He Wants Her Back: The Billionaire’s Leading Lady Novel by Jasmine

Chapter 1

Berry iced tea

“You’re here finally.” Pierce growled in the darkness.

“I’m sorry, my session went on a bit longer today because Sarah came in late.” I explained breathlessly, feeling around the wall for the light switch. I knew better than to keep him waiting.

“Leave it. Come to me,” he commanded. I did as I was told, dropping my duffel bag to the floor as I ambled towards him.

“Clothes .” My pulse quickened in my veins and I tugged off my cardigan, my pants, bra… then I stopped. I could tell he was in a bad mood, one that didn’t have anything to do with me being late. I shivered lightly in the cold air and waited for him to close the space between us.

When he stood, he pressed my semi naked body to his fully clothed one and released my hair from its ponytail prison.

“How was your day,” I asked tentatively, as he ran his fingers on my hips, tracing an invisible line to my waist.

“I’ll show you.” He said, and picked me like I weighed nothing. Naturally my legs wrapped around him as he strode towards the bed, a sense of urgency driving his every move.

* * *

The sound of Pierce’s phone ringing stirred me awake. I felt him move from the bed and go in search of his cell. His arm tightened reflexively on my waist before he came to, then he realized his cell was the source of the noise and untangled his body from mine. A sense of disappointment filled me at the loss of his warmth and I curled up against the intrusive cold. When I opened my eyes, he was bent over his pants, rooting in the pocket for it. From the bed I admired his physique and marveled that he had chosen to be with me instead of the many women that flocked around him. I would never get tired of this sight.

When he looked at the name on the screen he frowned, glanced at me and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door tightly behind me, and just like that, my sex-induced bliss was shattered by a healthy dose of reality.

I met Pierce during a shoot, when the studio had invited him for a tour since he was one of their shareholders .

His magnetism and charm had worn me over that same day. As I tried to act my scenes I would catch him watching me with an intensity unlike any I’d felt. After that session he asked me to dinner and I agreed, eager to know more about the brooding billionaire.

Despite my co-stars’ warnings that Pierce’s motives for talking to me were personal, I accepted when he had propositioned me.

Even after I discovered that Pierce’s initial attraction to me was due to my resemblance to a former love.

I was happy to have him in any way he offered, and I held tightly into the hope that he would one day see me as I saw him.

Now, after spending over two years with him, It felt like we had made only a little progress. More into casual friendship than the romantic relationship I had wanted.

I slipped into an oversized tee and waited for him to be done with his call. When he came out he had a strange look on his face. One he masked with indifference when he noticed that I was watching him. He picked up his trousers from the floor and slipped into them with a fluid movement.

“Can’t you stay till daylight? It’s already three a.m.”

“I have an emergency.” He replied, not pausing his task.

“Is it work?” I pressed on. When he ignored my question I started again, ignoring how my heart raced. “I have an interview today, the cast of gossip and dreams managed to score one with Lindsay Cordon.” Getting Lindsay Cordon to take interest in our small time production was a great honor. One, that I wanted Pierce to be a part of. I wanted him see I was making progress in work.

“That’s lovely.” He buttoned his shirt up.

“You said you would stop by today.”

“I did?”

“Pierce you promised. You don’t have to stay for the whole thing.” I pleaded. ”just long enough that I see you.”

Or long enough that he sees me, and the things that I’ve accomplished. Maybe if he saw me through the eyes of fans, he might realize just how important I should be in his life.

Pierce looked at me, conflicting emotions warring on his face. “I can’t today, Myra. I’ll come to your next one.”

I smiled sadly, the sting of disappointment sinking in. “You said that last time.”

“I know, just…the next one. I promise.” He caressed my cheek and kissed me. “Have fun at your interview.”

The room felt empty without his presence filling my apartment. I hugged my knees to my chest. That was what I deserved for breaking our no-strings-attached arrangement and falling in love with him even when he remained distant.

Since I was up, I decided to get a head start on preparing for my interview. There was no point forcing myself back to bed or staying up to worry about my relationship with Pierce.

I was pretty lucky already. Not many women were given an opportunity like this, and I would be damned if I waste it by groveling about a man that did not care for me. I had bigger problems to deal with anyway.

* * *

We waited, while the host made her opening speech. She talked about the gossip and dreams for a bit while my manager drilled information I already knew into my skull.

“Remember Myra, the minute you notice the conversation is steering towards your rumored relationship with Blackwood-“

“I push the focus back to the show, I got it.”

“And you do it subtly, with an award winning smile in place.” Her brown curly hair moved with a life of its own as she spoke.

“Won’t she have to win awards to know what that feels like?” Jace, a costar joked, as he fluffed his hair. I rolled my eyes. Jace liked to bug me like an annoying little brother at any chance he could get.

“Are you set?” a stagehand asked us. When we had given our affirmative, he ushered us up the stairs and into the light. I planted a smile on my face and waved to the hooting crowd as we made our way to Lindsay.

“Might I say you look very beautiful today Myra.” She complimented as we took our place on the wide couch.

“Thank you so much, Lindsay. It’s such an honor to be on your show.”

Few minutes later we were bouncing off each other, building a very easy conversation. She quizzed me and the other cast members on what it felt like to be on set, the dynamics outside the filming process and the challenges we had struggled with in our roles.

By the end of our one hour with Lindsay, I was positive that we would have more viewings for our soap opera by the end of the week.

I was grinning from ear to ear when I met with my manager backstage. Surprisingly, her expression didn’t mirror the excitement on my face.

“Did I say something wrong during the interview? I’m sure it went well.” I asked, confused.

Hannah smiled like she was trying not to upset me with her next words. “Oh honey, you did great! Star of the fucking show.”

“Then what’s the problem?” I opened the flask filled with berry infused iced tea and took a sip. She extended her cell phone to me, which I grabbed warily.

“I know you’re not officially dating him, but I think you should see this.”

I froze with my bottle halfway to my lips when I saw the main photo and headline. It was a photo of Pierce smiling down at a small framed woman while she had her hand in his hair, and the headline read; CEO of multi-million dollar conglomerate, Pierce Blackwood, photographed with mystery woman.

I felt my flask slip from my hand.

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