Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Twenty

“Hottie alert,” Cathy warned. “Oh, two hot guys and a girl, I wonder if she’s with one of them.”

Bart and Joey grumbled.

“Ali, Cathy close your mouths. You’re drooling on the table.” Joey warned. Mark and Bart laughed.

“Speaking of the table, look at the artist over there. Who is that, Rori?” Mark asked.

I looked down at the table for the first time truly I focused on something other than my memories. “Loki?” I whispered confused. I didn’t intend to draw him, so why did I? On second thought, what did I intend on drawing?

“Is that your dad? He looks awfully young.” Joey asked me as he leaned in to get a better look. Cathy stood up to see a different Angel.

“No, that’s not him,” I told them. I could not believe it. I had started drawing the castle, and then while I was reminiscing I unconsciously started drawing Loki.

“Who’s Loki, Rori?” Cathy asked pointing to the image.

“Huh, oh, no one” I muttered.

Ali looked at me skeptically “Then how do you know his name?” she scoffed pointing to the drawing.

“Rori can draw a dragon with expert detail. Have you guys seen her drawings?” Joey interrupted as he used his arm to cover the drawing on the table. Joey looked at me with knowing eyes and smiled a soft smile.

Ali glared at Joey. “Stop changing the subject, Joey.” she scolded.

“Here you go,” The waitress said as she brought over our order. The food arrived just in time. Ali was becoming restless, and hard to ignore. The more I thought about what happened before I came back, the more I just wanted to cry. I could feel the tears trying to break out the happy times and the bad. I kept my head down and used a fork to eat my fries. We all sat in silence.

“Rori, if you don’t give us something to go on about the missing five months there will really be a problem,” Ali demanded slamming her hands down.

“Can’t you see that what happened has her depressed? Cut it out, Ali.” Joey hissed at her in my defense.

Bart growled at her “Enough. Stop this.”

“What is so bad about it, Rori, huh? Did daddy not live up to your expectations? Did you not like your wicked stepmother? What; did some guy break your little heart? Is that why you came back with your tail between your legs, like a coward?” Ali continued to push me “Maybe it’s you, you did something to anger your dad and he kicked you out on your ass. With no other place to go, you crawled back here.”

I just wanted her to shut up. I’m trying to forget about all of that. I wish I never came today. Who is she to demand the details of my private life like this? The water in my glass started to shake; I could not tell if it was due to her or me. I was a coward for leaving Astreal behind and alone. I Should have brought him with me. Even if I had not been able to come back here. I should have never left him like that. I should have confronted Father about his lies, Loki, and the others too. I should have done a lot of things differently. However, it’s something that I can’t undo now. However, I can change how things are.

I took my glass of water as I stood up I tossed it on Ali. She Screamed as the cold water covered her “Oh, shut the hell up” I yelled “I owe you nothing. I went through hell and back with my Father among other things. All you can do is pester me about it as if I owe you some kind of explanation. Newsflash sweetheart I don’t owe you a damn thing!”

“Rori” Cathy called to me in shock “what are you doing?”

“I’m doing what I should have done in the first place. Standing up for myself” I turned to Bart “Aren’t you getting tired of all these high maintenance hobby sluts yet? Did you not learn your lesson with Heather? Or is it that you are a glutton for punishment? And Mark, with a friend like you around who need enemies? You think you are so sly with your condescending tone and the way you look down on others. Please, it’s pathetic! Cathy, the world revolves around the sun, not you. Your poor attempt to shut Ali up on my behalf is laughable. Grow some balls or keep your mouth shut. Lastly, Joey, using the excuse that Carter kept you from asking me out is nothing more than a cop-out. Just admit that you didn’t have the guts to ask me out or that Bart talked you into asking me out this time. The truth is easier to deal with than getting caught in lies, just ask my Father and brother. They can attest to that!”

I grabbed my bag out of my seat and then stormed out of the restaurant. I refuse to be walked over anymore. I allowed my Father to push me around and look where that got me. Stalked, hunted, fondled, betrayed, lied to, and hurt. No more. I will not feel guilty for leaving. I will fix what I did. First off, I need to get Astreal back. Then I will move on with my life.

