Heavenly Poison

Chapter 31

Damien Gray

“Do you think they will find this set up strange?” Emilia asked, but she was grinning at me.

“Na, they’ll probably be having a party with this,” I replied, while wrapping my arm around her waist.

They were about to cross the line into our territory, and Wayne was escorting them in.

John had insisted so much on bringing two Wolves with him, to the point where I grew tired of saying no. Against my wishes, he was actually bringing the pack’s Beta and another Wolf for protection. Wayne had made the arrangements.

Even though both John and his Alpha tried to speak to me, I had refused. Emilia warned me that refusing their call made me look weak. Her words made me smile. It was exactly what I was aiming for.

I had Wayne’s word that he wasn’t going to say anything about Sebastian and me. Layton had thrown a fit when I told him that some of the members of Dylan’s pack were coming into Mountain Peak Territory. It was a call that lasted two hours, where Layton offered to send Wolves into my territory to keep an eye on things.

He didn’t trust the sudden interest they were showing in our pack. In the past, when other packs had broken up or when Wolves wanted to join packs, Midnight Moon was a preferred option. Dylan and his pack prided themselves in the privilege because they were the biggest and known as the strongest pack in the entire country.

Layton told me it could all be a plot to sweet talk Emilia and me into joining their pack, something I wasn’t going to do. I wasn’t going to give the pack away to anyone— not anymore.

Emilia was smiling up at me. She snuggled closer to my chest, almost pressing herself in front of me. She felt small in my arms, even though I knew what she was capable of. Her Wolf alone was bigger than me, and that was saying a lot, since she was a female.

“I think we should mess with them,” Sebastian said, making his way towards us.

He had a grin on his face. I shook my head at him, knowing that he probably had something in mind.

“Don’t try anything,” I told him, even though I was smiling. “I want them to think I’m a human.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes at me, and came to stand by my side. Randy was a few steps away, and he was grinning at Sebastian.

“I think you should try something,” Randy said, nodding at Sebastian’s idea.

“See, Randy agrees,” Sebastian said, ruffling Randy’s hair.

Randy growled at him, but he had a playful expression on his face.

“I’m not even going to hang out with them. Wayne is going to present them to Emilia and me, and then they’ll leave to his house. He’s hosting them,” I told Sebastian.

“Why am I here then?”

I shrugged, and Emilia chuckled at his words.

“As if you would stay away from Damien while strange Wolves were visiting,” she told him.

“Hey, I just like to be cautious,” he shrugged.

Our conversation came to a stop when we caught sight of a black SUV and a white sports car making their way towards us.

“Here goes nothing,” Sebastian said, moving so that he was standing a few ways behind me.

Randy took a few steps closer to my side, and I notice the other Wolves around us straightened up their postures.

“Give the order,” I told Emilia.

She nodded at me, and closed her eyes for a moment, while she mind-linked the rest of the pack. Every Wolf in our pack was ordered not to talk about Sebastian and I being Legens. They knew my plans, and everyone had sworn to keep quiet, but I wanted them to keep it mind. It was an important secret to keep that would give us the upper hand during the fight.

“Damien, this is my daughter, Lilly,” Wayne said, motioning at his daughter.

He had his arm around her shoulders, even though she was holding hands with the guy who I assumed was John.

“This is her mate, John,” Wayne nodded at him.

“These are my Alphas, Damien and Emilia,” Wayne said, bowing his head in our direction.

Both Lilly and John shook my hand, and introduced themselves again. John shook Emilia’s hand, while Lilly embraced her in a hug.

They were trading a few words with each other, while Wayne continued the introductions.

“This is Scott,” Wayne nodded at the Wolf standing beside him. Scott bowed at Emilia and me, but he kept a distance from us.

“This is Jace, Midnight Moon’s Beta,” he said, pointing at a blonde haired guy walking right behind John.

I didn’t know what the hell he was doing there, but like Layton, I assumed he was there to scope us out. I wasn’t sure if they knew of the ties I now had with Layton, but I had to be prepared for anything.

Alpha,” Jace said, but he was smirking at me.

I didn’t even crack a smile, and I didn’t move to shake his hand until he approached me. I could tell he’d used that tone on purpose.

