He Wants Her Back: The Billionaire’s Leading Lady Novel by Jasmine

Chapter 19

Horsey and tiny

Hannah’s face turned to me with alarm in her eyes. It dawned on me that we were doing the movie thing of staring and not reacting. I got off my chair and opened the door quickly to find who our spy was

It was no one. Not a soul hung around the extensive corridor.

Hannah bit her lip with guilt on her face. “Well? Who la 17”

I shrugged. “No one was out there. McKenzie didn’t chut the door properly. I guess draft pushed it in a bit.”

“Are you sure? They might have made a run for it?”

I considered her theory. “This corridor goes on forever, I don’t think anyone’s that fast. We’re safe.”

She let out a breath. “That was close…” she moved to the seat McKenzie occupied and plopped down, fanning herself. “I’m too old for these kind of surprises.

I rolled my eyes. Hannah and her need to act like she was pushing sixty.

“As I was saying. You need to eat. I look like a hippo next to you right now.”

“Don’t be dramatic. I’ve just been stressed. I told you already. What ever news you have is going to determine my diet for the following week, so out with it already.”

“Way to put pressure on a girl.” She huffed, “I found two possible jobs, one as an extra in a zombie movie, …” I shook my head, “that’s what I thought–off the list. The second is better but most of the productions will require you to travel to Africa.”

My eyes boggled. “Why? What’s wrong with building a set here?”

“A more natural feel. I don’t make the rules. It would be great since you might need space to hide the-” she looked and door suspiciously before she poked my belly.

I swatted her hand. “I can’t leave my family, it’s off the list.” So we were back to zero.

“And there’s another,”

“I thought you said two?”

“Because this isn’t really on the list. It’s a fifty fifty thing. It’s pretty much a rumor at this point but I spoke to Johan. Ya remember him?”

“Yeah, the guy that tried to touch your boobs once, go on.”

“Twice, and he said that a lot of agencies have been getting emails relating to a specific production. It’s so secret it’s crazy! But he thinks our agency got an email too, so there’s a possibility a few of our actors- aka possibly you, might be called up for an audition.”

The wheels were turning in my head.

“If they’re keeping the movie a secret…”

“…Then it’s either a very big deal or a batshit crazy film.” She finished.



Horsey and tiny

“Let’s hope it’s the first, this could be the lucky break I’m looking for.”

“Don’t celebrate yet. I said it’s a rumor and invite only. The chances of getting picked are slim. I’ll keep searching for others but, don’t cross zombie film out of the list. What If we get you to join another series. in this company I’ve been thinking about that one for a while?”

“Pierce actually suggested something like that.” I admitted.

“That’s great! Did he say which one?”

“It doesn’t matter, I would not accept either way.”

She was flummoxed. “I think the lack of food is messing with your reasoning, you need a job, no?”

“Yes,” I looked at the door then leaned in closer to her. “But I can’t depend on Pierce like that, if I let him do it then…he would own eighty percent of my life. Plus I would not be any different from Sarah.”

She lifted her eyes to the ceiling. When she looked at me again she let out a defeated sigh. “You and your moral high ground. Fine, I’ll keep looking. Fingers crossed you get an invite. Maybe add Africa back

into the list too.”

“Not funny.”

I made a last ditch decision to visit mum and my sis. Pierce had not said anything about visiting the apartment so I knew I would have the whole night to myself. Why not spend it with them.

Especially since dad’s date drew ever closer.

As my hand lifted to the door it opened and Lily almost ran me over.


I was going to make a funny remark before I took in my sister’s appearance. Was she wearing makeup? Where on earth are you going?”

She looked down shyly, I could not tell if she was blushing under all the cake on her face. “Myral Just going out with friends. And I’m running late, see ya!”

“Slow down horsey.” I grabbed her arm to stop her getaway. “It’s almost six pm, when will you be back?”

“An hour…” she shrugged. “And you’re eating into my time, so let me go….

