Haven Online

Chapter 93: HouseBoat pt 2

The three of them hurried on board and started exploring. There was a covered porch with what looked liked very comfortable seating, a massive storage area, a hot tub for relaxing, diving board, and a waterslide and that was only what was only on the outside. On the inside they saw that it looked like a normal apartment, there was a kitchen, a living room, and bedrooms, but instead of a bathroom, there was a crafting room.

The crafting room at the moment was completely empty, they would need to select what type of crafting they wanted to do before the room could change to suit their needs. It was the same with the living room, it might be full of furniture now but they could change it to a weight room to build up their stats.

"This place is awesome!" Wei said enthusiastically while looking around the houseboat. "I have decided that once I have enough coin, I am going to buy one for myself."

"Are you sure? These types of boats cost a lot." Xinya said.

Inquiringly she asked, "How much could they be?"

"Cheapest would be about 1-2k gold coins," stated Xinya.

"Why in the world do they cost so much?" Wei asked.

"It's because like regular ships, you can use them to sail across the water. You can basically travel all over Haven while taking your home with you." Wandering Sound explained.

After thinking about Wei could understand why the houseboat was so expensive, sighing she said, "I guess my dream of owning one will never come true."

As soon as the three of them finished exploring the houseboat, Wandering Sound and Wei were ready to go to town. Wandering Sound to find more information about his quest, while Wei just wanted to look in the shops. contemporary romance

Before they left Xinya made sure to remind Wei not to spend all of her money, because she could use it to start paying back her mom, but she was already a step ahead of him, saying she already put up her gold coins for exchange.

Knowing that Xinya didn't worry as he watches them go and just headed back inside the boathouse. Sitting down in one of the chairs in the living room he opened his interface to see his stats.

Name: Drifting Cloud Title: Bird Killer

HP: 280/280  (+10)     Level: 21

MP: 260/260  (+10)    EXP: 600/1200000

Stamina: 260/260  (+10)  Skill points: 17

Str: 4 (+4)        Dex: 12(+7)

Int: 11 (+7)      Luck: 11 (+4)

Coins: 29 gold 997 silver 700 bronze

Stat Points 4

He couldn't believe he had 29 gold coins, he wouldn't even dream of seeing that many coins in his past life. He opened his web account and transferred 25 of his gold coins for exchange. Right now the exchange rate for coins was 1 gold coin =$100, 1 silver coin= 50 cents, while 1 bronze coin= 0.005 only a half of a cent. If someone buys his coins and he knew they would he would have $2500 in the bank.

Once he was done doing that he went back to his stats, he decided after dealing with Wyatt he would need a lot more health so he was going to put all for stat points into his HP this time.

Name: Drifting Cloud Title: Bird Killer

HP: 310/310  (+10)     Level: 21

MP: 260/260  (+10)    EXP: 600/1200000

Stamina: 260/260  (+10)  Skill points: 17

Str: 4 (+4)        Dex: 12(+7)

Int: 11 (+7)      Luck: 11 (+4)

Coins: 4 gold 997 silver 700 bronze

Stat Points 0

Once he did that he went to check out his new title Savior of Baldahurh Forest, reading the description he was astounded by what it said:

Saviors of Baldahurh Forest: Only the most gallant of heroes deserve such a title as this one. For having rescued Baldahurh forest from its undead state and brought it back to living, the inhabitants of the forest salute you. This title grants you a 2x exp and coin bonus when fighting dark type monsters and +15 on all stats.

Xinya couldn't help but smile gleefully when he saw his new stats once he equipped the title:

Name: Drifting Cloud Title: Saviors of Baldahurh Forest

HP: 325/325  (+15)     Level: 21

MP: 275/275  (+15)    EXP: 600/1200000

Stamina: 275/275  (+15) Skill points: 17

Str: 19 (+15)     Dex: 27(+15)

Int: 19 (+15)      Luck: 26 (+15)

Coins: 4 gold 997 silver 700 bronze

Stat Points 0


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