Sebastian was coughing, and saying something. I was too focused on Jace to try to guess what he was saying. It must’ve been an insult, because Jace growled at him.

“It’s getting cold around here these days. I think I’m getting sick,” Sebastian said, but he was grinning at Jace.

“This is Michael,” Wayne said, and he actually grew serious while presenting him.

“Michael…” I repeated, waiting for him to explain why he had used that tone.

Michael had been driving the car, and he’d been alone. I didn’t know why, but I could see that he was separating himself from the other four Midnight Moon Wolves.

“Michael is the Beta of Imperial Pack,” Wayne finished saying.

“Why is there another Beta here?” I asked, directing my question at Wayne.

He knew that I was barely allowing the Wolves from Midnight Moon in. I didn’t need any more strangers inside our territory.

“What is this about, Wayne?” Emilia growled at him.

She untangled herself from me, and stood directly in front of Wayne.

“I am here to speak with the Alpha,” Michael interrupted.

“Damien isn’t making any deals with packs, we’re not disbanding the pack, and we aren’t looking for any treaties,” Emilia rudely snapped at him.

I was surprised by her outburst, but I shared the sentiment. I turned to look at Michael, and waited for his reply.

“If you could hear me out, it is all I ask,” Michael stated, and he bowed at both Emilia and me.

I appreciated that, even though it was unexpected. Unlike Jace, he seemed to actually respect Emilia and me. It wasn’t that I wanted the respect, it really mattered nothing to me. But I knew that most Alphas expected respect from anyone below their rank. Emilia had certainly gotten riled up easily, and she had been glaring at Jace ever since he opened his mouth.

“We can have the meeting right now,” Wayne said, looking between Emilia and me.

“I’ll take care of this. You can go with Lilly and John. I’ll fill you in later on,” I told him.

Wayne looked unsure, but it didn’t seem like he wanted to argue with me in front of the strangers.

“It’s fine Wayne. I’ll take care of Damien,” Emilia said, wrapping both her arms around me.

I chuckled at her words, and Sebastian grinned at us. The guys in front of us looked at Emilia and me weirdly. I was sure I looked like a weakling in front of them, but I didn’t mind.

“I’ll join you kids,” Jace said, but was quickly interrupted by Michael.

“Sorry, Jace. Blake gave me strict orders. Only the Alphas,” Michael told him.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out Jace was not happy with what Michael had said, but he didn’t argue with him. It was obvious he wasn’t wanted in the meeting.

“Go,” I told Sebastian. “If I need you, I’ll call you.”

He was going to stand guard outside of Wayne’s place, just for extra precaution. I encouraged all the members in the pack to be out and about in Mountain Peak Territory.

It would help our numbers not look so thin, and I wanted for them to see that there was a lot of movement in our pack. We weren’t going to be unprotected in case they chose to attack.

It wasn’t the best plan, but it was all I had.

Emilia, Randy, Michael and I, were the only once in the conference room at our pack building.

Michael had argued with me about letting Randy be there, but I didn’t give in. Randy was my future Beta. He was young, but he was learning fast. It was amusing when Michael stopped arguing after Emilia growled at him.

She had something that I never would— an Alpha Wolf.

“What is this about?” Emilia asked Michael once we settled around the long oval table.

“Blake is my Alpha. I belong to Imperial Pack,” Michael introduced himself.

“I know that Alpha Blake and Alpha Dylan have a treaty,” Emilia said, eyeing Michael suspiciously.

“Then you must also know that Blake and Alpha Layton have a treaty as well,” Michael calmly replied, giving Emilia a short nod.

“That has nothing to do with us,” Emilia told him.

“It actually does. It’s why I’m here,” Michael replied.

“What do you want? I already told you outside. We aren’t getting rid of our pack or any of our pack members,” Emilia said, rather harshly.

“It’s not why I’m here. Although I must admit every pack is interested in more Wolves, we respect your decision.”

His answer made Emilia happy, because her posture immediately relaxed, and she even gave him a small smile. It was barely noticeable, but I could tell it was what she wanted to hear.

“What do you need then? We can’t offer you anything,” I stated.

“The war is coming,” Michael said, and he was frowning. “No one from our pack wants this war. Alpha Blake has tried to convince Dylan to stop this, but he isn’t listening to reason.”

