Heartless: A Small Town Single Dad Romance

Heartless: Chapter 22

“So you’re allowed to talk, but I’m not?” Her arms cross over her chest, but there’s a small smile on her face. That’s the look I like, not the stricken one she walked away with moments ago.

For a girl with so much attitude, she has a serious case of self-doubt on her hands. One I intend to clear up for her.

“I love listening to you talk, Red.” I prowl into her room, not missing the way she’s squeezing her thighs together. I smirk because I know she got off on giving that blow job. Best blow job of my life because no girl has ever been that into giving one. “But when you say things that aren’t true, I get pissed off. Things you make up in your pretty head and toss around in there long enough that you believe them.”

She steps backward, eyes flaring as I follow her into the room. “You think you don’t do that too?”

I ignore her question. I do that too. The difference is I realize I’m doing it. “You have no idea how special you are. How insane you make me feel. How I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

She rolls her eyes at me, and I point at her. “That right there. Don’t do it. The only appropriate response is, Thank you.”

Her legs bump into the bed, and she drops to sit, biting at her lip in the most distracting way. I step between her legs, sighing at the nearness and the heat of her body against mine. After so long, it feels so fucking good to be this close to someone.

Especially to her.

“Let me hear it, baby. Say thank you.”

She clears her throat, eyes darting away. “Thank you.”

“Good girl.” I grip her chin and turn her face up to me. “That’s what you’re going to say to me all night. Every time I tell you something good. Are we clear?”

A shiver runs over her, even as I see that spark of defiance in her eye. The one I admire. I want to turn that spark into a whole damn fire so this girl goes out and does what she wants with her life.


I let a smile touch my lips as I stare down at her. “Good.”

“Why are you smiling? It’s creepy. You never smile.”

I shake my head at her. “I smile. You just miss them because it’s when I’m staring at your ass. And I’m smiling now because I’m really looking forward to this.”

One of her shapely brows arches, and her glare moves down my torso to my crotch. “Yeah. I can see that.”

“I think you meant thank you.” Sliding my hand along her cheek and into her hair at the base of her neck, I crouch down and kiss her, tipping her head up to me. A deep rumble emanates from my chest when I feel how soft she is in my hands. How willing. How eager.

Her plush lips are supple beneath mine, and her warm hands are tentative as she brings them back to my torso and starts exploring.

Gooseflesh erupts over my skin everywhere she moves them, and I revel in her touch. In the years I’ve spent abstinent, I didn’t imagine it ever feeling this electric, this deeply necessary—natural, like I don’t even have to try with her. There’s just this spark. One we can’t see, but it’s been burning between us from day one.

“Thank you,” she murmurs against my lips, and I take that opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth. To claim her and take my time with it. Not like the frantic kiss in the hay bales that ended in embarrassment. Not like the blow job edged in frustration on the front porch.

Just a private room and a full night ahead of us. Exactly what I need—what we need.

Our kisses are languid. No teeth clash, neither of us fumble. It’s been a long time since I kissed someone, but I remember early kisses being awkward, having to figure out a rhythm, the give and take that didn’t quite match up right.

But with Willa, that’s not the case.

Everything feels right. Except for . . .

“You’re wearing too many clothes, baby,” I say, pulling back to rest my forehead against hers as I reach down to the waistline of her jeans and pluck at the cotton shirt tucked in there.

In response she leans back and lifts her arms up above her head, staring me in the eye like this is some sort of challenge. I give her a small grin, liking the way she looks with her lips all puffy and wet. Her cheeks all pink. Her hair all mussed from my hands in it.

Fuck, another man touching her hair tonight was something that specifically crossed my mind. I don’t know why I got hung up on the image of someone else’s fingers trailing through her shiny copper strands. Someone with softer, more manicured hands. Someone with more money to their name. Someone with more to offer her.

I drop my gaze to where my hands are touching her, where they wrap around her waist, right on that milky skin I was trying to catch a peep of the first day she stepped on my property. “Is this okay?” I ask, wanting to be certain I’m not doing something stupid.

“Yes,” she hisses out almost desperately.

As I push my hands up her torso, the shirt bunches. It’s like unwrapping a present, revealing silky skin followed by a simple nude bra with a lace overlay, tits round and firm above the line of the cup that cuts across them. I peel the shirt over her head and drop a hand to flick the clasp on her bra, pulling it away and tossing it on the floor beside us.

I take a step back to appreciate her. She’s propped her hands behind her on the bed and is gazing at me with wide green eyes, a little intoxicated looking—but not on alcohol. Her breasts are full and heavy, dusky pink nipples erect and pointing right at me. Little silver studs adorn either side, sparkling in the light, and I want to fucking play with those.

I want to play with everything.

If Willa is the playground, I want to fucking play. Period.

“You are beautiful.” My eyes race over her form, illuminated only by the warm light of the small lamp beside her bed. “Fucking perfect. I knew you would be. But goddamn, Willa. You’re almost too much.”

