Heed My Warnings And Survive

Chapter Chapter Thirty Eight: Fight For Freedom

Chapter Thirty Eight

Fight For Freedom

My head was spinning, as was my body, trying to comprehend how I had gotten here, and where here even was. The only thing I could grasp was the continuous laughing of the witch coming from every direction.

“Did you truly think you could find me, by walking blindly into the forest?” She said condescending. I took a deep breath.

“Did you think you could so easily trick me?” I asked trying my best to confuse her. I hoped it worked. Since I couldn’t see her face I had no way of knowing. I started turning my body slowly, taking in my surroundings, assessing my surroundings, seeing if there was anything I could use against her. Then I remembered I was toying with her. I know exactly where I am,” I said. “You can’t fool me. I’m not stupid.” I stop circling as the witch appears out of the thick fog surrounding me. The witch sneers at me.

“Well well. Smarter than I thought,” She said. “But I guarantee you’re not more powerful than me.” She flicked her wrist, and I’m flung back, only stopping because I collided with a tree. Pain shoots up my back, to my head which hits the tree as well, I drop onto the ground, stunned for a moment. I groan, and rub the back of my head with one hand, the other still clutching my sword. I stand slowly.

“Ow.” The witch laughed.

“Good.” She flicks her wrist once more, and I roll through the dirt, sticks, and stones scraping my face, hands, and any exposed skin, which included the newly made exposed skin under the tares my shirt sustained whilst I rolled. I still had my sword, and I had miraculously not impaled myself with it. I sit up quickly as my new scraps sting, and my back, and head, ache. I’m careful this time not to express my pain. Perhaps if I don’t mention the pain she’ll go easy on me. No. She throws me around some more. I tell myself to endure it. There was no way we had traveled to a swamp, so this must be an illusion, and Kiara would be here soon enough, or she would have escaped, either with Devin, or with his head, and I can die peacefully knowing she was safe, I was rather tired after all. Then pain shoots through my body, and I yell. I hadn’t realized the witch was just dangling me in the air, until she dropped me. I groaned as I tried to sit up. Then I heard a Swoosh, And the witch cried out. The illusion of the swamp melted away, and I recognized my surroundings. I looked toward the witch. There was an arrow protruding from her calf. She was screaming, and writhing. Another swoosh. An arrow in her side. If it hadn’t been for the writhing Kiara would have hit her heart by now. I stood slowly, picking up my sword as I rise. I take a step forward, and stumble a bit. My ankle was twisted, but I ignored it as I approached the witch. The anger had been slowly rising in me since the illusion of the swamp started. She was the reason Zander was dead, the reason Devin had been alive to order his men to kill Finley, the reason Niereida was imprisoned somewhere unknown to us, the reason Thomas was without his parents. I got closer to her writhing body. Glaring at her with a fury of a thousand suns. I raise my sword slowly. Placing the tip on her collarbone. She grew still, there was a fire behind her eyes, whether it was fear, or anger, I couldn’t tell, but whatever it was went out as I drove my blade forward, and through her heart. I stumbled back as the witch crumpled to the ground. I fell hard on my backside.

“I- I-” I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move. I had just killed someone. Again. I looked at Kiara. She was shocked, she had dropped her bow, and placed both hands over her mouth. She walked over to me, and put a hand on my shoulder.

“I killed her,” I said, dumbfounded by my own actions. Kiara sank to her knees beside me, and wrapped her arms around me. Tears start in my eyes, and my breathing quickens.

“Hey, its ok,” Kiara said, trying to calm me down, rubbing my back, and mumbling calming words. But to no avail, the tears came quicker, and my breaths were to be considered rapid. I was spiraling, and I didn’t know how to stop it. I was thinking of everything that had happened to lead to this point, and the emotions that went with it. My village was distroide, guilt, anger, sadness, regret, my closest friend turning against me, guilt, pain, confusion, sorrow, my mother dying in front of me, sadness regret, guilt, the betrayal of Devin, anger, the discovery of Neireida being alive, happiness, the death of Zander, pain, regret, guilt, sorrow, and then there was Finley. Finley who had stuck by me through everything, he had chosen my side over Zanders, he had befriended the love of my life, and looked after her when I couldn’t, he had been my brother, my friend, and my ally, I had loved him for that, and he was dead. He was dead because I drove him away, I made a rift between us so big it made him feel the need to leave me alone to cool down, I had gotten so angry over an accedant, that he left, and because of that he was vulnerable for Devin’s men to attack. Devin. I suddenly remembered the weasle responsable for so much heartbreak. A fire of anger erupted in my chest. I slowed my breathing, and dried my tears.

“Wheres Devin?” I asked menicingly. Kiara pulled away from our embrace, and looked me in the eyes.

“Why? What do you plan on doing?” she asked. I stood quickly, as did she.

“I won’t kill him,” I said, not even looking at my sword, which was still embedded in the nearby witch corps. Kiara sighed.

“He’s in the tent,” She said. I nodded my thanks, and made my way to the tent.

As I entered to tent I saw Devin. He was bound by one wrist to the tent pole. My anger worsened as I laid my eyes on him. He gave me a disgusting smile.

“Ahh Draven, how have you been?” He asked, his smile growing, stretching across his face. It made me sick. I began walking towards him, he tried to step back before realizing he was tied to the tent. Once I got close enough, I punched him hard in the nose.

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