Hell's Academy

Chapter 213: Family Reunion

With Armecolith dead, the strongest beings in the Furnace immediately became a little more wary of Howard.

This included Yesran, and his two brothers. 

Yesran, and many people in his league, had the ability to extend their Domain Ki many kilometers in order to scout out opponents. From over 500 kilometers away, they could sense the entire battle with Howard.

However, even though they planned on interfering, they could tell someone in their league seemed to be protecting him. It was upsetting! When were they going to be able to attack him! Why? Why were all these auras they hadn't sensed in ages beginning to come out! Why did Howard seem to be causing such a stir? Was it because he was the supposed heir of Demon King Earl? That was ridiculous! Demon King Earl, if he were still alive today, probably wouldn't even be in the top 10 strongest of the Furnace!

"Yesran, I'm guessing that you sensed her too." Enrana said with his arms crossed. "What is she doing on this side of the Furnace, anyway? I haven't sensed her for ages?"

"I don't know." Yesran complained, "But she seems to be staying within a hundred 100 kilometers of him at all times! Damn it! Avena suddenly chose to take interest at the worst possible time! I havent' felt her in the Furnace for over 500 years, and suddenly she just chooses to be his guardian angel?"

Avena was a powerful SSS ranked warrior that was part of the Macralin. Though most people in her nation forgot about her existence, she was said to have such a beautiful and strong body that not even the strongest attack of the Demon King could kill her.

She had been one of the few Macralin who the Demon King Earl let serve on his team. Before the Four Guardians, and Horned Nation came into fruition, there was Demon King Earl's Knights. These knights consisted of two Macralin, two Varlen, one hundred Authoritarians, and three of his daughters.

During Demon King Earl's time, because of his power, in many ways he was like a magnet for eccentric people. Avena, at the time, was the song of the first Mocralin King, and wanted to go on countless adventures. When Demon King Earl showed up, and defeated her father in battle, in order to acquire a small plot of land for his family, a plot of land that would turn into Horned Nation, she immediately made up her mind to go with him.contemporary romance

And for over a hundred years, she did. Some said the Demon King Earl and her were in love, but clearly to others they just had a life long friendship. Yet, she also disappeared after he died. Why would she show up now?! They didn't understand!

"The best case scenario is Howard goes to the Jarkalon Abyss," Yesran said, "Once he's there, the other nations will not act kidney if they sense Avena. We can then crush Howard and claim that we were doing it because we suspected he's helping Gravanal! That means in two weeks, maximum, he'll be dead! After all, there is only so much you can do with his strength in the bottom of the Furnace! He'll have no choice but to leave hahaha! After all, powers call is greater than almost anything else! I can't wait until its finally time to reap his life! We can finally make it to the G rank."

"I'm as confident as you are, brother," Inrana said, "But… if Avena found out about Howard, couldn't the other members of Demon King Earls posse also found out? Wasn't Waxel one of the weakest Authoritarians in that bunch? I mean… Can it be a coincidence?"

"It's probably not, which is why we should kill him before they interfere with our plans," Yesran's red hair blew back in the wind while he patted his brother in the shoulder. "Only then, can we truly ever repent for killing all our compatriots. Only by being the strongest possible, will this urge inside me die!"


Waxel finally decided to break free of his domain.

He could no longer sense Armecolith or Howard, and it worried him. What had happened? He felt a large explosion and then suddenly both Kis disappeared? It didn't make any sense! Who won!


Thousands of shards of Waxel's domain burst down to the ground below him before he instantly fell to the floor. He sighed, and instantly jumped down with his arms crossed, his black-grey hair flowing in the wind, as he expected to get attacked.

However, that's not what happened. He saw Howard lying on the ground on what appeared to be a rock, snoring in the middle of the desert. How insane was this brat? Didn't he know he could get atatcked at any moment?

'Where is Necrolith? I don't understand,' Waxel walked over to Howard and gently picked him off the ground, hoisting him over his shoulder. 'He was here for over 100 days? Why? Why would he let me leave?'

