Hate You (Rebel Ink Book 1)

Hate You: Chapter 29

I’m staring at myself in the bathroom mirror, about to take my make-up off when the knock sounds out. It’s so hard it makes my bones rattle. I knew it was coming, and that was almost enough to have me calling an Uber and heading home. But I didn’t. I need to face the music and it seems that he’s chosen right now as the perfect time.

Holding on to the marble top, I count to ten in an attempt to calm my racing heart enough to be able to deal with him. To be able to rationally explain why I did what I did without breaking down, or worse, caving to the control he seems to have over my body when he’s in the same room as me.

“Open the fucking door, Tabitha, or I’ll knock the fucking thing down.” The rough slur to his voice does things to my insides that it really shouldn’t. He’s angry, understandably so, but it shouldn’t turn me on quite like it does. There’s a fucking door between us yet my knickers are already getting a little damp.

His loud knock sounds out once more, and I force my legs to move before he gets us both kicked out of the damn hotel.

“Tabi—” His loud voice is cut off the second I pull the door open. His hand lands on the wood, and he pushes so hard that I have no choice but to step back or be crushed like a fly behind it.

I take one look at him with his loosened tie and messy hair and I know I’m in for a rough ride. I guess the question is, just how rough can I take?

I’ve never been with a guy like Zach before. All my previous partners have been a gentleman both in and out of the bed. But Zach… He’s no gentleman inside or out of the bedroom, or kitchen counter, and he’s got more passion and skill than all of my previous guys put together.

He says nothing as he slams the door behind him and stalks towards me. His chest heaves under his fitted shirt and my mouth waters at knowing what’s hiding beneath the fabric.

“Zach?” My voice is soft and breathy, exactly what I didn’t want it to be, but the effect he has that I was afraid of is hitting me full force.

His blue eyes are electric as they stare into mine. They’re full of something I’ve never seen before—promises or threats, I’m not sure.

My stomach tumbles in anticipation of what he’s going to do.

“Turn around,” he demands and my body reacts on its own.

I expect him to undo my dress, to run the zip down my back, driving me crazy, but he doesn’t do that. Instead when his fingers find the fabric at the nape of my neck he pulls. Hard. The sound of ripping fabric fills the room and I cry out. “Zach, what the hell?” My dress falls to my feet, totally ruined. I don’t get a chance to dwell on it, because his hand lands on me.

The warmth of his palm and fingers wrap around my neck as he pulls me back into him. I gasp when he squeezes a little too tightly and his rock hard cock presses into my arse.

“You’ve been fucking lying to me since the day I found you in my business. You’ve looked me in the eye knowing exactly who I am, exactly what I’m hiding, and you’ve said nothing. Not only that but you’ve lied to my sister. I may not come across like a family orientated kind of guy, but don’t be fooled. You wrong them, and I’m fucking coming for you.”

“Zach, what are you–”

“The time for you to talk is over, Pussy Cat. You had your chance and you betrayed me, betrayed us. You want to know what I do to people who betray me?”

The whisky on his breath fills my nose, but his words… they do little to scare me off. It’s going to take more than a few threats from a guy I know better than he thinks I do.

I shake my head slightly, wanting to know what he’s got to say.

His other hand lifts and brushes my hair away from my ear. My entire body shudders at his soft touch before his breath skates across my skin as he speaks.

“I ruin them, Kitten. Ruin. Them.”

A squeal falls from my lips when he spins us and pushes me up against the wall.

His cold angry eyes bore into mine, but there’s more than that in their depth. There’s lust. Pure, unfiltered lust. I might be scared right now if that weren’t there, but it is, and fuck if I’m not prepared for whatever it is he has in mind for me.

His hands cage me in and his eyes drop from mine. He takes his time running them over my almost naked body. By removing my dress, he’s revealed my navy lace lingerie, including garter belt and stockings.

“I’m going to really enjoy this,” he whispers menacingly before reaching out and tucking his finger in the small piece of fabric between the cups of my bra and tugging harshly. It doesn’t immediately rip under his force, but it doesn’t hold out all that long before the fabric is falling free of my body and the cool air of the room is making my nipples pucker.

“You wear this thing for me?” I don’t answer, just tilt my chin in defiance. If he thinks he’s going to intimidate me then he’s got another think coming. I know him better than he thinks I do, and I’m not scared of him or the words he might spit while he’s drunk and angry. He wants to take all this out on me, then fine. I deserve it for lying to him. I’ll take whatever he has. “Did you think that I’d take one look at you like this and forget all about the lies, the deceit?”

“I wore it for him,” I taunt, enjoying the straining of the muscles in his neck and the purse of his lips at the thought.

“You just can’t help yourself, can you? Lies, that’s all you’re capable of.”

“Me? You’re the one who’s been lying to those who love you for years. So what I didn’t tell you everything, but I also kept your fucking secret, didn’t I?”

His fingers grip my chin.

“Did I fucking ask you to?” I hold his stare, but I don’t respond. We both know that he would have if he knew I was friends with his sister.