The blush on her cheeks spreads down her neck and onto her chest. Being naked in front of me doesn’t make her uncomfortable, but hearing my words does. I click my tongue at her and when she looks back my way, I pin her with a scowl.

“Thank you.” Her voice wobbles, but she gets it out all the same, looking fiery, chest heaving under the weight of her slightly labored breathing.

I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes but her lips tip up.

With a deep chuckle, I drop to my knees in front of her and reach for the chain belt looped into her jeans. “You want me to keep going?”

She scoffs playfully. “How many times does a woman need to proposition you before you know she wants you to keep going, Eaton? Like, do you really need to hear me keep saying it out loud?”

My eyes drop, and my hands shape her waist, sliding up to the base of her breasts. I breathe deeply around the heavy thud of the blow she just unknowingly delivered. When someone else chooses other men over you, I think you do need to hear it. At the very least, I want to hear it. Because Willa wanting me seems wholly unlikely. Totally crazy. Plus, hearing her say she wants it might be the sexiest thing in the world.

I lift my chin and gaze into her bright emerald eyes. “Yeah, Red. I really need to hear you say it out loud.”

Her lips pop open, and realization flashes in her eyes as she sits up straighter, hands reaching for me. When her fingers curve behind my ears and her palms rasp against my stubble, my eyes flutter shut.

Touching her feels incredible. But being touched? Fuck. I didn’t realize how badly I was missing this.

Her nails rake against my scalp, and this time she bends down to kiss me, so gently, so carefully.

Until she bites down on my bottom lip, squeezes my head in her hands, and says, “Cade Eaton, if you stop undressing me, I will absolutely lose my mind and hide in my bedroom every night touching myself while thinking about how fucking hot sucking your cock on the front porch was.”

“Jesus Christ, woman.” I pull back to look her in the eye with a little skip in my heart. “I won’t stop. But can I come watch that show sometime?”

The apples of her cheeks go round as she smirks back at me. “Definitely.” And then she’s kissing me again, ratcheting up the urgency. Her hands grip my neck, while mine work over her breasts. They’re soft and firm all at once, a reminder of her age if I let my head wander that way—but I don’t.

Instead, I just enjoy the little mewling noises she makes when I brush my thumbs over her nipples. When I pinch them, I push my tongue into her mouth and enjoy the way her hips rock in my direction, like she just can’t get enough.

It’s empowering. It’s like a fucking drug seeing how badly she wants me. And I break the kiss only because I’m not done playing with the rest of her body.

I know I’ll have lots of time to kiss her because I don’t plan to stop so long as she’s willing to let me have her.

“These fucking tits have featured in my dreams for weeks,” I say, sliding my mouth down her throat, pressing kisses to the little indent at the base of it and working my way along her collarbone. A lick to her slender shoulder sends a shiver through her entire body, and I smile to myself because her reactions are just so damn satisfying.

“Thank you.” Her head tips back, which makes her breasts press out in my direction like some sort of special offering.

It feels like everything is dialed up a zillion notches. Every reaction is stronger somehow. Every feeling magnified. I can’t explain it and maybe I don’t need to. Maybe the lesson here is that I just need to relax and let myself enjoy something for once.

Because I fully intend to enjoy Willa Grant.

My mouth latches onto one nipple, and she cries out instantly. “Ah! Don’t stop doing that, Cade.”

I suck harder and her body writhes. My opposite hand thumbs at the other nipple in a steady rhythm, the metal piercing adding a weight to it. My cock surges painfully against my jeans, and she’s not even totally naked yet.

“I’m a fucking goner for you, Red. Watching you squirm? Listening to you moan my name? What am I supposed to do now?” I trail my tongue across her sternum before latching onto the opposite breast, strumming at her wet nipple.

“Fuck me. You’re supposed to fuck me.” Her words are breathless, edged in desperation, and I love the sound, the vibration in her chest that I can feel against my lips.

I drop my hand and press it against the apex of her thighs. Even through her jeans, I feel the heat. I know when I peel all these layers back, she’s going to be fucking soaked.

For me.

“Is that so?” I lean back a little and press my thumb hard against the denim. “Right here, Red?”

“Yes.” She throws her head back, her tits glistening with my saliva, fingers fisted in the sheets.

I rub firm circles on her jeans, chuckling darkly at the way her hips gyrate against the pressure.

“Cade,” her lips part on my name, her tongue darting out to wet them. “God.”

“He’s not here right now, baby. It’s just me. And I’m done asking nicely. I’m ready to take.” I pull one nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the metal before clamping down on it. Her corresponding whimper is light and airy, just like her consuming laugh.

I wrap her loose hair around my fist, pull her close and whisper against her ear. “I’m going to peel these skin-tight jeans off of you and enjoy a taste of what I already know is going to be a perfect little cunt.” A tremor racks her body, but I keep going. “Make you come in my mouth. And before you’ve even recovered from that, I’ll shove my cock into you, make you scream my name loud enough they’ll hear you one town over.”

