Hell Castle

Chapter Chapter Three

Fists thrashed against the large doors in a panic. “Loki, don’t kill the Princess! Calm down!” Eliot pounded on the door.

“You wish to know that bad, huh?” Loki questioned. I nodded. He smiled, then picked me up. Startled, I let out a small cry. Loki tossed me on the bed then he sat down. “Fine. I’ll tell you. What do you know?”

“I know that my aunt said their love was forbidden. That’s about it.”

Loki nodded thoughtfully. “Forbidden it was. There has never been a Human and Demon marriage before, and when your Father met your mother on that snowy, winter day in the forest, he told me he was going to marry that woman. He fell in love the moment they met and I am sure your mother felt the same. She had gotten lost in the woods after running from her Father’s funeral; she was lost and cold when he found her sitting on the snowy ground crying over the loss of her Father. Your Father took her back to his castle and calmed her. When she was warm, he took her home. After that, they saw each other just about every day. Soon afterward, Lilly went to live with your Father, Meditris. At the time, Meditris was stationed on earth running all the demons above. He was in line to be king, but he was just so happy to be with Lilly that he didn’t consciously peruse it.

“Demons from all over Hell came for your mother’s life. Time and time again, Meditris protected her. Each time their love conquered them. One day, a demon named Kane came after your mother with orders to kill her. Kane is a renowned, swift-killing demon. He restrained Meditris and grabbed your mother, ready to kill her. Just as he was about to kill your mother, he stopped; he let her go and she fell to the floor at his feet. Meditris, looking horrified, asked Kane: ‘Why did you stop?’ Kane replied ‘I don’t kill children,’ and left them there. Neither your Father nor mother knew or even expected you at all. This put all of Hell into a panic. A being never before created was growing within your mother’s womb. Happy, but scared, your parents prepared for your arrival, amidst constant assassination attempts on your mother’s’ life, before and after your birth, and then, the focus soon became you.

“By the time you came along, the race to be King had begun. Your Father was starting to take it seriously. He thought if he could become King, he could protect you and your mother, so he went back to Hell. Just as Meditris looked to be losing, an unknown assassin killed your mother just before your third birthday. This made your Father crazy with grief, anger, and guilt for not keeping his promise. He destroyed anyone in his way and eventually became King. Deciding you would be better off in the human world and living among them was the best option. Meditris arranged it with your aunt and uncle and left you in peace. The Demon world of Hell was no place for Lilly and his child. No one knew in the realm what would become of you, let alone if you would have any powers or what abilities you may have. And that’s it. Your mother died and your Father is King of Hell.” Loki smiled, obviously relieved to be through with the story. I looked at the bedding, letting the love tragedy of my mother and Father wash over me.

“King of Hell. How fitting.” I said numbly.

“Now that you understand...” Loki began.

I shook my head. “Leave,” I muttered.

Loki looked at me, puzzled. “What?”

“Leave! Get out! Now!” I screamed. He stared at me with a look of bewilderment. When he realized I am serious, he got up and walked to the door. I barely heard it close behind him. I felt weird like some new, foreign emotion washing over me. I want to cry yet scream at the same time. I want to burn the entire world to the ground. I start to shake. All because she fell in love. Why didn’t she just leave? I thought angrily. Why was he not there to protect her? Wait, am I out of my mind? Demons are real, my mother was the wife of the king of hell and he abandoned me? I stuffed my face into my pillow and screamed as hard as I could. I hated him. I hated them. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands. How could he let her die and then abandon me? What kind of person would allow that to happen to the ones he claims he loves? Why would he bother bringing me into things now? Why does he care all of a sudden?

A repetitive pounding woke me with a start, glancing dizzily at the door. “Rori?” Carter called, opening the door. I took my face out of the pillow. I must have cried myself to sleep. “Rori, your presence is requested in the Dining Hall,” Carter said, slowly approaching my bedside.

“What was your mission?” I asked.

Carter smiled a bit. “To protect you from others. Human or Demon. I had to discourage an Angel once.” He looked happy about that.

I guess I can understand how he would be happy about that, I thought. But did anyone even care about my feelings? Or how any of this would affect me? “I feel betrayed in more ways than I can count,” I stuttered, biting my lip.

Carter stepped back and bowed his head respectfully. He looked hurt.