Without thinking, I lift my hand with the intention of wrapping it around his neck and pulling his lips down to mine. He’s so fucking close, his scent is filling my nose and his body heat is burning into me. I need his taste too.

“No,” he barks. “You don’t get to take what you want tonight.”

His fingers wrap around my waist and I’m turned once again until my heated breasts are pushed up against the cool wall. I gasp in shock as he takes both my hands in his. The sound of fabric moving behind me has butterflies erupting in my belly before the soft fabric of his tie is wrapped around my wrists. Heat floods my core that I’m about to be totally at his mercy. He might be in a bad place right now, but fuck if I want to be anywhere else.

There’s some more rustling and then the heat of his bare skin presses against my arms, my bound fingers just coming into contact with his still covered cock. It’s rock hard and straining against the fabric. He growls when he feels me teasing him, but he doesn’t move.

“You’re at my mercy from now on, you got that?” I nod, turning my head to the side in the hope I can see him, see the desire that I know is going to be darkening his eyes.

His fingers run up my arm, dance over my shoulder and up my neck before they thread into my hair. He grips almost painfully hard and tips my head to the angle he wants. Dropping his lips to the slope of my neck, his teeth graze my skin and I shudder.

“You’re a kinky little bitch under that posh exterior, aren’t you, Kitten?” If he’d asked me that before him, I’d have adamantly denied it, but this isn’t the first time he’s said something like that and I can’t help but thinking he might be right. The moisture between my legs is starting to run down my thighs as he pins me here. I’m so desperate for his touch right now that I’d probably do just about anything.

“For you, yes.”

“Fuck,” he grunts at my response.

His hand slips around the front of me. He pulls me back into him slightly so he can palm my breast. I keep my fingers wrapped around his cock, and if it’s possible it gets even harder as he teases me.

“Fuck, Zach.” My head falls back against his shoulder as he pinches one nipple and then the next almost to the point of pain. It does nothing to relieve the situation I’ve got going on in my knickers.

“You’re in for a long night, Tabby Cat.”

“Yes, yes,” I cry as his hand skims down my stomach and slips into the lace.

“Hmmm,” he hums in my ear when he finds me freshly waxed before dipping lower and parting my lips. “Fuck. You’re enjoying this too much.” He finds me slick and ready for him, embarrassingly so.

His fingers find my throbbing clit and he circles it a few times. I’m already so worked up that in mere seconds I can feel my impending orgasm making itself known.

Just when I’m about to begin the final climb towards the mind-numbing pleasure I know Zach is capable of, his fingers are gone and I’m left with my head spinning and my muscles clutching at something that no longer exists.

“Get. On. Your. Knees,” he demands slowly, and with each word my mouth waters more at the thought of getting a taste of him. He’s been down on me a number of times, but as of yet, I’ve not had a chance to return the favour. Right now, I’m more excited about it than I probably should be.

With his help, I turn and lower myself in front of his still fully clothed bottom half. The outline of his cock is visible beneath the fabric, and I lean forward and run the tip of my nose up it.

My eyes flick up to his just in time to see his lower at the sensation. I might have my hands bound right now, but there’s no denying that I’m very much the one in control in this moment.

I sit back on my heels, my chest heaving, and bite down on my bottom lip as I wait for him.

He takes two steps back and looks at me, really looks at me. It’s as if he’s memorising every single part of this moment.

Getting impatient, I squirm, hoping to gain a little friction, but he notices and arches a brow. It doesn’t have any effect on me, I’m more than happy to defy him. But the second his hands go to his waistband, I stop all movement in favour of watching him undress.

He drops his trousers, quickly followed by his boxers, and kicks them along with his shoes and socks off into the room somewhere.

“Now, where were we?” He takes a step forward and my eyes drop to his cock. The tip’s glistening, he’s right on the edge just like I am.

Leaning forward, I lick up the precum and his entire body tenses at my simple touch.

He moves closer still and gives me a little more to work with. I lick around his head, revelling in the unique taste of him before he threads his fingers into my hair and forces me to take him in my mouth. I suck him as deep as I can before pulling back. He allows me to take as much as I can, but as his fingers start tightening and his length swells even more, I know his control is about to snap.

“Kitten,” he grunts, pushing that bit deeper. When I take it he growls and pushes deeper still. I’m so fucking full of him that my eyes begin to water as I fight the need to gag around his size.

“Fuck, fuck. I fucking hate you, Kitten. Hate you.” His words are groaned at best as his cock twitches and he empties himself down my throat. His grip tightens and the sting added to everything else today has thrown at me has a tear dropping from each of my closed eyes.

After a couple of seconds, Zach pulls back and looks down at me. I feel the heat of his stare, but I keep my eyes closed and refuse to look up at him.

“Kitten?” I stay where I am, afraid of what I’ll do or say the second I look into his eyes.

After a beat, his hands land on my waist and I’m pulled up from my position on the floor.

