Hell's Academy

Chapter 177: Evil Howard, Part 2

Jenny and Oclen both turned to the cave before a large explosion occured. 

Instantly, the mountain that had once been standing tall in the distance seemed to get cut in half. The top of the mountain slowly slid over while Oclen instantly jumped in front of Jenny. A large boulder nearly burst into her body before he cut it in half. At the same time, sweat began to pour down his face.

'What the hell is that?' Oclen activated his Eighteen Eyed Juggernaut form and pushed Jenny back. "Jenny, stay behind me. Something… Something strange just happened to Howard."

"I can feel it. For some reason, it feels like my blood is boiling." Jenny looked down at her hands. "I-I feel sick. Do you think he's going to be okay?"

"I doubt it," Oclen watched Howard and Harkel turn into a blur of light before the clashed on top of another mountain. "I doubt that's even Howard at this point!"



Howard's hand let off a small wave of silver Ki and slashed at Harkels' incoming scythes.

He landed on top of a mountain and waved his arm with his maximum strength. The next moment, everything around him seemed to shatter. Thousands of kilos of rocks shot into the air before a suppressive force surrounded him.

"I hate to do this," Harkel appeared behind Howard like a flash while thousands of Ghost arms from his domain pushed into Howard's head. "But the sooner I defeat you, the sooner the world will be safe."

"That tickles," Howard smiled before his hand flashed behind him and destroyed the thousand ghost arms pinning him down. "Hahaha! What are you going to do? I can feel it! I can feel your terror, hahaha! What are you going to do when your Ghost Domain stops working? There is nothing you can do to stop me!"

"Howard, I know you're in there, and look over there! Do you see Oclen standing in front of Jenny! Stop it, damn it, and wake up! There are a lot of people that need you! Now, shut off that damn form and wake up! You're grandfather is about to die remember?!"

"Hmmm, I guess I'll just go kill Armecolith now. Be right back." Howard smiled before he stepped off his back foot. The next moment, he had completely disappeared. 

"You got to be kidding me." Harkel dropped down onto his knees. "He-he even cut the array in half after I activated it. What kind of monster did I just let loose on the world?"


Howard shot like a missile towards Aremcolith's position, yet the entire time a war seemed to be going inside of his body.

Howard's Dream Myth, Yindred, had made a small dream pocket in Howard's awareness that could watch what was happening in the outside world. His transformation seemed to contain a will of its own, and it suppressed him and sent him into a small part of his body.

Luckily, Yindred had intervened, and he could at least now peer out into the outside world. He watched while he ran at least 5000 kilometers an hour through the desert towards Armecolith's position. He never imagined in a million years he'd do something so stupid! He even almost killed Jenny!

"Howard, I might be able to let you fight that monster with my Dream Ki. However, it won't be a fair fight. It's at least as strong as someone in the peak of the SS rank! Right now, even with your 59 other Ki Hearts, you're at most at the peak of the S rank in terms of outright strength. Do you want me to do it?"

"Can he beat Armecolith?" Howard shook his head. "If I let him fight him, could he potentially win?"

"No way in hell," Yindred shook her head. "Your new body has a lot of strength, but as you can tell it's not very cautious. Armecolith isn't going to be like Harkel and slightly hold back. If this Silver you and Aremcolith fight, I'd bet my entire life that Armecolith will win! And it will be fast!"

"Then I have to fight him," Howard nodded his head, "However, will this slow your progress of turning into a Dream Enchantress?"

Howard had been well aware that he might not have Dream Ki forever, and that Yindred was just inside of his body to complete her transformation. Looking at her body, her beautiful eyes and features, he could tell she had grown in strength. 

Dream Myths, when they were close to becoming a Dream Enchantresses, would start to glow around their bodies, and she seemed to be shimmering brightly like a beautiful maiden. Her blue hair, dripped down her shoulders, while her white dress gently flapped against her body. 

"I will only be set back a single hour," Yindred smiled, "However, if you die, I'll probably be destroyed by Armecolith. It be foolish or me to not help you."

"Well then, let's do it," Howard smiled, "He'll use his brawns, and I'll use my brains. Hopefully, I have at least a 5 percent chance of winning."


Bang!contemporary romance

Howard's body torpedoed through the desert and slashed through dozens of zombies with ease.

A trail of blood rained down in various directions while a smile appeared on his face. 

"Hahaha! This is the best way to get stronger! Kill everything and decimate everything in your way! I can even capture some girls after I save my grandfather! This is the life!"


A large bolt of Dream Ki spread through the other Howard's body before he collapsed on the floor. His silver eyes, which had been like two shimmering moons, instantly stopped glowing before he froze in place.

It felt like an extremely sharp arrow stabbed into his abdomen, and the next moment he appeared to be staring out in a dark world. He sighed, and watched another Howard appear in front of him while mountains appeared growing in the distance. This one, however, seemed calm and calculating. Exactly what he didn't want to be!

"Hoh, did Yindred to this?" Evil Howard said with a smile, "Wow, so let me guess, this is your way of showing me who's boss? You going to defeat me, you weakling! I thought you could barely do a pushup!"

"Dark Oblivion." Howard's hands began to grow with a dark flame. "Fire King's Last Stand, 5th level!"


A powerful flame appeared around Howard's body which instantly caused Evil Howard to laugh. Even with Fire King's Last Stand activated, Howard had no chance of beating him! What would that do? Just make him easier to chop into pieces!

At this point, both of them realized the strength differential was huge. 

Evil Howard stepped off his back foot and instantly appeared in front of Howard. Dozens of Silhouettes from Fire King's Embrace appeared around him, only to be instantly cut in half!


"You loser!" Evil Howard's hand flashed and burst into Howard's gut. A trail of spit shot out of his mouth before he burst into a distant mountain. "You-you don't stand a chance against me! Why even fight me?! Did Yindred forget to tell you if you lose, I'll gain eternal control!"

Yindred indeed had forgot to mention that detail to Howard, but either way they'd all die! She sighed and watched from the distance before she held up her hand. The next moment, the mountain that Howard had crashed into seemed to change shape. A large hand pushed him down towards the floor.

"I-I can change the environment to help you." Yindred sighed, "But that's the best I can do."

"Thank you," Howard smiled before he wiped gravel off the top of his head. "Haha, this is actually quite fun! This is real training! I'm going to show this side of me who's boss!"


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