“I feel betrayed by everyone I know and even the ones I don’t. You lied to me. Tried to get close to me and betrayed my feelings. My family lied to me. My pathetic Father abandoned me. I keep getting manhandled by that thing in the other room. Everywhere I turn lies, deceit, tricks, even illusions. I don’t know which way is up anymore. I kinda feel dead inside. I wonder why it’s not all over. I want it to be, Carter,” I wiped the tears away from my cheek. “I’m just not meant to be happy huh.”

“Rori,” Carter said firmly.

“Yes, the dining hall. I’ll be there soon. Would hate to keep that egotistical prick waiting.” I gave my best fake smile.

He nodded uncertainty. I could tell he didn’t know how to respond to my emotional breakdown. “Should I wait outside?”

“Go on, I can find my own way.” I sighed. I hoped I could actually find my own way in this mess that I’m currently in.

After Carter left, I found myself shaking. I wondered what was going to happen next. I can’t trust anyone anymore. This entire thing is a mess. I got up out of bed. The sun was shining into the room. It really showed the craftsmanship of the ornately carved headboard and columns, detailing something like grotesque things on a totem pole, and the décor around the room. I had a feeling of deja-vu. Shaking it off, I got dressed.

It took a while but I found some of my own clothes: designer deep-wash blue jeans with a black lace short sleeve overlay on a blue tank top with my chucks. I was so happy to see my chucks. I’ll have to find out who bought my clothes and thank them, I thought as I headed down the hall to find the dining hall again.

I opened the door to the dining hall with ease. For a door that looked heavy, it was very light. Loki, Eliot, Carter and another guy were already waiting. The new guy gasped when he saw me. “Where is your dress?” Loki asked, irritation crossing his face.

I rolled my eyes. “On the floor in the room. If you like it so much why don’t you wear it?” I sat in the closest seat to me. The guys sat at the other end of the table.

Loki and the visitor looked at Carter. Carter sighed, “In society these days, women are allowed to wear pants if they wish. They can wear shorts as well.”

The new man looked more appalled than anything. His bald head gleaming in the light reflected off the large copper chandelier. Kind of like a bowling ball, I thought, bemused.

Loki sighed. “Princess, this is Trent. He is the King’s top advisor and has come a long way to talk to you.”

“Yes, um.” Trent looked uncomfortable as he searched for the right words. “Yes. Princess, the King is sorry he can not make it here to welcome you, but he sends his love. He assures that you are in capable hands under General Fyrn’s watchful eye. He also said to tell you that he will be coming to visit tomorrow...”

I stood up angrily. “Tell him not to bother,” I spat. Eliot and Trent’s eyes both flicked over to me, amazed at my outburst. “He couldn’t be bothered for the last 15 years. Why would he bother now?” This is more of an ambush than a civil conversation. I walked away waving my hand. “Have a safe trip back.” I could feel the anger and frustration emanating from the dining hall.

I looked up when I got to the top of the staircase. Loki stood arms crossed and a scowl etched onto his face. “Just what do you think you’re doing? Talking to Trent like that is like talking to the King.”

He is really stupid if he doesn’t get it. “Your point is…?” I waited for a moment for an answer. Nothing. I started to walk past him, I’d much rather spend my time reading a book than discussing my father and his failings. “Whether he is the King of Hell or the King of Shit, I don’t really care. If he’s my Father I can talk about him however I want. He did abandon me, remember? NOT the other way around. So for all I care, he can stay in Hell.”

Loki grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall. “Keep talking to him like that and he is liable to cut you off and ignore your spoiled ass!” Loki moved in; close enough I can feel his hot breath on my face.

The nerve to call me spoiled! He’s just trying to get under my skin. “Good. Take me home, then! I may have not been spoiled but at least I didn’t have to listen to lies and bullshit that floods out of your mouth.”

“You don’t have a home, don’t you see? You don’t belong with humans and you don’t belong with Demons. This is your safe haven. This is your home. Get used to it!” I glared at Loki. He glared back. “He will be coming whether you like it or not, Princess. Now go back to your room. Get used to not getting your way.” Loki let go of me and stepped back. Carter and Eliot stood behind him. I had not noticed they were there.

“Princess,” Eliot called out with a sigh “Love is not so black and white; there is a gray area. Sometimes you can’t be with the one you love.” Eliot’s bright green eyes gazed back, his body half turned toward the dining hall. His broad shoulders tilted forward in thought. A flash of pain emanated on his face.