“Tabitha?” The concern that laces his voice has me looking at him. He takes in my tear-stained cheeks and his eyes soften in a way I don’t want or need. He might be looking at me right now thinking that he’s broken me, or ruined me in his words, and I guess he has in one way because I know for a fact that he’s ruined me for anyone else. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My heart aches as I stare at his concerned eyes and I realise for the first time that as much as I might tell myself that I hate this man in front of me, the way I actually feel about him is very, very much the opposite. But I also know that nothing good can come out of me feeling that way. Zach is an enigma. He lives his life as he wants, he follows no rules and attaches himself to no one. There’s no way he’d ever return the feelings. He’s got everything he wants.

Hasn’t he?

I hate that little bit of hope that creeps in. If he had everything then why does he keep coming back, claiming that I’m his or whatever bullshit he spews when he’s high on lust?

Two more tears fall as I realise that this is all I’ll ever get of Zach Abbot. I guess I’ve had more than anyone else. Other than his date?

“Who is she?” The question is out of my mouth before I even blink.

“Wh–oh. Lana, she’s a friend.” I’m a little taken back that he’s answered me so honestly.

“So she’s not… you’re not–”


His hand lifts and he cups my cheek. I suck in a surprised breath at his sudden tenderness. His eyes bounce between mine as if he’s trying to figure something out, trying to read me.

“I’m so fucking mad at you.” He drops his forehead to mine and blows out a whisky-scented breath. His other hand grips on to my hip, his fingers tensing. “I so badly need to…”

“Need to what?” I encourage when he trails off.

His eyes open and find mine. They’re dark, heated and haunted all at the same time. I can see his inner turmoil. He wants to hurt me. To punish me for what I did. But he can’t do it.

“I…” Instead of finishing that thought, he pulls my hair so I have no choice but to look up and offer my lips to him. His slam down on mine and his tongue invades my mouth. His other hand makes quick work of undoing the ties keeping my hands bound, and in seconds they’re free and my back is once again against the wall. He lifts me, my legs immediately wrapping around his waist, and before I’ve had a chance to register what’s happening, he’s inside me.

His fingers dig into my arse as he thrusts up into me.

“Oh god,” I cry as my head hits back against the wall, but I feel nothing aside from what he’s doing to me.

“Nah, devil, remember?” I laugh at his comment. “Oh fuck,” he groans when my muscles squeeze him tighter. He drops his head onto my shoulder and sucks on the sensitive skin below my ear. “Come for me, Kitten.”

I follow as ordered, my body desperate for the release. My arms wrap tighter around his wide shoulders as I prepare for what’s about to hit me.

He thrusts, one, two, three more times and I detonate, his name a loud cry on my lips, ensuring that our neighbours know what to call him in the morning.

“Holy shit.” My words are barely above a whisper as I fight to get them out between my heaving breaths.

“Fuck. Can’t get e-fucking-nough, Kitten.” My chest swells at his admission as he pulls me from the wall and carries me to the bed, still inside me and still impossibly hard.

He lowers me down with much more care than I’m sure he would have done when he first barged into this room not so long ago.

He settles himself between my thighs and wraps my legs around his hips. His eyes run over the lace that’s still around my waist and down my thighs. His fingertips follow the edges, making my skin erupt in goosebumps.

“You should wear stuff like this all the time.”

“Really?” I ask, amusement dancing in my eyes. “I thought you hated all this fancy kind of shit.”

“This,” he says, snapping one of the straps against my thigh, “this is different. This is hidden for only me to see. This shit can be as fancy and as expensive as you damn well please.”

“I’ve got plenty,” I admit, making his eyes light up in delight. “If you’re lucky you might get to find out.”

“Hmmm, I like the sound of that.” He leans forward and takes my lips as his hips slowly tease me.

I’m just wondering where his fight has gone when I’m suddenly flipped over and his hand connects with my bare arse cheek.

His cock impales me from behind and I once again cry out, already desperate for another release. He fucks me, just like he promised, until I’m full of him. My body is lax and ready to pass out after the stress of the day, but one look in his eyes when I flip back over and I know it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

And it doesn’t. I don’t get to pass out until the sun is almost up and we’ve fucked on every single surface of that hotel room. At some point he ordered us drinks and we made our way through a bottle of wine, some of which is now soaked into the sheets after he tried drinking it from my bellybutton.

Both still wet from the shower we shared, we fall on to the bed, my hair dripping over my shoulders, but I’m too exhausted to care.

Zach pulls the sheets up over our naked bodies, and pulls me into him. Somehow his cock is hard again, but I ignore it this time. I need a few hours at least.

His hand lands on my cheek as he stares into my eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell them?”

“It’s not my secret to tell.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why would I? You made it clear you hated me and wanted nothing to do with me.”

“Did I really?” he asks, poking me in the stomach with his cock.

“Hmmm. Yeah, well, I felt like it was too late by the time that happened.”

“It’s never too late to tell me the truth, Kitten.”

I bite down on my bottom lip, desperately trying to keep my thoughts to myself.

“Spill,” he says, amusement covering his tired face that’s soon wiped away when he registers what my words really mean.

“I… I think I’m falling out of hate with you.”

His mouth opens and closes before he swallows and pulls me towards him to rest his lips on my forehead.


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