Heavenly Poison

Chapter 4

Emilia Stark

It was already Friday and there was still no sign of my mate. I had looked for him everywhere, and I just couldn’t find him.

Right after driving Lexi and Jenna home- the first day I met Damien- I went back to look for him. His scent was practically gone. The little scent that did remain, gave no concrete direction to where he might have gone. It was really frustrating.

I’d been looking for days, and still nothing.

Yesterday, I spent the entire day just walking around town trying to see if I ran into him.

It might have helped to tell my dad, or someone. But that was a risk I couldn’t take. I wanted to talk to Damien first, before I told anyone about him.

Lexi and Jenna had been pestering me about telling my dad, but I didn’t want to do that just yet. There was no way I could go up to my dad, and tell him I’d found my mate, just to come home empty handed.

I was sure he would want to see Damien. He’d want to talk to him and make sure he was suited to be my mate. I, of course, knew that Damien was perfect- so presenting him to my dad was mainly a formality.

We would both become Alphas, so there were many things we needed to plan.

No matter what, I needed to have Damien by my side. I didn’t exactly know how things would work out with him being a human Alpha.

It was midday already, and I’d just about given up on finding him. I was walking around town with less enthusiasm than before.

Finally, when I made it to the edges of the park, I headed for the trial. The nice view in the park, with the lake right across, was helping clear my mind.

After walking for a while, I took a seat on one of the benches. I’d been passing by families, kids, and couples enjoying the nice day. Seeing them so happy was worsening my mood.

I let my thoughts drift away to this entire week. These past few days after finding Damien had been crazy.

Either I was extremely happy that I’d found him, or I was worried about where he might be. My Wolf was craving his company and I wasn’t fending any better.

I had my eyes closed, resting my head on the back of the bench.

I’d been sitting down for a while, when a familiar scent hit me.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed him. He was about to pass in front of me, but I wasn’t sure if he’d recognize me.

“Hey!” I called out, as Sebastian got closer.

He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, walking without a care in the world. He noticed me right after I called for him. It was either that, or the fact that I was waving my hands around like an idiot.

“Hey you,” he said, calmly making his way toward me.

He was wearing a black and gray plaid shirt with some dark jeans. Even if I didn’t want to notice, it was hard to miss how striking he was. He wasn’t as attractive as Damien, but damn was he close.

The thought that they were different than me kept passing through my mind lately, but I usually dismissed it. It sounded superficial every time I thought back to how good looking they were, but it was impossible to deny. Then, there was also the fact that they were human.

While I was staring at him, my eyes shifted down to his knuckles, which were looking red and irritated. It looked like he’d recently been in a fight, or something of the sort.

“What’s up?” I asked, after he was standing in front of me.

“I’m going to the grocery store. Wanna come?” He asked, lowering his shades to reveal he was raising his eyebrow.

I chuckled, and quickly nodded.

I wasn’t really interested in being around Sebastian, but his company was definitely useful. I needed to know where Damien was, and Sebastian could take me there.

“So, what have you been up too?” I asked, as we kept walking through the trail in the park.

“Been busy with stuff,” he vaguely replied.


“Damien and I just moved into town. We’re getting ready for school next week,” he said.

“You just moved into town? When? Wait, what grade are you guys in?” I asked.

Sebastian took off his sun glasses, as he looked at me curiously. He was clearly amused by my behavior.

“We just moved this week. We’re still settling in,” he replied, without telling me how old they were.

Sebastian had been walking with his hands in his pockets. As I followed in step, I could almost feel power emanating from him.

I was annoyed that I felt the same thing the first day I met him and Damien. There was no way to describe what my instincts were telling me, which in turn made me feel like I was going crazy. All I knew for sure was that once again I found myself slightly intimidated by his figure.

He wasn’t doing anything, but something was happening, I just couldn’t point out what.

We were already at the end of the trail. The grocery store, at least the one in town, was only a few blocks away.

Since he was walking, I was sure Sebastian wouldn’t be buying much. He didn’t seem bothered by that, so I decided not to worry.

“Is Damien at home?” I asked softly.

Before meeting Damien, I had never been interested in relationships. I’d had dates, but nothing that was really serious. With how overprotective my dad was, it had been practically impossible.

“Yes, he doesn’t like to go out much,” Sebastian replied. He was giving me this intense stare that was making me nervous. I ignored it, as I looked ahead.

“That’s too bad,” I said.

“Not really. He’s having fun at home. It’s why he needed privacy.” There was something about the way Sebastian said that, that made my skin crawl.