I shook my head slightly. “If you knew anything. If only.” I walked back to my room alone, wanting to knock that smug look off Loki’s face. Like he knows the first thing about me and what I’ve gone through. I have never had anyone get under my skin the way he does, I thought bitterly. Loki fancies himself so self-assured and smart. As if. Loki is so ignorant. They all are.

I took my bath early then laid in bed. I pretended to be asleep when the maids came in. “Princess? Princess, it’s dinner time.” They entered the room and presumably glanced at me still from under the blankets. “Oh, she’s asleep,” one maid whispered, pulling the blankets up to tuck me in. Then they left.

Not long after, I could hear someone else come in. I don’t know how, but I knew it was Loki. He walked over to my bed. I held as still as possible; pretending to be asleep is second nature to me. This act had saved me from many miserable shopping experiences.

He pulled back the covers a bit. “You look just as peaceful as you did the last time you were here,” he whispered as he brushed the hair from my face. “I know your life has not been easy my dear Rori, but I have always been there watching over you and I will continue to do so. I will keep the promise I made you right here on this bed those many years ago. Just let me protect you.” Loki pulled the covers back over me and left.

Loki has a soft side? I never thought I would see something like that. I rolled on my side, watching the door warily. What promise did we make exactly? Did he know I was awake? Nah, but if not, then why did he bother coming in here?

The next morning I stayed in bed. I just didn’t feel like getting up. “Princess, please... Mr. Fyrn will be very angry if you don’t go down to join them for breakfast,” Hidi pleaded.

“I’m not hungry. Please leave me be.” I just wanted to be alone. I didn’t sleep well. My mind would not allow it. Racing all night. Combining through all the lies and deceptions up to this point. Trying to find a single person I could trust. Then when Loki had come into my room, well, that just topped it all off.

I could hear them talking in the hall. They tried to be quiet and discreet but I heard them nonetheless. “What do you mean she refuses to go eat, Hidi?” Eliot asked.

“Well, she said she wasn’t hungry then ordered me out.” Hidi sounded scared.

“Is she sick?” Eliot asked.

“The fact that she spoke at all is good, right Eliot?” Loki asked, seemingly concerned.

“I believe so. She is part human, after all. I just recently started brushing up on my human anatomy. Perhaps I should go do a full and thorough exam,” Eliot suggested.

“Stop it, both of you,” Carter scolded. “She does not need an exam. She’s sick of sorts but no exam or medicine will help her.”

It was quiet for a moment. “How can you be so sure, Carter?” Loki questioned.

“Because she’s been this way before. Just don’t do anything that is unnecessary. When she stops talking that’s when we should worry. But right now, just leave her be.” Carter tried to shoo them away from the door. It felt nice to have him try and protect me, though I still didn’t feel any better.

By the time dinner rolled around, I still had not changed my mind. “Rori?” Carter called as he came in. I stared at the ceiling hoping he would just leave like the maid; instead, he came over to the bed and laid beside me. “I’ve seen you like this once before, ya know,” he said softly as he looked at me. “You are safe, Rori. You won’t be hurt here. None of us will let that happen. I realize that this is a lot. Everything has been turned upside down. You don’t trust anyone. That’s reasonable, but we will protect you. If you can find it in yourself to trust anything again, trust that. You will not be hurt here, ever.”

I turned over to look him in the eye. “Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, Carter. This reminds me of the last time you spoke to me this comfortingly. Did you find him?” If he was truly there to look after me then where was he that day? Where was he when some random guy tried to kidnap me?

Carter looked ashamed. “I’m sorry that happened to you, Rori. Yes, he was taken care of.”

I dared to ask. “How?”

Carter started fidgeting with his hands. “The King said he had to be brought to him alive, but he didn’t care what condition he was in as long as he was alive by the time he reached him. After I found him, I dragged him back here and by the time Loki was done with him and handed him to the King he was as ordered alive, barely. As for what the King did with him I am unsure.” I could see that it pained him to have failed. I put my hand softly on his cheek. He continued, “I knew better than to go update the King without making sure my replacement was in place. The one time I assumed, I failed you. I am sorry.”

“Don’t feel bad. I’m okay now,” I whispered. Carter looked at me confused. I know he would not understand why I would forgive him, but I didn’t see it as his fault.

I fell asleep shortly after that. I found myself in a dark nightmare. I was on a table spinning around and around. I was tied down and unable to move. Then I stopped and this scary demon with bright yellow eyes smiled at me. I see my mother; she was in front of me. This demon kept cutting her up with a knife. I cried out for her, begging the demon to stop. The demon just laughed and laughed. He started gutting her next. Her intestines fell out with one foul swoop. I felt so helpless I could not breathe. I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Mom!”

