Hell's Academy

Chapter 184: Domain Ki

Necrolith and Gorgolith had never experienced true terror in the last 1000 years, but they seemed to have lost their will to move when the small Horned man entered into the battlefield.

They didn't know which old master they had offended, but it seemed whomever they did offend was at least in the SSS rank! In the Furnace, only perhaps 200 people that they knew of could unleash such strength! Frankly, even the strongest Night Lord was only in the beginning stages of the SSS rank! They panicked, and immediately ordered their zombies to retreat. Once someone entered into the SSS rank, there was one skill that almost single handedly made it impossible for anyone beneath the SS rank to win.

It was almost unfair when someone in the SSS rank picked on someone beneath their rank, so many times those in the SSS rank usually ignored others beneath their strength and focused on training. Yet for some reason, this horned boy, with his strange white and black hair shooting up above his head, was completely focused on destroying the large Archelon army in front of him.

The Granite Fist Zombies attacked him with all their might, fused inside the Archelon Zombies, but with a single motion of Gravanal's wrist, a hundred zombies disappeared in the blink of an eye.contemporary romance

Holding out his hand, Gravanal smiled before a surge of Ki shot to the sky around him. What seemed to be a large Ki Fire stretching almost a mile in the air from his tiny frame before that flame began to sprout into six hands made out of pure Ki.

Instantly, six gigantic shadows appeared over the Archelon Zombies charging towards him before those six massive Ki Fire Hands surged forward like attacking snakes! In a second, nearly 1000 zombies disappeared into a sea of flames, their powerful bodies being scorched instantly into bits and pieces!

'That's 5,000 so far,' Gravanal sighed and looked back at Howard on a small cliff, watching him fight. 'I hope he knows how much I'm risking for him. Those other old, strong bastards aren't going to be too happy I got engaged in a battle against such weaklings. Hmph, they call this an army! This is barely a warm up for me!'

Gravanal's body seemed to be made out of pure Ki while he stood there thinking to himself. A yellow, white mixture of Dream Ki and Earth Ki floated around him, causing him to glow while hundreds of zombies rushed towards him.

A few had extremely dark amber eyes that made them look terrifying in the brewing sand storm around them, however, Gravanal was not impressd. One slashed at his face before he seemed to disappear and reappear behind a set of over 100 Archelon Zombies in a line. Inside of their bodies, the Granite Fist Zombies immediately sprouted out their arms and shot them at Gravanal. However, with a twitch of his wrist, the hands all seemed to disappear into a cloud of dust. Blood shot in every direction before it seemed to evaporate into a powder that disappeared into the clouds of sand.

'In the SSS rank, Howard, you'll be like this too,' Gravanal's body shifted into the center of the entire army of zombies before he slammed his hand down.

He was in the center of a large sand desert, with literally over 50,000 zombies surrounding him in every direction, and literally seemed like a small dot in the center of an incoming zombie wave.

If it was anyone else, they'd probably be terrified of all the zombies rushing towards them, but in the SSS rank, Gravanal had mastered one of its beginning skills, and also its most terrifying. In the SSS rank, someone like Gravanal could literally transform normal Ki into Domain Ki.

Though this may not sound that impressive at first, Domain Ki allowed someone like Gravanal to turn the entire environment into a land that they control. Even the Archelon Zombies rushing towards him in endless waves, with their large stone like bodies zooming forward towards him, couldn't refrain from some of their own Ki being used against them.

Holding out his hand, a large sphere of Ki seemed to sprout in every direction before thousands of Archelon Zombies disppaered into dust. The next moment, Gravanal appeared in front of Necrolith and Gargolith as they stared at him in terror.

Gorgolith's silver eyes looked into the Night Lords before he smiled happily and began to laugh. He seemed to knock on the air in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Heh, I'd have killed you if this damn barrier wasn't here,' Gravanal smiled and turned to look at the zombies raining down from the sky. He'd attacked them with such a powerful attack, that their body parts had scattered in the wind, and not a single zombie in sight could be seen. "However, I just wanted to see your faces, before my student wipes the floor with you.'

"Hoh, if it isn't Gravanal," Necrolith smiled and held out his hand, "Hahahaha! See, I was right brother! I knew if we walked here we'd be safe! Is the rest of the army already out of his boundary?"

"Yes! However, we lost over 40,000 zombies!" Gorgolith said with such intense rage it could be felt coming out of his eyes. "He-he… he shouldn't have attacked us! When Wansiloth finds out that you attacked us, you can consider yourself dead!"

"Hoho, If I remember correctly, Wansiloth doesn't like the other Night Lords." Gravanal smiled and pointed at Howard as he jumped down the mountain. He looked at the corpses around him in disbeleif. Was this the power of the SSS rank?

"He-he could probably single handedly destroy an entire nation.' Howard thought while looking at the body parts still raining down from the sky. 'How, how is he so strong? Not-not even 100 Armecolith's might be able to kill him!'

'He-he's at least 5000 times stronger than me! How the hell am I ever supposed to get this strong? This-this is too much! And Oclen's father is in the G rank! How terrifiyng is someone in that rank?'

"I-i want you two to do me a favor," Gravanal said and pointed at Howard while looking into Necorlith's eyes. "I want you two to attack that boy over there with 30,000 Archelon Zombies, and tell me what you think of him," Gravanal smiled. "Pushing the matter of you being in my territory aside, I think you'd both like to kill him no? After all, that is the demon king candidate."

'Hmph, we're not dumb enough to go in your 100 kilometer barrier again,' Necrolith laughed madly. "HAHAHAHA! You must think we're stupid. I nearly slaugthered that boy a few months ago. How strong could he have become?"

"You know, I'm also curious about how strong he is under pressure." Gravanal sighed and pointed at Howard. "How about this, I'll bring him over here, past where I can help him, and then we can watch him fight your zombies together? If you want, you can try and attack him, however, I'm warning you, I can still kill you if need be."

"Hmph, I'll take that offer," Necrolith watched Howard walking in his direction while a strange smile crept up on his face. "However, you're overestimating him, hahaha! In just a few minutes, he'll be dead!"


Howard did a slight bow after walking over to Gravnal in the center of the thousands od dead zombies.

The last arm of a an Archelon Zombie crashed down into a boulder to his right. He was still gasping in awe of Gravanal's overall power. What kind of monster was he really? What else was he hiding?

"Howard, I'm going to do something you're not going to like right now," Gravanal said, pointing over at Necrolith in the distance. "I'm going to give you your first training assignment. I want you to kill 30,000 Archelon zombies now. And then, I want you to fight Necrolith and Gorgolith by yourself. Yes, that sounds fair. However, not both at the same time, that be too hard."

"I-I remember Necrolith," Howard grinded his fist into a ball. "That-that evil bastard almost killed Barabin! Ugh, I-I've been waiting to fight him again. However, you can't go passed where they are standing right. How do you know they won't interfere?"

"They're terrified of me." Gravanel smiled, "Plus, they wagered a bet with me that I couldn't refuse. If you die to the 30,000 Archelon Zombies, I'll give them White. As you can imagine, a Dream Beast of that strength is worth more than you can imagine."

"Why would you wager White, haha? Also, how-how are you so strong?" Howard looked into his silver eyes wiht a trace of trepidation. I don't understand. What was that Ki you were using?"

"Not important," Gravanal tapped Howard on the shoulder before his hand blurred and grabbed onto Howard's wrist. "However, to make this faster, I'm going to throw you into the center of the Archelon Zombies. Now show me what you got Howard. I have a feeling I won't be disappointed."


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