Hell's Academy

Chapter 172: Sealed for 100 Days

Howard and Oclen didn't like what Harkel had to say to them, but they tried their hardest to remain calm.

"You have 100 days to save Waxel," Harkel didn't mince words, "He sealed himself in his ice throne in order to buy you some time. Armecolith probably won't leave until the seal wears off. However, 100 days to get up to Armecolith's strength is nearly impossible. In fact, there is only one way. Howard, I will have to force you to enter into the S rank before your body is ready!"

"Hmph, that's a horrible idea. Wouldn't you be ruining him forever?" Oclen replied, shaking his head. "The Arthraku do that to some warriors before war, and they almost always get stuck in the S rank. I don't see why Howard would risk that when his entire future is on the line!"

Oclen caught himself saying something that completely went against what would be best for him, but at the same time he couldn't not mention it. His mentor, a man named Devonin, had forced himself to enter into the S rank in order to destroy a siege around a group of Arthraku, however, after that he never managed to increase his strength by even a small amount!

However, with Howard, it would be even worse! The person he most hated in his entire life would completely stop being his rival almost instantly!

"I-I of course want to do it, but why are you saying I'm not ready? I already have insights into the SS rank. What's stopping me from being ready?"

"Well, the main problem will be the pain," Harkel sighed, "Your body is at the middle ranks of the A rank, and it will almost instantly breakdown one you get passed 15 hearts. I was hoping to train you to the peak of the A rank or even get you up to an S rank body, but there is simply no time!"

"I-I have one way of helping you, Howard. However, if I do this for you, you have to promise you'll let me leave peacefully when the time comes," Oclen bit his thumb, blood dripping down his mouth, while he looked into Howard's eyes. "I-I have an Authoritarian that I rarely use called the golden eyed Maiden. I don't use it because it's only meant to do one thing, and that's to remove pain."

'My father insisted I get it just incase any of my soldiers were about to die, and I needed them to fight until they passed away to the other side. However, if I use it on you, there is a chance your body will get destroyed. However, that's also one other thing the Golden Maiden can help with. I can grant your body Ki to reduce the burden on your body, but again, only if you let me leave when we finish our battle with Armecolith! I-I'm not doing this without getting something in return!"

"Why would I kill you?" Howard responded with his brow raised, not understanding his reason.

Him and Oclen seemed to becoming friendly rivals, and it didn't make sense that he'd just kill him for no reason. Of course, Howard saw this as a huge opportunity. He could become friends with Oclen and perhaps even help him become the leader of the Arthraku in order to stop them from having to fight a war. Even if they needed to fight a war, Oclen leading an opposite army might cause him make mistakes because he had made friends with someone on the other side. Howard saw Oclen as an extremely favorable person to make friends with. After all, there were plenty of hidden nations in the Furnace that he had yet to learn about!

The Open Furnace only opened once a year at different portions, but it was said that over 100 Nations existed that had not made contact with the Horned. Perhaps only Demon King Earl's name had spread through the entire Furnace. However, other than that, because of the vastness of the Furnace, there was so many dangers hidden!

"I-I would kill me if I were you, but I guess that's not who you are right now," Oclen sighed and crossed his arms. "However, for my own peace of mind, once you get passed 30 Ki Hearts, you're on your own. I'm not helping you turn into a monster that will crush my nation."

"I-I actually have a suggestion," Harkel said with a laugh. "The Demon King has a personal training room in his castle that would greatly facilitate your ability to train, hahaha! However, Howard, bringing Oclen is extremely dangerous for your future prospects. After all, bringing an enemy to your most fortified location could be a huge mistake!"

"I don't care. I trust Oclen now, hahaha! I hate him a lot because he messed with Monica, but I can tell that he was only doing it because he cares about his nation. But now that we have to work together, I can at least until Armecolith is dead, leave him alone."

"You're such a fool," Oclen laughed.

He knew Howard would say that, but he also couldn't help but envy him more and more. He was exactly who he wanted to be, a ruler who ruled with his heart. It could not be underestimated how important it was for your soldiers to believe that you cared about them. Every time Oclen lead a platoon, they almost always seemed to try their hardest when they were about to die. However, this did not seem to be the case with Howard.

