Heed My Warnings And Survive

Chapter Chapter Thirty Three: On The Run Once Again

Chapter Thirty Three

On The Run Once More

It had been about a day since we left camp, and we hadn’t got a single break. Everytime we tried to rest it seemed like Devin’s men were always right behind us. It wasn’t easy on Thomas, but it was better than him being in the hands of Devin, and The Witch, it was also hard to keep him quiet, he didn’t understand the urgency of needing to leave everytime we tried to relax.

At the present time however we had been able to sit, and light a fire, finally beginning to unwind from the stress of still trying to stay one step ahead of The Witch. Thomas was fast asleep beside me, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink, and by the looks of it neither would Kiara. I sighed deeply.

“What are we gonna do Kiara?” I asked, rubbing my hands over my face.

“I don’t know Draven, all I can think to do is to stay one step ahead,” She said.

“We can’t. Especially not with Thomas,” I told her. She shrugged her shoulders.

“We can’t fight if Thomas is here either.” my shoulders slumped, and I sighed again.

“We’ve got to figure something out, we have to get Thomas somewhere safe,”

“Is there anyone who could take him in for a bit?” Kiara asked. I shook my head.

“Not one comes to mind,” I said. Kiara pursed her lips.

“What about your father?” I raised my eyebrows.

“I’m not leaving Thomas with that pig,” I said with a scoff. Kiara sighed.

“Ok well-” She was cut off by the sound of rustling leaves. We exchanged a terrified look. Kiara stomped the fire out, and I grabbed Thomas. We didn’t run for fear that it would alert the men whom we’d assumed to be Devin’s. We hid behind a cluster of brambles, trying to see the men. They weren’t Devin’s men, they were wearing some sort of uniform that was crisp, and pristine, definitely not a hired sword.

“Your Highness,” One called, examining our dying embers with his torch. A man came over, he was tall, with dark hair, green eyes, and a spray of freckles across his face. “Who do you think was here?” The soldier asked. The man tilted his head.

“I’m not sure, but look at the leaves around. They left in a hurry.” Kiara gasped loudly when she heard the man speak. The soldier, and prince drew their swords.

“Who’s there?” The soldier asked. I cursed under my breath.

“Don’t worry Draven. I know him,” Kiara said. She went out from the bushes, raising her hands up.

“No one is in any danger,” She said. The Prince furrowed his brow.

“Have we met?” He asked. Kiara smiled, and nodded.

“It’s me, Arron. It’s Kiara.” The prince let out a disbelieving laugh.

“Kiara? My baby sister Kiara?” He asked. She nodded. He spread his arms, and she ran into them. I emerged from the brambles as well, Thomas still in my arms. Arron pushed Kiara behind him and pointed his still drawn sword at me. I took half a step back.

“No Arron, it’s ok, he’s traveling with me,” She said. Arron sheathed his sword.

“Oh. my apologies,” He said. I nodded.

“Don’t fret over it,” I replied.

“Draven,” Kiara scolded.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” She rolled her eyes at me.

“You can’t talk to a prince that way.” I sighed.

“Oh. Then please, let me apologize,” I said. “I would bow, but this child hasn’t slept in days, so I think I’ll prevent him from waking for as long as I can.” Kiara gave me a disapproving look, and Arron looked a little surprised, not offended though.

“No need to apologize, or bow. In all honesty it’s quite refreshing. I was never happier than when I was treated like a peasant,” He said cheerily. I held in a laugh. Kiara shook her head.

“What are you doing here Arron?” she asked. He turned to her.

“Well Regina, and I have been traveling the country, as a bit of an escape from the castle,” He said.

“Oh. is she here then?”

“Indeed. Why don’t you come with me, you can stay at our camp,”

“Oh no we couldn’t,” Kiara said respectfully.

“Please, I insist.” Kiara shook her head.

“We can’t, we have a power hungry weasel, and a witch trying to kill us, and if we go with you, you’re in danger,” She said. Arron scoffed.

“Please I can handle a weasel, and a witch,” He said.

“It’s the Soul Keeper Arron.” His eyes widened.

“How did you get the Soul Keeper on your tail?” He asked.

“It’s a long story Arron,”

“Then come with me, and you can tell me.” Kiara shook her head.

“I can’t put you, and Regina in that kind of danger,” She argued.

“Come now Kiara, we can handle a witch,”

“No you can’t, you don’t understand how powerful she is. She turned Draven’s best friend against him, and convinced him that Draven deserved to die,”

“Whatever we do, can we decide soon? I’m freezing,” I interjected. They both looked at me.

“Draven, what do you think we should do?” Kiara asked. I shrugged,

“I don’t know. His Highness’ camp would have fresh supplies of which we are in desperate need of, not to mention he probably has better places to sleep which would be good for Thomas,” I said.

“It sounds to me like you want to stay,” Kiara said.

“Perhaps for a night.” Kiara sighed. “Come now, it’d be good for us, warm night, food, water, not having to worry every second that someone is going to pop out of the bushes and run us through,” I argued. She nodded.

“Ok, but let’s not stay long, I don’t want to put Arron, and Regina, or the guards they brought into any more unnecessary danger.” I nodded.

“I promise, we’ll only stay one night,” I assured her. She nodded reluctantly.

“Excellent, I’ll show you where we’re camped.” Arron started walking in the direction he had come from.

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