“Layton isn’t going to back off either.”

“I know, but in this case, an apology from Dylan would solve this problem. It was all Alpha Layton wanted, and Dylan doesn’t want to give in,” Michael said.

Both Emilia and I were frowning at him, while Randy was shaking his head in disapproval.

“We know that you just formed a treaty with Layton. Blue Bloods offered you to join their pack, and you said no,” Michael continued.

“How do you know that?” I asked, suspiciously.

“Our Luna is the sister of Layton’s Beta,” he explained. “We usually know what happens with Blue Bloods because Jared, Layton’s Beta, keeps us updated when need be.”

“What do you want?” Emilia flatly asked him.

“We have a treaty with both packs, with Layton and with Dylan. My Alpha is refusing to join this war, especially over something so foolish. It is a cause that isn’t worth fighting for. Pride should be put aside in this case, especially if it will benefit all of the packs.”

“Does Dylan know that you’re here?” I asked.

“He knows we’re not planning to fight. We know both packs, and we’re staying out of it. Alpha Blake is urging every pack to stay out of this war. Maybe if Dylan and Alpha Layton see that there’s no reason for this war, they will step down.”

“I’m backing Layton up,” I told him.

“You’re pack is weak at the moment. You shouldn’t do this to them,” Michael pressed.

“It is our decision. I respect the decision your Alpha made, but I’m still fighting with Layton.”

“It will be a tied fight. Nothing guarantees you that you or your Wolves will make it out alive,” Michael said.

“Is this the reason you came?” I asked.

He nodded at me, before his eyes drifted towards Emilia.

“You should think about your pack before anything else,” he insisted.

“Thank you for coming. We’ve made our decision,” Emilia said, with finality in her tone.

Michael was out of our territory as soon as our conversation was over. Before leaving, he made us promise we wouldn’t share what had been discussed.

He didn’t know that John and Lilly would be visiting that same day. Michael didn’t think that he would be running into anyone from Dylan’s pack. He said that he had to tell his Alpha about his run in with Jace, who had most than likely already told Dylan that he had visited.

It seemed like the tension between the packs was growing, yet I couldn’t help but feel in peace. Emilia and I were okay, which seemed to make everything perfect.

“It stresses me,” Emilia commented on our walk back to the mansion.

“The war?”

“Our pack never goes to war. We’re a peaceful pack,” she commented, while interlacing her arm with mine, and resting her head on my arm.

We were walking slowly. It was a nice day out and we kept passing by pack members. I was enjoying the walk.

“The pack isn’t going to war. Sebastian and I are,” I said.

“Yes, but everyone will still count that as Mountain Peak going to war,” Emilia shrugged.

I didn’t reply anything, since I didn’t know if that was really what would happen.

“Do you want to go see Lilly?” I asked her instead.

“She’s so different now.”

“You don’t like her?”

“She’s changed. She’s a lot like the people in her pack.”

“Is that a no then?”

“I think we should go home,” Emilia said, getting in front of me and tugging on my hands to make me walk faster.

The days that followed John and Lilly’s visit to the pack went very smoothly. We all settled in a routine, which seemed a lot more peaceful than it had been the days before— at least for me.

After two weeks, we all went back to school.

Tania’s parents were not pleased that she had been skipping school lately, so Tania convinced Sebastian to go back to school with her. Emilia ended up wanting to go as well, so we all went back.

No one from the pack had been going to school, because things seemed to be too stressing. It hadn’t been safe to leave the pack. Now, it seemed like the Wolves from other packs had backed off. At least I hadn’t heard any rumors of people wanting to take the pack away from me.

When Emilia and I went back to school, so did the rest of our pack members. Even though we all went in separate cars, we usually took off at around the same time.

Roderick didn’t enter Mountain Peak, but I saw him in town a couple of times. He was cautious, like the other times I’d seen him. He considered me his closest ally, and he’d realized that it was safe to be in the outskirts of the town where I lived.

As long as he wasn’t out killing, or trying to hurt my pack, I let him be.

“Ah,” Sebastian said, letting out a loud sigh.

I chuckled at his exaggeration, and Tania just snuggled closer in his arms.

