Hell's Academy

Chapter 168: Fifth Level Activate!

Howard knew that if he wanted to escape from Armecolith, there was only way but he didn't like the option very much.

He needed to get Armecolith away from Oclen so the two of them could fight him together. He imagined Oclen would take roughly 1 minute to reconnect his body together, however, he had no way of measuring Armecolith's odd type of Ki. He guessed he had to be at least as strong as Waxel, but it was hard to fully tell. And there was only one thing he could do to get even close to Waxel's strength.

"Fire King's Last Stand, Fifth level Activate!"

Howard's hair burst over his head before a powerful Ki surged around his body. Instantly, the eyes of life and death reactivated while the Ki Cells in his body screamed to suck up more power. Unfortunately, his organs almost instantly felt like they were about to explode, but it was either this or death! Taking out a small vile Jenny had given him to help abate the consequences of Fire King's Last Stand, he instantly took it while Armecolith took the sword out of Oclen's neck.

"Hmmm, I didn't expect you'd know the Demon King's favorite skill. Now I really want to kill you," Armecolith kicked Oclen softly in the chest to see if he was still breathing. "Ugh, what nation is this guy from anyway. I thought he was an Arthraku, but he's pathetic. Can't be."

'Woah, this hurts," Howard's Ki instantly rose to the middle stages of the S rank. It felt like all the muscles on his body were trying to contain the Ki he was absorbing, but it almost seemed impossible for his body to sustain such power. "Heh, and he knows about the Demon King. I guess that makes him a billion times older than me. The least I can do is kill him."

"Howard, deactivate that skill," Waxel pointed over at Howard's finger, and sighed while he gently jumped down from the top of the cold peak of the glacier. "He's an old friend. I met him when I was with Angela, the demon King's daughter. I don't suppose you want to spar for old time sake?"

"Hoho! You snuck up on even me!" Armecolith looked genuinely surprised while Waxel jumped and appeared right in front of Howard. "Haha, look at you! You haven't grown stronger at all! This should be quick. You decided to get some new students after Angela left you to live with that man on the surface. Hahaha! How many relationships has she been in because her father asked her to? The Exland Empire would probably kill to get a piece of that tail hahaha! The woman who had 10,000 children to spread her father's legacy! Does it still hurt she left you for another man?"

"What will hurt is watching someone with horned blood like Howard die," Waxel pointed over at Oclen, "Take him, and run to Jarlon Valley. I think you have an old friend there that can crush this asshole if he appears."

"I-I-I don't understand." Howard wiped a tear from his eye. "Why are all of you authoritarians trying to save me! I'm fifteen! I'm not even that young?!"

Howard still regretted leaving and hearing that Bracston and Warletz died after he left didn't make things any easier. They weren't even his family members, yet they defended him like he was! It didn't make any sense.

"You know that Angela he's talking about. Me and her once had a child," Waxel smiled and patted Howard on the shoulder with a smile on he rface. "Hehe, however, she wasn't satisfied with that, and with her immortality decided to have hundreds of relationships in order to try and conceive one heir to her father."

"However, as far as I know, out of his three daughters, she's the only one that slept with an Authoritarian man like me. Basically, Howard, you might be my great grandson, so of course I'm going to protect you!"

"Wha-what?" Howard suddenly felt extremely confused. "How can that be? My-my parents are dead, my grandparents are dead! There-there is no way that makes sense!"

"Uhm, yes it does. The chances of a Horned being born by even Angela were less than 1 in 100,000, so it makes sense that it would take a few generations for someone like you to be born. However, let's skip the formalities Howard. I'm saving you, and so will probably all Authoritarians because you're part Authoritarian."

"It's just Angela wasn't very good at being a wife to me, haha! Luckily, I have hundreds of wives now so I'm not upset! They might be a little bit sad, though, if I lose my precious grandson. You mind fleeing for me?"

"I-I can't, not after you told me that, idiot!" Howard tried to activate Fire King's 6th level, but it appeared that another barrier was blocking him. It felt like a set of chains had been wrapped around the arrays for Fire King's Last Stand, and he had no idea who put it there? Was it the Dream Myth? Could that be possible? He sighed and focused on releasing his maximum strength. "Damn it! Let me help you Waxel! I can defeat him!"

"Oclen, over there, is no longer your enemy for the time being." Waxel smiled and pointed at the boy as his body reconnected. "Armecolith here is probably coming up with a plan right now as we're talking. He usually doesn't act without planning for like 1000 years. I'll be fine, promise."contemporary romance

"Chances of killing you are over 95 percent," Armecolith did some minor calculations and kicked Oclen away from him. "However, chances of one of these brats lowering that to 70 percent is high. Howard, won't you be a nice grandson and take Oclen away like he asked. He might self-destruct or something, and who knows, I could die. I would hate to die after wanting to kill Waxel for so long!"

"Sorry, but I'm staying," Howard's entire body began to glow with a silver flame while two barriers appeared around his body. "I don't care if it kills me, but I'm not losing anyone else you damn bastard!" "I'll kill you before my body disintegrates! Let's attack him together Waxel!"


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