Heed My Warnings and Survive (Second Draft)

Chapter Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

We stayed at the castle for quite a while, living there, and becoming a regular thing, we no longer got stares from pacing servants, or odd looks from Melle. Although we did still all stay in one bed chamber, which Melle still looked on with a disapproving eye, but setting that aside she was a lovely person. There were some rules though, and expectations, like letting people dress, and bath us, which I flatly refused to let happen, and I didn’t want to stay in the castle for free, so I made garments for The Queen, and Prince, which they greatly appreciated. However the worst part about this was the marriage of Theo, and Kiara would be very advantageous for the two kingdoms, and despite her explaining the situation to him, he still tried to persuade her, by wooing her, which infuriated me, amused Finley greatly, and made it so Kiara didn’t want to go anywhere alone, which most times wasn’t bad, but once in a while I wanted some time to myself, and on those days Theo would pounce, sometimes even when I was there, so I had to appoint Finley as her guard, but like I said, most days the three of us were together anyway, so this was a minor inconvenience, that we could deal with, and would someday laugh about.

We were walking in the garden one day when Finley excused himself to practice sword fighting, and unfortunately as we rounded the corner, arm in arm, we ran into none other than the prince himself.

“Your Magesty,” He said with a dramatic bow. Kiara sighed.

“Good afternoon Prince Theo,” she said, with a miniscule curtsey. Theo grabbed her hand, pulling her forward, away from me, and kissed it. I wanted to punch him, but I held off for obvious reasons.

“Come along Kiara, you know it will benefit both our kingdoms,” He said pleadingly. Kiara raised her eyebrow.

“I’m sorry. But Theo you must understand I am in love with someone, and unfortunately it’s not you, therefore I couldn’t possibly marry you,” Kiara explained for the hundredth time.

“But couldn’t I convince you to love me? I’m not horrible.” Kiara chuckled.

“No you are not horrible, and as long as my love for this man exists I couldn’t possibly love someone else, especially if it was a learning process, I’m afraid I would harbor too much resentment.” Her words brought me great satisfaction.

“How could you possibly love someone so below your own station?” I stepped forward, and was about to open my mouth but Kiara raised her hand to stop me.

“Theo I know you have felt the same way as me, I’ve seen the way you look at Melle

Theo’s face turned red.

“I look at her the same as I would any servant,” He lied. Kiara smiled sympathetically.

“It’s alright. You don’t have to hide it from us.” Theo’s face reddened more. “You do love her don’t you,”

“Yes,” he mumbled.

“Why then are you so insistent?”

“Because our kingdom is failing, and I can’t bear the thought of after losing my father, my mother will have to lose the home she shared with him, not to mention if anyone ever found out about my feelings they would cast Melle out like a rotten apple,” he said dejectedly.

“Why would you think that?”

“Because as much as I care for Melle, the fact remains that she is a servant,”

“And so was your mother.” Theo sighed.

“I’m sorry Kiara but its not at all the same,”


“Because unlike my mother, I was born into nobility, and unlike my father, I do not have the strength, nor do I command enough respect to do something of that sort,”

“Theo, you can, doing such a thing only shows that you care more for Melle then you do about what will happen if you were to be with her.” Theo groaned frustratedly.

“You just don’t get it do you? You have no idea what I’m going through.” Theo’s voice was getting louder.

“No need to raise your voice.” Theo pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed deeply.

“I’m sorry, it’s just a frustrating, and sensitive topic,”

“I understand, I’m sorry you’re having this problem, and you have to know that you and I marrying is not going to solve anything, for anyone.” Theo sat on a bench nearby. Kiara turned to me.

“Could you excuse us for a while?” She asked. I raised my eyebrows questioningly, but she offered no explanation, all she did was kiss my cheek, and asked me to trust her, which I did.

I left the two of them alone, and went to search for Finley.

I entered the sword arena, and saw Finley sparring with one of the soldiers. I took a seat on a bench, and observed the fight.

“He’s incredible,” a young servant boy sitting next to me said in aw, gesturing towards Finley, I don’t think he could,ve been any older than thirteen.

“Do you know anything about swordplay?” I asked. He looked surprised at my question, perhaps he wasn’t expecting someone to hear him.

“A bit, but definitely not enough to go up against him,” the boy said.

“He’d teach you some if you asked.” the boy looked awestruck,

“You mean you know him?” I chuckled, and nodded.

“Indeed. I’ve known him all my life,”

“Incredible. You think he’d really teach me?” I nodded again.

“Once he’s done with his sparring match, I’ll introduce you.” The boy could barely sit still for the rest of the time.

Finley finished the match quickly, and went to sit on one of the benches. I walked to him, the boy following close behind me.

“Hey Draven. Where’s your fair princess?” he said teasingly. I laughed sarcastically.

“Talking to the prince,” I said. He gave me a fake worried look. I rolled my eyes. “That’s beside the point. This young man wants you to teach him some swordplay,” I said. Gesturing to the servant boy. Finley looked at him.

“You look like a spry young man. What’s your name,” He asked.

“Vye. I’ve been studying swordplay since I was young, but I’ve never had the chance to spar with anyone.”

“Vye what are you doing here? You’re gonna get yourself into trouble again,” One of the soldiers said, approaching us quickly. Vye looked at the soldier.

“Only if I’m not sparring, and since you won’t spar with me I’ve asked someone else,” He said harshly.

“Indeed. I’m going to spar with him,” Finely put in. the soldier looked at him.

“Please sir, don’t feel pressured by my brother. He can be pushy,”

“I don’t feel pressured by him. I’d like to see what he can do.” Vye stuck his tongue out at his brother. I chuckled.

“Well I suppose I’ll leave you to it then,” I said, turning, and leaving the arena.

The next few hours passed sluggishly, until I decided to find Kiara once more. To my surprise she was still in the garden with prince Theo.

“May I join you?” I asked, approaching them. Kiara looked to me, and nodded. She then turned back to Theo.

“Wouldn’t you rather be happy then royal?

“Of course, but in order for me to be happy, my mother has to be as well,”

“Have you told her about Melle?” Theo shook his head. “Why don’t you try?”

“Kiara I haven’t even told Melle,”

“Told me what highness?” Melle said, seeming to appear out of thin air. Theo jumped.

“Nothing Melle,” He said, turning scarlet, and not facing her. Kiara whispered something into his ear, and turned to me.

“Let us give them some privacy,” She said, taking my arm, and leading me away.

“What had he decided about Melle?” I said, once we were far enough away.

“And I’ve told him to tell her,” She said. I chuckled.

“That’s one way to get out of a betrothal,” I said. She smiled at me.

“Out of one, until I get into another,” She said, giving me a look and I chuckled.

“Perhapes, but you’ll have to be patient,” I told her. She laughed lightly.

“I know, I only wish you didn’t have someone trying to kill you,” She said. I laughed.

“As do I, my love.” My cheeks flushed when I said those words, but not in a bad way. We stayed in the garden till sunset, when the brisk air bade us return inside.

The next few days passed by quickly, we had once again begun to settle, we were getting used to the castle, and the servants, and the soft beds. We even began to sleep in separate bed chambers, which Melle appreciated greatly. We stayed only three weeks, but it felt like an eternity. But alas all good things end, and our stay did when I had a dream. That I thought to mean if we stayed any longer Zander would be killed. And how I would regret this interpretation. We left with full supplies and bellies.

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