HANS: Alliance Series Book Four

HANS: Chapter 37

“So…” I drum my fingers on my knees as the highway hums below us. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

It’s dark inside the truck, but when I glance at Hans’s profile, I can see his brows rise.

“What part of me having my hand on your hot little pussy makes you think I could have a girlfriend?” His tone is dry.

My face flames at his choice of words, and I shift in my seat.

But if he’s going to be direct, then I will too. “Well, it was probably the part when you got a bunch of text messages, dropped me over the back of the couch, and rushed out of my house.”

He waits a beat. “Oh.”

I press my hands between my thighs. “Was it a woman texting you?”


His answer spears through my chest, and I regret asking.

“Now ask me if it was personal or for work.” The tone of his voice tells me the answer, and that spear evaporates.

“Oh.” I repeat his response from earlier. “Is the woman your boss?”

Hans huffs out a breath. “Feels like it sometimes.”

We slow, and Hans takes the exit to our little town.

I want to ask if health inspectors usually get called out to job sites on a Friday night, but a different question comes out of my mouth. “Have you slept with her?”

His head jerks in my direction like he can’t believe I asked that. “No.”

I roll my lips together. “You’re sure?”

“I tend to remember who I’ve slept with. Our relationship is strictly professional.”

The sound of the blinker is loud inside the truck as we make our way closer to our neighborhood.

It only takes another minute before I break the silence. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. It’s none of my business.”

I mean, it kind of is my business if he has a girlfriend because I don’t want to be the other woman. But I believe him.

Hans doesn’t say anything at first, but I hear the steering wheel creak under his grip. “Have you slept with any of the men going to Mexico?”

“My coworkers?” My face pulls into a disgusted expression, and I see Hans glance over to catch it. “No.”

“You sure?”

He’s trying to be a pest, so I drop my voice and do my best impression of him. “Watch the attitude, Grizzly Bear.” I can hardly hold in my laugh at the look on Hans’s face. “So you can dish it out but you can’t take it?”

He shakes his head while he turns onto our street. “Grizzly Bear?”

“You started the whole animal thing.” I shrug. “And if you’re gonna prowl around all gruff and angry…”

“Gruff and angry,” he repeats slowly.

“Like a bear,” I confirm. “But then I guess when you’re being all sweet and stuff, you’d be more of a teddy bear.”

Hans slows to a near stop as we reach the spot where our driveways meet the road. I almost think he’s going to pull into my driveway first to drop me off, but then he turns down his.

Okay, so no front door service.

He presses a button on the dashboard, and the garage door ahead of us starts to open, but he parks the truck in the driveway rather than pulling into the garage.

I unbuckle my seat belt as Hans turns off the engine. “Thank you again for the ride. And for putting up with my parents.” Hans turns toward me but doesn’t say anything. “If you’re serious about bringing me to the airport tomorrow, I need to leave at like five thirty.” My smile falters. I hate getting up early. “But if you don’t want to, that’s okay. I can totally figure it out.”

“Cassandra,” he says in that grizzly tone.

“Okay, okay.” I lift my hands. “You’ll drive me.”

Neither confirming nor denying, Hans opens his car door and starts to climb out.

Alrighty then.

Jokes on him when I start ringing his doorbell at five in the morning to make sure he’s up.

I turn to my door and reach for the handle.

Then I shriek as large hands grip me under my armpits and haul me backward across the long bench seat.


He stops when my butt is right on the edge of the seat and my legs are stretched out straight in front of me.

“That’s two,” he says against my ear.

My breaths are coming fast now.

Hans slides his hands down my sides, then around to my stomach, hugging me with my back against his front.

“When are you gonna learn that there are consequences for being a brat?” His voice on my neck causes my skin to prickle.

“Hopefully right now.”

Teeth graze my ear, then Hans drags me the rest of the way out of the truck.

My heels automatically dig into the seat, trying to stop my fall. But I don’t fall. Because Hans is holding me.

My legs drop down in front of me, but I’m too high up for my shoes to reach the ground.

Excitement flares inside me.

This is that gruffness I was referring to. I just didn’t tell him how much I love it.

“That’s three, Cassandra.” Keeping me plastered to his front, Hans walks us toward his garage.

And then I feel it.

The hard length pressing into my ass as I bump against him with every step.

I can’t stop my groan or the way I grip his forearms.

In response, Hans holds me even tighter.

We step over the threshold into the garage, and the darkness consumes me. I hadn’t noticed that there’s no overhead light on. No glow of anything.

The night sky didn’t feel that dark while we were driving, but there’s nothing to help relieve the black before my eyes.

