Hatred With Benefits

Chapter T H I R T Y - S I X


A groan leaves my lips as my eyelids flutter and I open my eyes to the familiar ceiling before I drop my eyes to the space next to me, and move back a bit at the sheets that are not mine.

Sitting up on the bed, I glance around Emerson Ford's familiar room and down to the book that's by my side before the memories of last night come crashing down.

"What the fuck are you doing, Eva?" I mumble under my breath as I swipe my hands down my face before letting them stay on my lap.

With a sigh, I start to climb off his bed and straighten his sheets before I grab his copy of the book to return to the shelves.

With my hands on the edge of the shelf, I stare around his room- one which still holds his smell and wonder why the fuck I left mine to sleep here? Have I grown so used to having Emerson right next to me that I felt something wasn't right on my first night back in my apartment without him?

Not being able to come up with an answer, I make my way out of his room through the same path I came through and slide into mine.

Striding towards my bed, I grab my phone for any new notifications and after responding to Aliya's text, I make my way into the bathroom to freshen up for the day.

"So what did I miss?" I ask Aliya as we take the corner that leads to our first class.

"Just a whole bunch of lectures and a new project. I'll fill you in on the project later, but I took your notes for you." She explains and I wrap a hand over her shoulder before I bend her back and ruffle her hair. "You did good, babe."

Aliya struggles to move out of my grasp before I let her go and she throws me a glare as she smoothes her hands down her hair. "I'll kill you for this one day! We're on campus, you bitch. "

"Who are you cheating on with Sage and Chloe?" I lift my brows and she gives me her middle finger, causing a laugh to slip through my parted lips.

"I don't see why else you would want to look good for classes. "I tell her, earning another middle finger before she says, "Come back to talk to me about that when you're not looking extra good yourself. "It isn't my fault I'm hot, babe. "I wink and she scrunches her nose. "Whoever told you that wanted you for the ruins."

"You told me that more than twice, bitch. "I call her out and she shakes her head. "I would have had my mouth on you if I considered you hot, Evie."

"And the only thing stopping you is what we have. "Aliya opens her mouth to respond, but before she can speak, another voice beats her to it.

"Hey, you." I lift my head to see Dan standing in front of me with Noel by his side.

"Hey. "I respond as I fasten the strap of my bag and he says, "It's nice to see you're back.

"It's nice to be back. "I retort and a smile covers the corner of his lips. "Does this mean-"

Knowing the words he's about to utter next, I interrupt Dan before he finishes his words. "Tonight. The second date. "

"You're sure?"

"I won't bail on you. " I assure him and his tiny smile grows into a wide dimpled one as he speaks, "I'll see you tonight, then?"

"You will. "I repeat before I step to the side after throwing a greeting to Noel.

"Another date?" Aliya's whisper near my ear as their figures disappears makes me turn my head in her direction, and I frown at the taunting smile on her face. "Don't you start with me."

"I'm just getting started, bitch." She laughs as he drapes a hand over my shoulder and drags me to class.

I cross my legs on the couch with a bowl of ice cream in hand and my eyes on the screen before I'm interrupted by the vibration of my phone.

Dropping the bowl by my side, I grab the mobile and there's a new text from Dan.

DAN: Should I come to pick you up?

ME: No, just give me the location of where you are, and I'll come meet you.

After a few minutes of staring at the screen, Dan's message of his location comes through and I turn off the TV before moving to my feet with the bowl in hand.

I stride to the kitchen and drop the ice cream inside the fridge before walking to my room to grab my key.

I slide my feet into my boots and hurl a jacket over my shoulder before closing the door behind me, and walking towards the exit.

ME: I can't find you.

I click on the send button as I stare around where I'm to meet Dan with no sign of the man.

DAN: Right across you.

I frown at the words across the screen before twisting my body in the other direction to see him waving at me from the other side.

I give a wave back before I cross to the other side to meet him.

"So where are we going this time?" I ask Dan as I stand in front of him and he frowns, jerking his head to his open arms as he says, "Won't you give me a hug? It's been days."

"You saw me at school earlier. "I remind him and with a sad face, he complains, "But I couldn't hug you.'

With a shake of my head and a smile, I move into his open arms and let him wrap his arms around me, while my arms stay on his back.