I stopped walking, and Sebastian stopped right beside me.

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to stop my Wolf from growling.

“I doubt I have to spell it out for you. I’m sure you can already guess what he’s doing,” Sebastian teased.

“No, I can’t. This time, the growl came out through my words. I didn’t mean to talk to him that way. If Sebastian had noticed it, he didn’t make a show to point out how I’d reacted.

I felt angry at the thought of Damien being with another girl. My Wolf was desperate to find him now, and tell him that he belonged to us and only us.

“Well, it involves company, a lot of fun, and little to no clothes,” Sebastian said, with a smirk on his face.

By the time he finished saying that, I was fuming.

I needed to get to Damien. I should’ve stopped him the day I met him and told him what I was and who he was to me.

Now, he was sleeping around with some other girl, while my Wolf and I were crying out for him.

“Where is he?” I asked in a demanding tone.

Sebastian pretended to look surprised by my question, but something told me he’d been expecting me to ask.

“Why exactly would I tell you that? I don’t really know you,” he said, and continued on his merry way.

I grabbed his arm, and yanked it back. I had to give it to him, he was strong. Even as I pulled, I found myself not being able to keep him in place.

I had always been stronger than any human male. Sebastian however was proving to be stronger than me. He was able to keep on his regular long strides without breaking a sweat. If anything, he was dragging me along with him.

“Tell me where Damien is,” I said again, my voice firmer than before.

“I don’t think I want to do that. I already told you he was busy. He’ll probably be a while. Damien likes to take his time with those things.” This time, Sebastian had the nerve to laugh.

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked him, feeling as my Wolf whimpered over Sebastian’s words.

I was angry that Damien was with another girl, but it hurt that Sebastian was telling me almost purposely.

“Well, why wouldn’t I? You were asking about him. I thought you wanted to know where he was and what he was doing.”

I stopped following after him, and looked down at the ground- not knowing where to go from there.

Sebastian must’ve walked the few steps back to me, because I felt him closer than before.

“Do you still want to go grocery shopping?” Sebastian asked.

I looked up to find him staring at me. His features had softened, no longer mocking me the way he’d been doing before. At least, that’s what is seemed like.

I shook my head, and looked away.

“No, I’m going home. I’ll see you later,” I told him in a whisper, and just walked away.

I felt like crap. Something was tugging at my heart, and I was starting to feel an ache in my chest. I pressed my hand over it, wanting to make it stop- but it didn’t.

My car was a few blocks from the park, so I made my way there.

The more I walked, the blurrier everything seemed to be. When I saw a drop hit the ground, I looked up at the sky. It wasn’t until I felt something wet in my cheek that I realized it was me.

I was crying.

Damien Gray

Both Sebastian and I were happy about today.

Our belongings would be delivered today. I was already missing my things. As much as I liked how clean the apartment looked when it was half empty- there were just some things that made my life easier.

Early in the morning, the delivery truck came to drop everything by.

All morning I spent putting my things away, trying to reorganize my room. Sebastian took care of the furniture in the living room. We kept most of the things as they were, just adding a few paintings or decorations that actually meant something to us.

Sebastian had been doing his own thing. I hadn’t heard from him all day today. Ever since I’d seen that girl who claimed I was her mate, Sebastian had been a nonstop nuisance.

He wanted me to accept her. I was well aware of his intentions, which was part of the reason I had no intention in getting near her. If I was really her mate, I was doing her a favor by staying the hell away from her.

Being around Sebastian and me would only bring her and those shifters more trouble. As it was, Sebastian and I had our own enemies, without adding pack Werewolves to the equation.

It was almost noon, when I heard someone at the door. Not two seconds later, the knock resounded in the apartment. I was only able to hear it all the way from my room because of my enhanced hearing, but something about the knock didn’t feel right.

Sebastian was still in his room, moving things around. I could hear his stereo playing. There was no doubt he’d heard the knock, but he had chosen to ignore it. I sighed, and started making my way downstairs.

I was a few feet away from the front door when I smelled it. The scent on the other side of the door was clearly from a Werewolf.

“Rogue,” I said, loud enough for Sebastian to hear.

Right after I said it, his steps were heard on the hall upstairs. A few seconds later he was making his way towards me.

The person knocked for a second time, now louder and more insistent.

Sebastian opened it, since he was the one who got a kick out of making Rogues “learn their place”, as he liked to put it.

“Dan,” Sebastian said to the guy who stood on the threshold of the door.

“It’s been a while.” Sebastian spoke to Dan like he was talking to a life-long friend.