Grudgingly I conceited, taking in the rest of her outfit. At least she was dressed appropriately.

“Will you be spending the night?” She called over her shoulder.

“Nah, just poppin in to see mum. Call me when you’re back here okay? I need to know you’re back home safe.”

“Yeah. Love you.”

When I went in the nurse didn’t look surprised.

“Samantha…” I said in greeting. “Just want to pop in with mum.”

She nodded, “I heard you outside. You’re lucky, she’s awake. Just talk quietly, she’s a bit fidgety today.”


I nodded in understanding before I dropped my bag, walking as quietly as I could to her room.

She was propped up in bed, with a single pillow supporting her head. Her eyes were squeezed in concentration as she passed hook and thread through holes. Her hands were a bit shakey but she had muscle control today. That was good. She sat in the dark using the light at her bedside as a guide.

I shuffled my feet at the doorway till she noticed me.

“Hey mama”

She squeezed her eyes in attempt to identify my face in the darkness. I thought of turning on the main light but changed my mind.

“Lily? Is that you?”

“No, Lily stepped out.” I padded into the room till I was close enough for the lamp to bath me in it’s light.

Her eyes went erratic and she looked down. I could tell she was struggling to remember my name.

“Myra… I offered smoothly.

“Yes, Myra.” She smiled the softest smile and dropped her knitting, to stretch her hands out for me

The little girl in me that longed to seek comfort in her mother when there was trouble rushed the rest of the way.

I buried my face in her neck as she stroked my hair.

1 missed you, Tiny”



I hugged her tighter at the sound of the nickname. She told me that she called me Tiny because I was so small at birth she was afraid I wouldn’t make it.

When I pulled away she was still smiling.

“Lily told me you were in the house a while ago but I was asleep. How are you? Is Tiny a big movie star yet, look at you, you’ve grown so much…”

I chuckled. Everytime I visited, it was the same thing, whether the interval was a month or a day, she always asked something similar. Time was messed up in her head.

“I’m not a movie star yet. But we’ll see how the year goes. You look healthy mum.”

“Ohh you…” she laughed. Then her face turned serious, has your father seen you yet? He left in the afternoon, I don’t know when he’ll be back.”

I wondered what timeline she was in in her head. Samantha told me it was best to let her be.

“No, he he’s still not back.” He would be soon though. I looked at mum with worry.

“I suppose it’s for the best that you missed him. He’s in one of his fits today, hence the mess in the kitchen. He said his food was raw….I shouldn’t tell you all this.”

She stared down at the knitting in her lap like she didn’t know how it got there. My heart broke for her.

“Get some rest mum.” I removed the knitted square in her lap and tried to get the pin from her death grip.

“No, I have to be awake for when your father gets back. To protect you and your sister.” Her eyes became distant. the best thing to do would be to get her to sleep.

“He won’t be back now, lay down for a little while.” I reached over her head to place the knitting on the headboard when her hand came out defensively. I flinched back in pain as mum began yelling.

“Stay away from me Noah! I don’t want you near me or my kids–you’ve done enough.” Her words were mostly intelligible but I understood, because I heard her scream those very words to my father before hell broke loose around us. She was swinging the hook in her hand around and I worried that she might get hurt.

“Sam!” I yelled just as the room light came on. A needle glimmered in the light as she rushed towards us.

“Help me hold her down.” She commanded and expertly caught mum’s waving hand.

As mum screamed and tried to attack with her free hand, I held on to it. Pressing the rest of my weight on her legs to stop her from flailing. As her legs bucked under me I thought about my baby. If she got free and kicked me in the stomach, it would be over.

Samantha gave up trying to collect the pin and grabbed the needle from the table, she cursed as mum refused to keep her head still.

Please calm down, I pleaded as my tears blurred my vision. Please…

I don’t know how she managed it. But the needle was in mum’s neck and her violent struggles turned into little jerks until there was nothing but heavy breathing filling the room,She retrieved the knitting pin from

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