Heart of the Moon

Chapter 11 ~ Too Much Information

I sat down across the table from Valerie. I sat and stared. Didn’t say a word. Just looked directly at her face. She, on the other hand, looked everywhere but at me. I just bided my time.. She was going to freak out, shortly.. being stared at is unnerving.

After five minutes, she boasts “you can torture me all you want. I have nothing to say.” I shrugged.. and continued staring. She snaps “You should teach your kid some manners. He was lucky it was me he ran into! Someone else might have snapped his neck!” I still just sat there.

I reached over and yanked her hand to me.. holding it in place with one hand around her wrist.. I held her little finger in the other. Still looking at her face. Then, I spoke “Tell me why there are listening devices in your Alpha’s office.. in his conference room.. in his bedroom!? And just Eww! by the way!”

She was silent. I smiled evilly “Every time you don’t answer a question, I will break a bone. So, again, why are their listening devices in your Alpha’s office?” She lifted her eyes to glare ar Kieran.. saying nothing. I snapped the bone in her little finger. She screamed “You Bitch!” I grinned and took her ring finger in my hand.

This went on for four fingers..when she cried “Okay.. okay! I get paid for it! I don’t know who.. I was offered a way to make some extra cash about three months ago. Some guy came into the boutique where I work.”

I said “Tell us the whole story! Don’t leave anything out! Or the next bones I break will take longer to heal!” She growled at me, and I slapped her.. backhanded.. her head rocked to the side.. and blood trickled from her lip. I grinned and said “Hurts! Doesn’t it!? Imagine what it felt like to a tiny two year old!? Start talking!”

She whined “Kieran, why are you letting her do this to me? After everything we have been to each other?!” He snarled “Valerie, you have been nothing to me.. merely a scratch for my itch! It’s just dawned on me that it was right at three months ago you started throwing yourself at me. I hadn’t ever even noticed you before!”

I laughed at him “Damn, dude! She seduced you to spy on you! I didn’t realize she was that smart! Devious.. sure. But.. smart? That surprises me! Last time I will say it, Valerie! Start talking! And stop stalling!”

She sneered “Fine! Like I said, a man came into the boutique.. offered me two hundred dollars a day.. to record conversations and drop them on a flash drive. He gave me an address to send them to.. and when they received the drive, they deposited the money into a bank account I opened, in my mother’s name. I don’t know the man’s name.. and I don’t know why he wanted to know what was going on in our pack house. You can break every bone in my body.. I still couldn’t tell you what I don’t know.”

I said “Where did you get the listening devices?” She answered “He gave me ten of them. I put them in the rooms he told me to.” I nodded and then asked “Have you seen him again?” She stuttered out a No.. which indicated she was lying.

I grinned again “You’re an idiot! You may as well tell Kieran everything you know! You are already guilty of treason… the second you agreed to take money for planting bugs.. you became a traitor. I would wager he’s weighing in on the side of execution. If it was me, I would execute you publicly. Make an example of you! You have lived in this pack your whole life. You know the reputation of your Alpha. You know the other Alphas refer to him as the Alpha Death. Yet, you choose to betray him! You chose to betray your pack! You chose to desecrate your family’s legacy! Whatever will your mother say? Shall we ask her!?”

She screamed “Stay away from my mother! I did this for her! She’s not well! I needed money for medicine!” Kieran looks at her and tells her “I will be talking to your mother! She seemed fine at dinner.. although she did ask if I had seen you.”

He looks at me and says “Cole and Axel are done searching her things.. He is unlocking her phone, as we speak. Shall we go and check out what they’ve found? We can come back and question her again… After all, she’s not leaving the cells.. it’s not like we don’t know where to find her!”

We got to the office and the guys were waiting. There was an entire box of things they had confiscated from her room. Cole had her phone plugged into his laptop and was breaking code on it.

In the box was a bank book.. two journals.. a small box with flash drives.. her tablet and a laptop. The bankbook showed nearly eighteen thousand dollars!

I picked up one of the journals, and Axel reached for it.. saying “Luna.. don’t. She’s written detailed descriptions of her… umm.. escapades with the Alpha in these.” I threw it and shuttered “Just EWWW!”

Cole growled and said “I can’t get this phone unlocked! She has a pretty secure passcode! I have run everything to do with her to try and open it!” I smiled and smirked “Try Kieran’s birthday.. or the day of their first date.. or even the first day they fucked. The passcode will be a date of something significant to her.”

Grabbing a journal, he flipped through it until he found the dates I mentioned.. he tried several… until he was granted access. He jumped up and grabbed me, swinging me around, he kissed my forehead “You little genius!” And Onyx growled.. leaving Kieran to apologize. Which caused us to laugh.

Cole sat down and started going through the phone.. He tells us the passcode was the first time Kieran had sex with her. Again.. Eww! He whispered “Alpha.. she has video on here of the times you were with her.. the quality sucks.. but the audio is clear.. and it’s obvious it is you.. by the tattoos! There is also audio of conversations in the dining hall.. between you and other Alphas. A shit ton of nude photos.. both you and her.. mostly her!”

I said “Just get through it… look for text messages.. check her call logs.. any unknown number.. any repetitive number.. and any texts she sent out with her nude pics! Just… stop with the commentary. I’m not comfortable with it.”

The monitor alerted the boys were stirring, I excused myself .. saying they seldom wake in the night, so they must be feeling bad, again. Kieran asked me if I needed his help. I shook my head and told him “I will let you know, if I can’t get them resettled.”

Kieran ~

Once she was gone, Cole said “I’m sorry, bro! I didn’t even think when I started talking about what was on the phone!” I sighed.. pinched the bridge of my nose and responded “No need to apologize! It’s my own fault. I have been so stupid! The mate bond is no joke! My entire being yearns.. just to be in her presence! And she struggles to be in mine! I really hurt her.. and how can I expect her to forgive me.. when I can’t even forgive myself!?”

Axel tells me “Be patient! Let the bond do what the bond is supposed to do. Her wolf will push her in your direction. It will be okay!”

I grimace “I hope you’re right. Because it’s not only Onyx who needs her. It’s me too! I am falling in love with her.. every minute. Everything about her attracts me! Her voice.. Her laugh.. the way she loves our sons.. how she jumps in to defend anyone she thinks is being wronged! The fact she can handle herself in a fight.. Even the way she interrogated Valerie turned me on! Fuck!”

Cole whines “Yuck, Bro! Just TMI… okay? Too much information! Gross!” And we laughed at him. I stood up and told them I was going to check on Calista and the boys.. then heading to bed

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