The Authoritarian brothers that barely knew Howard sacrificed their lives because they genuinely liked Howard. He wanted to have the same effect on people, but he also felt the same way about Howard that he felt! He also trusted him, and he didn't know why.

"Howard, from this point onward, we're allies for the next 100 days," Oclen shook Howard's hand while Harkel sighed and summoned a gate in front of them. "However, just remember that I'm only helping you up to 30 Ki Hearts. After that, you're on your own."

Howard nodded his head and smiled before walking towards the gate.

"No worries," Howard pushed his black hair back before his blue eyes shimmered with a light of determination. "I'll take on the pain of the entire world if I have to! Now, Harkel, how do I start my breakthrough? What do I have to do?"

Harkel sighed and shook his head before a serious look appeared on his face. He seemed extremely agitated, but at the same time disappointed in himself.

'I really shouldn't be doing this, but all the Horned in the East Branch will be killed if Howard doesn't get stronger in 100 days! Ah! Such a pain! I could let all the people he love dies so he could live and get the best breakthrough possible! I also don't want Waxel to die, hahaha! Perhaps consider it a selfish thing form an old ghost Authoritarian.'

"Howard," Harkel stopped thinking. "To force a breakthrough to the S rank I'm going to give you a fruit called the Nectar of Heart's seed. When you eat it, your body will begin creating a special Kind of Ki that will instantly trick your body into growing Ki Hearts. Think of it this way, your body has something hidden inside of it that needs a catalyst to activate. Once you entered into the A rank, you slightly opened the door. This will send it flying open!"

"I never heard of that fruit," Oclen said, "Does it have any other effects?"

"Yes, but I'm not going to tell you Oclen," Harkel wasn't obviously going to tell him that it would strengthen Howard's body for three days in a way that would help him endure the pain. Well, to be more exact, the Horned's body had a special biological reaction that strengthened their body when they entered the S rank, and this would make that ability stick around for a little bit longer.contemporary romance

Regardless, Howard was ready to start.

"So, what do we do to begin?" Howard asked with a smile, excitement appearing on his face. "Where do I find this fruit?"

"It's right here," Harkel opened his hand revealing a fruit that seemed to be no larger than a small pear. 'When you get into the Demon King's training room in his castle, take it. Oclen, I trust you will activate the Golden Eyed Maiden when you get there?"

"Yes,I will," Oclen nodded his head with a slight smile. "I also realize you planned this Harkel. If I try to attack Howard during his breakthrough, I'm assuming someone at the castle will kill me if I try and abate it?"

"You got it," Harkel pointed at the gateway. "However, both of you go now! Waxel has less than 100 days left since this conversation started, hahaha! Howard, I expect to see you back here with over 40 Ki Hearts. If you let me down, not only will I crush you, but the other Nations will!"

Howard nodded his head and got up before thanking Harkel and walking towards the gate. 

"I promise, I will save my grandfather and unite the entire Furance! You can get your soul on that!"

"Heh, well, there is something more pressing than uniting the Furnace in that mountain over there," Harkel sighed and scratched his head. "A true G rank existence is in there. In less than 3 years, that asshole will be awake. When you're eighteen, It will be up to you whether we all live or die."


Howard ate the Nectar of Hearts Seed right as he walked into the Demon King Earl's training room.

It was a room with hundreds of statues that seemed to be emitting a strange type of Ki. Though they didn't move, the silver armor seemed to possess enough might to kill Armecolith almost instantly. Oclen was not happy to see this, but he also wasn't not going to keep his word.

'I hate who I am sometimes. Sacrificing what's good for my nation just so I can ensure I keep my word," Oclen put his hands on Howard's back before a gigantic burst of golden hair surged behind him. A beautiful woman soon appeared in his place with a long white dress that seemed to possess a will of its own. "I will now make sure all the pain you're going to feel will be diminished, and will also strengthen your body. However, remember, passed 30 Ki Hearts, you're on your own."

"Hehe, I know, Oclen, you're not a bad person," Howard smiled, "I can tell you're hard on yourself, but just like me you're doing the best you can. Let's kill Aremcolith after this okay."

"I hate you, Howard," Oclen smiled. "Now start! I can already feel your first Ki Heart beginning to grow! Now focus! If you make less than 30 Ki Hearts I'll kill you myself!"


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