Heed My Warnings and Survive (Second Draft)

Chapter Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty-Five

We had a goal in mind this time, we were going to visit Imelda at her village, we needed to tell her about Finley, and it would be painful, but it would be helpful to share the mourning with someone.

We were currently sitting next to a small stream, washing our feet, and enjoying the break.

“Do you remember when Fin would tease us about being in love, and we would blush as red as tomatoes,” Kiara said with a small laugh. I nodded.

“He used to put worms down my shirt,” I said. Kiara laughed. “And Zander always encouraged it,”

“Can you tell me more about Zander? Or would that be too painful?”

“No no, I can tell you about him. He was kind, one of the nicest people you could come across, in all honesty him, and Neireida seemed perfect for each other, both smart, kind, and beautiful.” Kiara chuckled.

“Can I ask? Did you love her?” She asked.

“I thought I did, but I know now it would’ve hurt much more if I had actually loved her. If I had to watch you fall in love, and marry another man I don’t know how I would even begin to cope.” Kiara smiled. “What about you? Have you ever been in love with another man?” I asked. Kiara blushed.

“Yes. about two years ago.” I crossed my legs, and leaned forward. “He was kind, thoughtful, sweet, funny, charismatic.” She said this with a dreaminess in her voice, and I wondered if she sounded that way when she talked about me. “His name was Leland, he was a palace guard. He’d watch the door at the training grounds whilst my brother, and Balor taught me archery,”

“Once, when it was dark he took me out of the city, and into a beautiful field of flowers. It was my first time outside of the castle grounds, it was lovely, the stars glistened like droplets of water in the morning sun.” Her voice still had the dreamy ring to it, and her eyes were misty, as though she could see the memory clear as day. “He used to take me on walks through the castletown, posing as my guard. He once took me to a tavern.” She chuckled. “It was a new thing for me, and I was horrified. You would’ve laughed.” I laughed lightly.

“He sounds like he was worthy of you,” I told her with a smile. She smiled back.

“I think most men would be,”

“No, not many, and certainly not me.” Kiara laughed.“Come now Draven, you believe yourself to be unworthy of my love?” I nodded.

“Everyone I’ve loved thus far I’ve lost, do I truly deserve the love of anyone?” I said seriously “Well if you’re undeserving then I am as well,”

“You deserve the world Kiara. I wish I could give it to you.” Kiara cupped my face in her hands.

“After all the things I’ve been given in my life, I would never wish for the world.” She placed her forehead on mine, and butterflies erupted in my stomach. “There’s only one thing I’d selfishly ask for.” She went silent waiting for me to ask.


“You.” Her eyes closed, as did mine, and our lips began to inch closer, until they met in a warm tender kiss. It felt how I’d imagine a flower feels when it blooms, free, like a weight had been lifted, and I hadn’t realized it was there, it was blissful and beautiful and I had never felt anything more pure. We broke apart, and I looked into her eyes, they were full of a warm glow that made me smile.

“I suppose I could give that to you,” I said. Kiara laughed

“I think we should continue, my feet are getting cold, and we have an unwelcome task ahead of us,” She said, rising to her feet. I nodded, and followed her example returning my boots to my feet.

We reached Imelda’s village nearly a week later. It was dark, and we were Tired, and sore.

“Why don’t you get us a room at the inn? I’ll go find Imelda.” Kiara nodded, and walked off. I made my way to the butcher shop. As I entered I saw Imelda behind the counter, dealing with a difficult customer. Her eyes moved quickly over, then back to the customer. Their conversation was quiet, and inaudible, but I could see the annoyed look in Imelda’s eyes, a subtle warning that if the man didn’t back off she would butcher him as well as the chicken he was trying to pay her for. I walked to the man, and tapped his shoulder.

“Pardon me sir,” I said. The man turned. He was short stout, and bald. He wore a look that meant he thought he was higher than Tuliana himself.

“What do you want?” He said annoyedly. His voice was high pitched, and irritating. I knew this lord, he had written a poorly grammared, and recorded book of his life. The only reason so many copies had sold was so that the lesser could say they had Lord Bradockis’ book. I had read it through many times, and shown it to my friends who were well versed and laughed over the misspellings, and bad punctuation. The knowledge I had gotten was that he thought he was above everyone, and everything, and that he was deathly afraid of ghosts. I bowed low.

“Lord Bradockis,” I said, in a tone of wonderment. Bradockis chuckled, and rubbed his bald head as if he had hair to push back.

