Hell's Academy

Chapter 195: Worse Than a Nightmare

Harkel sat down next to Oclen and passed him a book on arrays. 

Oclen had just returned a few hours ago, and told Harkel some of what had happened. His brothers, whom had almost killed him, left him alive. Yet, even though he was aware of that, he felt that something had happened to his body. He couldn't put his finger on exactly what that feeling was, but it was gnawing on his insides.

Whatsmore, his brothers couldn't be sensed no matter how hard he tried. It seemed they went back to Arthraku Nation, but how was that possible? How could his brothers have vanished in a single day?

'I-I must have gotten knocked out by the General of the Great Will form of Xavier, but.. Why? Why leave me alive? Why do I suddenly have this huge craving to learn about arrays?'

Oclen studied the book that Harkel had given him while he felt Howard's Ki fluctuations. He knew depe down inside that he should be worried about Howard, but part of him even wanted him to die! What the hell had happened to him in the last day? It's like, something was growing inside of him, getting bigger every second, yet… He didn't seem to care! It felt like he was getting stronger!

"Oclen, Howard might need me to leave in a few minutes," Harkel laughed and pointed at the mountain to the east. "Haha, I-I didn't think I'd ever have a good reason to leave Jarlon Valley, but if Howard dies, that monster will never be able to be killed."

"Let's see… Do you mind if I teach you one simple array. One simple array just incase that old bastard tries to escape!"

"Sure, I'd love to learn about arrays," Oclen smiled, and briskly nodded his head. His brown hair still had blood on it, but his eyes seemed extremely beady and attentive to every word. "TEll me! What Array is it? It's called the foundation array right?"

"Indeed, the Foudation array is the most important array in any array. It's normally one of the basic 10,000 Array symbols. However, there are over one million complex array symbols that can also be used. Obviously, I didn't even use those, haha! I made a unique one."

'He-he's really going to tell me?" Oclen gulped, and put on a serious expression. 'Why does he trust me so much?! I-I should tell him to stop. I-I don't even trust myself right now!"contemporary romance

"Hmmm, you-you suddenly got awfully quiet? Don't worry, I'll be back in less than an hour. I-I've been holding back on you and Howard for a while just incase that monster tried to escape, haha! But anyways… This is the symbol."

Harkel dropped down on his knees and drew a symbol for Oclen while the latter immediately smiled. His eyes seemed to turn brighter than the most interested student, and he began to immediately study the patterns in front of him.

It was an array symbol known as the six interconnected chains. It was one of 10 billion obscure symbols that could also be used in arrays!

The reason there were so many symbols for arrays is because there were many different types of arrays. Defense arrays, Attack Arrays, and Illusion Arrays all had different elements. In total, there were over 1000 different types of arrays, and each had over 100 million unique symbols that mimicked some quality of Ki! 

However, the symbol that Harkel showed him was one of the simplest. Oclen couldn't almost believe it. How come he never studied arrays before at another part in his life! They were so interesting! So very captivating to look at and so full of power! 

'Now, Oclen, remember, activate that if that mountain trembles even a little bit." Harkel smiled and then vanished, leaving behind a cloud of dust in his wave. The small verdant nearby bushes instantly lost all their leaves while Oclen got up and laughed. 

'Why? Why am I laughing?"

"Because this is too easy!" Parlee's voice entered into his awareness. 'HAHAHAHA! You're brothers are the best! I-I offered to transport them to a hidden land of Authoritarians in exchange for letting me attach to you! How does it feel Oclen? How does it feel to know your brothers are in a paradise right now, while I'm going to use you to destroy the Furnace!"

"I-I'm losing it?" Oclen gently patted both his cheeks with his pale arms. "I-I must be going crazy, right? There-there is no way… No ways my brother would agree to such a stupid trade! I-I probably gained their respect after fighting them! That's why they left."

"Raise right arm!" Parlee said, inside of Oclen's body. 

Suddenly, he could no longer control his arm and watched it slowly move towards his face. He watched his own fingers grow claws and tear into his skin. 

"AH! What are you doing? Stop it! Parlee! Stop it! What do you want?"

"Heh, I'm just using you to get what I want. You see… There is an array that Harkel put in this area that can keep me out, but now that I'm in your body, it let me in! Hahaha! Finally, after a thousand years, I'm back! Back to save you Great Last King! Back to Save You from the Hell the Demon King put you in!"

"Get off!" Oclen attempted to activate his Ki, but the next moment he noticed all his Ki Hearts wouldn't respond to him. He instantly felt his hand digging deeper into his flesh while he tried to make sense of what happened.

"Did? Did my brothers really trade me for a chance at going to a place with Authoritarians? They-they cared about me so little? They-they literally let you take me over in exchange for a portal? Where-where did you take them?"

"Heh, a place you'll never know about," Parlee stood up and walked towards the canyon that had the body of the Great Last King, his master, and the eventual ruler of the Furnace. "Now, shall we test out that array before Harkel, the bastard returns? I-I'd rather not have to fight him. And I promise, Oclen, you'll be a good vessel for my master to use when he returns! Even your father will die! Hahaha! All your dreams will come true!"

"I wanted to kill him myself!" Oclen tried one more time to summon all his Ki, but this time it felt like something exploded. The next moment, his awareness seemed to be painted in a black light. Instantly, the last resistance he had to stop Parlee from taking him over disappeared.

"Well, this is a good body. Now that Oclen's taken care of, shall I free you master?" Oclen's normally amber eyes began to turn extremely orange. A malevolent energy flowed through his eyes while he walked towards the mountain. "Hmph, and what a joke. Giving Oclen an array for the most powerful being in the Furnace. Harkel, your stupidity continues to amaze me!"


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