“All fucking night,” Hans grits out. “Teasing me with this fucking dress.”

Instead of turning toward the entrance to the house, he keeps going straight back.

“Flashing me those goddamn white panties.”

He shifts his hips as he steps, pushing his dick harder against me.

“Think you can have those tits in my face all night and I’ll just ignore it.”

“I-I didn’t mean to.” Arousal and delicious panic swirl inside me.

It’s so dark. I can’t see anything.

The laugh Hans lets out isn’t amused.

I stretch my hands out. “Hans.”

We have to be close to reaching the back wall.

One arm lets go of my waist. I open my eyes wider, trying to see, but the next thing I feel is that arm pressing down on the top of my own.

Hans clamps his arm around my chest, trapping my arms down so I can’t reach out. So I won’t be able to stop us before we run into the back wall.


“Trust me,” he rumbles.

I don’t fight his hold. And he takes another two steps. Then he stops. And the arms around me release.

Another shriek leaves my lips as I drop. But his large body is still behind me, and I only fall a few inches before my tennis shoes land on some sort of rubber mat rather than the hard concrete floor.

I shift to turn around to face Hans, but when I try to twist, my hip bumps into something.

In the complete dark, Hans stopped us just inches away.

“I told you to trust me.” He grips my wrists and forcefully sets my hands on the surface in front of me. “I won’t tell you again.”

It’s some sort of counter. It’s a little higher than a normal kitchen counter, and it’s made of smooth, cold metal.

“Don’t move.”

“Don’t—” Before I can ask, the heat at my back disappears as Hans steps away.

But he doesn’t go far.

Hands tug my dress up, twisting it into some sort of knot at my lower back, exposing my lower half.

I have one second to hold my breath before a palm lands against my bared flesh.

“Ah!” My body jolts, and my hands move, gripping the edge of the counter.

The hand is still there, rubbing a circle over the lacy material that half covers my butt cheek. Where he just slapped my ass.

It feels nice. Soothing the sting. It feels⁠—

I yelp again as his other hand smacks down on the other side.

“I should make this pretty ass so sore you won’t be able to sit still on that plane tomorrow.” His first palm slaps back down again. “Should make it so you think of me every time you sit for the entire week.”

This is the first time I’ve been spanked. The first time anyone has tried anything even close.

And, god help me, I love it.

I arch back against him and moan his name.

“My dirty little Butterfly.” His fingers grip my ass, squeezing.

I reach back, trying to grab his arms. Trying to grab some part of him. Needing to touch him too.

Hans pushes his body forward, pinning me firmly between him and the bench. “I told you not to move.”

Before I can put my hands back, he’s grabbing them.

“Such a naughty girl.” His chest rises and falls behind mine, showing he’s not unaffected. Then he steps back again, only this time he pulls my hands back so they meet at my spine. “If you can’t hold still on your own, I’ll help you.”

Sweet Jesus, this is new too.

I pull against his hold. Not to break free, but to see how much force he’ll use.

His grip tightens. “Stop struggling and spread your legs.”

My knees are ready to give out, but I do what he says.

His grip shifts so he’s holding my hands with just one of his.

“Good girl.” Lips press against the side of my neck just as his free hand reaches around the front of my body to cup my sex.

My body tenses, then melts.

His fingers press and rub against the lace while his groan reverberates through my body.

“Fuck, Butterfly. You’ve soaked through your pristine little panties. I should probably take them off.”

“Oh my god.” My arms strain against his hold. “Hans. Please.”

“Since you asked so nicely.” He drags his fingers away from my core.

The heat of his body leaves my back, but I’m so flushed I don’t even feel the cooling night air anymore.

“Don’t move.” The hand holding my wrists behind my back flexes. “I expect you to listen this time, Girl.”

I nod in the dark.

Then he lets go of my wrists and slips his fingers under the top band of my underwear at my hips.

I sway, but I twine my fingers together, keeping my arms where he left them.

“That’s my girl.”

Hans drags my panties down, one inch at a time.

The lace scrapes over my skin, stretching as the elastic pulls over the widest part of my hips. Then down more. Peeling away from the dampness between my legs. And lower.

Hot breath brushes over my damp skin, and I realize he’s crouched down behind me.

I blink, but all I can see is black.

Hans stops when my underwear is at my knees, the wide stance he requested stopping him from taking them all the way off.

He slides his hands up the outside of my legs, the roughed skin feeling so decadent against my soft thighs.

“Fucking perfect.” He palms my ass again, only this time his face is level with it, and I’m suddenly very grateful for the dark.

But then his fingers dig into my flesh, getting a good grip, and he spreads me.