She just smiled through her tears. “I love you, Rori. Remember that.” I wanted to help her so much. I wanted to save her. The Demon’s elated laugh just kept going on as he continued.

“Rori!” I heard a voice calling me.

Panicked, I looked around, “Help! Please help her! Please!” I begged.

“Rori!” I felt my body shaking from an invisible.


I’m shaking. I opened my eyes, crying out. I woke to Loki sitting next to me on my bed, shaking me. “Rori, it’s just a dream,” he said, startled. My eyes quickly welled up with tears.

Eliot and Carter stood by the bed, both horrified and confused. I looked back at Loki and then at my bed. I felt my chest growing tight and the air starting to get thicker.

“It was just a dream, Princess. You are safe. It’s okay,” Loki said.

I leaned over until I fell on the bed. It was so horrible. Loki got up, standing there looking confused.

“What should we do?” Eliot asked as Carter crawled into bed with me. He laid by me stroking my face gently.

“Shush. I know. I know.” he whispered. I cried into his chest, still shaking. I gripped him in a hug. I wanted to feel safe. Because that dream didn’t feel like a dream at all, it felt so real. I watched as life left her. I watched as that demon cut her to pieces.

“She screamed so loud in her sleep I thought she was actually being attacked,” Eliot said confused.

“For humans, the dreams can feel real,” Loki replied. “What kind of dream was that, then?”

I stopped crying after a while but I would not let go of Carter. I couldn’t let go of him for fear that I would fall back asleep and dream that dream again. I felt safe laying in his arms. I pretended to be asleep so they would be quiet. “Carter, the King has sent for you,” Eliot whispered as he read a letter.

“What am I supposed to do? She won’t let go,” Carter answered.

“Why are you doing that?” Eliot asked, referring to why Carter was lightly holding me and rubbing my back.

“It’s comforting and helps relieve stress and anxiety. Most of all it helps her sleep when she’s like this.” Carter whispered.

“Hmm....well, Carter has to go. So one of us will have to take your place till you get back.” Loki spoke as he poked my side. It is a good thing I’m not ticklish. “I volunteer, Loki; I will take the mission,” Eliot said.

Carter groaned a bit.

“Let me see the letter; maybe it can wait till she gets up,” Loki interjected. “Uh, Eliot, did you not read this all the way to the end? It says here on the bottom that you are to go as well. What can I do with you if you can’t even read a simple letter?” Loki sighed. “I will have to take over, then. Let’s make this quick. Eliot, you pull her arm up easy, loose enough for us to trade spots. Then when her arm is up enough we will quickly switch places. She shouldn’t notice.”

“Are you sure, Loki? You said it was best if we don’t get close to her,” Carter whispered.

Loki groaned. “Well, you have already ignored that order, now haven’t you? If you are sure this is the only thing that will keep her calm then this is a must.”

The trade went quite smoothly. I think it might have been a bit easier if I was actually asleep but it was nice of them to think of me enough to do this. Loki’s body is so warm and inviting I could not help but to cuddle closer. Loki immediately froze. “Uh, Carter!” Loki whispered hoarsely in a panic.

Carter gave a laugh. “That’s good, Loki. Looks like she finds you more comfortable than me. Don’t you remember when she was young? She used to cuddle with you better than the rest of us.”

“Go. You have to see the King. Now be quick and don’t leave me here all damn day.” Loki ordered. I thought it was a bit funny too. He’s acting like cuddling is a weird thing. His reaction to my touch was odd. It made me wonder about when Carter spoke about me cuddling as a kid. So they knew me as a kid. Eliot had said he knew my mother and that Loki is my Father’s friend, but I had no idea the connections went that far.

Loki was so warm. I liked laying like this. He tightened his arms around me. “You’re safe. I don’t know what happened in that dream, but it was just a dream. So sleep, sweet Rori.”

It sounded like a good idea. Cuddled up like this was making me sleepy. He’s right, I do feel safe. It was just us in the room. I nodded off for a bit. When I woke up I opened my eyes to see Loki still there. I was tangled up in his arms and my fists were twisted up in his shirt from clinging onto him so tightly. What started off as something to get a reaction, turned out to be comfortable.

