He'll come through

Chapter 18 - Fancy Dress!

Chapter 18

Why had she built it up so much? Lilah cursed herself as she studied her reflection in the mirror. Now she’d made this evening into such a big deal, and she was going to have to confront her feelings for Quinn whilst dressed as Cleopatra! She reviewed herself nervously again, the thick black bobbed wig was so different to he own loose blonde hair, and it was adorned with a gold braided pendant that almost hung between her eyes. Oh and the eyes! Her mother had insisted she wore extravagant make up, and now her eyes were surrounded by elaborate blue shadow and black eyeliner. Shaking her head she straightened her dress, layers of white chiffon that were gathered into shape by gold braids that encircled her breasts and waist making the dress more provocative than she liked. And she wished it was a bit longer...no a LOT longer. But she picked this fancy dress weeks ago, way before she knew that Quinn would be there, now she was having doubts.

She wasn’t one for dressing up, but behind the makeup and jewellery she supposed she could be someone else. And tonight she had to be strong and make Quinn realise that she was worth the risk, that she was more than another one night stand.

Fortunately the gold gladiator sandals that came with the outfit were flat; she hated heels, especially in the country. Coming down stairs she walked into the lounge and had to stop, stunned, laughter taking over every inch of her body. Her parents as usual did nothing in half measures and were stood smiling at her. Her father was wearing an Elvis style wig, a white t-shirt and black biker jacket, her mother skin tight black leggings and a similar top with a satin pink jacket and large blonde curly wig. When they turned around she saw both jackets had ‘T-birds’ and ‘Pink Ladies’ adorning them respectively.

                “Oh my god! You pair look hilarious!”

Rose grinned with her bright red lips, “Your father was better than John Travolta back in the day, he was quite a catch you know!”

Lilah shook her head, “too much information Mum!”

Tony laughed, “well you look the part too Delilah, no one will recognise you!”

It was then that peals of laughter came from the doorway, all three adults turned to see Maria a vision as a pirate, a black patch over her eye, drawn on stubble, a red captain’s coat, trousers and boots, and a large pirate hat with an exceptional plume of feathers. “Who are you all meant to be?”

Lilah and her parents exchanged a round of raised eyebrows then gathered the family together; Freddy was looking adorable in a Tigger outfit, perfect baby fancy dress. So united as a family, they made their way along the trail to the village.

They all paused as they reached the green, it truly was beautiful, amongst the bunting, draped between the buildings and the gazebos where hundreds of small fairy lights, like blinking stars. Music was playing in the largest tent, but it was at a reasonable level and seemed to add to the magical atmosphere.

Two other pirates jumped out of the tent shouting, “Ahoy there me Hearties!"

Maria laughed and pulled out her sword, chasing her two friends across the green.

                “Don’t leave the green!” Lilah shouted as she disappeared into the growing darkness.

Everyone was dressed up, and as predicted the whole atmosphere was enhanced by the buoyancy of the earlier victory. Rory Barton, the teenager who’d scored the winning runs was lording it over the other teenagers present, much to his father’s laughter; the other seven players welcomed her father like a hero. 

Someone wolf whistled at her as she queued at the bar, but other than a gracious smile, she made no effort to circulate. Once she had a drink she pushed Freddy’s pram to a quiet corner of the marquee and sat down, her mother was talking amongst the other wives, and despite her gesturing for Lilah to join them, Lilah declined, glad to have a few moments to herself.

Half an hour later Freddy was snoring, and she was talking to a few school friends, a lot of people came back to the village for the festival, and she didn’t see most of these people between the annual events. It was then that she spotted Janis, her friend, her book editor, and in theory the reason for Quinn’s return, dressed as a rather sexy nun!  Janis looked at her nervously, obviously aware that Quinn was not only in town, but had dominated the annual festival day.

Lilah sighed, she should be angry, but all this had done was bring to a head something that needed to be addressed, she couldn’t bear to think of not seeing Quinn again now that he was here. So she smiled and pulled her into a hug.

                “I wanted to bloody scream at you for interfering, but I’m kind of glad you did.”

Janis nodded, “he worships you Lilah, I’m glad I did it because you deserve happiness.”

She looked at her friend with surprise, it was such a presumptuous thing to say, but ironically it didn’t anger her. “Do you think?” She asked surprised at her sudden nervousness.

Smiling Janis ordered them both a drink, “he’s a lost soul and needs you, and you’re a strong independent woman who needs him. Don’t let anger or regret jade your future. Ok?”