“Wh-what are you doing?” I gasp even as I feel his exhale on my most private parts.

“A bear’s gotta eat,” he growls.

My mouth opens, but the breath gets stuck in my lungs when I feel Hans press his face into me.

I don’t have time to process what’s happening before his tongue flattens against my entrance from behind.

He’s spreading me farther, lapping at me, feasting on me.

My hands release their hold of each other, and I reach forward, gripping the edge of the countertop. “Oh, fuck.”

Hans makes a noise, but I can’t focus on it. I can’t focus on anything. Because he’s dragging his tongue up, between my…

“Oh, fuck,” I pant again, arching my back, shoving my ass farther into his face as he licks up and over… oh my god.

Hans pulls back, his hands and mouth leaving me at the same time, and I can’t stop my whimper.

“If you’re not gonna behave…” A metallic sound follows his words.

There’s a tug at the material around my knees, then it drops away completely.

Did he just cut my panties off?

“Hands.” It’s a one-word command, and based on his voice, I can tell he’s still lowered behind me.

I don’t know what he has planned, but right now, I’d do anything to have him finish what he started, so I straighten up and put my hands behind my back.

Lacy fabric twists around one wrist, then the other, tying them together.

My hot neighbor just cut my underwear off and is using it like a rope to tie me up.

“That’s better,” Hans sighs. Then he smacks my ass again.

I jolt, shuffling forward an inch, until my hips are pressed to the cabinets in front of me.

His hand soothes the sting, and I let the counter hold me up.

Without warning, Hans spreads my cheeks again and…

A cry of surprise escapes my throat.

He’s… oh Jesus, he’s licking my… my…

“Such a pretty little asshole.” Hans pulls back just enough to say the words, then his tongue rubs against my rear entrance again.

Hands trapped behind me, I lean my weight forward.

My legs are starting to shake.

He’s still…

Fuck me, why does this feel so good?

My breaths are coming hard.

Still spreading me open, he slides his thumbs down until they’re on either side of my slit, and I can feel them slide through my slickness.

“My dirty Butterfly.” Another lick. “Getting so wet when I lick this little hole.” Another pass of his tongue. “Bet you’ll get soaked when I fuck it.”

“Ohmygod.” My hands twist against the lace.

I never thought…

I’ve never even…

“Hans.” My cry echoes around the empty garage.

One hand shifts, and his thumb pushes inside my core.

We both moan as my pussy clenches around him.

He’s not touching my clit. His licks never reach that far forward. But I’m seconds away from coming as his tongue works in circles.

I clench around his thumb again. “Hans, please.”

He pulls his thumb out of me and slides it up to where his mouth is.

“Please what, Cassandra?” His thumb presses against the ring of muscle. “What are you begging me for?”

Hans applies more pressure, and the tip of his thumb pushes inside me. Where nothing ever has before.

I groan.

“Relax,” he commands.

And I try. With my body throbbing, I try.

Behind me is the sound of movement, and I can feel him stand back up.

The change in position twists his thumb, and I tense.

“Relax that sweet ass.” His free hand cracks down against my cheek.

I startle, but then I do as he says. And he slides his thumb in another half inch.

“Please,” I beg again.

The sound of his zipper is so loud in the empty room, it’s like I can feel it on my skin.

“Use your words, Butterfly. Tell me what you need.”

I feel dizzy.

I’m so ready to explode.

“Inside me.” I feel like I’m going to choke on the words. “I need you inside me.”

His thumb pulls out, then pushes back in. “I already have a finger buried in your ass.” He pushes it deeper still, and dots of light start to spark in my vision. “What else do you want?”

Embarrassment tries to overcome my lust, but I tell him. I tell him what I need more than I need my next breath. “I need your cock, Hans. Please.”

His body moves closer to mine, and I feel his jean-clad legs against the back of my bare ones.

“Where do you want it? Here?” He jiggles his thumb in my ass, and my clit starts to throb. “Or here?” Something warm and hard slaps up against my core.

I nod my head.

“Words.” He slaps his dick against my pussy a second time.

“There.” I’m almost sobbing now. “Put it in me there.”

He rubs the head of his cock up and down my slit once, my dripping arousal coating him instantly.

Then he starts to push in.

He’s so thick. So much to take.

My shoulders hunch forward, and I focus on breathing.

Hans holds still, with just the tip inside me, as he still rocks his thumb in and out of my ass.

I can’t…

It’s too much.

I’m stretched everywhere.

I can’t take it.

“So tight,” Hans grunts.

Then he thrusts forward, sinking every inch of his cock inside me.

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