We were all sitting around a picnic table during lunch. A few girls had already tried to come to sit with us. It was mainly Sebastian former groupies, some of which had been Tania’s friends. They all ended up getting kicked out of our table by a very angry and aggressive Tania, who was very possessive over Sebastian.

Whenever a girl approached the table, wanting to talk to Sebastian, he would just grin while Tania told off the girls and made them go away. It was funny to watch.

“I missed school,” Sebastian said.

“Sure you did,” I told him, grinning.

“Hey, you’re the one who hated school,” he said, throwing a fry right at my face. “I can’t complain. A lot of pretty faces,” he said, looking at Tania teasingly.

“Very funny,” she told him, slapping his chest playfully.

“I missed school,” Emilia added. “The teachers liked me, and I actually had fun here.”

“Yeah, because you were an untouchable,” Tania said, shaking her head. “Seriously, we all used to think you, Luke, and the rest of your buddies were drug dealers.”

We all laughed at her words. If I hadn’t talked to Emilia, I might’ve thought the same thing. Tania had a point. All the Wolves were very secretive, and they kept to themselves.

It was strange to realize that most of the Wolves left in our pack were females. The Wolves I had seen around the school had mainly been girls. Most of the males had either died or taken off.

“I think I can get used to the way things are now,” Sebastian said, kissing Tania’s cheek and crushing her to his chest.

Tania just laughed at him, and slapped his hand away when he began tickling her. I could tell she liked the attention though.

“I can get used to this too,” Emilia said.

When I turned to look at her, she was smiling up at me.

“I love you,” she whispered, nuzzling her nose against my neck.

That night, Sebastian and Tania took off to the apartment for ‘some alone time’. Emilia and I were alone most of the afternoon, and Wayne had given me a day off.

We ended up in the TV room. It only took me a few minutes to realize that watching a movie with Emilia was painful.

Although Emilia started off cuddled right next to me, somewhere in the first fifteen minutes of the movie, she ended up in my lap.

Her head was nestled in my neck, and she kept nuzzling her nose against my skin. I could feel her wiggling around lap, but I wasn’t sure if she was doing it on purpose.

All I knew was that she was making things very difficult for me. With how much attention she focused on my neck, I wasn’t really sure that she was watching the movie.

“Emilia,” I groaned, and rested my head on the back of the couch.

She knew was she was doing by teasing me.

“Stop it,” I warned her.

“I will, I’m just having a little fun,” she teased, grinning up at me.

Emilia kept running her hands over my chest. I stopped her at first, until it got to be too much.

“You know what this will lead to?” I asked, squeezing her thigh for extra emphasis.

“We’ll stop before it gets too far,” she said.

“I don’t want to stop.”

I looked straight at her, wanting to gauge her reaction. Emilia simply stared back at me, and she crashed her lips against mine.

She moved around my lap until she was straddling my waist. Her hands were lazily placed on my shoulders, while I was running mine slowly up and down her thighs.

I sighed when Emilia trailed kisses down my jaw. It felt good to have her in my arms. Her touches, even the innocent ones, drove me to the edge.

We were only kissing, but I was more than ready to be inside of her. It was what I wanted, and the way she was acting told me she was looking for the same thing.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Emilia started tugging on the hem of my shirt. She had just gotten the shirt over my head when I took both of her hands in one of mine.

Emilia seemed surprised that I had stopped her.

“I’m not going to claim you,” I warned her. “If you want to stop, this is the time.”

Emilia kept her eyes focused on mine. She didn’t pull away or lower her gaze. She didn’t even try to move her hands from the tight grip I had on them.

“You need more time,” Emilia whispered, slowly leaning in to kiss me.

“You’re sure?” I asked, pushing slightly on her shoulders.

Emilia nodded at me, and pressed her lips against mine once again.

I wanted to take my time with her. It was her first time. I wanted for her to enjoy it. But I wanted her so much.

As soon as she nodded at me, I started undressing her. She was wearing a dress, which I easily pulled over her head. I didn’t have the patience to take her bra off, so I just pulled on it and it gave away. Emilia was squirming on top of me, which wasn’t exactly helping my patience. She was rubbing against my hard on, and it felt so good.

I kept unintentionally bumping my hips up at her. Emilia would only giggle when I did, and it made me smile.

