Haven's Addiction

Chapter Prologue

Knight Court

The gavel banged loudly as the three judges dominated the head of the courtroom. The plaques that sat in front of them on the massive desk identified them as Judge Bordic, Judge Slaveen, and Judge Arisal. The rest of the courtroom was packed with people of all varying races, anxious to see how the trial played out. The guards posted at the doors looked around nervously, uncomfortable with the unusually high occupancy rate of the courtroom.

“Bring in the accused,” said Judge Bordic in his deep basso voice that had no difficulty being heard throughout the room despite all the chatter. The large figure dominated the other two judges in size. The seven foot tall bovine sentient towered over them. Most civilizations only have rumors of creatures of his species like Minotaur or Bull Demon, but he was no different than any other sentient species, only from a different animal origin. As soon as he spoke, all talking stopped, and the crowd of onlookers sat still.

An elderly woman of the feline species of Voth was brought out and seated in the solitary chair before the judges desk. She hobbled to the chair with a stiff gait from joints that were having difficulty moving. Her wiry gray hair still had a few patches of the original orange that refused to age.

“Please state your name,” Judge Bordic spoke.

“Constice Charnide,” she said in a frail, feeble voice.

“The charges against you are the uses of illusion and charm magic to seduce young men at the Dragons Reach tavern. Did you commit these crimes?”


All three judges looked at each other with dismay.

The reptilian judge to his left, Judge Slaveen, spoke up, “You do realize that we are automatically aware of whenever you are lying.” He looked down at the ring on his finger that matched those on the hands of the other two judges. The enchanted rings made it clear to the wearer whenever anyone told a falsehood.

“I am aware,” she said with resignation. “Yes, I seduced these young men by using shapechanging magic to take on a younger, and more appealing, form. However, I used no charms or curses to draw them into my bedchamber. They came of their own free will,” she said flirtatiously.

“After you tricked them into being with someone else.”

“Not someone else, only a younger version of myself. They sought gratification, just as I did, and they got it. I kept them satisfied enough that they kept coming back for more.”

“We don’t need the details of your sordid encounters. The fact of the matter is that use of alteration magic in a public setting is strictly against the accords of Haven.”

“Have you ever used trickery with magic before?” The avian Judge Arisal asked. Seeing her speak was something to behold since she had beaks instead of lips. If it wasn’t for the translators that everyone in Haven wore in their ears, her speech would have sounded like nothing more than a series of whistles and tweets. As it was, observers found her voice to be melodic, like she was singing as she spoke.

“Not until six months ago.”

“You have a spotless record in your 68 cycles of life,” she continued in her sing-song voice, “why would you suddenly commit an act like this now?”

“Because I have been diagnosed with Gershnig syndrome. I only have a few months left before my body gives out completely. I just wanted to have a bit of fun with what time I had left.”

“You have my condolences,” she said with a sad tone.

The judges conferred for a few moments before declaring their verdict.

“You will be ordered by the court to wear a restraining collar to prevent any further magical misuse for the next six months.”

“Bring in the next defendant,” Judge Bordic shouted as he banged the gavel. Constice Charnide left the court, escorted by a man young enough to be her grandson, and another defendant was brought in to be judged.

The middle aged male brought to the chair wore crimson robes and markings establishing him as a high wizard of the seventh rank. Being of the Mendrik species, he had a high forehead and jaw that jutted out in an under-bite that gave him the appearance of a permanent scowl.

“Please state your name,” Judge Bordic said.

“Edman Allister,” he stated in a prim and proper voice. His body language matched his voice with his back completely straight in perfect posture.

“The charges against you are the using of alteration magic against another individual in the form of a silencing spell and a restraining charm at the Orin’s Flame restaurant. Did you commit these crimes?”


“It seems that these charges were held against a minor. A Horance Blanchearn, seven cycles old.”

“Yes,” he said with disdain. “The little brat was screaming, banging on the table, and throwing things. And the parents wouldn’t do anything about it.”

