He'll come through

Chapter 8 - Escape to Victory

Chapter 8

The group of buildings was not exactly what she was expecting, she was used to European towns, even the City she’d lived in with Gavin had been built up full of life. This was a few dozen houses, and not much else, all separated but barely paved roads. Small gardens housed animals, the odd goat, but otherwise there was very little sign of life, anywhere.

Quinn led her into the group of houses most were single level brick buildings with flat roofs but there were a few with two stories, and he gestured towards one.

                “They’ll be sleeping upstairs - easier to sneak in,” he explained. He chose the third house that fitted the criteria, after spending lots of time looking through windows and outback at the others.  

Depositing Lilah behind a wall he placed a finger on her lips, “if I’m not back in fifteen minutes.” He handed her his watch, “you need to try and get away, on the back of this watch,” he flipped it over, “are three numbers. If you call any of them they’ll respond immediately to your GPS location and the code word ‘augment ‘.”

                “How am I meant to find a phone if you can’t?”

He winked, “I will, and you can use your feminine wiles on the rare, very rare occasion that I fail!”

Lilah was shaking her head as he disappeared into the rear of the building.

Quinn had done this a million times before. Searching houses in the dead of night, finding keys, phones, maps, anything he could use to get him to a further destination, but it was the first time he’d done it with someone as vulnerable as Lilah outside, waiting. So he was quicker than normal.

Glancing at the watch, Lilah moaned quietly, he’d been almost ten minutes. If he’d been discovered she’d imagined there’d be lights turned on, some sort of commotion, she was praying that the silence was her friend. Gaining a little confidence she peeped up over the wall watching the door, waiting for Quinn to emerge, waiting until she could breathe again.

It was then she spotted in the distance, maybe fifty metres away, a man, heading towards them. Was it someone who lived there? Or one of the men after her? She couldn’t bear to watch them grab Quinn, hurt him. She had to intervene, had to stop this.

With a courage she didn’t know she possessed, Lilah crept along the low wall, trying to make her way closer to the other man. She had to think of a way to distract him, to change this action. Throw something? That was her only option, but she was no baseball pitcher, she had a real girly throw, no point causing a distraction closer than the guy already was.

Taking a small rock, no bigger than a walnut, she launched it as hard as she could away from her, in the opposite direction to the house where Quinn was currently ensconced. Peaking up she saw the man stop as the stone caused a small kafuffle off in the distance; he called out something in a language she didn’t understand. Waited for a response then turned and walked off in the opposite direction.

Letting out her breath in a pant, she crawled back to her starting place, then almost bumped into Quinn.

                “Where the hell have you been?” he hissed pulling her into his arms with relief, dropping an impromptu kiss onto the top of her hair. The relief for Lilah was complete, she sank into him.

                “There was a man....” she pointed off in the distance, “I distracted him but I think he may come back.”

The sentiment and relief in Quinn disappeared immediately, “we don’t want to be chased. If we go then it’s a proper escape. Let’s take stock for a while.”

They waited for twenty minutes, Quinn showing her the torch, car keys and mobile phone he’d found easily inside the house. The only thing he didn’t have was a map, a location. All the time he kept an eye out from their hiding place.

                “Right, I think we should go for it.”  He held up the car key, “a Seat...and there’s a likely candidate there.” He gestured to a beaten up red car.

Great thought Lilah, another battered and suspension lacking car! Her backside had barely recovered from the last spate of pot holes. She added another item to her list of things she took for granted – suspension and decent roads. Taking the hand he offered, she followed him across the informal courtyard to the car.

Bingo, Quinn offered her inside smiling at the fact the key popped the locks. She sat in the passenger seat as he slid into the driving seat. The engine started but in a rather unhealthy manner, nevertheless he ground into first gear and pulled out onto the road. Once he’d distanced himself from the house he flicked on the headlights and started to drive, the surface rather than his eagerness dictating the pace.

Once they’d left the lights of the village behind, he handed her the phone, “try and see if you can call the first number on the watch, Amir, he’ll be there to help!”

She glanced at the phone, but there was no reception. So much to Quinn’s annoyance they had to keep driving. She repeatedly tried the phone but had no luck. The sun was rising and she knew Quinn wanted to stop soon. They’d left the Atlas Mountains well behind when they spotted a town on the horizon. Not a few houses this time, but a real municipality. Quinn racked his brains trying to work out exactly where he was, but he didn’t recognise this place. Had he dragged her miles out of their way?

                “Try the phone,” he offered, “it must be working here.”