“We should go upstairs,” she said, breathlessly.

We were the only ones in the house, but she had a point. I didn’t want to begin to imagine what Sebastian or Tania would say if they walked in on us in the middle of it.

I swiftly picked her up in my arms, while she wrapped her legs tightly around my waist. I wasted no time in running up to our room.

Emilia kept kissing my shoulders and my neck. It was a distraction to be moving around while she was doing that, but it pushed me to go faster.

While I was laying her down in the bed, I attacked her lips. She was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted. My hand slowly ran down her side, over her hips, until I reached her thighs. I felt a shiver run through her body, and it made me pull myself up from her.

Emilia had her eyes closed, but when I pulled away, she opened them. Her usual blue eyes were swirling with a tint of black and gray. I’d seen them like that before, but it was still an experience every time I saw them.

She was so beautiful.

Her black hair was fanned over the pillow and on the side of her face. I ran my hand through it, tangling my fingers through her soft hair.

I sighed, and leaned down to nuzzle my nose against her neck. How she hadn’t given up on me yet, I didn’t know. I had given her more reasons than anyone else to leave me, and she was still there, lying beneath me.

“Is something wrong?” Emilia asked in a whisper.

I pulled away from her neck, and looked down at her again. Emilia cupped my cheek, and tried to pull me down towards her.

“Thank you,” I told her, softly kissing her cheek, before nestling my head in her neck.

Emilia tried to get me to look up at her, but I just hugged her against me tightly. She kept pushing on my chest, but I only hugged her tighter. I closed my eyes, and placed a kiss right below her jaw.

“For what?” She asked.

Emilia ran her hands through my hair, and laughed when I playfully bit her shoulder.

“Thank you for loving me,” I replied.

I brushed my lips against hers, and this time, I went slower. Emilia stayed still under me for a few seconds. When I continued kissing her, she finally started moving her lips against mine.

I smiled against her lips, and she was trying not to laugh.

“I love you, Damien,” she said, giggling.

I laughed, and picked her up in my arms, bringing her over my lap.

“I love you,” I replied, getting rid of the last piece of clothing on her that was in my way.

Emilia pressed her forehead against mine, her hands on either side of my face.

“Everything’s gonna be fine,” she whispered, lightly pressing her lips over mine.

When she pulled away, she was smiling at me. I was still wearing my jeans, but Emilia’s hands were already undoing them and pulling down the zipper.

Getting my jeans and boxers off while keeping Emilia over my lap, was slightly difficult. Emilia kept laughing whenever I groaned because her center would press against me.

If it weren’t for how many times I repeated to myself that I wanted to go slow, this was Emilia’s first time— I would’ve just grabbed her hips roughly and penetrated her as deep I as I could go.

Emilia didn’t want to climb off me, so I had to use other ways to get her to lay down back on the bed. I was distracted by the sight of her once I had her on her back.

She wanted me. She didn’t have to say anything, because the way she was looking at me said it all.

Emilia was mine— she was completely mine. The idea of that made me happier than I thought possible. I pressed my hand over her stomach, and started running my fingers teasingly over it.

“Come here,” Emilia told me, trying to get me over her.

I didn’t realize when she had grabbed it, but just before I settled between her spread legs, she offered me a condom.

I looked at it strangely, and hesitantly took it from her hand.

“Just for now,” Emilia said, and I knew those words were for my benefit.

Although I took the condom, I didn’t get any closer to her.

Emilia waited a couple of minutes, while I just stared down at her. I couldn’t stop thinking. Everything from the past few weeks, starting from the day when she told me what would happen once I claimed her, flashed through my mind.

“Is something wrong?” Emilia asked.

She was looking up at me worriedly. “Did you change your mind?”

I shook my head, lightly pushing her shoulder to help her lay down. When I threw the condom on the floor, Emilia looked at it, before her confused eyes searched mine for answers.

“There’s nothing wrong, because I love you. Everything’s going to be fine,” I told her, repeating the words she had said to me.

She felt warm and soft under me. She always felt warm and soft. But this time, things were going to be different. She looked nervous. I was nervous. Both of our hearts were pounding fast in our chest.

But when I pressed my lips against hers, and felt my member pushing into her entrance, everything felt right.

I was in heaven.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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