Harkel sighed and turned to 1000 Monster Valley and shook his head. He couldn't help but smile, this had to be the luckiest day in the world! Armecoltih left and Howard was fine! Never in a million years would he expect such an outcome.

"Come here, sons," Waxel sighed and whispered into the air, but he was certain that they'd be able to hear him. "So, you were watching over me, and planning to attack at the last moment. I wonder what happened?"

Armecolith saw a series of blurs before five figures shot over the mountain towards him. His strongest sons, Granlon, Mixel, and the three others seemed to be bursting forward with speed. "You-you really are something else! All five of you haven't talked to me in a hundred years, yet the moment I'm in trouble you suddenly all return to the Mountain Range! It will be so nice to see you again!"

Waxel had been busy in his thousand years since Demon King Earl's daughter left him. Though she left when she was pregnant, and planned on being with other men, as an Authoritarian such things were quite normal. Just like her, he had over 100 children, and 5 of them happened to already reach the SS rank! Though they were a little bit weaker than he was, all 5 of them together would've probably been enough to scare off Armecolith. Yet, for some reason, they didn't act. He didn't understand, how did Howard manage to end up sleeping on the desert floor?

"Father, you should've seen it, hahaha!" A voice appeared out of the desert before an extremely muscular man stopped a few feet from Waxel. "Ha, that boy you're holding destroyed Armecolith! We-we didn't even have to intervene as feared! He-he completely wiped the floor with him."

"He did? Hahaha! No way!" Waxel started to laugh madly while he looked at his five sons. "Is that you, Granlon? You've gotten so strong, I can barely recongize you!"

Granlon was roughly 2 meters tall, and had extremely short green hair with dark blue eyes. He took after his mother, a fox Authoritarian that Waxel had mated with over 150 years ago. He was so glad to see him and feel his strength! He was getting closer to the midlevels of the SS rank! However, what was really surprising to Waxel was that Howard killed Armecolith! He wanted an explanation.

"Father, I know I got stronger, but that boy that seems to have some of our blood, he can already use a domain. In my opinion, it's even close to a limitless domain! You-you really should've seen the look on Armecolith's face! When that boy's strength surged, his bones actually paled hahaha! He's a skeleton, but he got whiter! It would've made you so proud."

"So good to see you all together, and Granlon, this is an distant uncle of yours." Waxel's legs started to tremble as he walked a few steps forward. "You-you mind holding him for a bit? I-I was expecting to have to fight, but now since he's dead I doubt I'll have to! Haha, now we should celebrate! I can't believe it that he actually won! He really defeated Armecolith! Son, are you willing to protect him for a few days before we all talk? I-I desperately need some sleep."

"We can tell. You over exerted yourself against Armecolith," Granlon scoffed and put Howard over his shoulder. "If only you called us when you started fighting him, perhaps you'd never would have had to use your domain. What were you thinking Waxel? You have so many strong sons, yet you always forget about us in favor of training others?"

"I-I wouldn't have had time to call you." Waxel sighed. "This boy here, Howard, is also one other thing I didn't mention. He's the boy with the strongest link to Demon King Earl in the entire Furnace, and probably the only one besides the Great Last King that will be able to open his tomb. I-I made a calculated decision. I risked my life so that the Furnace would have a chance of continuing into the future. If-if the Great Last King gets that treasure, let alone the Arthraku, nothing will be able to stop him!"

"Ah, so there was a reason you decided to be an idiot. Shame, father, and here I thought I was the stupid one for worrying about you. You knew all along Howard would return, didn't you?"

"No, definitely not," Waxel sighed and put his arm around one of his other sons. "Now, if you guys don't mind, I'm going to fall asleep now. In a few days, we'll have a dangerous decision to make. Howard can longer stay here. He'll definitely have to go to the Jarkalon Abyss! Only there will he be able to get strong enough to stop the Great Last Lord!"


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