"You smell so good." He says as he nuzzles his face into my neck, his nose brushing against the skin. "Absolutely good. "He mumbles, his lips brushing my neck, and causing a shudder to roll off my body.

"I know. " I give gentle pats on his back before he draws back, and holds my face in his hands. With gentle strokes of his thumbs, he offers one of his gorgeous smiles before he pulls away.

"So I was thinking something different today? We've been to a restaurant and we've taken a walk; so how about you suggest what to do this time? Is there anywhere you'd love to go?" He asks with a brow lifted.

"I don't think so. I don't go out to many places, so you have to decide on that."

"How about a club then?" Dan's suggestion makes me furrow my brows as I say, "A club as a date?"

"It should be fun," he assures with a wide smile. "Just the two of us with the music and the noises. I suck at other places; we could loosen up with a place we're both familiar with. "He explains further.

"I don't see a reason why not?" I tell him and Dan's smile widens before he nods for me to follow him.

With a few steps, we stop in front of a bike and Dan passes me a helmet as he sweeps a leg over the bike before twisting his head to the side to pat the seat behind him.

"Climb on." He says and I click the helmet under my chin before climbing behind him and dropping my phone in the front pocket.

"Have you ever been on one of these?" Dan asks over his shoulder and I shake my head as I hold onto his sides. "No. I don't have one."

"You look like a girl that would, though." He says before clasping his hand over mine and aiding my hands to his waist. "You might want to tighten your hold on me. I move fast.

I hum and lock my hands around his waist, and with a rev of the engine, Dan starts to move at a speed that should be considered extreme- no shits about his previous words.

I carefully climb off the bike and pass the helmet to Dan before moothing my hands down my hair.

"Fast, wasn't I?" He grins as he hangs the helmet by the arm and turns his head to me.

"Faster than necessary. You should try slowing down a bit. "I tell him as he gets off the bike and removes his helmet.

"Slow is never fun, sweetheart. Trust me." He says when he turns back to me, the expression on his face telling me he isn't speaking in relation to his speed at the moment, but I say nothing about it as he leads me inside one of the most prestigious clubs in the town after getting through the security.

"What do you think?" Dan nudges me by the shoulder as we stand in front of people who look like they're having the best time of their lives, and a smile covers my lips as I say, "I think it's been a while since I've treated myself to one of these."

When I raise my head to him, he's staring down at me with a satisfied smile on his face. "I guess it isn't a bad idea after all.


"I know," he beams before he lowers his hand to my side and grips my hand. When I lift my brows at him in silent questioning, he says, "To make sure you stay by my side."

With a snicker, I slip my hand out of his and say, "I can handle myself, Dan. I'm not an amateur when it comes to this. "

"Right. I forgot you're a different kind." He tells me as he moves forward while I trail behind him. He leads us to the other side of the club, away from the dance floor and in front of the bartender. "What can I get you?" The man before us directs the question to Dan and he looks back at me to say, "Is vodka alright?"

"There's no fun without it. "I tell him and his lips curve into a smile before he turns to the bartender and says, "Two shots of Vodka Martini. "He slides some notes to his side and the man takes them before he turns away.

"Are you a lightweight?" Dan asks as I settle on the stool next to him and I give a bob of my head. "Sometimes. It depends on how heavy it is. I get more intoxicated than drunk though. "Heightens your senses, but doesn't make you unaware of them?" Amusement is clear in his voice as he speaks the words and I nod. "And that's the best part about it." When Dan shakes his head without a word; I ask, "What?"


"There's just so many interesting things about you, Eva. How are you not taken yet?" Before I can respond to Dan's words, the man returns with two glasses and places them in front of us. As I watch him walk away, I grab the glass in front of me and take a sip of the liquid; the familiar taste burning down my throat before I turn to Dan and say, "I'm not fascinated by the idea. "

"Of being taken?" He lifts a brow as he twirls his glass in his hand and I hum. "It sounds more like a punishment than an entertainment. "

Dan cackles before he says, "That's because you haven't met someone you're interested in yet. Trust me, when you do- he'll shake your whole belief.

"You say that as though you've experienced the feeling yourself. "I point out and when there's no response, I lift my gaze to him. Dan's lips are stretched in a tiny smile and when he speaks, he keeps his eyes on me. "She's standing in front of me."