I thought about getting up. He looks so kind and peaceful when he sleeps. Wait, what am I saying? I mean I don’t want to disturb him; on the other hand, I had an urgent need to visit the bathroom, and with how I know Loki is about touching from earlier, I’m sure he would like to be the one to move first. I can’t do it, I can’t wake him. I feel guilty for teasing him and using him as a pillow. So I’ll just wait.

My bedroom door opened. Carter and Eliot walked in. I pretended I was asleep again. “You wake him,” Eliot said.

“No, you wake him. If he is late meeting the King, it will be bad for the both of us,” Carter whispered. I felt Loki’s leg move when Eliot pushed it.

“What?” Loki whispered, annoyed.

“Well, uh, the King wants to talk to you. Now,” Eliot stated.

Loki’s breathing changed. “He does? Hmm, well, here Carter. Time to change again.” Loki demanded.

“Yes, General,” Carter agreed.

After Loki left, Eliot moped around the room, obviously jealous. “Why do you and Loki get to hold her? I don’t even get so much as a hug.”

I’m ready to get up. I started to push Carter away, then moaned to let him know I have started to wake up. “Good afternoon, Rori,” Carter said.

I sat up. I could feel my face starting to blush. “Uh, thank you.” I darted off to the restroom. I took a hot bath first. I need a rejuvenating start to today, I thought, getting out.

“Princess, I would have drawn your bath for you,” Hidi moped sad.

“Hidi, I am far from helpless. With that being said, I’m not a Princess. That paints me as a spoiled, stuck-up snob. I have had to work for everything I wanted or ever had. So, I’m just Rori. You can call me what you like as long as it’s not Princess.”

Hidi grabbed a towel for me and waited for me to be done. “Yes, Miss Rori”. I finished exiting the large claw foot tub and went back to my room.

“What?! Get the hell out!” I screamed at Loki standing by my bed looking at where we had slept earlier.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Princess. I thought you got dressed in the--”

“Get out!” I screamed.

Loki quickly ran out of the room and shut the door and leaned against it.

“What the hell is wrong with you? A lady changes in her room just like any gentleman changes in his room,” I yelled at him through the thick wooden door. He kept quiet, waiting for me. I should slap him. The nerve of this guy. I got dressed and opened the door. “Loki!” I yelled even though he was right there.

“Yes, Princess?” he replied.

“Why were you in my room waiting for me?” I asked, irritated.

Loki looked dazed at me for a moment. Then got a stern look. “I am the head of this house; I will do the yelling around here. And I was waiting for your return. Your Father is here and wants to see you.”

I abruptly shoved the large door closed in Loki’s face, causing a loud bam sound.

“Open up, Princess,” Loki ordered.

Is he here? Why? I don’t want to see him. I told Trent that. Why did he come? My heart started to race. Did I want to see him after all? Do I really want him to stay in Hell? That unmanageable feeling was starting to emerge again. A crashing sound broke my train of thought. I turned to see Loki walking in. He had broken open the door. No surprise he is a demon, after all. I looked at him with tears about to run down my face. I wanted to speak but I couldn’t.

Loki stood, shocked. He stared at me. He walked over, grabbed my hand, and led me out of my room. “You won’t know unless you go see him,” he declared.

He’s right. But it still doesn’t mean I’m ready. Loki dragged me down to a different room I had not been to yet. Letting go of my hand, he opened the doors to a sunroom. I entered the sunroom slowly. Instantly, I spotted a blond haired man standing by the window. His black suit complimented his body well. He stood inspecting a pocket watch he held in his right hand. I stared at him. He looked exactly like the man in the painting I had once seen. His hair is now more combed back whereas in the painting his hair was more tousled and messy. I froze, waiting for him to turn around.

He slowly turned to face me. “Hello Rori. I’m your Father.”

I glanced next to me; Loki was bowing to greet him with respect. Loki looked at me, nodding slightly. He must be waiting for me to do something. Seeing Loki give him that respect made me feel uneasy. My entire life, not once did he come to see me. Not once have I seen him in person. Why did he abandon me? There are so many things running through my mind. Where do I begin? “What do you want from me?” I questioned.

He smiled at me. “Straight to the point, much like your mother. I can see her in you.” He gave a pained smile. “I don’t want anything but your happiness and safety, Rori.”

I laughed.

“What do you find funny in that?” he questioned, confused.

Shaking my head, I replied, “If that’s what you wanted, maybe you should have rethought your decision to abandon me or perhaps have me suddenly kidnapped years later.”