Willa’s eyes flare in surprise and she nods.

“Is that what you want, Red? Let me hear you say it.”

Challenge blazes in her eyes, her chin jutting out stubbornly. “Take it then, Cade. Taste me. Fuck me. Fuck me so hard I’ll forget my own name. I’ve never wanted anything more. I’m yours tonight.”

My chest rumbles in satisfaction, and my hands work at the button on her jeans. “And when I’m finished, what will you say?”

“God,” she breathes out so quietly I almost miss it, her eyes fixed on where my hands are now making quick work of her pants. “I knew you had big dick energy, but this is something else.”

I yank at her jeans and she eagerly lifts her hips. “What are you going to say, baby?”

“Thank you,” is her breathy response.

“That’s my girl,” I grit out as I peel her pants off, dusting kisses down her thighs, feeling gooseflesh pop up under my lips where I drag my stubble across her tender skin. When I get her jeans past her knees, they catch on the tall snakeskin boots she’s wearing.

“These fucking boots,” I grumble, moving back and grabbing them at the heel to remove them. And then I stop.

“Do you like them?” She does that little signature arch thing with her eyebrow. I fucking love when she does that. A silent challenge.

“I’ll like them a whole lot better when I get them off so I can see you naked and spread out for me.”

She hums. “Summer told me they were good luck when she lent them to me.”

I toss one boot behind me and reach for the other as I shake my head. “You women are witches. I don’t even want to know where these boots have been. Get them the fuck off.”

Willa giggles, never put off by harsh words. She points her toe, and the boot slides off, which is good timing, because her naked and laughing is an aphrodisiac.

The jeans are gone.

The socks are gone.

“You’re wearing panties,” I grumble, staring at her nude lace full-cut booty shorts. Perfect curves. My cock twitches.

She nibbles at her lip. “You keep telling me to.”

“Red, me telling you to do things”—I reach forward and tug at the top so they wedge between her pussy lips and sit high on her hips—“has almost never worked.”

“Some days I do. Some days I don’t. Gotta keep things interesting. Plus, I keep waiting for you to check. Kind of hoping you’ll dole out some discipline if you catch me without them.”

“Fuck.” I roll my lips together, eyes caught on the fabric disappearing into her slit. My hand trembles when I reach forward, and I still it by rubbing my fingers over the wet fabric that separates us. I groan when she sighs and spreads her thighs wider, palms still propped behind her on the mattress. “Lie back, baby. I want you to relax.”

“I don’t know how I’m supposed to relax with you between my legs, Cade,” she says. But she also flops onto her back.

“Is that a thank-you, Red?”

She chuckles, but it’s all raspy. Deep in her throat, right where I was not so long ago.

“I should pinch myself for how unbelievable this is.” My opposite hand grips her ankle, where I press a kiss to the protruding bone. Even her fucking ankles are pretty. “How unbelievable you are.” I prop that foot on the edge of the bed and push her leg open.

“Thank you,” she says, hips lifting urgently as she does.

“You still want me to fuck you, Red?”

“Yes.” Her hands roam her tits, plucking at her nipples.

“Beg for it, baby.” I press my thumb to her clit and watch her head pop up over the hills of her breasts.

“Pardon me?” Her eyes go wide.

It wasn’t so long ago she told me to beg in this exact room. This time, I’m running the show. Not her. “Beg, Willa.” My thumb trails down, and I press into her just slightly, seeing her legs tremble as the lace rasps over her soft, wet pussy lips.

Her head flops back down and her fingers twist on her nipples. “Please take me, Cade.”

Her back arches, and I drag a finger along the lace that’s skimming the edge of her pussy while continuing to press my thumb in, soaking the fabric.

Legs spreading even further, her body shudders. “I need it. I need you.” I throb painfully against my jeans at the way she emphasizes the word you. “I need you so badly, Cade. Please. Please fuck me.”

I lean down between her legs, taking a gentle bite of her flesh through the fabric, drawing a whimper from her lips. “And whose name are you going to scream when you come?”

“Yours.” I internally beat my chest when her response comes so quickly.

I pull my wallet from my back pocket, ready to pull out what is probably an expired condom. But she grabs at my arm. “No. I need to feel you.”

Fuck. I want that too.

“You sure?” She moans when I drop my head, tongue darting out to get a taste through the soaked fabric.

Her hips swivel and she gasps. “I’m on the pill.”

A deep groan rumbles in my chest. A possessive one. A satisfied one. “What a dirty fucking girl you are.” I suck her clit through the fabric, feeling her fingers raking across my scalp. “I’m going to fill you up, and you’ll thank me for it. But first, Willa”—I reach up and yank her panties down, taking a long look at the pink perfection before me—“I’m starving.”

Her hands shoot up to swipe over her face. “Oh god,” she moans as I drop back down to take a proper taste.

And then her hands land back on my head and her legs wrap around my shoulders, and I feel like I’m the one who should thank her.

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