“Ahhh finally someone with sense. Young man the price this butcher puts up far too high a price for me to pay. Would you be so kind and pay her off for me?” He said his voice was slimy, and coarse at the same time. I wanted to roll my eyes, but instead I widened them, and raised my eyebrows.

“Lord Bradockis, don’t you know about this place,” I said, lowering my voice. Bradockis raised an eyebrow.

“Know what?” He asked skeptically.

“She’s protected by ghosts,” I said the word ‘ghost’ in a whisper. “They only allow the customer to pay, and if they don’t they kill them, and force them into servitude to protect her as well.” Bradockis started sweating, and shaking, as his eyes widened. He reached his clammy hand into his pocket, and pulled out two silver pieces, and handed it to her, then quickly left the shop. I wished I could laugh like Imelda was, but the task ahead of me was looming, and I wanted nothing to do with it. In truth we hadn’t known Imelda long, but she was a kind soul that made you feel welcome even if she tried not to. My face fell as I looked at her. She furrowed her eyebrows.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, coming out from behind the counter. I took a deep breath.

“It’s Finley,” I said. A look of worry crept onto her face.

“What’s happened?” The worry spread to her voice.

“Come to the inn. I’ll explain. I don’t know if I can do it alone.” Imelda nodded.

After waiting for her to close up shop, we headed to the inn. When we entered I saw Kiara sitting at a table waiting, as well as a meal of fish, potatoes, and cooked squash. We approached the table, and sat. Imelda’s hands were clasped in front of her, and she was clenching, and unclenching her fingers.

“So what has happened? Where’s Finley?” she asked. I glanced at Kiara, then back at Imelda.

“He- um- he.” I couldn’t get the words out, I couldn’t bear to speak the truth, not again. Tears sprang to my eyes. Imelda covered her mouth with her hands, she knew. Without me saying a word, she knew.

“Please no. tell me it’s not true,” She pleaded. I nodded, and she burst into tears, as did I. all the pain, and guilt I had felt resurged, and I couldn’t bear to remember that he was gone, he had been my closest friend for as long as I could remember. He had known things no one else did, he had been my brother. My hands scrubbed my face, before resting one over my mouth, and the other under my chin. I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them, I saw Kiara with her arms around a sobbing Imelda. I reached my hand out to her, and she clutched it with all her might. I took a deep breath.

“We can’t stay here long. We’re being hunted.” Imelda nodded.

“I think you should return to your family,” Kiara said. Imelda nodded once more.

“We’ll visit after this whole thing is over, and please, give him a proper funeral.” Imelda sniffled, and took a deep breath.

“I will. He’ll be properly honored,” she said.

“Thank you.” After that we ate our meal, and retired to our separate rooms, with Imelda joining Kiara.

I lay awake in bed unable to sleep. Kiara, and I hadn’t slept with a wall between us since Finley’s death. I had grown so used to hearing her snores that I didn’t realize how comforting they were, and even the sight of her in a deep sleep was beautiful to me. I hadn’t realized until now how deep my love for her had grown, or how hard it was to be without her. I sighed heavily, and sat up. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to sleep I extracted a notebook from my bag, and began to jot down some things about a new medicinal herb I had recently read about. As soon as I started, I laid my pencil down, and placed my head in my hands with a groan. I was anxious, and nervous. I wanted to go to Kiara. Perhaps sleep on the floor in her room, but I decided against it, I didn’t want to make Imelda uncomfortable. I stood, and began pacing the floor. My mind had begun convincing me to go to Kiara’s room, and I was beginning to agree with it. Just as I was about to leave, there was a knock at my door, and I opened it to find the very person I had been seeking.

“Hello,” She said, giving me a faint smile.

“Hello,” I replied, returning the smile.

“May we enter?” She asked, gesturing to herself, and Imelda, who was standing behind her. I nodded, and stepped out of the way, they both entered, and made themselves comfortable on the bed.

“Is something the matter?” I asked. A slight blush appeared on Kiara’s cheeks. Imelda let out a light laugh.

“She missed you,” She said teasingly. I smiled to myself.

“I missed her as well.” Imelda feigned retching, and I laughed. Suddenly, and unexpectedly, her face fell.

“Do you suppose Fin-” She stopped herself, not trusting that she could keep her composer.

“He fancied you.” I told her. “And I think given time, that fancie would’ve blossomed into love. Whether either of you knew it or not.” Imelda placed her head in her hands.

“I fancied him as well,” She said quietly. Kiara put an arm around her.

“It will turn out right in the end, I know it will,” She said comfortingly. Imelda sighed.

“We can only hope,” She said, with a look of lost hope in her eye.

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