His blue eyes glowed as he looked at me. “I have only heard about how much you have grown up. In order to protect you, I had to keep my distance,” He paused, smiling tenderly. “You remind me of your mother more and more, it’s amazing. My choices up until now have only been for your best interests.”

“Your title ‘King of Hell’ is fitting. You put me through hell; you abandoned me, then had me kidnapped after drugging my entire graduating class all in the name of my safety and happiness? Why not just pick a job and stick with it?” A pain set in my chest just thinking of all the ways his choices have turned my life around again and again.

“You’re angry. I understand that. However, I’ve always only had your best interests at heart.” He closed his eyes, placing his hand on his chest.

“Keep your good intentions inside that black heart of yours. I have had enough lies and deceit in my life. I have no use for it anymore.” That feeling of wanting to burn the world to the ground hit me again. I could be completely satisfied lighting this castle on fire and watching it burn to the ground.

“I see. You need more time. It was selfish of me to come so soon. I am sorry about that...”

“Did you know I was there? When she died. Did you bother to come and comfort me? What about her murderer; did you find him?” I’m so horrible. It’s almost sickening how I’m enjoying the tortured look on his face. “I’m out.” I rushed out of the sunroom. This is not the person I am. To say that I’m livid would be a dramatic understatement. How could I have become the person who enjoys others’ pain? This is not me at all.

Thrusting my bedroom door open, anxiety tightening in my chest, I grabbed my coat. I have to get out of this place. I don’t know if I can survive here. Quickly, I made my way down to the first floor then out the grand front door and to the gate before I realized anyone had followed after me.

“Rori, you need to calm down,” Carter called after me.

“Why? I have no reason to. I just want to go back to my crappy life and the way things were before you dragged me here!” I yelled at him.

“Rori stop, you can’t run away from this,” Carter pleaded.

Suddenly a figure stood in my way. “Eliot, out of my way,” I demanded.

“I’m sorry, Princess,” he replied.

“Get out of the way, Eliot! That’s an order.” I watched as he moved, a pained look on his face. If I was the Princess, I was going to use what I could to get home. Traipsing through the snow was hard enough without people getting in the way. Another figure showed up.

“Loki, move,” I demanded.

“No,” he said defiantly.

“I said move, Loki. I’m going home. I’m not doing this anymore.” I felt my heart ache again. Thinking over how everything has transpired of late.

“Where do you think you are going if not back to my castle? That is your home.” Loki pointed behind me.

“No, I don’t belong there. You can’t force me to go back,” I protested.

“He went back so you can return happily. You forced your Father out and back to hell. He won’t come back till you call for him, If you call for him,” Loki scolded.

“No, I’m not going back to half answers and secrets. All that leads to is lies and deceit. I’m sick of it.” I started around him. I’m not going to allow Loki to take me back. I really didn’t want to be anywhere near my Father or his lackeys.

Loki gripped my shoulders tightly, holding me inches from his face. “He had no idea you were there that night. We kept that from him. He was torn up enough about your mother and unborn brother. It would have crushed him if he knew you watched her die. What more do you want to know? Get it all out of your system,” he yelled. “He was so distraught that he could not look at you. He felt like a failure. He felt like he had failed as a husband, father and as a demon. He didn’t comfort you because he was of no use to anyone. However, he had to keep living to protect you. Now all you do is tear him down and push that nail deeper and deeper into his heart. You are his life, Rori. You are his entire reason for living and you just tossed him aside as if it was his fault entirely. That man has done nothing but his best for you from the day you were born. And this is how you repay him?” Loki scoffed. “But even though you treat him like this, because he is your Father he will keep protecting you. You ungrateful brat.” Loki pushed me away; I fell down as he walked off back to the castle.

I had been so wrapped up in how this affected me, I didn’t once think of how it affected him. I sat there in the snow, thinking. I have a right to be angry with him, that is true. I had no right to be that angry and do that to him, though. I sat there thinking whether or not I could do it over. I would not have been so mean. It was unfair for him to just kidnap me and toss me into this world that I had never even considered, then expect me to be ready to see him the next day. That was unfair. I needed him all those years and he was not there. I wanted a dad, someone who loved me and treated me like I was wanted. Someone to say, “I love you” and tell me how cute I am no matter how horrible I looked. I wanted someone to scare the guys so he or she would be too worried to ask me on a date. I wanted someone to hold me when I cried, but I didn’t have that.

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