It took me driving all two days and nights to get here but, I finally made it back to Loki’s castle at sunrise. Seeing this place made me nervous. Though I was only here for one reason, Astreal, I could not help but feel like I was coming home somehow. Standing here I feel different than when I left.

A loud crashing sound echoed across the hills. I knew the moment I heard it. Astreal knew I was here. I didn’t have to say a word to him. I felt him the moment I passed the gates. I missed him so much.


I stopped my car and got out quickly. What started off as a blurry dot soon became a dust cloud flying down the drive. Without even looking closely I can feel his excitement as he raced to see me. “I missed you” I cried out.

Astreal knocked me over as he greeted me “RORI! Rori! Rori!” he yelled, ecstatically.

I held on to him so tight I thought I would break a bone if I held him any tighter. I shook so much from the sheer emotional excitement of seeing him again. I was so reserved to never set eyes on him again that this is about to be all I can handle.

“Astreal,” a voice full of rage echoed.

As expected, Loki was not far behind. He must be angry over the damage that Astreal had just caused in his rush to see me. I don’t blame Astreal for being so irresponsible in his actions. It actually makes me nostalgic for the times before when he would break something and Loki would get angry over it.

Loki’s anger did seem to fade when he realized that the person standing next to Astreal is actually me. Eliot quickly followed after Loki, reminding him that he could not harm Astreal - no matter what he broke, bit, or burned.

I giggled a bit thinking of just what had Astreal ‘bit’ exactly. I know how the separation had been for me and how I had dealt with it. I had not, for a second, thought of how Astreal was dealing with it; any of them for that matter. Though everyone deserved to wallow in the choices he or she made; Astreal was innocent and did not deserve that at all. I don’t know how I left him in the first place.

The awkward silence in the air made things weird between us all. Only I could hear Astreal and his happy voice telling me how he missed me and he was more than happy that I was finally home. He could not wait to take me for a ride and to hear about where I have been. I am sure that Loki and Eliot do not share his pure and genuine excitement.

“Didn’t think you would come back here” Loki broke the silence. He looked me over intently.

“It’s good to see you princess” Eliot greeted.

“Same to you” I announced, “I came for Astreal.” I wanted them to know that I had no intention of staying any longer than I needed to.

Eliot looked at me with a pained expression “You seem to have lost some weight, have you been eating?” I looked down at my clothes. I had not noticed it too much. More or less I just ignored it. I had lost weight.

“She’s not here for you to cure, Eliot” Loki hissed “You are no longer her doctor. Or didn’t you realize that when she left?”

“Put a cork in it” I snipped “Not like you care about what happens to me. What gives you any right to decide anything about me or for me for that matter? You all lied and deliberately deceived me, for what? You proved I don’t belong anywhere. Mission accomplished.”

“Who do you think you are talking to” Loki grumbled pointing his finger at me in frustration.

Astreal gave him a slight growl.

“I’m talking to an idiot! That’s whom I’m talking to” I answered.“I am through being toyed with and lied to. Unless the next thing to come out of your mouth is the truth about everything, then I don’t want to hear it. I came for one reason and he is standing next to me.”

Astreal began to stand on edge. He felt anxious and ready to fight. I felt cheated and angry. I could not understand why he would feel this all was flight-worthy. Eliot has always been concerned for my health. This is better than I could say of Loki. As long as I was alive he didn’t care what condition I was in. He could kiss me and think nothing of it. They all thought it a good idea to lie to me and keep me in the dark about so many things. Yeah, I have every reason to be angry. I don’t see how Loki can think he is the one who has any right.

“You think you can demand anything from me” Loki argued “You are the one that left in a hurry. Not allowing me a chance to explain things to you.”

“Rori” Astreal called concerned.

“What” I whispered.

“Where,” he asked.

While Loki was busy complaining about how I left him no options, Astreal and I began to feel something. Something was not right. I felt as if we were being watched. I could not tell where it seemed to be coming from. It’s as if it’s all around us.

“You will regret what you did to me, Princess Rori” a livid toned voice called out from everywhere ringing in my ears.

I felt my stomach drop to the ground and fill with butterflies in an instant. That voice didn’t belong to anyone who was alive. He is supposed to be dead. “Yarh” I whispered in shock.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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