Heart of Stone - Book 2: Hearts Collide

Chapter 6 - Aubree (Part 2)

Every day, Aubree could feel the tension building between the three of them.

Aubree had explained to Dan that Gwen was there for emotional support after her near-death experience—even though she refused to go into details. Dan didn’t press but by the third day, he was getting impatient.

“Listen, babe. I know some shit went down last Sunday and I’ve been patiently waiting but... How long is she going to stay with us?” He turned his gaze to Gwen sitting out on the balcony and reading a book, trying to get both some sunshine and fresh air.

The balcony soon became her favorite spot. Aubree wasn’t sure if it was the view from the fifteenth floor or the fact that it was her only means of escaping Dan’s musk that filled the apartment. Either way, she seemed more content out there than inside.

With June officially upon them, it came with sunshine and warmer weather—both a blessing and a curse, according to Gwen. While it meant for longer days and shorter nights, the nights were dry and Gwen said that the vampires would come out of hiding to feed.

Still, they tuned into the evening news like Stone had suggested and while there were increased reports of missing persons and gang violence, everything seemed eerily calm. Maybe the vampires were going to be stealthier than Stone was expecting?

Aubree hadn’t spoken to him since she last saw him. She’d been afraid of getting caught, but she also suspected him to be busy and didn’t want to bother him. Surely, if anything had changed—good or bad—Gwen would have relayed a message from him, right?

It seemed she and Dan were completely safe, so far, but Aubree didn’t want to even think about Gwen leaving now. The thought made her tense up. She tried to conceal it but she was leaning up against Dan with his arm around her shoulder while they watched a bridal show on TV. Naturally, he felt the tightening of her muscles against him.


She shrugged to try and shake off his curiosity as well as loosen up. “I don’t know. Soon, I guess. I have been feeling better.”


“Good,” he lowered his voice and pressed his lips to her exposed collar bone peeking out from her shirt.

She tried to keep still to keep from cringing and swallowed hard.

His voice grew husky as he continued to plant kisses from her shoulder and up her neck to her ear. “Because there are things I’m dying to do to you as soon as she’s gone.”

Heat flared up as a shiver coursed through her, but it wasn’t one of delight like it would have been a week ago.

All she could think about was Stone holding her hand as he kissed her knuckles, holding her cheeks as he kissed her lips, and lord if she couldn’t help the fantasies of him holding her in his arms and kissing her neck.

Dan kissing her didn’t feel right anymore. It felt wrong. It felt dirty.

He wasn’t gentle enough around the bruises of her neck and she squeaked from the sharp pain that shot through her.

The door to the balcony rammed open and Gwen caught her gaze. Worry mixed with anger flickered behind her large, dilated eyes before she composed herself. Pressing her lips together, she stood before them stiffly as she took in the scene.

“Let’s go for a walk, Bree,” Gwen said. “I’m in the mood for chicken alfredo tonight and we don’t have any of the ingredients to make it.”

Aubree gaped at her for a moment before closing her mouth and stuttered, “Oh-Okay.”

Her heart hammered in her chest as she drew away from Dan and lowered her gaze. “Does that sound good to you?”

Her eyes cautiously looked up to meet his and he smiled back at her, completely oblivious to the heat burning intensely behind Gwen’s invisible force field. “Sounds amazing. I can’t wait.”

Aubree followed Gwen to the door, slipping on her flip-flops and grabbing her purse. It was a warm afternoon, no need for a jacket.

They stepped out and as soon as Aubree locked the door behind them, she exhaled a breath she hadn’t been aware of holding.

“That dirty little weasel...” Gwen huffed, shooting the door the darkest glare Aubree had ever seen. Her hands were clenched into fists at her sides as she gnashed her teeth together. There was a wild look in her raging eyes and her nostrils flared. “He would dare to touch you—”

“Gwen!” Aubree fired back in a whisper.

“Bree, if you don’t pull me away from the door now, I will give him a piece of my mind,” she growled.

Flinching, Aubree did as Gwen asked and took Gwen’s arm in both of her hands and pulled her down the hallway to the elevator. Gwen didn’t put up a struggle, but she kept her hands clenched into fists the entire time with her breaths coming in hard and deep.

A mental war was waging within her as they left the building and walked to the grocery store a few blocks down. Gwen muttered under her breath the entire time, shooting dark glances around them as they walked. Before they walked into the store, Gwen paused to lean against the brick wall. Lowering her head, her long, rich tresses cascading over her face, she struggled to compose herself.

After a few minutes. she said something under her breath, probably a swear word, before lifting her head and catching Aubree’s worried gaze. She brushed off Aubree’s concern with a wave of her hand. “I’m good. I’m cool.” She hissed a breath out from between her teeth. “But I don’t know how much more I can take this, Bree.”

Aubree hung her head and wrung her fingers together. “I know.”

Gwen brushed her hair back from her face. “I mean, you don’t even feel the same around him. You’re tense. Constantly. And not in a good way. I’m not giggling behind your back like I was when you were with Papa. My nails are digging into my palms and drawing blood. I’m fighting back the urge to rip out his trachea or worse...”

A growl erupted from her throat as Aubree’s eyebrows shot up. Aubree couldn’t help but reach for Gwen’s hand to examine her palms but all she could see was some dried blood. No injuries.

Gwen began to laugh, drawing Aubree’s eyes to look up in puzzlement. “T-Too cute. You’re too cute, Bree,” she said between guffaws. “You-You think I’m actually injured. Me?”

She continued to laugh as if the whole thing was hysterical.

Aubree stared at her. She’s officially lost her marbles.

Tears sprang to Gwen’s eyes, prompting Aubree to hand her a tissue from her purse. Gwen accepted it from her and rubbed the blood off of her hands afterward. “That was hilarious.”

“Um, I’m glad you thought so.” Aubree didn’t know what was so funny but three tons of stress and tension fell from their shoulders.

Gwen straightened up, her face beaming and looking more like herself.

Aubree’s heart sank. This whole ordeal was hard on Gwen too. She could see now that Gwen had been under a lot of pressure and strain, but she kept her thoughts and opinions to herself and was genial with Dan despite her obvious distaste for him. Aubree’s fear of breaking Dan’s heart was making things three times worse for all of them—including Dan.

She lowered her gaze. “I’m sorry, Gwen.”

Gwen cocked her head. “For what?”

“All of this.” She sighed. “This has to end.”

Gwen took her hand and gave it a warm, comforting squeeze. “Don’t worry about me. Remember what Papa said. Take as much time as you need.”

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