Lilah accepted the gin and tonic and sipped it gratefully, “I don’t know if there is a future Janis, I just know that he’s...”

Janis’s hand on her arm stopped her words, “here!” She finished the sentence for her.

Slowly Lilah turned her eyes following the direction of Janis’s, to the bar. And there accepting adulation from his many fans was Quinn. She’d wondered how he’d rustle up a fancy dress costume in just a few hours, and she should’ve anticipated this Roman god who stood in front of her. He had a crown of laurel on his head, and a bed sheet, or maybe two wrapped around him, crossing his body diagonally leaving half his bronzed toned chest bare, and whilst the outfit ended in some sort of thigh length skirt, he looked anything but feminine. He looked every inch the bronzed Adonis that he was portraying.

The marquee was full by now and she wasn’t blind enough to not see the looks of admiration he was receiving from the single and even some of the married women present. Instead of making her angry or jealous, she felt a little confident, cocky even, as she knew he wanted her over every woman in that room, the only doubt she had was for how long that want would last.

Lilah was still staring when he turned slowly, his eyes scanning the area, only pausing when they met hers. Heat like fire caused a flash in his eyes, then she had to tolerate a slow, languorous look up and down her body, and the associated knowing and appreciative smile as his eyes finally came back to join hers. Lilah’s mouth was dry; her knees like jelly, heat swirled around her pelvis as she met his eyes. Never had she felt so much longing, desire for a man, but at the same time power. Running her tongue over her bottom lip in a deliberate gesture, she grinned when she could make out the gasp, the surge of passion that crossed his so open expression. Giving her softest yet most seductive smile, she turned back to the group.

The whole visual exchange had lasted seconds, but felt so much longer, and it felt bizarre to drop back into conversation with old friends whilst her mind was still on the man who was still a relative stranger, but who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

Janis tried to involve her in conversations about the times when they were in school, but her mind was elsewhere. Every time she looked up her toga’d Roman hunk was watching her every move, but they both seemed to maintain their distance, talking to the people in their immediate group. After finishing her drink, she made her way to the corner to check on Freddy who was still fast asleep in his pram. Her mother had offered to take him home a little later, she was more than happy to leave Tony to his gang of men, and was unbelievably happy to see Lilah actually relaxed and enjoying herself.

As Lilah peered at Freddy with a smile, she felt a presence beside her, and the hand that snaked to lie around her waist caused her heart to race, though there was nothing sexual in the gesture.

                “He’s so well behaved!” Quinn’s voice was husky as he assessed his son over her shoulder, “he must follow you!”

She looked up at him – the first mistake, and her words, “I’m hardly a good girl!” An innocent remark lost its innocence in the sizzle of desire the sparked between them.

Quinn groaned, “oh God! You win Cleopatra! I’m in pieces; I’ve never wanted something as much as I want to kiss you. I’ll do whatever you want! I just have to have a kiss...” his voice quietened as he added, “I want a hell of a lot more, but I’ll settle for a kiss here, now...do I have to beg more....?”

Lilah’s smile was full of satisfaction, “no, I think that quantifies as begging, but not here, not in front of everyone. When the kids have gone back with my mother I’ll meet you somewhere a little quieter!” When his eyes lit up she slapped his arm, “just for a kiss! No more!”

He nodded knowingly, “just tell me where and when!”

She stepped towards the bar wanting another drink, and she threw the words, “behind the pub, there’s a quiet beer garden!” Amazed that she maintained a calm persona whilst every inch of her was dying for him to act here....now!

A few of her father’s friends insisted on buying her drinks and the company was good. She was paraded around the dance floor by her father and a few other men, she was dancing with Steve Garner, an old school mate who was married to her best friend from school days and catching up on the details of their three week old fourth child when her mother tapped her shoulder.

                “I’m going to take the kids home, Maria’s shattered, Freddy’s still asleep. I’ll stay at yours til you get back....don’t worry how late that is.” She leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “OK?”

She smiled at her mother, breaking away from Steve’s embrace to give her a kiss, “thank you so much! Have I told you lately that I love you?”

Her mother laughed, “I know my love, it’s mutual!”

And with that she was gone.

Suddenly she was alone, Steve was back at the bar drinking his beer, her father was holding court with the rest of the cricket team, and as she scanned the marquee, she saw Quinn stood at the exit to the street and he nodded behind, hinting for her to follow him out.

Lilah shook her head; this was her rules, her decision. With a wicked smile she disappeared out of the opposite door, knowing he had no choice but to follow her.

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