Hatred With Benefits

Chapter T E N


I watch the swell of her breasts and the hardness of her nipples, drawing towards me and requesting to make a tug.

I lower my gaze to her face and she has a look of both uncertainty and resentment.

"What are you waiting for?" I take another step closer till her breasts scrape the skin of my naked chest and my cock grazes slightly against her thighs.

I know the exact moment she thought of that night when her eyes drops to my cock again: her pupils dilate, a crease forms over her forehead and her lips part with no word slipping through.

She swallows down, and I drift my gaze to the slight bob in her throat. I want to poke at it before wrapping my hand around it to take her breath from her, have her begging- pleading to let go. There's an obsession with Carson's pleads I can't seem to get myself. It's that strong urge to hear those words from her, knowing she's a damn stubborn chick who tends to defy me in every way possible. Her defiance serves both as an annoyance and something else that shouldn't be there.

Eva Carson makes my blood boil, but recently she's been doing more than invoking anger in me. She's like a drug I can't wait to get my hands off again. She's like an itch I can't get off my skin. One gaze at her chest and I'm brought back to that night. The night when I had Carson screaming my name, and not in the way that implies she wants to murder me, but in a way that tells how much she enjoys my cock inside her pussy, despite her opposing words to it. I haven't been able to get her taste off my mind, and it's exactly what I need to do. I need to hit it and get it over with.

I need to fuck her out of my system, and I don't care how many times I have to do that.

I desire to go back to loathing the very existence of Eva Carson without the craving part of it.

Carson takes a step back and my mouth twitches when my gaze falls to the movement. She meets my eyes with a glare.

"I thought I was the last thing that could get you hard, Ford." Sarcasm drips off her tone as she nods towards the erection poking at her thighs and I snort. "This is nothing, but a man's morning ritual, Carson. "How many times have you lied now?" She laughs, amusement coating her expression and I'm the one to take a step back this time.

"Get out." I tell her instead, changing the subject and she rolls her eyes, "I never said I'm drawing back on this."

"You have your panties on. "I remind her.

Her eyes move to her body before she meets my gaze again. "I do not need to get naked to get you out of this room, Ford. We both know that's something else you're digging. "That makes two of us, Carson. "Your breasts are out in the open. What do you have to say about that?" I fold my arms against my chest and she smiles, "Feeding your obsession for the last time."

"I've had them before. "I tell her and a smirk crosses her lips as she speaks. "And you'll never again. Get your clothes and get out, Ford. Your body isn't exactly a sight for sore eyes. "

"Explains why you're dripping between your legs. "I retort and her eyes widen just barely. Her mouth drops but she says nothing, and I know I've got her there. The sense of satisfaction that comes with that is undeniable.

Letting out a chuckle, I kick my clothes to the side and step behind the glass doors to the shower. "Unless you want to take a bath with me, Carson, you should stay out. Or you can stand there while I give you the show of your life." I turn my back to her and grab the shampoo. When I turn back, both Carson and her clothes are out of the room, and there's a loud slam of the door.

I chortle and rest back against the wall, shutting my eyes as I wrap my hand around my cock, pumping myself to the image of her bare breasts.

Once again, she got to me.


I throw my clothes to the bed in anger and process to fall on it, my hands in my hair, tugging harshly at it like a madwoman with my chest rising and falling rapidly.

Once again, Emerson doesn't fail to do the one thing he's good at- make me scorn him the more. But there's something else this time.

I sit up on the bed and stare down at my body to my panties. He wasn't wrong when he mentioned the drip between my thighs. I'm fucking soaked... At the sight of Emerson's naked body.

This cannot go on. It's far from what I should be doing. When you hate someone, you hate them. The clear look of disgust, the unknown glares and all those shit. There's no fucking them or wanting to fuck them again after the first time, because that's exactly what's happening.

I need to stop thinking of my nails raking down his back and me beneath him with our bodies pressed to each other and go back to thinking of my fist in his face. Especially if I'll drive Emerson Ford out of here- something I won't do with this new sentiment.

"You're heading to college in those hideous clothes?" Emerson snickers behind me and I spin around to be met with the sight of him in his usual attire of entire blackness- does he ever get tired?