“It’s only been two weeks,” Dan bitterly replied.

“Really? It feels like a lot more. Come on in buddy.” Either Dan didn’t catch Sebastian’s condescending tone, or he decided to ignore it.

“I’m going to kill you- both of you.”

It was an empty threat, or at least, it felt like one. In his head, Dan probably thought he could kill us. I already pitied the poor bastard.

Two weeks ago, one of Dan’s friends- Sam- had seen Sebastian and me fly. Like was our custom, we had to get rid of anyone who saw us. After we concealed our wings, and had a friendly conversation with Sam, we were going to let him go. He promised not to say anything, mainly because he had no idea how to explain what he saw.

The guy was a human, so there was no harm done. Unfortunately, once we turned our backs on him, he tried to come at us with a knife. He slashed Sebastian’s back before either of us noticed him.

While I was surprised that Sam was able to catch us off guard, Sebastian wasn’t as amused. He began attacking Sam. There was no need in using extra force or our gifts. Sam was a human. He was as good as dead when he made the decision of hurting Sebastian.

We’d only been in that town for about two months. We knew Sam and a few of his friends- who were coincidently a mix between Rogues and humans.

Dan came to the clearing where Sam’s body was at right after Sebastian was finishing him off. He had seen Sebastian brutally kill Sam, but that was all he saw. Dan thought we were human, which was where his downfall began.

I hadn’t really expected Dan to come after us, even if Sam had been his friend.

“Why would you do that? I thought we had a good friendship going on,” Sebastian said, but a grin was already set on his face.

I chuckled at his words. Dan looked at me incredulously, which made me feel slightly bad for the poor fellow. He hadn’t done much, other than care for his friend. Now, he was going to pay for that.

“Fuck you!” Dan said, as he jumped at Sebastian. I thought Dan was going to shift, but he didn’t.

He attempted to punch Sebastian. Physically, I had to admit that shifters- even in their human form- were strong. But most times than not, it was all brute force- especially when it came to Rogues.

I got distracted for only a second, and already Sebastian was on top of Dan throwing blow after blow on his face.

I was about to walk away, when Sebastian’s voice caught my attention.

“Stay down boy,” Sebastian said to Dan.

Dan’s eyes widened, and he looked really pissed off. Not only had Sebastian ordered him around, he’d basically insulted him by calling him a dog.

Sebastian got up from the ground, turning his body to face me. He kept his hand hovering over Dan’s body.

Dan was putting a lot of force in making his body move. Sebastian seemed to be getting a kick out of keeping Dan in place.

“Actually, I needed to go grocery shopping. Mind taking over here? Just kill the Rogue and get rid of the body,” Sebastian said.

I shook my head, and went to take a seat on the couch.

“C’mon on Damien, I’ll make dinner tonight,” he bargained.

I chuckled, shaking my head from side to side. Dan was looking between Sebastian and me like we were psychos. With Sebastian keeping him in place, it must’ve been an effort to move, even if it was just to move his head.

“You two are a pair of freaks,” Dan said. It looked like it hurt him to talk, and I was sure it had.

After the comment he made, I was going to make sure it hurt him a lot more than it already was.

I started making my way to the Rogue on the floor, feeling my entire being change. He had said the right words to tick me off.

“Who knew? The Rogue would be the one to convince you to kill him,” Sebastian said, letting go of his hold on Dan.

“Have fun!” He called out, as he started making his way out.

Dan had just enough time to sit up, before I was at it his side. He was shifting into his Wolf, his clothes ripping to shreds in the process.

“How the fuck can you call me a freak, when you’re one yourself- you filthy dog!” I yelled.

I couldn’t stop myself as my hands wrapped around his neck. Dan was fighting me, and he thought himself smart by going at me and trying to bite my hands. Just as he moved his head to the side to get a better grip on me, I twisted his neck with enough force to hear a snap.

I let go of his unmoving body and walked away.

My shirt was lying on the ground, right next to Dan’s body. I hadn’t noticed that my wings had extracted. I let myself fall to the ground, keeping my wings out.

It felt good for them to be set free.

When Sebastian got back, I expected him to say something because Dan’s body was still lying on the ground.

I wasn’t going to get rid of it. I hadn’t been interested in killing him in the first place. If only he knew how to keep his mouth shut, I might have convinced Sebastian to let him go.

I was feeling guilty that I was the one who ended up killing him. The only thing that made me feel better was knowing that Dan was a Rogue. In another time, he’d probably given other shifters trouble. Who knows, I might have even saved lives of other Wolves by killing Dan.

