gently brushed back her hair, caressing every part of her upper back with his hands. "Now, about making Ki Hearts together. How am I supposed to help you succeed? What were Reslan and Annibell talking about?"

"I'll explain shortly. Waxel already prepared a room for me to breakthrough in. You'll find out all the details when we're inside. However, Howard, promise me one thing. If I say something strange when I'm growing my Ki Haerts, you'll always like me? You won't throw me out like my family did? You won't just abandon me because I'm a little different."

"Priscilla, you'll find in a little bit, after staying with me, that there is not a single thing that isn't perfect on your body, haha! Now, stop talking and close your mouth. You still owe me twenty minutes of bonding time, and I plan to get it!��


Howard opened up the present Jenny had given him and smiled.

Though she had given him a pill bottle that had pills inside called Silk Green Pills from the Silk Green Plant, there was also a small letter. He opened it up while Priscilla prepared to breakthrough. 

"Howard, I heard from Annibell that you had a grandmother that lived next door.

At first, I thought it was impossible because she looked no older than twenty-five, 

But then Annibell confirmed it, and haha, I'm writing this letter to tell you what she told 

Me. She, one day, on the day you got captured, said that your parents might not be 

Who you think they are. Don't get me wrong, I-I'm not suggesting the parents 

Who watched you weren't your real parents, but she made it very clear to me

That you might have another set of parents, haha! I-I wanted to tell you in person,

But I always thought she was crazy, and… I heard from Harkel you might have to leave 

Us girls behind. Don't forget about us though, okay? I-I'm almost eighteen, and…

I really do plan on marrying you first! You hear me jerk! You better not

Marry any girls when you're in the Jarkalon Abyss! I-I don't care what you do to

Survive, but no secret marriages! I-I'll kick her ass if you do!

From Jenny. 

P.s. Monica helped me make the pills smell good. We kissed each one, haha!"

'I-I don't believe it. Why would my grandmother even talk to Jenny? First, she had no way of knowing I'd meet her down in the Furnace, and secondly, why would she specifically tell her that I might have parents might still be alive?'

'What does that even mean? Is she saying that I didn't come out of my mother's womb? I-I know for a fact that my mother birthed me! I have pictures of her in the hospital back at home! There is no way I'm not her son.'

"Howard," Priscilla said with a smile, waving him over to her. She��d already gotten ready to start developing her Ki Hearts, but the most important part, Howard, had yet to arrive. "You ready to do what I asked? You promise you won't find it too embarrassing?"

"I'm ready," Howard put the letter down and sighed. He could think about what was in the letter later. "I'm ready to make you so strong even I'll be terrified of what you can accomplish! Now, please lift up your arms like they asked. I-I need to get in the perfect position in order for this to work, right?"

"Yes," Priscilla sighed, "You-you're supposed to help me control the Ki in both sides of my body. Do you think you cna do it?"

"Just start. If I couldn't at least do that, I wouldn't dare call myself your boyfriend ever again! Now focus! I want you to get at least 40 Ki Hearts! I want you to prove to me that you're who I think you are! The girl with no limits!"


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