I stare down at my body clad in a short skirt that goes a bit over my midthighs with a turtleneck before lifting my head to him. "What's wrong with these?"

"They are hideous. "He says, raising his shoulder in a half shrug and a laugh falls from my mouth. "How many times have you called me dumb, Ford? I think those were meant for you if you think these are hideous. Do you even know what that word means?"

"You're in a skirt and a turtleneck. " He clarifies and I shake my head. "First, I don't wear clothes to interest you. Second, what do you have to say about what you have on?"

A tiny smirk climbs on his face and he throws his helmet to the second hand, pressing it against his side. "First, you shouldn't have them on at all and second, black is mysterious."

"Black is stupid. "I retort, ignoring the part about my nakedness.

"Black is life." He argues and I groan, turning back to the door. "And we're done with this conservation. "

"Want a ride?" He offers just as I grab the doorknob and I turn to him with furrowed brows.

"A ride? With you? Not happening." I say and he hums. "As you wish, Carson. I'm sure Daddy got that covered for you?" He winks before striding towards me and walking out the door, intentionally jostling me in an unfriendly way in the process.

I huff as he slams the door in my face before walking after him. I shut the door behind me, and use the lock just as Emerson revs his engine.

"I don't see your car, Carson." He yells, his head peeking out the window.

"I don't have a car. " I say with lifted brows, knowing very well he is aware of that and only seeks out for mockery.

"Oh right," he grins. "My bad. Enjoy your walk to me."

He gives a wave with two fingers just before he drives away and I grit my teeth in response, pulling my phone out to text Aliya.

"How was your first night with your new roommate?" Aliya smiles as she drops the coffee in front of me and I throw her a glare, "Don't even bring him up right now.'

"Was it that bad?" She chuckles and I nod, "It was more than bad. It was terrible. Extremely terrible. The faster I drive him out of there, the better this will be for me." "You honestly think you can do that?"

"I can't stand him. "I hiss and she chuckles again.

I take a sip of my coffee with my eyes fixed on her, and I don't fail to notice the unusual glow on her face.

Setting the cup back on the table, I tap her feet with mine and she meets my eyes with lifted brows.

"What are you on this morning?" I ask her.

"What do you mean?"

"You're glowing differently, and you look somewhat happy. Excited. "I push my face closer to study hers and her palms moves to cover her cheeks. "I'm just happy for class. That's all." "We both know it's not that. Spill, Aliya. You know I won't stop asking until you say the words. "

She breathes and sinks back in her seat. After a few seconds, she speaks, "I might have, or might have not seen her.

"Her?" I ask, and when she nods and moves her hands from her blush coated cheeks, I know what she means. "The girl?

Aliya nods again, her lips stretched into a wide smile. "It was just a blur, but I can almost swear it was her. There's something about it I can't point out, but my body knew it was her." "Your body?" My lips turn up in a smirk and she rolls her eyes, "Shut up.


"I didn't say anything. "I say through cackles and she grabs her cup, moving from her seat. "You don't have to. Come on, we don't want to be late for class. "And the smile remains on my face as I grab my bag and follow after her.

I don't fail to taunt her as we cross the streets that lead from the small coffee shop to the campus.

"Do you think she schools here?" I ask Aliya as I catch up with her steps and throw a hand over her shoulder.

Her shoulders sink in a sigh. "I honestly don't know about that."

"If you saw her at the dorm, then there's a chance she might be. "I tell her and she stops at the door of the class. Turning to me, she says, "Even if she does, what do I sag when I see her? Do I walk up to her and go: Hi, I'm the girl you hooked up with last time?"

"You're a bad chick. I'm sure you'll know what to do when that time comes. "I swat at her arm and she shakes her head, a short laugh leaving her parted lips before we both turn to the class.

We walk inside and my eyes move across the room, landing on the last sight I want to see.

"Oh, oh. He's here?" Aliya giggles beside me. "You two are really a match made in heaven, aren't you?" She slaps my shoulder before walking to a seat and I remain frozen, my eyes on the man who has his famous, irritable smirk on his face.

This was meant to be my escape from him, but it seem he turns up with every turn I take.

It's both suffocating and scary.

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