“And you felt the need to intervene and take matters into your own hands?” Judge Arisal asked.

“Not at first. Management addressed the parents after several people, including myself, complained. Orin’s is a reputable establishment after all. It was only after the behavior continued and a tantrum resulting in bleng peas being thrown and landing in my food.”

“So you responded by silencing the child?” The Judge Slaveen asked.

“Yes, and several people in the restaurant applauded when I did.”

The judges deliberated, after the laughter in the courtroom died down, and sentenced him to six months of restraint from charm magic. This continued several more times with petty cases of domestic disturbances, minor theft, use of illegal magic, and violations of fair trade, until the final case came up that everyone in attendance waited for for.

The six foot tall human was escorted to the seat by a host of armed guards. He already wore a restraining collar around his neck to prevent him from using any magic. His hands were also chained behind his back for added security. The crowd fell silent as soon as he entered.

“Please state your name.”

“Bailey Groves.”

“It appears that you are new to Haven.”

“Yes, I was brought here against my will a few months ago after my world was invaded.”

“You have a multitude of charges against you. Destruction of a warehouse, the kidnapping and torture of Drognaus Gold,”

“I did not torture him,” Bailey interrupted, but Judge Bordic continued unheeded.

“Breaking and entering, harassment of Ongkin Kliemsh, theft of”, he looked at the paper in front of him, not sure if he was reading it correctly, “a writing quill?” He looked at the other judges and then the defendant to confirm that his document was correct before continuing.

“The complete decimation of several city blocks that resulted in serious injury of more than 50 individuals, the majority of whom were law enforcement officials, resisting arrest, and the blatant torture and murder of Edic Envrideen.”

“I did not harm Edic in any way, oh wait, yes I totally killed him, hold on, no I didn’t.” Bailey actually smirked a little as he said this.

The judges looked at each other, perplexed by the confession. Knowing that every word of his contradictory confession was the truth.

“In regards to Drognaus Gold, he is present in the courtroom today and is willing to clear up the misunderstanding about his alleged kidnapping.” Bailey gestured to an older man with golden blonde hair in the front of the crowd of onlookers. Drognaus nodded in response. “As for the charges of destruction of property from both instances,” he continued to speak before they could get their bearings, “that was all in self defense. As for the rest of the charges, the devil made me do it. And by the ‘Devil’,” he said gesturing with his middle and forefingers from both hands in the air, “I mean I was heavily under the influence of Barthandolous the Cruel who performed all of the magic associated with everything you have charged me with.”

The crowd went into an uproar at the mere mention of the name. Barthandolous was one of the former leaders of Haven, a spiteful and malicious individual who ruled as a dictator over his territory. He disappeared without a trace years ago, and nobody seemed to mourn his departure. Judge Bordic banged the gavel and shout for silence so loudly that everyone had to cover their ears before permanent hearing loss set in. Bailey sat stoically in his chair. Grinning mischievously. As soon as the room was silent he spoke up again before the judges had a chance to intervene.

“He did this for me as part of an agreement to help defend my world from a planet wide invasion three months ago by the Graxis.”

This erupted the crowd into an even louder uproar. The Graxis were a species of creature that invaded the worlds of every species in attendance, and hundreds more. They were ruthlessly efficient and practically unstoppable until Barthandolous and his companions put an end to them. Rumors had it that the much feared Graxis were completely wiped out of existence afterward, which was why someone as malicious as Barthandolous was allowed to rule. As sadistic as reputation held, he was the lesser of two evils.

“Detain the defendant and clear the courtroom,” Judge Bordic shouted furiously at the mob of onlookers, his nostrils flaring. The crowd was now worked up into an uncontrollable frenzy beyond his ability to control. “The rest of these proceedings will be held in a private council.” With that he dropped the gavel on the desk with enough force to mar the wood, and stormed out.

Bailey was led out of the courtroom by the guards back to his detention cell, chuckling at the chaos he caused in the courtroom, while other guards worked to disperse the crowd and clear out the courtroom.

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