She glanced down at the screen, “we’ve got reception!” She exclaimed dialling the numbed before handing it to him. He pulled the car off the road then burst into relieved conversation as the phone was answered. Lilah couldn’t understand most of what he was saying, but she knew he was working out a plan, so she relaxed back into the car seat and closed her eyes for a moment.

Eventually Lilah hung up and she peeped through her half open eyes from her reclined position, “good news I take it?”

He nodded, “GPS says we’re at a border town. We’re almost half way between the two Capitals.” When she looked vague he added, “We need to get you to an embassy, it’s the only way to get you home without a passport. We could cross the border and have an easier journey, but I think we should stay in this country, it’ll be a little harder, but there’s more chance of finding your stuff, sorting things out here.”

He smiled as she nodded tiredly, “well I’ve got Amir to hire us a car, we’re picking it across town, and he’s also booked us into a hotel in the next town which is about a two hour drive away. We can have a decent night’s sleep.”

                “That sounds like bliss. Will we get there before any more trouble?”

Quinn shrugged, “it’s always a wild ride with me Blondie!”

Shaking her head in mock disdain, she unbuckled her seatbelt, “so are we abandoning this car?”

                “Yep, near the police station, hopefully it’ll get back to the owners. I’ll leave the phone here too. It’s easy to get a burn phone in a town this size, at least we can keep in touch with Amir, and then get a decent sleep!”

Quinn drove to the a road near the police station, Lilah had thought that he might leave her there initially, but he assured her that he wanted to help her out of the country, get her back home.  Leaving the car, the phone and the keys near the police building, he was happier, linking hands with her; they crossed the town to a car hire place. Amir had called through and paid for the reservation, and Quinn tried to encourage her to relax.

                      “We just look like tourists Blondie; you need to chill a little.”

                “Chill!” Lilah scoffed. “I’m walking around the town in your socks with my delicate and ruined shoes, we’ve been chased, camped rough....of course I’ll relax. I won’t do that until I’m having a cuddle from my father in their back garden!”

Quinn paused to turn and smile at her, “you are one helluva drama queen Blondie!”

She knew him now, knew he was trying to rile her, but she was determined not to bite, so she raised her chin and carried on walking, even ignoring the peal of laughter that followed her gesture.

The mysterious Amir had apparently forwarded on a drivers licence as well as the payment for the car, so within ten minutes of entering the car rental, they emerged in a new car under a false name. Quinn had also managed to get a phone and a map, and so Lilah the perilous task of map reading as they drove.

The road was far higher quality than any they’d been on to date, and so once they knew the direction they were taking, Lilah started to feel a little sleepy.

                “Go on, sleep,” Quinn offered, “I know the town we’re going to, and I roughly know where the hotel is. I don’t need you to navigate now. Where we’re heading is a tourist haven Blondie, so we’ll be inconspicuous. We’re on our way home now, I promise.”

She could barely keep her eyes open to agree. 

                “You snore!”

Lilah tried to open her eyes but could barely manage it; eventually she looked up to see Quinn leaning in through the open passenger door.

                “We’re here, and I had to wake you before the hotel get complaints about the noise!”

Lilah swing out then grinned as she connected her flaying hand with his abdomen, he ‘oofed’ a little, but she knew she’d had no real effect on him.

                “Come one sleepy! Or do you want me to carry you again?”

Remembering how quickly he picked her up over his shoulder last time, something she had no intention of seeing repeated,  so, body protesting at every move, she slid out of the seat and cranked herself up to standing.

It was only then she took in the building they were outside, it looked so opulent, so luxurious, and as though it had appeared from the TV screen, this would’ve been a castle at some point, some desert palace. But now it was a hotel, and they were staying there.


Quinn realised she’d paused, holding out a hand, he waited for her to catch up, “this is luxury even for me, we deserve it! Isn’t it beautiful? I love this part of the World, are you surprised that I choose to live here?”

She was mute with wonder as she followed him into the hotel. The interior was even more opulent, rich fabrics and beautiful artefacts adorned the walls, the furniture was traditional and rich mahogany. Stunning. She’d never been more aware of her stinking dirty clothes and ruined shoes. Quinn was chatting to the reception clerk when he turned to her.

                “What’s your shoe size?”

She answered then looked at him quizzically, when he dealt his conversations in another language she was completely flummoxed.

Taking her hand he eventually led her along the corridor past a beautiful garden to the room he’d been directed to, “I told them we’d broken down and had to walk miles, all our luggage is still in the car. Someone’s going out to buy new things for us now.” He slid the key card into the lock and opened the door, “and food is on its way. Lots of it! We’ve barely eaten for two days, I bet you’re famished!”

She nodded, “One room, we’re sharing....” the question died on her lips as she took in the stunning beauty of the room. “Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more perfect.”