It was a weak defense to absolve myself from what I had done, but it was all I had.

“It’s alright, I’ll take care of the mess,” Sebastian said, as he looked at Dan’s motionless body.

I was still sitting where I had been, on the ground. My wings were out, and I wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“Hey, you okay?” Sebastian asked, kneeling down in front of me.

I looked up at him, and only nodded.

“Dan had killed a lot of Wolves and people. If anything, you did the world a favor by getting rid of him.”

Sebastian’s words didn’t help. I had still killed Dan, and I had done it out of anger.

“Get up,” Sebastian ordered, sticking his hand out for me to take.

“I have a nice story to tell you,” he said, getting that grin on his face.

It looked genuine so at least that made me feel better.

After taking a long shower, I finally went downstairs to meet Sebastian in the kitchen. There was no sign of Dan, and Sebastian had even gone the extra mile by mopping the area where his body had been on the floor.

“I made grilled cheese sandwiches with bacon, your favorite,” Sebastian said, as I took a seat on the stool right next to the counter.

He took out a coke, and passed it over to me.

“What did you do with him?” I asked, not really wanting to know.

“Stop worrying about that. I have good news,” he said, dismissing my question.

Sebastian placed a plate in front of me. I could see as some of the cheese was sliding down the side of the bread, and pieces of toasty bacon were sticking out. It looked really good.

“So what’s the good news then?” I asked, taking a bite of the grilled cheese sandwich.

I opened up a bag of chips, and offered some to Sebastian.

“Guess who I ran into today?”

“I doubt it’s anyone I care about,” I replied, taking a long drink from my coke.

Just on a few bites, I’d already eaten half of the sandwich. I saw as Sebastian began preparing more food, while he held a sandwich on his hand.

“Emilia,” he cheerfully replied.

I looked up at him, frowning.

“Your mate was there, and she was asking for you,” he finished saying.

I was surprised to hear that.

“What did she ask?”

“Do you really want to know? I mean, if you want to keep away from her, I understand. I don’t have to tell you anything.”

He was playing me. The grin that I was ready to wipe off his face, said it all.

“Fine, don’t tell me,” I snapped.

“You drive a hard bargain. Fine, I’ll tell you,” he was laughing as he said that.

If I hadn’t been living with Sebastian for a long time, I would think he was messed up in the head. But, I knew he liked to play games. His behavior was now almost predictable to me.

I was looking at him expectantly- waiting for him to say whatever it was that he knew.

“I was talking to your mate, she’s pretty hot by the way,’ he said, smirking at me.

I frowned at him. Even if I tried to pretend like it didn’t bother me that he was checking her out, it was hard.

“Get to the point,” I told him.

“Right, right- well as I was saying, she was asking about you. When I told her you were here, getting your hands dirty with another person, while half naked-” he was saying before I interrupted him.

“What did you tell her?” I asked, getting up from the stool.

“Well, I couldn’t exactly tell her you were getting rid of Dan. I didn’t want to lie to her either. I basically told her what you were doing- leaving out the part where you killed Dan.”

“How did you do that?” I asked, suspiciously.

Sebastian shrugged, taking some chips from the bag.

“I wanted to see if she actually cared about you, what with the bond and all. You know how possessive shifters can get with their mates.”

I stared at him, my frown returning to my face.

“It was a disappointment though. Sure she got jealous, but she just ended up crying and walking away.”

Sebastian looked so calm saying that, even though he was telling me he had made her cry.

“What the fuck did you tell her?” I asked, walking closer to where he stood.

He put his hands up defensively.

“Relax. I might have implied that you were here, getting down and dirty with another girl,” he replied, with a grin on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him. There was no reason for me to be mad at Sebastian. I had made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with the Emilia.

But hearing what Sebastian was saying, that he’d made her cry with his insinuations about me- it was getting to me.

“I’m going out,” I told him, already heading to the door.

“What about your food?” He called out. I could hear the playful tone in his voice, so I was sure the only reason he’d told me all that was to get a reaction out of me. He had done more than that.

I was walking through town, following her scent. The day I met her, her sweet scent had settled in my mind. As much as I tried to forget it, I hadn’t been able to.

It didn’t take long to get to the main part of town. On one side, there was the park, covered in greenery. On the other, there were little shops.

I was hurriedly making my way through the sidewalk, when I saw something that angered me.

Emilia was in the passenger seat of a car, with her head resting on the wheel. Even from where I was, I could hear soft sobs leave her body.

Only one thought was running through my mind as I saw her there, looking broken. Sebastian was going to pay for this.

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