"You want to take me?" I ask the obvious and Dan's stare hardens as he leans his body towards me. "I want to have you. All to myself. '

"And if I don't want that?"

"I'll make you change your mind. "He answers with an ounce of confidence and I laugh before I say, "I'm hard to convince, Daniel.


"I know the right things to say, Eva. " He drops his glass before him and my eyes shift to the movement before I move my gaze back to meet his. "I know the right places to touch. The right nerves to poke..." He's breathing down my neck now, his hand sliding down my side. "I know the right things to do, and soon enough- you'll give into this."


I angle my head to the side to take a view of his face. "I don't think it's all about making the right choices, or saying the right words, Dan." "Then what's it about?" He throws back and I look away from him, downing what's left of the Vodka and dropping the glass in front of me before I look back at him and say, "It's about whether I feel or I don't. " "Then I'll make you feel. "Dan's response is sharp and firm. They say there's nothing sexier than a man with confidence and this man's got it- only that with me; I wouldn't consider a man's confidence the sexiest of all. Sexy, but other things could be sexier.

"Come on. Let's dance. " Dan's voice pulls me out of my five-second trance and before I can respond to his request, he's snatching me out of my seat and leading me to the dance floor. We find our stand amidst the rest of the crowd with the melting voice of Pixie echoing around us, and Dan steps nigher, his hand moving down my side as he brings my body closer to his. "Loosen up." He mouths as he begins to move us to the beat of the music and I let my hands fall to his arms.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight. " Dan leans his head towards my ear so I'd catch his words, and a smile creeps into my face as I steady my hands on his shoulders before I say, "You tell me that every time we meet. "

"I know," he chuckles and I feel his hands slide from the small of my back to rest on my hips before he lets a hand move past my hips to fall on my ass. "But you're looking different tonight. I think I might have missed you too much, Eva Carson. "

His gaze turns to one of those intense ones where there's a sudden silence between us, and I swallow down my throat; not sure of a response to his words.

"You won't say anything?" Dan questions and I nod. "I don't have anything to say.'

"You didn't miss me?" The look on his face fades to be replaced with a frown and I hum, "I didn't have any reason to. "When Dan's frown deepens, I drop my hands from his shoulders to his chest, feeling the muscles through the thin shirt he has on. "Unless you give me one."

At my last words, the smile returns to his face and he grips my ass as he urges me closer- my chest colliding against his.

"You're one incredible woman, Eva Carson. "Are the words he says before he closes his lips to mine. His other hand moves from my back to the side of my neck as he angles my head to deepen the kiss, and move my hands further down his chest, a moan escaping through my throat as Dan sinks his teeth into my lower lip; creating an opportunity for him to lower his tongue into my mouth.

My hands move to the hem of his shirt and I grab a fistful as Dan's mouth gets rougher against mine. He presses his lips harder on mine and rolls his tongue around mine, feasting on my mouth like it's his last meal.

"Dan-" he swallows my whimper, not giving me a chance to speak as his squeeze on my ass turns from a gentle one to a rough one, spreading heat across my body and settling on my core.

"Dan-" I try again, pushing gently at his chest this time, but he doesn't stop. He keeps going; his mouth turning brutal against mine and there's no doubt that my lips will be swollen after this- if he doesn't manage to bite it off.

"Dan. "I push at his chest harder and he finally staggers a bit from me, his breathing heavy as they come down on mine.

"I'm sorry-" he releases through his thick breath. "I lost control. I'm sorry, Eva. "

"It's alright, "I assure him with a tiny smile. "It's just where we are. "I inform him, motioning to the people that surround us. "Not that they'd give a shit but I don't think it's proper behaviour to fuck in the middle of a—" the rest of my words are nothing, but thoughts on my mind as my gaze moves around us and settles on certain brown eyes.

My lips part without a word as I turn my entire body and keep my eyes fixed on him.

I expected Emerson Ford to be miles away from here, back at home, right next to my family's house according to what he had told me but Emerson Ford is standing only steps away from me with a red-haired hanging on his arm and the look on his face, a contrast to what they normally hold as his gaze drops to the man beside me.

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