He marched past her and collapsed on the canopied bed that dominated the traditionally decorated bedroom, “I knew you felt that way!” Then he closed his eyes.

                “Are you expecting me to share a bed with you?” She stood in front of him, her hands on her hips.

Lifting his head he opened one eye, “we’re a honeymooning couple. We can hardly take separate rooms!”

                “Honeymoon?!”  She literally saw red, and it didn’t help that Quinn burst out laughing.

                “Blondie, just relax, I’m a gentleman! Now go in the bathroom, run a long hot bath, we can burn those clothes, I’m sure you won’t want them again. I think that by the time you get back to the real World you won’t want to see them ever again. Food and clothes will be here in about half an hour, I was assured there are high quality bath robes behind the door. Now go be a girl!”

With that he flopped back on to the bed 

Lilah’s anger only lasted a second; the temptation of being clean far outweighed her annoyance. With a sigh she headed into the bathroom.

Lavender scented water. Lilah was ignoring the stinging blisters on her feet and the sounds coming from the adjacent bedroom, as she sank into the water. She’d showered first and washed her hair three times, this was purely a relaxation venture. And she loved every moment, though as relief washed over her, replacing the adrenaline, she found she was wired, taught, not ready to really relax.

It was only delicious smells that drew her out of the bath, and wrapped in a thick towelling robe, her hair damp around her shoulders, she entered the bathroom on the hunt for these delicious smelling treats.

Quinn was shirtless, sat at the desk talking on the phone, next to him was a trolley laden with food. Spiced couscous, olives, fruit and some sort of lamb casserole, that was what smelled so good, a pot of green tea, sparkling water, and some ice cold wine, she wasn’t sure she’d manage that!  She noticed Quinn was eating some sort of sandwich as he chatted into the phone.

Taking an orange, she peeled it as she watched him; she’d not anticipated being quite so floored by his nakedness. He was a beautiful specimen of a man, broad shouldered, narrow waist, his dark hair just reaching collar length – if he was wearing a shirt. Glancing up he gave her a dazzling smile, giving her the once over with his eyes. She blushed a little at his visual examination, but then realised that was exactly what she’d been doing a few seconds earlier. Suddenly the mechanics of their relationship had changed, and she was looking at him with desire. It’s the comedown from the adventure she told herself, that’s all.

He ended the call, all dialogue in Arabic, then turned to her, “how great is this food?” 

By now Lilah had taken a bowl full of lamb and couscous and was devouring it like the starving woman she was.  Nodding she chewed the food watching him fill a bowl for himself, not trusting herself to speak yet.

                “I wanted to shower first, but I’ve got to eat, it’s so good!” He poured them both a mug of tea; it was perfused with mint and the most refreshing thing she’d ever tasted.

                “Amir is arranging to pick us up tomorrow, he’s bringing things so we can get straight to the Embassy, there’s a lot we need to talk about Lilah.”

She nodded, “ok, I don’t like the sound of this!”

                “Blondie! We’ve been on the run for thirty six hours and you’re concerned about a discussion about that!”

Lilah was in a real conundrum, as time went on she realised that maybe Quinn’s view on Gavin was correct. Maybe he was involved; it seemed that he hadn’t done anything to help her. That fact was making her have to think about her judgement on everything, had she slept with a man who couldn’t give a damn about her? And now she was desiring a man she’d known for less than two days. What was wrong with her?

Quinn could see the conflict in her eyes, this had been so foreign to her, “you’ve been fantastic, dealt with this really well. I’m going to shower. Don’t open the door if anyone knocks, even if it’s our clothes. Wait until I’m here. Ok?”

She was lying on the bed her thoughts taking her miles away from the moment and wasn’t aware that he was stood wrapped in a towel at the end of the bed.

                “Look at your feet!” For the first time he saw the blisters, the sores that walking miles in rubbish shoes had caused. “Poor you!”

He walked over to the desk then returned with a first aid kit. Taking a foot in his hands, he applied antiseptic then Elastoplasts over the worst sores, repeating the procedure on the other foot. Lilah was barely breathing; there was something so tender about him, barely covered by a towel caressing her feet as he cared for her in such a basic way. When he’d applied the last plaster, he looked up and their eyes met, and Lilah gasped at the lust she saw there, knowing that the same emotion was probably obvious in her face.

His hands running up her calf to her knee caused a moan, suddenly this had moved from tender to erotic, and she couldn’t ever remember being this turned on, this desperate for more. Closing her eyes, snatching a deep breath, she dropped back to the pillows, and felt him dent the bed beside her, when she opened her eyes, he was hovering over her, his mouth a breath away from hers. With another moan, she lifted her lips and planted them on his. 

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